22 research outputs found

    New Fisheries-related data from the Mediterranean Sea (November, 2016)

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    In this fourth Collective Article, with fisheries-related data from the Mediterranean, we present weight-length relationships for eight deep-sea fish species (Brama brama, Conger conger, Etmopterus spinax, Molva macrophthalma, Mora moro, Pagellus bogaraveo, Phycis blennoides) from the Eastern Ionian Sea; Scyliorhinus canicula from various locations in the Mediterranean Sea and weight-length relationships and condition factor of five Mugilidae species (Liza aurata, Liza saliens, Liza ramada, Mugil cephalus, Chelon labrosus) from a Mediterranean lagoon in the Ionian Sea. Moreover, we present otolith weight, fish length and otolith length relationships of the red mullet (Mullus barbatus) in the Aegean and Ionian Sea and otolith weight relationships in European hake (Merluccius merluccius) from the Greek Seas

    New Fisheries-related data from the Mediterranean Sea (October 2015)

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    In this third Collective Article, with fisheries-related data from the Mediterranean Sea, we present the historical length distribution of Lophius budegassa in the catch of commercial trawlers in the Greek seas; length-weight and length-length relationships of five flatfish species (Lepidorhombus boscii, L. whiffiagonis, Platichthys flesus, Pegusa lascaris and Solea solea) from different coastal areas of Turkey (Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean Sea); growth of settled Polyprion americanus and length-weight relationships of this species and of Deltentosteus quadrimaculatus, Capros aper and three commercially important groupers in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea; the age, growth and mortality of Zosterisessor ophiocephalus in the Eastern Adriatic Sea; the length-weight relationship and condition factor of Atherina boyeri in a Central Mediterranean semi-isolated lagoon, and also the length-weight and length-length relationships of three Alburnus species from different inland waters in Turkey

    Mediterranean Seafood: Functional Food Properties

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    An understanding of the biochemical composition of edible organisms is extremely important to determine their nutritional value. Some species can be recommended for human consumption only after assessing their nutritive value. Eating the right foods can help prevent, or more successfully manage, an illness. Seafoods have been recognized as nutraceuticals, or functional foods, with beneficial effects on one or more targeted functions. They contain important biochemical components, such as total protein, carbohydrates, and lipids, and in particular fatty acids, which are essential for human health. The aim of this study was to profile the chemical characteristics and nutritive value of certain species, caught in the Ionian Sea, that are of high commercial interest in Mediterranean countries and are found in fish markets

    Short time effects of a low-frequency, high intensity magnetic field in the treatment of chronic neck and low back pain

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    Neck and back pain afflicts millions of people. Magnetotherapy has shown to have anti-inflammatory effects that could act on pain generation, but the literature lacks provide a precise therapeutic protocol. Methods: A high-intensity electromagnetic field with a dedicated applicator was administered to 38 patients with low-back pain and 30 patients with neck pain. The device provides 60 mT and a frequency of 50 Hz for 30 minutes, the session was repeated 4 times. Results: The mean VAS of the low-back pain group decreased from 6.56 to 4.54, with a significant reduction of 30.8%. The mean VAS of the neck pain group decreased from 6.51 to 1.96, with a significant reduction of 69.9%. Discussion: The treatment used showed good results in both groups of the patient, without side effects. The therapeutic protocol adopted is safe, provide rapid relief from the pain and is not time demanding. This treatment could represent an effective non-pharmacologic physical therapy option in the treatment of low-back pain and cervical pain

    Inguinal field block for femoral artery exposure during endovascular aneurysm repair.

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    Purpose : To analyze the feasibility and outcomes of an inguinal field block (IFB) for femoral artery exposure in patients undergoing elective endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). Methods : Between January 2004 and June 2012, 784 patients (597 men; mean age 76 years) underwent elective EVAR via surgical cutdown to the common femoral arteries. The data from these procedures were retrospectively analyzed to determine the technical feasibility of IFB, need for conversion to general anesthesia, mortality, and complication rate. Results : IFB was successfully performed in 768 (97.9%) patients. Conversion from IFB to general anesthesia was necessary in 11 (1.4%) patients owing to patient discomfort (n=3, 0.4%), anxiety (n=5, 0.6%), and persistent patient movement (n=3, 0.4%). The remaining 5 (0.7%) patients underwent EVAR under general anesthesia because they refused IFB. Technical success of EVAR was 99.7%; the mean operation time was 84 minutes and the radiation time was 13 minutes. The mean hospital stay was 3.7 days; no patient required intensive care. At 6 months, there were no reports of local/systemic complications related to IFB, such as infection, seroma, hematoma, nerve injury, or allergic/toxic reactions. Conclusion : Our study demonstrated that performing EVAR with femoral cutdown under IFB is a feasible, safe, and effective surgical and anesthetic combination, with very little need for conversion to general anesthesia