249 research outputs found

    Topological Rice-Mele model in an emergent lattice: Exact diagonalization approach

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    Using exact diagonalization methods we study possible phases in a one dimensional model of two differently populated fermionic species in a periodically driven optical lattice. The shaking amplitude and frequency are chosen to resonantly drive sps-p transition while minimizing the standard intraband tunnelings. We numerically verify that in the vicinity of vanishing intraband tunnelings the system, for an appropriate filling, shows an emergent density wave configuration of composites. The majority fermions moving in such a lattice mimic the celebrated Rice-Mele model. Far away from that region structure changes to clustered phase, with intermediate phase abundantly populated by defects of the density wave. These defects lead to loclaized modes carrying fractional particle charge. The results obtained are compared with earlier mean field approximation predictions.Comment: revised version, 1 figure mor

    Neurology of foreign language aptitude

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    This state-of-the art paper focuses on the poorly explored issue of foreign language aptitude, attempting to present the latest developments in this field and reconceptualizations of the construct from the perspective of neuroscience. In accordance with this goal, it first discusses general directions in neurolinguistic research on foreign language aptitude, starting with the earliest attempts to define the neurological substrate for talent, sources of difficulties in the neurolinguistic research on foreign language aptitude and modern research methods. This is followed by the discussion of the research on the phonology of foreign language aptitude with emphasis on functional and structural studies as well as their consequences for the knowledge of the concept. The subsequent section presents the studies which focus on lexical and morphosyntactic aspects of foreign language aptitude. The paper ends with a discussion of the limitations of contemporary research, the future directions of such research and selected methodological issues

    Superfluid phases induced by the dipolar interactions

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    We determine the quantum ground state of dipolar bosons in a quasi-one-dimensional optical lattice and interacting via ss-wave scattering. The Hamiltonian is an extended Bose-Hubbard model which includes hopping terms due to the interactions. We identify the parameter regime for which the coefficients of the interaction-induced hopping terms become negative. For these parameters we numerically determine the phase diagram for a canonical ensemble and by means of density matrix renormalization group. We show that at sufficiently large values of the dipolar strength there is a quantum interference between the tunneling due to single-particle effects and the one due to the interactions. Because of this phenomenon, incompressible phases appear at relatively large values of the single-particle tunneling rates. This quantum interference cuts the phase diagram into two different, disconnected superfluid phases. In particular, at vanishing kinetic energy, the phase is always superfluid with a staggered superfluid order parameter. These dynamics emerge from quantum interference phenomena between quantum fluctuations and interactions and shed light into their role in determining the thermodynamic properties of quantum matter

    The interface between research on individual difference variables and teaching practice: The case of cognitive factors and personality

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    While a substantial body of empirical evidence has been accrued about the role of individual differences in second language acquisition, relatively little is still known about how factors of this kind can mediate the effects of instructional practices as well as how empirically-derived insights can inform foreign language pedagogy, both with respect to shaping certain variables and adjusting instruction to individual learner profiles. The present paper is an attempt to shed light on the interface between research on individual difference factors and teaching practice, focusing upon variables which do not easily lend themselves to external manipulation, namely intelligence, foreign language aptitude, working memory and personality, with the role of the last of these in language learning being admittedly the least obvious. In each case, the main research findings will briefly be outlined, their potential for informing instruction will be considered, and, in the final part, the caveats concerning practical applications of research on the variables in question will be spelled out

    Solo-rodzice jako alternatywa tradycyjnych ról rodzicielskich

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    Rodzina z pojedynczym rodzicem jest traktowana niejednorodnie. Jak twierdzą niektórzy badacze zjawiska, może generować zagrożenia dla pełnej realizacji ich funkcji wychowawczej. Współczesne metamorfozy życia rodzinnego przyniosły znaczny wzrost liczby dzieci wychowujących się z jednym rodzicem. Niniejszy artykuł powstał w oparciu o badania jakościowe. Stanowi próbę odpowiedzenia na pytanie o to, jakie czynniki sprawiają, że rodziny z jednym rodzicem wywiązują się z zadań wynikających z funkcji socjalizacyjno-wychowawczej, a jakie mogą zagrażać ich efektywnej realizacji. Tekst opisuje doświadczenia i jakość codziennego życia rodziców samodzielnie wychowujących dzieci. Na podstawie ich narracji dokonano próby opisu czynników warunkujących osiąganie satysfakcji z pełnienia roli matki/ojca i osiąganie statusu rodziny wydolnej, kreatywnej i wychowawczo sprawnej mimo/dzięki własnej monoparentalności

    Extended Bose-Hubbard Model with dipolar and contact interactions

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    We study the phase diagram of the one-dimensional boson gas trapped inside an optical lattice with contact and dipolar interaction taking into account next-nearest terms for both tunneling and interaction. Using the density matrix renormalization group, we calculate how the locations of phase transitions change with increasing dipolar interaction strength for average density ρ=1\rho = 1. Furthermore, we show an emergence of pair-correlated phases for a large dipolar interaction strength and ρ2\rho \geq 2, including a supersolid phase with an incommensurate density wave ordering manifesting the corresponding spontaneous breaking of the translational symmetry.Comment: Accepted in Phys. Rev. B., 10 pages, 12 figure

    Polish Listening SPAN: A new tool for measuring verbal working memory

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    Individual differences in second language acquisition (SLA) encompass differences in working memory capacity, which is believed to be one of the most crucial factors influencing language learning. However, in Poland research on the role of working memory in SLA is scarce due to a lack of proper Polish instruments for measuring this construct. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the process of construction and validation of the Polish Listening Span (PLSPAN) as a tool intended to measure verbal working memory of adults. The article presents the requisite theoretical background as well as the information about the PLSPAN, that is, the structure of the test, the scoring procedures and the steps taken with the aim of validating it