106 research outputs found

    Turning conflicts into cooperation? The role of adaptive learning and deliberation in managing natural resources conflicts in Nepal

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    Conflicts over natural resources are likely to escalate under changing socio-economic contexts and climate change. This paper tests the effectiveness of what we term Adaptive Learning and Deliberation (ALD) in understanding and addressing conflicts over the local management of forests and water, drawing on the experimental works in Nepal. Based on a three-year action research, the paper offers policy and practical insights on how complex and protracted conflicts can be addressed through researcher-facilitated inquiry and deliberative process which forms the core of ALD approach. The conflicts included in the study are not solely triggered by climate change but are a result of diverse environmental changes, diverse policy responses to local issues of resource governance, and wider political and economic factors. We analyze experimental practices of ALD implemented in two sites, where our research team facilitated the ALD process, gathering evidence in relation to conflicting institutional issues, all of which was then fed into researcher-mediated and evidence informed deliberations on conflict management. The analysis shows that the ALD process was helpful in rearranging local institutions to accommodate the interests of the conflicting groups and, to some extent, challenge some of the underlying exclusionary provisions of forest and water institutions which have deep social roots in the Nepalese society. We also identify three key limitations of this approach – transaction costs, the need for strong research and facilitative capacity within the research team, and the acceptance of researchers' involvement among the conflicting stakeholders. Finally, we discuss some policy implications of the findings, including potential implications for building climate resilience

    Banks’ Level Factors Affecting the Effective Implementation of Anti-Money Laundering Practices in Nepalese Banks: An Employee and Customer Perspectives

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    Purpose: Money laundering can affect global macroeconomic projections, currency markets, and financial stability by fueling shadow economies. Thus, the efficiency of the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedure must be investigated. Understanding such elements may help prevent money laundering. This necessitates studies to raise awareness and emphasize its importance. This study sought to assess customer understanding and examine the factors that affect the efficient application of AML regulations in Nepalese banks. Design/Methodology/Approach: This study includes responses from 201 bank consumers and 156 bank employees. The study focused on customers' AML awareness and how bank employees implement AML regulations in their respective banks. Findings: According to the study, consumers apprehend money laundering, terrorist financing, and their implications. According to bank employees, customers are unaware of money laundering and its consequences. Banking and financial institutions should prioritize education and awareness to improve the implementation of anti-money laundering regulations. Control over company sophistication, business ethics, customer awareness, and the AML system all have a favorable influence on Nepali banks' AML policies. The analysis reveals that business sophistication control is quite important. Originality: The study focused on consumer and employee AML knowledge, revealing ground-level perspectives. The study found the variables related to the bank's management and compliance department's views on AML policy implementation. This research assists government agencies and policymakers in developing national anti-money laundering measures and aids academics in AML procedure implementation

    Noisy Coherent Population Trapping: Applications to Noise Estimation and Qubit State Preparation

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    Coherent population trapping is a well-known quantum phenomenon in a driven Λ\Lambda system, with many applications across quantum optics. However, when a stochastic bath is present in addition to vacuum noise, the observed trapping is no longer perfect. Here we derive a time-convolutionless master equation describing the equilibration of the Λ\Lambda system in the presence of additional temporally correlated classical noise, with an unknown decay parameter. Our simulations show a one-to-one correspondence between the decay parameter and the depth of the characteristic dip in the photoluminescence spectrum, thereby enabling the unknown parameter to be estimated from the observed spectra. We apply our analysis to the problem of qubit state initialization in a Λ\Lambda system via dark states and show how the stochastic bath affects the fidelity of such initialization as a function of the desired dark-state amplitudes. We show that an optimum choice of Rabi frequencies is possible

    Assessment of Yield and Yield Attributing Characters of Hybrid Maize using Nutrient Expert® Maize Model in Eastern Terai of Nepal

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    Indiscriminate use of fertilizer and lack of site specific nutrient management technology is the main cause of low maize productivity in Nepal. Thus, field experiments on farmer\u27s field were conducted on maize to assess the productivity at two sites of Jhapa district viz. Damak and Gauradaha using Nutrient Expert® Maize model from November 2015 to May 2016. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Completely Block Design consisting two treatments viz. NE (Nutrient Expert recommendation) and FFP (Farmer\u27s Fertilizer Practice) with twenty replications. The result revealed significant differences in terms of grain yield, stover yield, biological yield, and yield attributing characters. NE based practices produced higher grain yield (9.22 t ha-1), which was 86.6 percent higher than FFP (4.94 t ha-1). Similarly, higher average cob number m 2 (8.2), average kernel rows cob-1 (14.2), average kernels number row-1 (589.9) and test weight (361.4 g) were recorded in NE based practice. Thus, NE based practice can be adopted for obtaining higher productivity in eastern terai region of Nepal

    Optomechanical entanglement at room temperature: A simulation study with realistic conditions

