29 research outputs found

    Wszczepienie stentu do bifurkacji Multi-Link Frontier u pacjenta z istotnym zw臋偶eniem pnia lewej t臋tnicy wie艅cowej

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    Przedstawiono przypadek 58-letniego m臋偶czyzny, kt贸rego hospitalizowano w klinice autor贸w niniejszej pracy z powodu ostrego zespo艂u wie艅cowego bez uniesienia odcinka ST. W koronarografii stwierdzono istotne zw臋偶enie dystalnej cz臋艣ci pnia lewej t臋tnicy wie艅cowej, kt贸re leczono za pomoc膮 przezsk贸rnej angioplastyki z implantacj膮 stentu do bifurkacji Multi-Link Frontier, z optymalnym wynikiem bezpo艣rednim. Po miesi膮cu pacjenta ponownie hospitalizowano z powodu ostrego zawa艂u serca, kt贸ry leczono pierwotn膮 angioplastyk膮 ga艂臋zi okalaj膮cej. W pniu lewej t臋tnicy wie艅cowej utrzymywa艂 si臋 optymalny wynik angiograficzny. (Folia Cardiol. 2004; 11: 967–971

    The effect of trimetazidine added to maximal anti-ischemic therapy in patients with advanced coronary artery disease

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    Background: The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of trimetazidine administered for 20 days in 56 patients with ischemic heart disease treated with maximal tolerated doses of anti-ischemic drugs who were not candidates for percutaneous or surgical revascularization. Methods: The efficacy of trimetazidine was evaluated by comparing exercise testing parameters before and after treatment, combined with the patient response to a questionnaire administered at baseline and following the treatment. We evaluated the duration of exercise, workload, double product, time to the occurrence of ischemic changes in ECG, the number of leads with diagnostic ST segment depression, and the magnitude of ST segment depression. Results: After 20 days of trimetazidine treatment, an improvement in exercise testing parameters was seen in about 50% of patients, and the differences of the mean values were statistically significant. The patient response to the questionnaire administered following the treatment indicated a decreased frequency of anginal episodes and an increased exercise duration to the occurrence of angina in two thirds of patients, less requirement for nitrates in 40% of patients, and increased exercise tolerance in 50% of patients. In patients with subjective response to treatment, comparison of exercise testing parameters before and after treatment showed significant increase in the duration of exercise, time to ischemic changes in ECG, and the degree of ST segment depression during peak exercise. In patients with no subjective response to treatment, a statistically significant difference was seen in the double product only. Conclusions: After 20 days of treatment with trimetazidine added to maximal anti-ischemic treatment in patients with refractory angina, an improvement in exercise testing parameters and subjective response to treatment were seen in about 40% of patients. In patients with subjective response to treatment, exercise testing parameters improved significantly compared to the baseline values

    Wszczepienie stentu do bifurkacji Multi-Link Frontier u pacjenta z istotnym zw臋偶eniem pnia lewej t臋tnicy wie艅cowej

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    Przedstawiono przypadek 58-letniego m臋偶czyzny, kt贸rego hospitalizowano w klinice autor贸w niniejszej pracy z powodu ostrego zespo艂u wie艅cowego bez uniesienia odcinka ST. W koronarografii stwierdzono istotne zw臋偶enie dystalnej cz臋艣ci pnia lewej t臋tnicy wie艅cowej, kt贸re leczono za pomoc膮 przezsk贸rnej angioplastyki z implantacj膮 stentu do bifurkacji Multi-Link Frontier, z optymalnym wynikiem bezpo艣rednim. Po miesi膮cu pacjenta ponownie hospitalizowano z powodu ostrego zawa艂u serca, kt贸ry leczono pierwotn膮 angioplastyk膮 ga艂臋zi okalaj膮cej. W pniu lewej t臋tnicy wie艅cowej utrzymywa艂 si臋 optymalny wynik angiograficzny. (Folia Cardiol. 2004; 11: 967–971

    Trombektomia w ostrym zawale serca przy u偶yciu systemu DIVER - opis dw贸ch przypadk贸w

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    Przezsk贸rna plastyka t臋tnic wie艅cowych jest obecnie najlepsz膮 metod膮 leczenia chorych z ostrym zawa艂em serca. Ma ona na celu udro偶nienie oraz przywr贸cenie i utrzymanie przep艂ywu w t臋tnicy wie艅cowej. W niekt贸rych przypadkach, zw艂aszcza przy obecno艣ci masywnych skrzeplin, dochodzi do embolizacji obwodowych cz臋艣ci t臋tnicy. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono dwa przypadki pacjent贸w, u kt贸rych w leczeniu ostrego zawa艂u serca zastosowano trombektomi臋 przy u偶yciu systemu DIVER z dobrym wynikiem bezpo艣rednim. (Folia Cardiol. 2005; 12: 319–325

