268 research outputs found

    The derivative concept of legal interpretation

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    Main Revival Movements in the Catholic Church Before the Second Vatican Council

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    From the middle of the 19 th century until convocation of the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), several spiritual and intellectual revival movements were visible in the Catholic Church. They had one overarching objective – return to the origins (French: ressourcement ). The revival of Biblical Studies, as the first of these movements, was implemented mainly at two specialist universities: the School of Practical Biblical Studies (French: École pratique d’études bibliques) of Father Marie-Joseph Lagrange OP and at the Pontifical Biblical Institute (Pontificium Institutum Biblicum) founded by Pope Saint Pius X. The Movement of Liturgical renewal, on the other hand, began at the Benedictine abbeys in Belgium, France and Germany, and was later popularised by Father Prosper Guéranger OSB, Father Lambert Beauduin OSB and Father Odo Casel OSB. Similarly as in the case of the Biblical revival, the teaching of successive Popes – and of Pius XII in particular – had a significant influence on changes in the Catholic liturgy. In contrast, the Ecumenical Movement was characterised by its bottom-up nature, and its beginnings were associated initially with Protestant missionary circles. An important contribution to this transformative movement were meetings between the Catholic and the Anglican Church, known as the Malines Conversations (French: Conversations des Malines), as well as the Una Sancta ecumenical movement developing robustly in Germany. Finally, the last crucial phenomenon – ain particular from the perspective of genesis of the Second Vatican Council – was the rise of Nouvelle Théologie, a new school of thought in Catholic theology. Its representatives include leading theologians of the 20 th century: Father Henri de Lubac SJ, Father Karl Rahner SJ, Father Yves Congar OP, Father Marie-Dominique Chenu OP, as well as Father Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) and Father Hans Küng. It should be emphasised all the above Catholic renewal movements had a decisive influence on development of dominant tendencies at the Second Vatican Council, and the consequent conceptual framework used in the Council documents

    Evaluation of Flutter framework time efficiency in context of user interface tasks

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    The article describes a comparative analysis of the time performance between native Android applications (created with the Android SDK and Java language) and applications created with the Flutter multi-platform framework. The study consisted of creating three pairs of applications that are functionally identical with each other using both programing tools, and then examining the time taken to perform individual actions by both applications. The functionality of the test applications consisted mainly of tasks related to operating on the user interface. The study was carried out on the Huawei P30 using Perfetto tool. Results confirm that native apps are more time efficient than Flutter apps

    Does companies’ ESG performance make a difference for New Zealand’s stock market investors during the COVID-19 pandemic?

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    This paper aims to investigate whether the environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) score of New Zealand-listed companies is associated with their stock performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. The idea of socially responsible investing is commonly accepted in New Zealand, and past academic literature has argued for the positive (though often weak) relationship between companies’ stock returns and their ESG profile. The methodology of the research is threefold. First, the average daily return for 11 New Zealand Exchange (NZX) market sectors and the S&P/NZX50 index during the COVID-19 panic and rebound periods are compared. Then, the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the average daily return of 11 broad NZX sectors in relation to the average ESG score for a given sector is checked. Finally, the relationship between the daily average performance of 56 NZX-listed companies and their ESG scores proxied by Refinitiv's ESG Combined Score is determined. The analysis reveals no support for the idea that the returns of firms with higher ESG scores are greater than those with a low ESG ranking during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results show a negative, though statistically insignificant, correlation between the ESG score and annualized stock return both on the sector and individual company levels. Even though our reported findings do not confirm the believed positive correlation of the analyzed measures (based on previous studies), they clearly show that high ESG performance does not harm financial performance even in the context of crises

    Percutaneous reconstruction of the continuity of a functionally interrupted aortic arch using a stent

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    A case of a 26-year-old man without continuity of blood flow in the level of the isthmus of the aorta is described. During interventional catheterization, we reconstructed this continuity and implanted a vascular stent. (Cardiol J 2008; 15: 80-84
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