130 research outputs found

    Absorption and mobility of foliar-applied boron in soybean as affected by plant boron status and application as a polyol complex

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    In the present study (i) the impact of plant Boron (B) status on foliar B absorption and (ii) the effect of B complexation with polyols (sorbitol or mannitol) on B absorption and translocation was investigated. Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Meer.) plants grown in nutrient solution containing 0 ÎŒM, 10 ÎŒM, 30 ÎŒM or 100 ÎŒM 11B labelled boric acid (BA) were treated with 50 mM 10B labelled BA applied to the basal parts of two leaflets of one leaf, either pure or in combination with 500 mM sorbitol or mannitol. After one week, 10B concentrations in different plant parts were determined. In B deficient leaves (0 ÎŒM 11B), 10B absorption was significantly lower than in all other treatments (9.7% of the applied dose vs. 26%–32%). The application of BA in combination with polyols increased absorption by 18–25% as compared to pure BA. The absolute amount of applied 10B moving out of the application zone was lowest in plants with 0 ÎŒM 11B supply (1.1% of the applied dose) and highest in those grown in 100 ÎŒM 11B (2.8%). The presence of sorbitol significantly decreased the share of mobile 10B in relation to the amount absorbed. The results suggest that 11B deficiency reduces the permeability of the leaf surface for BA. The addition of polyols may increase 10B absorption, but did not improve 10B distribution within the plant, which was even hindered when applied a sorbitol complex

    Chromatin-associated regulation of sorbitol synthesis in flower buds of peach

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    [EN] Key message PpeS6PDH gene is postulated to mediate sorbitol synthesis in flower buds of peach concomitantly with specific chromatin modifications. Abstract Perennial plants have evolved an adaptive mechanism involving protection of meristems within specialized structures named buds in order to survive low temperatures and water deprivation during winter. A seasonal period of dormancy further improves tolerance of buds to environmental stresses through specific mechanisms poorly known at the molecular level. We have shown that peach PpeS6PDH gene is down-regulated in flower buds after dormancy release, concomitantly with changes in the methylation level at specific lysine residues of histone H3 (H3K27 and H3K4) in the chromatin around the translation start site of the gene. PpeS6PDH encodes a NADPH-dependent sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, the key enzyme for biosynthesis of sorbitol. Consistently, sorbitol accumulates in dormant buds showing higher PpeS6PDH expression. Moreover, PpeS6PDH gene expression is affected by cold and water deficit stress. Particularly, its expression is up-regulated by low temperature in buds and leaves, whereas desiccation treatment induces PpeS6PDH in buds and represses the gene in leaves. These data reveal the concurrent participation of chromatin modification mechanisms, transcriptional regulation of PpeS6PDH and sorbitol accumulation in flower buds of peach. In addition to its role as a major translocatable photosynthate in Rosaceae species, sorbitol is a widespread compatible solute and cryoprotectant, which suggests its participation in tolerance to environmental stresses in flower buds of peach.This work was funded by the Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)-FEDER (RF2013-00043-C02-02) and the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain (AGL2010-20595). AL was funded by a fellowship co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA).Lloret, A.; Martinez Fuentes, A.; AgustĂ­ FonfrĂ­a, M.; Badenes, ML.; Rios, G. (2017). Chromatin-associated regulation of sorbitol synthesis in flower buds of peach. Plant Molecular Biology. 95(4-5):507-517. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11103-017-0669-6S507517954-5Andersen CL, Jensen JL, Ørntoft TF (2004) Normalization of real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR data: a model-based variance estimation approach to identify genes suited for normalization, applied to bladder and colon cancer data sets. Cancer Res 64:5245–5250. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-04-0496Bai S, Saito T, Ito A et al (2016) Small RNA and PARE sequencing in flower bud reveal the involvement of sRNAs in endodormancy release of Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia ‘Kosui’). 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    Estimates of free and bound indole-3-acetic acid and zeatin levels in relation to regulation of apical dominance and tiller release in oat shoots

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    Oat stem segments containing quiescent lateral (tiller) buds during times of strong apical dominance, and growing buds released from this inhibition, were collected for analysis of native auxin and cytokinins. Free IAA and IAA conjugates were determined by a 14 C-IAA and 14 C-IBA double isotope dilution assay. Free zeatin (Z), zeatin riboside (Z-r), and their glucoside conjugates were purified from butanol-soluble fractions by means of a cellulose phosphate exchanger and thin-layer chromatography. Hormones were analyzed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Results of these analyses indicate that changes in free and bound IAA within the stem do not correlate well with the release of tiller buds (as brought about by decapitation, gravistimulation, or the emergence of the inflorescence). However, increases in Z-r levels are well correlated with tiller release. The glucoside conjugate of Z-r may act as a storage form of cytokinin in quiescent tiller buds. In light of these results, we find that the auxin-cytokinin ratio in oat stem segments is shifted during tillerPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45928/1/344_2005_Article_BF02042250.pd