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    Quantum entanglement is the key to many applications like quantum key distribution, quantum teleportation, and quantum sensing. However, reliably generating quantum entanglement in macroscopic systems has proven to be a challenge. Here, we present a detailed analysis of ponderomotive entanglement generation in a movable-end-mirror-type optomechanical cavity. These cavities utilize optomechanical interactions between the intracavity field and the end mirror to create quantum correlations. We numerically calculate an entanglement measure, the logarithmic negativity, for the quantitative assessment of the entanglement. Experimental limitations, including thermal noise and optical loss, from measurements of an existing experiment were included in the calculation, which is intractable to solve analytically. This analysis shows that lowering optical losses and measurement uncertainties is more important than temperature for observation of the entanglement in movable-end-mirror-type optomechanical cavity experiments. This work will play an important role in the development of ponderomotive entanglement devices

    Optomechanical entanglement at room temperature: a simulation study with realistic conditions

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    Quantum entanglement is the key to many applications like quantum key distribution, quantum teleportation, and quantum sensing. However, reliably generating quantum entanglement in macroscopic systems has proved to be a challenge. Here, we present a detailed analysis of ponderomotive entanglement generation which utilizes optomechanical interactions to create quantum correlations. We numerically calculate an entanglement measure -- the logarithmic negativity -- for the quantitative assessment of the entanglement. Experimental limitations, including thermal noise and optical loss, from measurements of an existing experiment were included in the calculation, which is intractable to solve analytically. This work will play an important role in the development of ponderomotive entanglement devices

    Oesophageal Foreign Bodies in Children

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    Foreign body ingestion is a common occurrence and carries significant morbidity and mortality. Failure to treat foreign bodies immediately can lead to various serious complications. This study was done to identify the types as well as site of foreign body ingested and its complication in children. A retrospective study of 122 cases of suspected foreign body ingestion in patients admitted in ENT and Head and Neck Surgery of TU Teaching Hospital, Kathmandu were done in between April 2004 to July 2008. Ages less than 12 years were included. In all cases x-ray soft tissue neck lateral and chest x-ray posterio-anterior views were done along with other preoperative investigations. Rigid oesophagoscopy or hypopharyngoscopy were done under general anesthesia to remove foreign bodies. There were 64.7% male and 35.3% female children. Foreign bodies were common in 0-4 year age group. Most common foreign body were coin (64.0%) followed by meat bone (14.0%). No foreign bodies were found in 2.4% patients as they were passed in stomach. No complications were noted during the entire period of this study. Most common foreign bodies in children are coin. Though complications with these foreign bodies are rare, these do occur due to delay in presentation and removal. No complications were noted in our series. Eventhough children who swallow foreign bodies are asymptomatic; we must maintain a high index of suspicion and undergo diagnostic procedure, if there is a positive history. Key words: foreign bodies, oesophagus, rigid oesophagoscop

    Let us conserve and exchange seeds: celebrating traditional crop diversity of the Nepali lowlands

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    A seed fair is an activity to create awareness about and appreciate local crop diversity, exchange seed and related knowledge, and celebrate farmers’ efforts to conserve agrobiodiversity. It takes considerable time and effort to organize a seed fair. This brief describes the seed fair organized at the Agyauli Community Seedbank, Nawalparasi in the southern region of Nepal. About 30 members of 10 community seedbanks from the terai (the southern lowland) region of Nepal came together for this. Apart from exchanging seeds of traditional crop varieties, they also shared stories about the socio-cultural, religious, spiritual, nutritional and medicinal values of their varieties. The recent formal registration of the Community Seed Banks Association of Nepal (CSBAN) was also celebrated

    Herbage Mass and Chemical Composition of the Heterogeneous Grasslands Affected by Harvesting TIME in Subtropical Terrain Nepal

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    A study was carried out to evaluate the productivity and chemical composition of heterogeneous grasslands at Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU) livestock farm. The four grassland ecotypes were chosen as upland north, upland south, lowland south and lowland north. The dominating herbage species and cover abundance by the botanical groups were studied on day before the harvesting. Later, the herbage dry matter productivity was estimated by quadrat cutting during May and June, 2017. Chemical analysis was done by using the proximate method for dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF) and ether extract (EE) content. Research results showed that the AFU grassland dominated by perennial grasses and sedges followed by the forbs. The mean coverage of grasses and sedges was about 55%, whilst that of forbs was about 29% and the least was for legumes (about 4%). The cumulative herbage mass was about 1.53 t/ ha on the DM basis, whilst the highest DM was found in the upland-south (1.74 t/ha) and the least was in the upland-north (1.334 t/ha). The proximate analysis further revealed that the site had no effect on CF content, whilst the CP was significant only at the second harvest for the lowland north (8.34%).  Data revealed that the herbage composition might depend upon the soil moisture availability and geographical aspect. The dominance of perennial grasses at AFU grasslands revealed the yield stability, but needs the improvement through inoculation with leguminous forages for improved feed quality

    Quantum-Limited Squeezed Light Detection with a Camera

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    We present a technique for squeezed light detection based on direct imaging of the displaced-squeezed-vacuum state using a CCD camera. We show that the squeezing parameter can be accurately estimated using only the first two moments of the recorded pixel-to-pixel photon fluctuation statistics, with accuracy that rivals that of the standard squeezing detection methods such as a balanced homodyne detection. Finally, we numerically simulate the camera operation, reproducing the noisy experimental results with low signal samplings and confirming the theory with high signal samplings.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, supplemental information included, comments are very welcom
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