9,787 research outputs found

    Experimental on-stream elimination of resonant whirl in a large centrifugal compressor

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    Resonant whirl condition during operation of a multi-stage centrifugal compressor at higher than anticipated speeds and loads was reported. The condition was diagnosed by a large scale computerized Machinery Condition Monitoring System (MACMOS). This computerized system verified that the predominant subsynchronous whirl frequency locked in on the first resonant frequency of the compressor rotor and did not vary with compressor speed. Compressor stability calculations showed the rotor system had excessive hearing stiffness and inadequate effective damping. An optimum bearing design which was developed to minimize the unbalance response and to maximize the stability threshold is presented

    On Observing Dynamic Prioritised Actions in SOC

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    We study the impact on observational semantics for SOC of priority mechanisms which combine dynamic priority with local pre-emption. We define manageable notions of strong and weak labelled bisimilarities for COWS, a process calculus for SOC, and provide alternative characterisations in terms of open barbed bisimilarities. These semantics show that COWS’s priority mechanisms partially recover the capability to observe receive actions (that could not be observed in a purely asynchronous setting) and that high priority primitives for termination impose specific conditions on the bisimilarities

    High-Spin Doublet Band Structures in odd-odd 194200^{194-200}Tl isotopes

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    The basis space in the triaxial projected shell model (TPSM) approach is generalized for odd-odd nuclei to include two-neutron and two-proton configurations on the basic one-neutron coupled to one-proton quasiparticle state. The generalization allows to investigate odd-odd nuclei beyond the band crossing region and as a first application of this development, high-spin band structures recently observed in odd-odd 194200^{194-200}Tl isotopes are investigated. In some of these isotopes, the doublet band structures observed after the band crossing have been conjectured to arise from the spontaneous breaking of the chiral symmetry. The driving configuration of the chiral symmetry in these odd-odd isotopes is one-proton and three-neutrons rather than the basic one-proton and one-neutron as already observed in many other nuclei. It is demonstrated using the TPSM approach that energy differences of the doublet bands in 194^{194}Tl and 198^{198}Tl are, indeed, small. However, the differences in the calculated transition probabilities are somewhat larger than what is expected in the chiral symmetry limit. Experimental data on the transition probabilities is needed to shed light on the chiral nature of the doublet bands.Comment: 11 pages, 17 figures, to appear in EPJ

    Spin transport in inhomogeneous magnetic fields: a proposal for Stern-Gerlach-like experiments with conduction electrons

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    Spin dynamics in spatially inhomogeneous magnetic fields is studied within the framework of Boltzmann theory. Stern-Gerlach-like separation of spin up and spin down electrons occurs in ballistic and diffusive regimes, before spin relaxation sets in. Transient dynamics and spectral response to time-dependent inhomogeneous magnetic fields are investigated, and possible experimental observations of our findings are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; revised and extended version, to appear in PR

    Excitonic effects on the two-color coherent control of interband transitions in bulk semiconductors

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    Quantum interference between one- and two-photon absorption pathways allows coherent control of interband transitions in unbiased bulk semiconductors; carrier population, carrier spin polarization, photocurrent injection, and spin current injection may all be controlled. We extend the theory of these processes to include the electron-hole interaction. Our focus is on photon energies that excite carriers above the band edge, but close enough to it so that transition amplitudes based on low order expansions in k\mathbf{k} are applicable; both allowed-allowed and allowed-forbidden two-photon transition amplitudes are included. Analytic solutions are obtained using the effective mass theory of Wannier excitons; degenerate bands are accounted for, but envelope-hole coupling is neglected. We find a Coulomb enhancement of two-color coherent control process, and relate it to the Coulomb enhancements of one- and two-photon absorption. In addition, we find a frequency dependent phase shift in the dependence of photocurrent and spin current on the optical phases. The phase shift decreases monotonically from π/2\pi /2 at the band edge to 0 over an energy range governed by the exciton binding energy. It is the difference between the partial wave phase shifts of the electron-hole envelope function reached by one- and two-photon pathways.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Bright Giant Pulses from the Crab Nebula Pulsar: Statistical Properties, Pulse Broadening and Scattering due to the Nebula

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    We report observations of Crab giant pulses made with the Australia Telescope Compact Array and a baseband recorder system, made simultaneously at two frequencies, 1300 and 1470 MHz. These observations were sensitive to pulses with amplitudes \ga 3 kJy and widths \ga 0.5 μ\mus. Our analysis led to the detection of more than 700 such bright giant pulses over 3 hours, and using this large sample we investigate their amplitude, width, arrival time and energy distributions. The brightest pulse detected in our data has a peak amplitude of \sim 45 kJy and a width of \sim 0.5 μ\mus, and therefore an inferred brightness temperature of 1035\sim 10^{35} K. The duration of giant-pulse emission is typically \sim1 μ\mus, however it can also be as long as 10 μ\mus. The pulse shape at a high time resolution (128 ns) shows rich diversity and complexity in structure and is marked by an unusually low degree of scattering. We discuss possible implications for scattering due to the nebula, and for underlying structures and electron densities.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Two-photon spin injection in semiconductors

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    A comparison is made between the degree of spin polarization of electrons excited by one- and two-photon absorption of circularly polarized light in bulk zincblende semiconductors. Time- and polarization-resolved experiments in (001)-oriented GaAs reveal an initial degree of spin polarization of 49% for both one- and two-photon spin injection at wavelengths of 775 and 1550 nm, in agreement with theory. The macroscopic symmetry and microscopic theory for two-photon spin injection are reviewed, and the latter is generalized to account for spin-splitting of the bands. The degree of spin polarization of one- and two-photon optical orientation need not be equal, as shown by calculations of spectra for GaAs, InP, GaSb, InSb, and ZnSe using a 14x14 k.p Hamiltonian including remote band effects. By including the higher conduction bands in the calculation, cubic anisotropy and the role of allowed-allowed transitions can be investigated. The allowed-allowed transitions do not conserve angular momentum and can cause a high degree of spin polarization close to the band edge; a value of 78% is calculated in GaSb, but by varying the material parameters it could be as high as 100%. The selection rules for spin injection from allowed-allowed transitions are presented, and interband spin-orbit coupling is found to play an important role.Comment: 12 pages including 7 figure

    Quantum states and linear response in dc and electromagnetic fields for charge current and spin polarization of electrons at Bi/Si interface with giant spin-orbit coupling

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    An expansion of the nearly free-electron model constructed by Frantzeskakis, Pons and Grioni [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 82}, 085440 (2010)] describing quantum states at Bi/Si(111) interface with giant spin-orbit coupling is developed and applied for the band structure and spin polarization calculation, as well as for the linear response analysis for charge current and induced spin caused by dc field and by electromagnetic radiation. It is found that the large spin-orbit coupling in this system may allow resolving the spin-dependent properties even at room temperature and at realistic collision rate. The geometry of the atomic lattice combined with spin-orbit coupling leads to an anisotropic response both for current and spin components related to the orientation of the external field. The in-plane dc electric field produces only the in-plane components of spin in the sample while both the in-plane and out-of-plane spin components can be excited by normally propagating electromagnetic wave with different polarizations.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Parity Dependence of Nuclear Level Densities

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    A simple formula for the ratio of the number of odd- and even-parity states as a function of temperature is derived. This formula is used to calculate the ratio of level densities of opposite parities as a function of excitation energy. We test the formula with quantum Monte Carlo shell model calculations in the (pf+g9/2)(pf+g_{9/2})-shell. The formula describes well the transition from low excitation energies where a single parity dominates to high excitations where the two densities are equal.Comment: 14 pages, 4 eps figures included, RevTe