    Analysis of alanine aminotransferase in various organs of soybean (Glycine max) and in dependence of different nitrogen fertilisers during hypoxic stress

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    Alanine aminotransferase (AlaAT) catalyses the reversible conversion of pyruvate and glutamate into alanine and oxoglutarate. In soybean, two subclasses were identified, each represented by two highly similar members. To investigate the role of AlaAT during hypoxic stress in soybean, changes in transcript level of both subclasses were analysed together with the enzyme activity and alanine content of the tissue. Moreover, the dependency of AlaAT activity and gene expression was investigated in relation to the source of nitrogen supplied to the plants. Using semi-quantitative PCR, GmAlaAT genes were determined to be highest expressed in roots and nodules. Under normal growth conditions, enzyme activity of AlaAT was detected in all organs tested, with lowest activity in the roots. Upon waterlogging-induced hypoxia, AlaAT activity increased strongly. Concomitantly, alanine accumulated. During re-oxygenation, AlaAT activity remained high, but the transcript level and the alanine content decreased. Our results show a role for AlaAT in the catabolism of alanine during the initial period of re-oxygenation following hypoxia. GmAlaAT also responded to nitrogen availability in the solution during waterlogging. Ammonium as nitrogen source induced both gene expression and enzyme activity of AlaAT more than when nitrate was supplied in the nutrient solution. The work presented here indicates that AlaAT might not only be important during hypoxia, but also during the recovery phase after waterlogging, when oxygen is available to the tissue again

    Polyphosphates as a source of enhanced P fluxes in marine sediments overlain by anoxic waters: Evidence from (31)P NMR

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    Sedimentary phosphorus (P) composition was investigated in Effingham Inlet, a fjord located on the west coast of Vancouver Island in Barkley Sound. Solid-state (31)P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was applied to demineralized sediment samples from sites overlain by oxic and anoxic bottom waters. The two sites were similar in terms of key diagenetic parameters, including the mass accumulation rate, integrated sulfate reduction rate, and bulk sediment organic carbon content. In contrast, P benthic fluxes were much higher at the anoxic site. (31)P NMR results show that P esters and phosphonates are the major organic P species present at the surface and at depth in sediments at both sites. Polyphosphates were only found in the surface sediment of the site overlain by oxic waters. The varying stability of polyphosphates in microorganisms under different redox conditions may, in part, explain their distribution as well as differences in P flux between the two sites

    Translocation of zeatin riboside and zeatin in soybean explants

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    Soybean explants consisting of a leaf, one or more young pods, and a subtending piece of stem were given a 1-h pulse of 3 H (ring-labeled)-zeatin riboside (ZR) or -zeatin (Z), via the base of the stem, followed by a 24-h incubation. At the end of the pulse, about 55% of the soluble 3 H was in the leaf blades, 11% in the petiole, 30% in the stem, 2% in the carpels, 0.1% in the seed coats, and 0.08% in the embryos. After 24 h, the percentages were 58, 7, 26, 6, 2, and 0.3, respectively. During this period, the total soluble 3 H decreased by 84%, the remainder being bound to “insoluble” material. The 3 H-cytokinin was rapidly converted to diverse metabolites including adenosine and adenine. At the end of the 1-h pulse, appreciable percentages (1–16%) of the total soluble 3 H in the seed coats chromatographed with ZR (or dihydro ZR) and with the 5â€Č-phosphate of ZR, but these percentages declined markedly at 24 h. No distinct peaks of 3 H corresponded to known metabolites in the soluble extracts of embryos, and at 24 h, the 3 H equivalent to ZR must have been less than 0.0006% of the 3 H-ZR supplied. The bound 3 H corresponded to adenine and guanine in DNA and RNA. In contrast to cytokinin, 3 H-adenosine given as a pulse was readily translocated into the seed coats and embryos. Thus, cytokinin (ZR and Z) flowing up through the xylem from the root system does not readily enter the embryo (though metabolites such as adenosine could), and the seeds clearly do not compete with the leaves for this supply of cytokinin.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45929/1/344_2005_Article_BF02042255.pd
