59 research outputs found

    Single Phase Reliable Timeout Based Commit Protocol

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    The enormous progress in applications of distributeddatabase systems necessitates formulation of an efficient atomiccommitment protocol. The efficiency of these protocols is vitalwhen higher transaction throughput is to be supported. Theexisting blocking commit protocols affect over the capacity ofsystem resources, which worsens in distributed database system.This paper proposes the Non Blocking Single Phase ReliableTimeout Based Commit Protocol (SPRTBCP), an extension to theModified Reliable Timeout Based Commit Protocol (MRTBCP ),maintains the atomicity and supports off -line executions anddisconnections during commitment; it decreases the cost ofwireless communication by reducing it to a single phasecommitment operation and does not maintain log agent. Hence itreduces message complexity and average commit time . It alsosupports disconnections and handoff in mobile environment

    The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction on the Relationship of Employee Engagement and Employee Performance: Empirical Evidence from non-managerial employees of State Bank of India Raipur, Chhattisgarh region

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    An organization's progress depends on employee engagement and performance. The satisfaction level also leads to their performance as well as the organization's overall growth. Customers perceived State Bank of India as a reliable bank especially in rural India and the employees doing the job in that bank are regarded as the caretaker and custodians of the villager’s hard- earned money. The study analyzes the effect of employee engagement of non-managerial employees at SBI in the Raipur region of Chhattisgarh on their employee performance when mediated through their job satisfaction. The predictor variable was employee engagement, the mediator variable was job satisfaction and the dependent variable was employee performance. The findings revealed that there was a significant indirect effect of Employee Engagement on Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction

    Content Evaluation of Jawaharlal Nehru University and Banaras Hindu University Library Websites in India

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    The study evaluates the content of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and Banaras Hindu University (BHU) library websites using qualitative (11 checkpoints) and quantitative (170 checkpoints) evaluation. The qualitative parts covered 11 features which belong to the homepages of the websites, which helps as recording devices of the descriptive information, moreover, quantitative part of the checklists covered 170 dichotomous question affiliated to the different aspect of the features such as; multimedia, general information, services, resources, my library features, web2.0/library2.0 features, currency accuracy and relevance, organization and structure features, links and maintenance features, user-interface features, search features and informative feedback and support features. A quantitative 5-points rating scales was executed to provide a numerical rating for each feature and rank them on the bases of numerical facts. The study has shown that the library websites are lagging behind to take full advantage of advance web2.0 features. Findings show that the JNU library website is scored 128 out of 170 (75.29%), which ranked above average, whereas BHU library website has ranked average by scoring 74 out of 170 (43.52%) features. This research is one of the unique studies should help the website developers in both the Universities to improve the quality of library websites. The study attempts to show certain features in both the libraries that need enhancement to make them user-friendly and improve user engagement. The study can serve as a benchmark for other library websites for evaluating the progress of their websites. Moreover, it can also help in discovering the nature of library websites in the era of ICT

    Critical Appraisal on Sandhaniya Mahakashaya Dravya W.S.R. to its classical description in Charak Samhita

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    The Charaka Samhita, a renowned treatise in the field of traditional medicine, possesses a substantial wealth of knowledge. The 4th chapter of Sutra Sthana in Charaka Samhita, titled "Shad Virechana Shatashriteeya," provides a detailed exposition by Acharya on the subject of 50 Mahakashaya or Dashemani. These groups consist of ten plants each, demonstrating a shared pharmacological activity. One such group is the Sandhaniya Mahakashaya, commonly referred to as the Unifying medicine. The constituents of the formulation include Madhuyashthi, Guduchi, Prishniparni, Patha, Lajjalu, Mocharasa, Dhataki, Lodhra, Priyangu, and Katphala. It is widely acknowledged that certain plants possess the ability to naturally heal wounds. Hence, this conventional medical approach facilitates the identification of herbal remedies that are particularly suitable for promoting the regeneration and growth of impaired bodily tissues. This article provides an explanation of the therapeutic properties of the medications included in the Sandhaniya Mahakashaya, highlighting their efficacy in managing a range of diseases and ailments

    Preliminary pharmacognostic and phyto-chemical evaluation of Darbha (Desmostachya bipinnata Stapf.)

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    Background: Darbha (Desmostachya bipinnata Stapf.) is found in the plains of India, throughout the Middle East to Indo-China, North and tropical Africa. It is a species of open habitat, arid regions with water table near surface. According to Ayurveda its roots are used in conditions such as Mootrakruchchra¸ Ashmari, Raktapitta, Pitaprakopa, etc. Aim: To investigate preliminary pharmacognostical and phytochemical parameters of plant to standardize the drug. Materials and Method: Identification of the plant was done as per the standard guidelines given in the floras. Preliminary physico-chemical and phyto-chemical screening was done and after achieving the idea of phytoconstituents group, quantitative test of sugar content and volatile oil content and thin layer chromatography studies were carried out for different organic solvent extracts. Results: Presence of air cavities in root but their absences in stolon suggest that Darbha is a halophytic plant. Aqueous extracts showed the presence of tannins, carbohydrates and sugars. Conclusion: The findings of the study will be helpful in the identification of Darbha plant

