1,274 research outputs found

    The Dunhuang chinese sky: a comprehensive study of the oldest known star atlas

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    This paper presents an analysis of the star atlas included in the medieval Chinese manuscript (Or.8210/S.3326), discovered in 1907 by the archaeologist Aurel Stein at the Silk Road town of Dunhuang and now held in the British Library. Although partially studied by a few Chinese scholars, it has never been fully displayed and discussed in the Western world. This set of sky maps (12 hour angle maps in quasi-cylindrical projection and a circumpolar map in azimuthal projection), displaying the full sky visible from the Northern hemisphere, is up to now the oldest complete preserved star atlas from any civilisation. It is also the first known pictorial representation of the quasi-totality of the Chinese constellations. This paper describes the history of the physical object - a roll of thin paper drawn with ink. We analyse the stellar content of each map (1339 stars, 257 asterisms) and the texts associated with the maps. We establish the precision with which the maps are drawn (1.5 to 4 degrees for the brightest stars) and examine the type of projections used. We conclude that precise mathematical methods were used to produce the atlas. We also discuss the dating of the manuscript and its possible author and confirm the dates 649-684 (early Tang dynasty) as most probable based on available evidence. This is at variance with a prior estimate around +940. Finally we present a brief comparison with later sky maps, both in China and in Europe.Comment: 19 pages, 5 Tables, 8 Figure

    Proust et HergĂ© : de quelques points communs entre À la recherche du temps perdu et Les Aventures de Tintin

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    Proust and HergĂ©: on some similarities between À la Recherche du temps perdu and Les Aventures de Tintin. Part I. Marcel Proust and HergĂ© seem to have nothing in common. Their works are indeed very different: they do not belong to the same genre, nor treat the same themes or have the same public. What parallel could be established between À la Recherche du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time), which revolutionized the genre of the novel, and Les Aventures de Tintin (The Adventures of Tintin), a series of comic albums apparently intended only for children? A closer study reveals however that Proust and HergĂ©, beyond what one could think at first sight, share deep similarities on wh ich this article, published in two parts, will focus. First of all, À la Recherche du temps perdu as well as Les Aventures de Tintin rest on the creation of a specific world, which can be characterized by Balzac’s principle of returning characters and by the importance of the imaginary of space (Proust’s rĂȘveries about the names of places, Hergé’s fictitious geography). Moreover, Proust and Hergé’s characters have a very singular language and linguistic features which can be identified easily (let us think of Dr. Cottard’s puns, of Odette’s anglicisms, etc. in Proust, o r of Captain Haddock’s insults or Dupond and Dupont’s slips of the tongue in HergĂ©). Eventually, Proust and HergĂ© both develop a reflection on time which gives rise to a singular temporality in their books, and more precisely a reflection on lost and regained time, with two opposite situations and therefore two opposite conceptions for each of the authors. This first part of our study focuses on the principle of returning characters adopted by Proust and HergĂ©, on their imaginary of space and on the language of their characters, while the second part, which will be published in the next issue of Interlitteraria, will be devoted to the problematics of time

    À propos des suffixes apprĂ©ciatifs de l’espagnol. Note de mimophonie

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    On sait que Saussure avait posé dans le Cours de linguistique généraleque le signe était arbitraire, c'est-à-dire qu'il n'y avait pas de lien entre sonsignifiant et son signifié. La preuve qu'il en donnait était essentiellementla suivante: la suite phonique chargée d'exprimer un sens varie d'unelangue à l'autre. Ainsi n'y a-t-il aucun rapport entre la suite sonore boeufen français et la suite sonore Ochs en allemand (Saussure, 1967:100). Cetargument permettait également à Saussure de rejeter l'idée selon laquelleles onomatopées étaient motivées, puisque, là encore, elles variaient d'unelangue à l'autre.Or, la question de l'arbitraire du signe avait été déjà discutée bien avantSaussure et l'est encore aprÚs lui, et l'on ne saurait considérer son point devue à l'heure actuel comme fondé.Déjà dans le Cratylede Platon, Cratyle soutenait que le son représentaitla chose et que les mots étaient motivés, contrairement à ce que soutenaitHermogÚne, qui lui pensait, en pré-saussurien, qu'il n'y avait aucun rapportentre le signifié et le signifiant. L'ùge classique a connu des débats similaires,et des grammairiens comme Court de Gébelin s'efforçaient de montrer quechaque lettre était douée d'une valeur sémantique en soi, par exemple lesdentales, qui servent à nomme

