9 research outputs found

    Proton and alpha radiation-induced mutational profiles in human cells

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    Ionizing radiation is known to be DNA damaging and mutagenic, however less is known about which mutational footprints result from exposures of human cells to different types of radiation. We were interested in the mutagenic effects of particle radiation exposures on genomes of various human cell types, in order to gauge the genotoxic risks of galactic cosmic radiation, and of certain types of tumor radiotherapy. To this end, we exposed cultured cell lines from the human blood, breast and lung to fractionated proton and alpha particle (helium nuclei) beams at doses sufficient to considerably affect cell viability. Whole-genome sequencing revealed that mutation rates were not overall markedly increased upon proton and alpha exposures. However, there were modest changes in mutation spectra and distributions, such as the increases in clustered mutations and of certain types of indels and structural variants. The spectrum of mutagenic effects of particle beams may be cell-type and/or genetic background specific. Overall, the mutational effects of repeated exposures to proton and alpha radiation on human cells in culture appear subtle, however further work is warranted to understand effects of long-term exposures on various human tissues.漏 2023. The Author(s)

    Un Modelo din谩mico empresarial como aplicaci贸n del control 贸ptimo

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    Este trabajo se sit煤a en el 谩mbito de la Teor铆a Din谩mica de la Empresa y modeliza la actuaci贸n de esta 煤ltima mediante la metodolog铆a del control 贸ptimo. Se propone buscar las pol铆ticas din谩micas 贸ptimas de inversi贸n y de dividendos que debe seguir una empresa cuyo objetivo es maximizar su valor desde la perspectiva de los accionistas en un periodo de tiempo determinado. El objetivo del modelo propuesto se expresa a trav茅s de dos fines: el primero, maximizar la corriente actualizada de dividendos repartidos durante el horizonte temporal de planificaci贸n; el segundo, maximizar la cuant铆a actualizada de los recursos propios al final de este periodo. Para la consecuci贸n de su objetivo la empresa decide acerca del uso que hace del beneficio y elige las trayectorias de dos variables de control: la inversi贸n y los dividendos. A trav茅s de ellas, administra la evoluci贸n de las variables que representan el estado corriente del stock de bienes de capital y de los recursos propios. Consideramos como fuentes de financiaci贸n de la empresa los beneficios retenidos, la deuda ajena y las subvenciones a la inversi贸n. La acci贸n del Estado sobre la firma se contempla a trav茅s de una tasa impositiva sobre beneficios y de las subvenciones a la inversi贸n, condicionadas a realizar nueva inversi贸n. Desde la perspectiva de los accionistas el Estado interviene gravando los dividendos y las ganancias de capital. Para la resoluci贸n del modelo se derivan las condiciones de optimalidad mediante el enfoque del Principio del M谩ximo de Pontryaguin y se determinan las trayectorias optimales a partir del procedimiento de enganche de senderos. Se interpretan econ贸micamente las expresiones obtenidas y se analizan las pol铆ticas 贸ptimas de la trayectoria maestra