    “Evaluation Of Efficacy Of Homeopathic Medicine Silicea Terra In Subcutaneous Abscess In Experimental Animals”

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    Abscess is a common skin problem in all human beings however the standard treatment involves drainage of pus and use of antibiotics which may be painful. There is a need to develop an alternative therapy like Homoeopathy. Homoeopathic medicines are broadly used for various skin diseases involved with pus formation with gentle and permanent results; however, their preclinical assessment remains a key challenge. Objectives: This study aimed to see the efficacy of homeopathic medicine Silicea terra in subcutaneous abscess in experimental animals. Hypothesis: We hypothesize that all potencies of homoeopathic medicine Silicea terra shows efficacy in treating subcutaneous abscess in mice. Methods: Homoeopathic medicine Silicea terra was used in different liquid potencies (12CH, 30CH, 200CH ) against subcutaneous abscess in mice and the results were observed against standard antibiotic amoxicillin. Results: Homoeopathic medicine Silicea terra in different liquid potencies (12CH, 30CH, 200CH ) were used and it was observed that it has an antibacterial effect and also positive effect on subcutaneous abscess size, therefore it can be used in treatment of subcutaneous abscess Conclusions: The present study reveals that Homoeopathic Medicine Silicea terra could be an effective drug in treating subcutaneous abscess

    A Review on Pushkara Moola (Inula racemosa) - Its medicinal value in diseases of Pranavaha Srotas w.s.r. to Brihattrayi

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    Ayurveda is the oldest system among all life sciences, originated in India thousands of years ago. It is an ancient Indian practice of holistic medical care that centers on the equilibrium of body, mind and soul. Dosha (vitiating factors), Dhatu (tissue elements) and Mala (waste products) are the basic building elements of the body. Their continuous and proper flow in the body requires hollow spaces or channels. These channels are called as ‘Srotas’ in Ayurvedic classics. Thirteen types of Srotas are described in Charaka Samhita; Pranavaha Srotas is one of them. Pushkara Moola (Inula racemosa Hook.f.) is herb used in traditional medicine in India for a long time to cure the ailments of Pranavaha Srotas Vikara. According to Bhava Prakash, it has the properties of Katu, Tikta in Rasa, Ushna in Virya and pacifies the Vata-Kapha Dosha. Acharya Charaka described it in Shwasahara and Hikkanigrahana Mahakashaya; Acharya Sushruta in Phala Vagra and Acharya Vagbhatta in Hidhma Nigrahana. According to Charaka Samhita it is the best Dravya of Hikka, Shwasa, Kasa and Parshvashula. By these properties, it seems to quite naturally antagonize the Shwasa Roga, which is Kapha-Vata predominant disease. Hence it is needed to evaluate the efficacy of Pushkara Moola in Pranavaha Srotas Vikara


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    Urinary calculi is one of the most common and painful urological disorder of the urinary tract affecting 10-12 % of the population. It is characterized by frequent micturition, intermittent pain occasionally radiates to flanks, sweating and restlessness during the pain. Most of the patients taking allopathic medicine but calculi was not expel or crushed from the urinary tract. Endoscopic procedures such as ureterostomy, percutaneous nephrolithiotomy and extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy or other surgical procedures is the treatment of choice in case of ureteric calculi in the conventional system. Non-invasive and safe study had designed for the management of this entity. In the present study, An Ayurvedic intervention Chandraprabha Vati (500 mg ) and Swetparpati (250 mg) along with decoction of natural herbs 30 ml twice in a day for 90 days used for ureteric calculi. The response to the treatment is encouraging by symptoms relief and through lower abdomen ultrasonography (USG). Ureteric calculi has expel from the tract through this management.

    Comparative Study of Various Treatments For Dairy Industry Wastewater

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    Abstract: -Dairy industries have shown tremendous growth in size and number in most countries of the world. These industries discharge wastewater which is characterized by high chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, nutrients, and organic and inorganic contents. Such wastewaters, if discharged without proper treatment, severely pollute receiving water bodies. In this article, the various recent advancements in the treatment of dairy wastewater have been discussed and stress is given on the lowest cost of the best possible treatment

    Herbal medicine : Syzygium cumini :A Review

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    ABSTRACT Plants have provided mankind with herbal remedies for many diseases for many centuries and even to day. They continue to play a major role in primary healthcare as therapeutic remedies in developing countries. In India herbal medicines have been the bases of treatment and cure for various diseases in traditional methods practiced such as Ayurveda, Unani and Sidha . Syzygium cumini ( syn.Eugenia Jambolana ) commonly know as a " Jamun " having promising therapeutic value with its various phytoconstituents such as Tannins, Alkaloids, Steroids, Flavonoids, Terpenoids, Fatty acids, Phenols, Minerals, Carbohydrates and Vitamins. Its pharmacological actions like hypoglycaemic, diuretics, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiplaque, antimicrobial, antidiarrhoel, antioxidant,gastro-protective and astringent to bowels proven on animal models. Most importantly the studies have shown that it protects against the radiation induced DNA damage and it has significantly decreases the fertilizing capacity of the male albino rats, some clinical trial reports are also available for its antidiabetic activity
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