13 research outputs found

    Decentralization in Educational Disparity of the Southeast Sulawesi Province

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    Educational disparity is a public issue that continues to be an endless subject matter of discourse due to the highly centralistic process of education policy in the government bureaucracy. This research aims to understand the pattern of educational disparity occurring in the islands of Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The role of political actors in the success of education policy is a vital element in the policy process, and this is apparent in the significance of the political aspect in the education policy process, which emphasizes more on political approaches rather than actual social, economic, and geographical conditions. This study was conducted using the descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques that included observations, in-depth interviews, and document analysis in Buton and South Buton Regencies. Study results indicate that the education policy pattern developing in island regions is inclined to using the spatial approach with a central area priority scale, and the structural elite approach, which is political lobbying employed by structural elites (school principals) targeting education bureaucracy in the region. The education policy pattern developing in the region actually has an impact on educational disparity in the public, both at the district and regency levels. In general, the education decentralization policy has yet to run optimally on account of educational resources in the region being distributed by using the spatial and structural elite approaches which have, consequently, created a pathological behavior in the education bureaucracy that is chockfull of vested interests


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    A youth group in Pulutan Village, Minahasa Regency, benefited from mentoring and training to improve their digital literacy skills as part of a community service project. The inability of Pulutan village youth to run digital applications is the driving force behind these instructions. In addition, untrue news can be detrimental to society, which is very easy for individuals to digest because of the widespread spread of HOAX among teenagers. The objectives of this PKM include the following: 1) encouraging youth to be more proficient in using applications through multimedia training 2) educating the public about how to use digital literacy to filter information circulating in society; 3) offer opportunities and work experience to lecturers and students; and 4) encourage collaboration with various related parties, especially youth organizations to promote Manado Open University to the wider community. Lectures and training are the means to achieve the objectives of this PKM. Lectures and group discussions are used to present training-related materials. After that, more direct instructions were carried out with hands-on experience. Overall, the results of the PKM activities were positive and satisfying. One of the elements that was successfully carried out effectively in this activity was the achievement of the activity objectives, and the other element was the achievement of the intended material objective

    Manajemen Pengawasan dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 2 Kulisusu Kabupaten Buton Utara

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    Supervision management is an effort to manage supervisory activities in order to improve organizational performance. Thus efforts to improve school performance can be pursued by improving the quality of supervisory management. This study was conducted to analyze supervisory management in improving school performance at SMAN 2 Kulisusu, North Buton Regency using qualitative methods. Informants in this study amounted to 9 people consisting of 8 school elements, 1 supervisor element selected by using purposive sampling technique. The data collected was then analyzed descriptively to obtain an overview of Supervisory Management and School Performance through Teacher Performance and Principal Performance. The results showed that the supervisory management carried out by SMAN 2 Kulisusu supervisors in improving school performance at SMAN 2 Kulisusu had not run optimally due to limited facilities and infrastructure that were not in accordance with needs, as well as limited operational budget supervision which led to revision activities to improve program actualization results. control cannot be carried out. In addition, the supervision stage also does not run optimally, especially at the implementation stage of supervision due to the low understanding of teachers on textual supervisor instructions and the low intensity of supervisory meetings with school principals

    Implementation of Land Dispute Resolution Policy Through Mediation at The Gayo Lues Land Office

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    The land conflict in Gayo Lues Regency is a development problem requiring a comprehensive resolution. Settlement of land disputes that give rise to this conflict really requires the role of the government to be able to resolve land disputes peacefully, both with the community and with non-governmental third parties. This land dispute case was caused by administrative irregularities in the processing of land ownership documents or documents in the Gayo Lues Regency, which triggered land disputes that eventually became ongoing conflicts. Thus, it is necessary to have a mediation system in resolving land disputes initiated by the government as a neutral party to minimize land conflicts. The government's role is also not only needed as a mediator but also as a facilitator in implementing land dispute resolution policies that must be implemented by all parties involved in the land conflict resolution process. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the implementation of land dispute settlement policies through mediation at the Land Office of Gayo Lues District, Aceh Province, and to analyze the inhibiting factors of the performance of the policy. The method used in achieving the objectives of this study is a descriptive research method and is analyzed qualitatively. The results of the study show that the land dispute resolution policy implemented through the mediation system is going well, although there are still several areas in the Gayo Lues Regency that have not been properly socialized regarding this policy. Thus, the regional government represented by the Land Office of Gayo Lues Regency must be more optimal in carrying out socialization related to land dispute settlement policies through a mediation system so as to minimize the occurrence of ongoing land conflict