    Reconstrucci贸n de la articulaci贸n temporomandibular con pr贸tesis personalizadas

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    La reconstrucci贸n de la articulaci贸n temporomandibular (ATM) tras la resecci贸n de una anquilosis postraum谩tica es un reto para el cirujano maxilofacial. Entre estas opciones reconstructivas se hallan las osteotom铆as deslizantes, los injertos aut贸logos y las pr贸tesis (de stock o personalizadas). El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar las ventajas de la reconstrucci贸n de las ATM con pr贸tesis personalizadas utilizando tecnolog铆a CAD/CAM, en el tratamiento de pacientes con deformidades anat贸micas complejas. Presentamos 4 pacientes varones con una media de 54 a帽os de edad (rango 48-70 a帽os). Todos presentaban antecedente de traumatismo facial con afectaci贸n de las ATM, que cursaba con limitaci贸n de la apertura oral (media12.25 mm, rango 9mm-17 mm) y restricci贸n diet茅tica (media 6.75 puntos, rango 5.5-8 puntos) seg煤n escala anal贸gica visual (EAV) siendo 0= funci贸n normal y 10= no funci贸n. El n煤mero de cirug铆as previas en todos los pacientes fue 2.75 de media (rango 1-4 cirug铆as) Se practic贸 una tomograf铆a computerizada (TC) craneofacial a todos los pacientes, que sirvi贸 de base para fabricar un modelo esterolitogr谩fico a escala 1:1, sobre el cual se plane贸 la cirug铆a a realizar y las futuras pr贸tesis articulares a medida o personalizadas, que posteriormente fueron fabricadas. Los resultados postquir煤rgicos mostraron una mejor铆a de la apertura oral (media 31.5 mm, rango 29-34 mm) y de la funci贸n masticatoria (media 0.75 puntos en EAV, rango 0-1.5 puntos). No hubo complicaciones permanentes, y no se observ贸 rechazo ni rotura al material implantado, as铆 como tampoco infecci贸n, tras un seguimiento de 26.7 meses (rango 8- 46 meses). En conclusi贸n, la reconstrucci贸n de la ATM con pr贸tesis a medida es una alternativa v谩lida o, en ocasiones, la 煤nica para reconstruir pacientes con deformidades craneofaciales severas tras traumatismos.Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) reconstruction after postraumatic ankylosis resection is a challenge for maxillofacial surgeons. Sliding osteotomies, autogenous grafts and prostheses (stock o custom-made prostheses) are described among these reconstructive options. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the advantages of TMJ reconstruction by means of custom-made prostheses, performing CAD/CAM technology, in the treatment of severe craniofacial deformities. The sample included 4 males (average age at surgery 54 years, range 48-70 years). All of them had suffered severe facial trauma involving the TMJ complex, resulting in a limited mouth opening (average mouth opening 12.25 mm, range 9mm- 17 mm) and masticatory restrictions (average masticatory restriction 6.75 points, range 5.5-8 points), measured by means of a visual analogic scale (VAS), VAS=0 no function and VAS=10 normal function. The average number of previous surgical procedures that suffered the patients was 2.75 (range 1-4 procedures). As part of the presurgical workup, a craniofacial computed tomography (CT) was obtained at all the patients and a CAD/CAM model of the craniofacial skeleton was created (1:1 scale). The planned surgical procedures and the prostheses samples were executed on the model and after the definitive prosthetic devices were manufactured. The postsurgical results showed an improvement in mouth opening (average postsurgical mouth opening 31.5 mm, range 29-34 mm) and masticatory function (average postsurgical masticatory function,0.75 points, range 0-1.5 points). No permanent complications were found, and no failure neither infection of the alloplastic fitted components was observed, after a 26.7 months follow-up (range 8-46 months). In conclusion, TMJ reconstruction by means of custom made prostheses is a valid choice (or sometimes the only one) to treat patients with severe deformities after craniofacial trauma

    Evaluaci贸n del tiempo de espera 贸ptimo para la colocaci贸n de implantes dentales tras elevaciones de seno maxilar (ESM) con un injerto compuesto por hueso aut贸logo y biomaterial

