1,074 research outputs found

    Efectos de la metodología activa en comprensión de textos en inglés de los estudiantes del primer grado de la Institución Educativa Ramiro Prialé Prialé - UGEL 05 - 2018

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    La investigación tiene el objetivo: determinar los efectos de la metodología activa en la comprensión de textos en la dimensión literal e inferencial en el área de inglés de los estudiantes del primer grado de secundaria en la Institución Educativa Ramiro Prialé Prialé - UGEL 05 - 2018. Es una investigación de tipo aplicada de diseño cuasi experimental con un enfoque cuantitativo, la muestra está conformada por los estudiantes del primer grado, son grupos intactos eligiendo a la sección D con un total de 30 estudiantes como grupo experimental y a la sección B conformada por 30 estudiantes como grupo control, se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta utilizando un instrumento a través de un cuestionario (prueba objetiva) para determinar la comprensión de textos en el nivel literal e inferencial en el idioma Inglés y fue validado por juicio de expertos y determinado por grado de confiabilidad dichos datos mediante el coeficiente de Kuder de Richardson por tratarse de un instrumento dicotómico. Las conclusiones indican que Existe diferencia significativa en la comprensión de textos en ingles al 95% de confianza de acuerdo a la prueba no paramétrica U de Mann-Whitney U= 85,500, Z= 4,481, p= ,000 (p< 0,05) por lo que, los estudiantes del grupo experimental obtuvieron mejores resultados en sus notas de Comprensión de textos en Ingles después de la aplicación de la Metodología Activa respecto a los estudiantes del grupo de control Existiendo una diferencia de rango promedio de 18.16 a favor del grupo experimental.This research aims to determine the effects of active methodology in understanding texts in the literal and inferential dimension in the area of English students in the first grade of secondary school in the Educational Institution Ramiro Prialé Prialé - UGEL 05 - 2018. It is a research-type quasi-experimental design applied with a quantitative approach. Being a quasi-experimental research, the sample is made by first graders are intact groups and worked with a purposive sample choosing to Section D with a total of 30 students as experimental group and section B consists of 30 students control group, the survey technique was applied using an instrument through a questionnaire (objective test) to determine the understanding of texts in the literal and inferential level in English language at a given time set in this case with the test pre test and post test, these results we proceeded to build a database validated by expert judgment and determined by degree of reliability such data by Kuder Richardson coefficient because it is a dichotomous instrument. The findings indicate that there is significant difference in reading comprehension in English 95% confidence according to the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U = 85,500, Z = 4.481, p = .000 (p <0.05) therefore, students in the experimental group performed better in their notes Reading Comprehension in English after application of Active Methodology regarding students in the control group Having a difference of 18.16 average range for the experimental group

    Modelo de contabilidad administrativa basado en la planificación y presupuestos para mejorar la situación financiera de la Institución educativa Particular Mi Vallejito en La Ciudad de Trujillo año 2014

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    La presente tesis muestra cómo la situación financiera de un Centro Educativo Particular puede verse afectada por la falta de información oportuna y eficaz, debido a la limitación existente para registrar, controlar y evaluar las operaciones que ayuden a fortalecer la confiabilidad de la información financiera para la toma de decisiones por parte de la gestión administrativa. En la investigación, se aplicó el Modelo de Contabilidad Administrativa basado en las herramientas de planificación y presupuestos, con el fin de organizar, procesar y analizar sus operaciones financieras. Para ello se evaluó el proceso de toma de decisiones, los procesos administrativos y la información financiera existente. La evaluación conllevó a aplicar técnicas de acopio de datos como la observación, entrevista y análisis documentario con el soporte técnico de los instrumentos propios, tal como la guía de observación, entrevista y la guía de análisis documentario. Se corroboró que la situación financiera de la Institución Educativa Particular Mi Vallejito, no es la más conveniente, ya que, sus principales cuentas que la conforman presentan un alto porcentaje, como por ejemplo: Cuentas por cobrar, obligaciones financieras. Se concluye que la aplicación del Modelo de Contabilidad Administrativa basado en planificación y presupuestos mejora la situación financiera de la institución, demostrado en el análisis comparativo del estado de situación financiera mediante la aplicación de ratios financieros. Finalmente, este estudio proporciona una mejor calidad de información contable, administrativa y presupuestaria, que permitirá a las Instituciones Educativas tomar mejores decisiones para optimizar la situación financiera.This thesis shows how the financial situation of a particular school may be affected by the lack of timely and effective information, because the existing limitation to record, monitor and evaluate operations to help strengthen the reliability of financial information for the decisions by the administration. In the research, Model Management Accounting tools based on planning and budgeting, in order to organize, process and analyze their financial transactions was applied. For this, the process of decision making, administrative processes and existing financial reporting was evaluated. The evaluation led to implement data collection techniques such as observation, interview and documentary analysis with the support of the instruments, such as the guide of observation, interviews and documentary analysis guide. It was confirmed that the financial situation of the private educational institution My Vallejito, is not the most convenient as its main accounts that form have a high percentage, such as: Accounts receivable, financial obligations. It is concluded that the application of Management Accounting Model based on planning and budgeting improves the financial situation of the institution, demonstrated in the comparative analysis of the statement of financial position by applying financial ratios. Finally, this study provides a better quality of accounting, administrative and budgetary information that will allow educational institutions to make better decisions to optimize the financial situation.Tesi

    Evidence to inform the future for maternal and newborn health.