    Pour une poétique du nom de personnage

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    Prolegomena to a poetics of the character’s name. We propose in this article a poetics of the character’s name. The character’s name can be studied from an autonomous point of view as well as from a structural point of view. From an autonomous point of view, at first, we show that the character’s name especially reflects a personal, a social, a physical, a generic, a geographical, an autobiographical or a referential characteristic of the character. We also focus on two particular cases, the case in which the name of the character is incomplete and the case in which the identity of the character is changing. The structural point of view, on the contrary, consists in studying the names of the characters of a same work by comparing them to each other. We focus in this way on the thematic role of the characters’ names, and on the case in which some phonetic features are recurrent in the names of several characters and must therefore be interpreted. We eventually mention the problem of the translation of the characters’ names, focusing on two situations: the situation in which the character’s name has no obvious meaning, and is not really translated, and the situation in which the character’s name has a real meaning, and is either translated literally or adapted

    Sur la perte de vitalité du diminutif en français

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    This paper considers the subject of the vitality of diminutives in French, lower than in other Romance languages. The author pays special attention to the use of this morpheme in Spanish, where it does have a higher frequency. The diminutive in French would be lexicalised and therefore it would have lost it vitality.El presente artículo trata el tema de la pérdida de vitalidad del diminutivo en lengua francesa, muy inferior a otras lenguas romånicas. El autor le presta especial atención al uso de este morfema en el español, donde sí que presenta una mayor frecuencia. El diminutivo del francés se habría lexicalizado y habría perdido su vitalidad.El presente artículo trata el tema de la pérdida de vitalidad del diminutivo en lengua francesa, muy inferior a otras lenguas romånicas. El autor le presta especial atención al uso de este morfema en el español, donde sí que presenta una mayor frecuencia. El diminutivo del francés se habría lexicalizado y habría perdido su vitalidad

    Érico Veríssimo lecteur de Dostoïevski. Crime et chñtiment, une source de Olhai os lírios do campo

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    Érico VerĂ­ssimo, Reader of Dostoyevsky. Crime and Punishment, a source of Olhai os lĂ­rios do campo.We analyze in this article Érico VerĂ­ssimo’s Olhai os lĂ­rios do campo, basing ourselves on the study of sources. We try to show from this point of view that Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment constitutes an almost unconscious source of Olhai os lĂ­rios do campo. To begin with, we will sum up very briefly the principles of the study of sources, and then we will compare Olhai os lĂ­rios do campo and Crime and Punishment. We will see that the two novels share a similar narrative structure that we will describe. We will study afterwards the characters of EugĂ©nio and Raskolnikov on the one hand, and of OlĂ­via and Sonia on the other hand, and we will underline their similarities. We will especially observe that Érico VerĂ­ssimo and Dostoyevsky convey the same values with OlĂ­via and Sonia. We will also notice the presence of a passage almost identical in Olhai os lĂ­rios do campo and Crime and Punishment. Nevertheless, we will remind in our conclusion that even if the similarities between Olhai os lĂ­rios do campo and Crime and Punishment are deep, so are the differences, and we will mention the main ones: there is a kind of optimism in Olhai os lĂ­rios do campo and more generally in Érico VerĂ­ssimo’s work which is absent from Dostoyevsky’s; on the contrary, Érico VerĂ­ssimo does not share Dostoyevsky’s worship of suffering; and whereas Dostoyevsky reveals all his anxiety without trying to calm it, Érico VerĂ­ssimo manages to go beyond it