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    Purpose: To evaluate the ideal implant time insertion in human bone biopsies after maxillary sinus floor elevation (MSFE) with a composite graft consisting of an equal amount of biomaterial and autologous bone, by comparing the bone regeneration obtained 4-5 months after surgery with the obtained after 6-8 months, and having the adjacent native bone as reference. Materials and Methods: A total of 26 biopsies of 11 patients after MSFE were analyzed. Two groups were created depending on the time of implant insertion: t1 group at 4-5 months (n=13) and t2 group at 6-8 months (n=13). The same volume of grafted bone and native bone were analyzed for each biopsy by micro-computed tomography (microCT). Results: Statistically significant differences were found in bone mineral density, bone volume fraction and trabecular separation (Tb. Sp) between native and grafted bone in the t1 and t2 groups, showing grafted bone higher values except for the variable Tb.Sp, which were lower in the grafted bone compared to native bone. The decrease in Tb.Sp in the grafted bone for t1 and t2 groups can be explained by the significant increase in trabecular thickness in t2 group and the trabecular number in t1 group, compared to native bone respectively. Comparing the morphometric parameters and the BMD of the grafted bone between the t1 and t2 groups, no significant differences were found. Conclusions: A composite graft composed of 50% autologous bone and 50% biomaterial shows no differences in 3D microstructure and BMD between 4-5 months and 6-8 months of healing time. Thus, this time can be shortened to 4 months with the security of a grafted area of mature bone.Objetivo: Evaluar el tiempo de espera 贸ptimo para la colocaci贸n de implantes dentales tras elevaciones de seno maxilar (ES) con un injerto compuesto con la misma cantidad de hueso aut贸logo que de biomaterial, a trav茅s de biopsias humanas, comparando el hueso regenerado obtenido a los 4-5 meses con el obtenido a los 6-8 meses, teniendo el hueso nativo como referencia. Material y M茅todos: Fueron analizadas un total de 26 biopsias de 11 pacientes tras ES. Se crearon dos grupos dependiendo del momento de la colocaci贸n del implante: grupo t1 a los 4-5 meses (n=13) y grupo t2 a los 6-8 meses (n=13). Fue analizado por microtomograf铆a computarizada (MicroCT) para cada biopsia el mismo volumen para el hueso injertado que para el nativo. Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas en la densidad mineral 贸sea (BMD), fracci贸n de volumen 贸seo y separaci贸n trabecular (Tb.Sp) entre el hueso nativo e injertado en los grupos t1 y t2, mostrando valores m谩s altos en el hueso injertado excepto para la variable Tb.Sp. que sucedi贸 a la inversa. El descenso de la Tb.Sp en el hueso injertado de los dos grupos puede explicarse por el aumento sigificativo del grosor trabecular en el grupo t2 y por el aumento del n煤mero trabecular en el grupo t1, compar谩ndolos con el hueso nativo respectivamente. No se encontr贸 ninguna diferencia estad铆sticamente significativa entre los dos grupos de hueso injertado cuando se compararon los par谩metros morfom茅tricos y de BMD. Conclusiones: Un injerto compuesto por 50% hueso aut贸logo y 50% biomaterial muestra que no hay diferencias en la microestructura 3D ni en la BMD entre 4-5 o 6-8 meses de espera de cicatrizaci贸n 贸sea. Por ello este tiempo de cicatrizaci贸n se puede acortar a 4 meses con la seguridad de un 谩rea injertada con hueso maduro

    Effectiveness of antiepileptic therapy in patients with PCDH19 mutations

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    Purpose PCDH19 mutations cause epilepsy and mental retardation limited to females (EFMR) or Dravet-like syndromes. Especially in the first years of life, epilepsy is known to be highly pharmacoresistant. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness of antiepileptic therapy in patients with PCDH19 mutations. Methods We report a retrospective multicenter study of antiepileptic therapy in 58 female patients with PCDH19 mutations and epilepsy aged 2-27 years (mean age 10.6 years). Results The most effective drugs after 3 months were clobazam and bromide, with a responder rate of 68% and 67%, respectively, where response was defined as seizure reduction of at least 50%. Defining long-term response as the proportion of responders after 12 months of treatment with a given drug in relation to the number of patients treated for at least 3 months, the most effective drugs after 12 months were again bromide and clobazam, with a long-term response of 50% and 43%, respectively. Seventy-four percent of the patients became seizure-free for at least 3 months, 47% for at least one year. Significance The most effective drugs in patients with PCDH19 mutations were bromide and clobazam. Although epilepsy in PCDH19 mutations is often pharmacoresistant, three quarters of the patients became seizure-free for at least for 3 months and half of them for at least one year. However, assessing the effectiveness of the drugs is difficult because a possible age-dependent spontaneous seizure remission must be considered

    Salivary Glands, Head and Neck

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