    T臋tniak prawej t臋tnicy wie艅cowej po implantacji stentu pokrywanego paklitakselem

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    Przedstawiono przypadek 58-letniej pacjentki chorej na cukrzyc臋 typu 2, poddanej zabiegowi implantacji stentu pokrywanego paklitakselem do prawej t臋tnicy wie艅cowej. Zabieg poprzedzono angioplastyk膮 balonow膮 powik艂an膮 dyssekcj膮 typu B z powodu restenozy w stencie. Po 10 miesi膮cach chor膮 z umiarkowanymi dolegliwo艣ciami d艂awicowymi i dodatnim wynikiem pr贸by wysi艂kowej skierowano do kliniki, w kt贸rej pracuj膮 autorzy niniejszego artyku艂u. W koronarografii ujawniono obecno艣膰 t臋tniaka w miejscu poprzedniej interwencji. Za pomoc膮 ultrasonografii wewn膮trznaczyniowej potwierdzono rozpoznanie. Pacjentce wszczepiono stent graft z optymalnym efektem bezpo艣rednim. W niniejszej pracy przeanalizowano mo偶liwe mechanizmy powstania t臋tniaka, uwzgl臋dniaj膮c dane z pi艣miennictwa

    Prediction of left ventricular function in patients after acute myocardial infarction treated with primary angioplasty

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    Background: Despite a substantial reduction in in-hospital mortality, the long-term outcomes of patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) undergoing primary percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) remain uncertain. The main causes include progressive left ventricle (LV) remodelling and impaired LV systolic function with a decreased ejection fraction (EF). B-type natriuretic peptide testing has recently emerged as an innovative approach that might enhance the echocardiography-based risk stratification after STEMI. The aims of the study included long-term echocardiographic assessment of LV function and remodelling in patients with STEMI treated with PTCA. Additionally, evaluation of the N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) plasma level utility was performed to identify factors at patient discharge which would enable to predict LV dysfunction and remodelling after STEMI at 6-month follow-up. Methods: Echocardiography was performed in 98 patients at discharge and at 6-month follow-up. The diameters of the heart chambers and indices of LV systolic and diastolic function were measured. Plasma levels of NT-proBNP were measured before PTCA and at 6 months. Results: Primary PTCA successfully restored normal epicardial blood flow in the infarctrelated Artery (IRA) in 96 patients. At 6 months preserved LV systolic function (median EF 47.5%), decreased LV diastolic function with relaxation abnormalities (E/A < 1.0 and IVRT > 105 ms) and no significant increase in left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD) were observed in study population. Multivariate analysis identified low baseline NT-proBNP level, low peak creatine phosphokinase (CPKmax) activity and high EF at discharge as powerful independent predictors of preserved EF at 6 months. LVEDD at discharge, baseline NT-proBNP level and CPKmax correlated with LVEDD at 6 months in the multiple regression model. In multivariate analysis a high NT-proBNP level on admission and low LVEDD at discharge were independent predictors of LVEDD change. Patient groups with reperfusion obtained 3.2 h from symptom onset (the median delay) did not differ with respect to IRA blood flow, infarct size assessed as CPKmax and LVEDD at 6 months. A significant increase in EF was noted only in patients with chest pain duration < 3.2 h. Time-to-treatment correlated with NT-proBNP level at 6 months. Conclusions: Successful primary PTCA in STEMI influences LV systolic function improvement and effectively prevents LV remodelling at the 6-month follow-up. Low baseline NT-proBNP, low CPKmax and high EF at discharge are powerful independent predictors of preserved EF after 6 months. A high NT-proBNP level on admission and low LVEDD at discharge predict a propensity for LV remodelling. A prolonged time-to-treatment of STEMI results in a lack of significant long-term improvement in LV systolic function and does not seem to have an impact on the occurrence of LV remodelling

    One-year outcomes of left main coronary artery stenting in patients with cardiogenic shock

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    Background: The high in-hospital mortality of patients with cardiogenic shock is being reduced thanks to coronary interventions. The aim of the study was to evaluate the outcomes of angioplasty and stenting in patients with cardiogenic shock caused by left main coronary artery (LMCA) disease. Methods: A group of 71 consecutive patients managed for LMCA disease in an emergency setting (38 patients in cardiogenic shock and 33 without shock symptoms) were followed up clinically and angiographically for one year. Periprocedural and late mortality was assessed as well as the incidence of restenosis and coronary re-interventions. Results: There were 17 deaths in the study population (23.9%). One-year survival in the subgroup with cardiogenic shock was 57.9% (22 patients) with 15 periprocedural deaths and 1 death 3 months after the procedure. Restenosis and associated target lesion revascularization were documented in 5 patients (29.4%) with and 4 patients (16.0%) without cardiogenic shock. Multivariate analysis revealed the following independent predictors of cardiogenic shock in patients undergoing emergency LMCA angioplasty: STEMI as the reason for intervention (OR 14.1; 95% CI 3.71&#8211;53.7; p < 0.0002) and a small minimal lumen diameter before the procedure (OR 0.43; 95% CI 0.2&#8211;0.93; p < 0.04). The only independent predictor of the death in patients with cardiogenic shock was a small minimal lumen diameter after the procedure (OR 0.31; 95% CI 0.1&#8211;0.99, p < 0.05). Conclusions: High mortality was observed in the study population, especially in the subgroup with cardiogenic shock. Most deaths were periprocedural. Because of the high rate of restenosis, periodical angiographic follow-up is necessary, preferably twice in the first 6 months after stent implantation. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 67&#8211;75