    The X-ray emission of magnetic cataclysmic variables in the XMM-Newton era

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    We review the X-ray spectral properties of magnetic cataclysmic binaries derived from observations obtained during the last decade with the large X-ray observatories XMM-Newton, Chandra and Suzaku. We focus on the signatures of the different accretion modes which are predicted according to the values of the main physical parameters (magnetic field, local accretion rate and white dwarf mass). The observed large diversity of spectral behaviors indicates a wide range of parameter values in both intermediate polars and polars, in line with a possible evolutionary link between both classes.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of "The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables (Palermo 2011)", in Mem. Soc. Astron. It. (7 pages, 3 figures

    Quelques rĂ©flexions autour des nouvelles d’exil de Jan Čep

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    This article focuses on the six short stories that the Czech writer Jan Čep wrote during his exile in France, when he fled the new Czechoslovak communist regime after 1948. These texts are as follows: Les Tziganes [The Gypsies], which was written in French and published in the journal Terre humaine in 1952, TajemstvĂ­ KlĂĄry BendovĂ© [The Secret of KlĂĄra Benda], Pƙed zavƙenĂœmi dveƙmi [In Front of the Closed Door], Ostrov RĂ© [RĂ© Island], KvětnovĂ© dni [Days of May], and Tƙi pocestnĂ­ [Three Pilgrims]. These short stories are interesting for several reasons. First of all, they present a changing point in Čep’s themes, for they take place during the more recent events – the Second World War and the arrival to power of the communist regime, – and evoke a humanity who has been destroyed. The existential drama of the individual, which had previously been predominant in Čep’s work, is now extended to the entire human community. Fear has separated people from each other, and every genuine personal relation has become impossible. What’s more, language is incapable of bringing together human beings. True communication implies a form of silence, in which God can speak to the heart of man, and where the possibility of communion with the others still exists. At the same time, Čep’s characters have to face this recent history, which obliges them to make a choice, in particular as far as exile is concerned. As a consequence, a new form of anguish appears, and is superimposed on Čep’s original one. It gives rise to a feeling of guilt over those who stayed in Czechoslovakia, especially his mother, but also confronts Čep with the inability to write, since he doesn’t manage to find a publisher in France and can no longer write in Czech. As a “pilgrim on the earth”, he endures his suffering and the suffering of the world united to Christ, in communion with Him. Eventually, these later short stories represent a transition for Čep, and reveal that he accepts, as painful as this decision can be, to abandon fiction and to engage in the genre of essay, above all for Radio Free Europe. He will thus manage to give hope to people who suffer behind the Iron Curtain in Czechoslovakia, while expressing his intimate concerns in a very personal way.Cet article se penche sur les six nouvelles rĂ©digĂ©es par l’écrivain tchĂšque Jan Čep durant son exil en France aprĂšs 1948. Ces textes sont intĂ©ressants Ă  plus d’un titre. Ils prĂ©sentent tout d’abord un renouveau thĂ©matique dans l’Ɠuvre de Čep, dans la mesure oĂč ils s’ancrent dans les Ă©vĂ©nements immĂ©diats, la Seconde Guerre mondiale et l’arrivĂ©e au pouvoir du rĂ©gime communiste, et Ă©voquent une humanitĂ© dĂ©truite, Ă©largissant le drame existentiel de l’individu Ă  l’ensemble de la communautĂ© humaine. En mĂȘme temps, les personnages de Čep sont en quelque sorte interpelĂ©s par l’histoire, qui les oblige Ă  faire des choix, notamment celui de l’exil, ce qui donne lieu Ă  une nouvelle forme d’angoisse qui se superpose Ă  l’angoisse originelle de l’écrivain. Enfin, ces nouvelles tardives constituent pour Čep une phase de transition entre la crĂ©ation fictionnelle et l’essai. Keletas pasvarstymĆł apie Jano Čepo tremties noveles Straipsnyje analizuojamos čekĆł raĆĄytojo Jano Čepo novelės, paraĆĄytos 1948 m. jam esant tremtyje PrancĆ«zijoje. Tekstai ÄŻdomĆ«s daugeliu atĆŸvilgiu. Pirmiausia, juose pastebimas teminis Čepo kĆ«rybos atsinaujinimas, nulemtas nesenĆł ÄŻvykiĆł – Antrojo pasaulinio karo ir komunistĆł atėjimo ÄŻ valdĆŸią. Novelėse kalbama apie ĆŸmonijos destrukciją, vieno asmens egzistencinę dramą, susiejant ją su visos ĆŸmonijos likimu. Tuo pat metu Čepo noveliĆł personaĆŸai mezga dialogą su istorija, kuri verčia juos rinktis, vykti ÄŻ tremtÄŻ. Pasirinkimas kelia nerimą, iĆĄreiĆĄkiantÄŻ ir paties raĆĄytojo dvasinę bĆ«seną. Vėlyvosios novelės leidĆŸia Čepui pereiti nuo fikcinės kĆ«rybos prie esė.ReikĆĄminiai ĆŸodĆŸiai: Jan Čep, tremtis, vėlyvosios novelės, čekĆł literatĆ«ra, krikơčionybė