    Implementasi Kebijakan Standar Pelayanan Minimal Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Pokok Air Minum di Kabupaten Paser

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    The application of the Minimum Service Standard policy for Fulfilling Daily Drinking Water Basic Needs in Paser Regency has followed the applicable technical standards, both from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, as well as from regulations issued by the Regional Government of Paser Regency itself. But actually, it is necessary to identify what are the factors that support and hinder the implementation of SPM policies. From the results of data analysis, it was found that the process of implementing the MSS policy for the drinking water sub-sector was still not under technical standards because the basic data used in calculating service needs did not refer to the local BPS Susenas data, and there was no determination of priorities and targets for implementing SPM. The supporting factors identified included: Policy standards and targets, budgetary support, organizational internal and external communications, suitability of the duties and functions of the DPUTR in Human Settlements (organizational characteristics), positive responses and support from the community, a relatively conducive political situation, full support (response) from implementers/employees, and the level of implementer tendencies were quite high and positive. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors include the lack of number and competence of employees in the implementing organization (Cipta Karya Division of the Paser Regency DPUTR), the unstable social and economic conditions of Paser Regency, and the low level of understanding of SPM policy implementers in the drinking water sub-sector

    The Effect of Restructuring and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance in BPS-Statistics of Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of restructuring and organizational commitment on employee performance in BPS-Statistics of Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province. To measure organizational restructuring, Melcher's theory is used which consists of the dimensions of workflow, task complexity, formal authority, formal control, and communication systems. Meyer Allen's theory is used to measure commitment, namely affective commitment, continuance commitment, and normative commitment. Meanwhile, to measure performance, Husnan's theory is used, namely the quality of work, the quantity of work, level of reliability, and attitude. The research design used in this study is a causal quantitative research design. Objects that are used as respondents in this study are employees in BPS-Statistics of Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province with a total of 55 people. The analytical tools used include descriptive analysis, classic assumption test, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and coefficient of determination. The results of this study conclude that Restructuring and organizational commitment have a positive and significant effect on employee performance in BPS-Statistics of Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province by 56.3 percent

    Kebijakan Desentralisasi dan Disparitas Pendidikan Lokal di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

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    Paradoxically, decentralization policies can increase the participation and effectiveness of education services, but in the context of public policies, it can also lead to educational disparities in society. This research was conducted to explain educational disparities in the perspective of decentralization policies as part of a public problem. This research method uses an interactive qualitative approach with data collection techniques through observation, a document study, and in-depth interviews and is analyzed using Spradley data analysis. The results showed that education policies in the regions did not create a balance, but instead opened up space for educational disparities in society, through the spatial and structural approach policy patterns. The dynamics of the education policy process are reflected in the contestation of the structural and political elites which tend to interfere with the efficiency, effectiveness, and professionalism of education management. Local governments are often trapped in political interests and always place "elite capture" in decision-making. Thus limiting the space for community participation and opening up spaces for educational disparities between central and periphery area

    Spatial Policy on Environmental Management in Gayo Lues Regency

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    Spatial planning policies must align with environmental policies to increase security and comfort, productivity, and harmony in the natural environment. This paper aims to identify and analyze the application of spatial planning policies to environmental management in Gayo Lues Regency because several community conflicts still need to carry out their business following the regulations that apply to both spatial planning and environmental policies. This study collected data through interviews with the spatial planning and environmental services and the community and business actors using a qualitative method. In addition, data collection also uses documents. The analysis technique is based on an interactive model of data collection, data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The study results show that Gayo Lues Regency already has excellent and synergistic regulations between spatial planning and the environment. However, implementing this policy is still not optimal, so several violations by the community are found, such as disposing of waste oil indiscriminately. Some of the obstacles to implementing these policies consist of two factors. 1) External factors where some people need a high level of concern and low awareness to protect the surrounding environment. 2) From internal factors that the government itself needs to maximize in disseminating policies or is still negligent in providing educative information to the public related to protecting the environment