    Angioplastyka t臋tnicy wie艅cowej z wykorzystaniem aterektomii rotacyjnej jako metody leczenia w "trudnych przypadkach"

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    W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przypadek 56-letniego pacjenta z ostrym zespo艂em wie艅cowym powik艂anym wstrz膮sem kardiogennym. U chorego wykonano angioplastyk臋 ga艂臋zi mi臋dzykomorowej przedniej z implantacj膮 stentu oraz angioplastyk臋 balonow膮 ga艂臋zi okalaj膮cej. Ze wzgl臋du na z艂o偶one zw臋偶enie z obecno艣ci膮 zwapnie艅 nie uda艂o si臋 wykona膰 zabiegu poszerzenia prawej t臋tnicy wie艅cowej. Po up艂ywie 3 miesi臋cy od interwencji pacjenta ponownie przyj臋to do kliniki z powodu nasilenia dolegliwo艣ci stenokardialnych. W wykonanej koronarografii stwierdzono dobry efekt w miejscu poszerzanych zw臋偶e艅. Ponowna pr贸ba angioplastyki prawej t臋tnicy wie艅cowej okaza艂a si臋 nieskuteczna. Z tego powodu wykonano zabieg rotablacji w celu pokonania miejsca zw臋偶enia oraz usuni臋cia nadmiaru blaszki mia偶d偶ycowej z nast臋pcz膮 implantacj膮 dw贸ch stent贸w. Po zastosowanym leczeniu pacjent nie odczuwa艂 dolegliwo艣ci stenokardialnych ani objaw贸w niewydolno艣ci serca. (Folia Cardiologica Excerpta 2007; 2: 124-129

    Percutaneous coronary angioplasty in elderly patients: Assessment of in-hospital outcomes

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    Background: We aimed to assess in-hospital outcomes of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) in elderly subjects. Methods: A total of 1000 consecutive patients, who had all been admitted for interventional treatment of symptomatic coronary artery disease, were retrospectively analysed. Results: Elderly patients (&#8805; 70 years of age) were more likely to be diabetic, hypertensive and of female gender. They more frequently were diagnosed with chronic heart failure as well as prior stroke. Significantly higher proportions of the elderly population presented with cardiogenic shock and underwent PTCA as a result of acute coronary syndromes. Multivessel coronary disease affected a large majority of senior patients. Although stenting dominated in both age groups, balloon angioplasty was relatively more frequently applied in the elderly. Coronary angioplasty in elderly patients was associated with fewer direct stenting procedures, longer exposure to X-rays and a higher volume of the contrast medium. The efficacy of intervention, assessed according to clinical and angiographic criteria, was high in both groups, although revascularisation was significantly less complete while crude in-hospital mortality higher in the elderly group. Advanced age remained an independent predictor of both increased in-hospital mortality and longer exposure to X-rays after an adjustment for the baseline characteristics in multivariable analyses. Conclusions: Despite frequent comorbidities and more extensive coronary athersoclerosis, a high rate of procedural success was achieved in the elderly population who underwent PTCA. However, after an adjustment for the baseline characteristics advanced age was still associated with a less favourable in-hospital outcome and a higher degree of procedural complexity. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 143-154

    P贸藕na zakrzepica w stencie powlekanym rapamycyn膮

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    Stentowanie t臋tnic wie艅cowych jest rutynowym zabiegiem, kt贸ry stosuje si臋 podczas przezsk贸rnej rewaskularyzacji serca. Coraz cz臋艣ciej wykonuje si臋 implantowanie kilku rodzaj贸w stent贸w do tej samej t臋tnicy wie艅cowej. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przypadek 57-letniego pacjenta z ostrym zawa艂em serca 艣ciany przedniej, u kt贸rego po 6 miesi膮cach od implantacji 2 stent贸w (jeden stent pokrywany lekiem antyproliferacyjnym, drugi stent standardowy) wyst膮pi艂a p贸藕na zakrzepica w stencie powlekanym oraz rozlana restenoza w stencie standardowym. U chorego wykonano pierwotn膮 angioplastyk臋 balonow膮, a po 4 tygodniach w miejsce 2 stent贸w wszczepiono stent powlekany Cypher. W kontrolnej koronarografii, wykonanej po 6 miesi膮cach od implantacji, nie wykazano restenozy. (Folia Cardiol. 2004; 11: 309&#8211;314