    « "Le gĂȘnant", c‟est qu‟Olivier ne sera pas seul ». Le problĂšme de l‟adjectif substantivĂ© thĂ©matisĂ© en français

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    This article analyzes turns of phrases such as “Le gĂȘnant, c‟est qu‟Olivier ne sera pas seul”, which are frequently described from a formal point of view as structures of the type article/substantivized adjective. After analyzing the morphosyntactic properties of the turn, we establish that we cannot in reality speak of an adjective substantivized by an article, since neither the adjective becomes a substantive nor the article functions as a real article. The latter can indeed be defined as a “neuter demonstrative-article”. From this perspective we are bound to re-evaluate the pattern of the article within the psychomecanics of language, and to propose a broadened vision of the Guillaumean tenseur binaire, which can be represented by a trimorph model.Estudiamos en este artĂ­culo los giros de tipo «Le gĂȘnant, c‟est qu‟Olivier ne sera pas seul», los cuales vienen frecuentemente descritos, desde un punto de vista formal, como estructuras de tipo artĂ­culo/adjetivo sustantivado. DespuĂ©s de analizar las propiedades morfosintĂĄcticas de nuestro giro, mostramos que en realidad no se puede hablar de adjetivo sustantivado por un artĂ­culo, ya que ni el adjetivo se convierte en un sustantivo, ni el artĂ­culo funciona como un verdadero artĂ­culo. Este Ășltimo, en efecto, puede ser definido como un «artĂ­culo-demostrativo neutro». Esta perspectiva nos lleva a examinar de nuevo el esquema del artĂ­culo de la psicomecĂĄnica del lenguaje, y a proponer del tenseur binaire guillaumiano una visiĂłn ampliada, la cual se puede representar con un modelo trimorfe.Nous Ă©tudions dans cet article les tournures du type « Le gĂȘnant, c’est qu’Olivier ne sera pas seul », lesquelles sont frĂ©quemment dĂ©crites, d’un point de vue formel, comme des structures de type article/adjectif substantivĂ©. AprĂšs avoir analysĂ© les propriĂ©tĂ©s morphosyntaxiques de notre tournure, nous montrons qu’en rĂ©alitĂ© on ne saurait parler d’adjectif substantivĂ© par un article, dans la mesure oĂč ni l’adjectif ne devient un substantif, ni l’article ne fonctionne comme un vĂ©ritable article. Ce dernier, en effet, peut ĂȘtre dĂ©fini comme un « article-dĂ©monstratif neutre ». Nous sommes dans cette perspective amenĂ© Ă  repenser le schĂ©ma de l’article de la psychomĂ©canique du langage, et Ă  proposer du tenseur binaire guillaumien une vision Ă©largie que l’on peut reprĂ©senter par un schĂšme trimorphe