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    Despite the impressive progress gains for maternal and child health during the Millennium Development Goals era, over 5.6 million women and babies died in 2015 due to complications during pregnancy, birth and in the first month of life. In order to achieve the new mortality targets set out in the Sustainable Development Goals, there needs to be intentional efforts to maintain and accelerate action to end preventable maternal and newborn deaths and stillbirths. This paper outlines what progress is required to meet these new 2030 targets based on patterns of progress in the recent past; where the burden is the greatest; when to focus attention along the continuum of care; and what causes of death require concerted efforts. Priority actions include intentional and intensified political attention and investment in maternal-newborn health with particular focus on improving quality and experience of care around the time of birth with implementation at scale of integrated maternal-newborn health interventions across the continuum of care with commensurate investment targeted at the most vulnerable populations. Looking forward, improved data for decision making and accountability will be required. The health and survival of babies and their mothers are inextricably linked, and calls for coordinated efforts and innovation before and during pregnancy, in childbirth, and postnatally, in order to end preventable maternal, neonatal deaths and stillbirths

    La complessit? della comunicazione scientifica in ambito epidemiologico: il caso Sebiorec

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    noViene presentata l\u27esperienza in corso nella Regione Campania per accomp agnare la trasmissione dei risultati dell\u27indagine epidemiologica Sebiorec, svolta tramite campionamento di sangue e latte materno. Si ? ritenuto cruciale dedicare particolare attenzione alle problematiche della comunicazione, grazie alla costituzione di un gruppo multidisciplinare, che ha contribuito alla realizzazione di una indagine qualitativa basata su interviste in profondit? e che fornir? strumenti utili alla comunicazione dei risultati. L\u27esperienza si inscrive nell\u27obiettivo di far evolvere l\u27approccio epidemiologico classico verso una eco-epidemiologia basata sull\u27integrazione di conoscenze sull\u27individuo e sulla comunit?, attraverso lo studio dei fattori di rischio, di esposizione e suscettibilit? individuale e di contesto sociale

    Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de Tecnologías en Salud : reflexiones y propuestas sobre su posible implementación en el sistema argentino

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    The present paper analyses the recent law bill that proposes the creation of a National Health Technology?evaluation Agency. We will begin by studying the current situation of the Argentinian sanitary system, and the increasing judicialization existing nowadays in the health field. Then, we will examine similar models to the one proposed in comparative law. We will deeply analyze the agency mentioned above, its scope and functions to, finally, formulate the proposals that, we believe, are necessary to accomplish its efficient implementation in our country.Fil: Basualdo, Natalia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Bianchi, Fiorella. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaFil: Casas, Florencia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Buenos Aires, ArgentinaEl presente trabajo analizará el reciente proyecto de ley que propone la creación de una Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de Tecnologías en Salud. Se comenzará por estudiar la situación actual del sistema sanitario argentino y la creciente judicialización existente en materia de salud. Posteriormente, se observarán modelos similares al propuesto en el derecho comparado. Se examinará en profundidad el organismo proyectado, sus alcances y funciones, para finalmente formular las propuestas que creemos necesarias para lograr su eficiente implementación en nuestro país

    A role for hemopexin in oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelin formation.

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    Myelin formation and maintenance are crucial for the proper function of the CNS and are orchestrated by a plethora of factors including growth factors, extracellular matrix components, metalloproteases and protease inhibitors. Hemopexin (Hx) is a plasma protein with high heme binding affinity, which is also locally produced in the CNS by ependymal cells, neurons and glial cells. We have recently reported that oligodendrocytes (OLs) are the type of cells in the brain that are most susceptible to lack of Hx, as the number of iron-overloaded OLs increases in Hx-null brain, leading to oxidative tissue damage. In the current study, we found that the expression of the Myelin Basic Protein along with the density of myelinated fibers in the basal ganglia and in the motor and somatosensory cortex of Hx-null mice were strongly reduced starting at 2 months and progressively decreased with age. Myelin abnormalities were confirmed by electron microscopy and, at the functional level, resulted in the inability of Hx-null mice to perform efficiently on the Rotarod. It is likely that the poor myelination in the brain of Hx-null mice was a consequence of defective maturation of OLs as we demonstrated that the number of mature OLs was significantly reduced in mutant mice whereas that of precursor cells was normal. Finally, in vitro experiments showed that Hx promotes OL differentiation. Thus, Hx may be considered a novel OL differentiation factor and the modulation of its expression in CNS may be an important factor in the pathogenesis of human neurodegenerative disorders

    A novel mutation in NDUFB11 unveils a new clinical phenotype associated with lactic acidosis and sideroblastic anemia

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    NDUFB11, a component of mitochondrial complex I, is a relatively small integral membrane protein, belonging to the 'supernumerary' group of subunits, but proved to be absolutely essential for the assembly of an active complex I. Mutations in in the X-linked nuclear encoded NDUFB11 gene have recently been discovered in association with two distinct phenotypes, i.e. microphthalmia with linear skin defects and histiocytoid cardiomyopathy. We report on a male with complex I deficiency, caused by a de novo mutation in NDUFB11 and displaying early onset sideroblastic anemia as the unique feature. This is the third report that describes a mutation in NDUFB11 but all are associated to a different phenotype. Our results further expand the molecular spectrum and associated clinical phenotype of NDUFB11 defects

    Tratamiento interdisciplinario de una clase II 1era división

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    La ortodoncia interceptiva está encaminada a corregir desviaciones que se están produciendo en ese momento pero que todavía pueden tratarse para cambiar su evolución. Es decir, se utiliza donde ya se estableció una mala posición o hábito que todavía puede corregirse. Sirve para evitar que el crecimiento del complejo craneofacial se desarrolle de forma anormal, por lo que suele aplicarse en pacientes jóvenes y en muy pocos casos en personas adultas. Un buen ejemplo de ella es la actuación en pacientes con mal oclusión antes que empeore la anomalía. Sus aplicaciones tienen que ver tanto con las piezas dentarias como todo el complejo mandibular.Facultad de Odontologí