Optomechanical entanglement at room temperature: A simulation study with realistic conditions


Quantum entanglement is the key to many applications like quantum key distribution, quantum teleportation, and quantum sensing. However, reliably generating quantum entanglement in macroscopic systems has proven to be a challenge. Here, we present a detailed analysis of ponderomotive entanglement generation in a movable-end-mirror-type optomechanical cavity. These cavities utilize optomechanical interactions between the intracavity field and the end mirror to create quantum correlations. We numerically calculate an entanglement measure, the logarithmic negativity, for the quantitative assessment of the entanglement. Experimental limitations, including thermal noise and optical loss, from measurements of an existing experiment were included in the calculation, which is intractable to solve analytically. This analysis shows that lowering optical losses and measurement uncertainties is more important than temperature for observation of the entanglement in movable-end-mirror-type optomechanical cavity experiments. This work will play an important role in the development of ponderomotive entanglement devices

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