7 research outputs found

    International Gynaecological Cancer Society (IGCS) 2020 Annual Global Meeting: Twitter activity analysis

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    Objectives Twitter is the most frequently used social media platform by healthcare practitioners, at medical conferences. This study aimed to analyze Twitter conversations during the virtual International Gynecological Cancer Society 2020 conference to understand the interactions between Twitter users related to the conference. Methods Tweets using the hashtag ‘#IGCS2020’ were searched using the Twitter Search Application Programming Interface (API) during the period 10–13 September 2020. NodeXL Pro was used to retrieve data. The Clauset-Newman-Moore cluster algorithm clustered users into different groups or ‘clusters’ based on how users interacted. Results There were 2009 registrants for the virtual IGCS 2020 conference. The total number of users within the network was 168, and there were 880 edges connecting users. Five types of edges were identified as follows: ‘replies to’ (n=18), ‘mentions’ (n=221), ‘mentions in retweets’ (n=375), retweets (n=198), and tweets (n=68). The most influential account was that of the IGCS account itself (@IGCSociety). The overall network shape resembled a community where distinct groups formed within the network. Our current analyses demonstrated that less than 10% of the total members interacted on Twitter. Conclusion This study identified the most influential Twitter users within the ‘#IGCS2020’ community. he results also confirmed the community network shape of the #IGCS2020 hashtag and found that the most frequent co-related words were ‘ovarian’ and ‘cancer’ (n=39)

    COVID-19 and gynecological cancer: a review of the published guidelines

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    On March 11, 2020 the COVID-19 outbreak was declared a 'pandemic' by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is associated with higher surgical morbidity and mortality. An array of guidelines on the management of cancer during this pandemic have been published since the first reports of the outbreak. This narrative review brings all the relevant information from the guidelines together into one document, to support patient care. We present a detailed review of published guidelines, statements, comments from peer-reviewed journals, and nationally/internationally recognized professional bodies and societies' web pages (in English or with English translation available) between December 1, 2019 and May 27, 2020. Search terms included combinations of COVID, SARS-COV-2, guideline, gynecology, oncology, gynecological, cancer. Recommendations for surgical and oncological prioritization of gynecological cancers are discussed and summarized. The role of minimally invasive surgery, patient perspectives, medico-legal aspects, and clinical trials during the pandemic are also discussed. The consensus is that elective benign surgery should cease and cancer surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy should continue based on prioritization. Patient and staff face-to-face interactions should be limited, and health resources used efficiently using prioritization strategies. This review and the guidelines on which it is based support the difficult decisions currently facing us in gynecological cancer. It is a balancing act: limited resources and a hostile environment pitted against the time-sensitive nature of cancer treatment. We can only hope to do our best for our patients with the resources available to us

    Technique for inguino-femoral lymph node dissection in vulvar cancer: an international survey

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    Background Vulvar cancer is a rare disease and despite broad adoption of sentinel lymph node mapping to assess groin metastases, inguino-femoral lymph node dissection still plays a role in the management of this disease. Inguino-femoral lymph node dissection is associated with high morbidity, and limited research exists to guide the best surgical approach. Objective To determine international practice patterns in key aspects of the inguino-femoral lymph node dissection technique and provide data to guide future research. Methods A survey addressing six key domains of practice patterns in performing inguino-femoral lymph node dissection was distributed internationally to gynecologic oncology surgeons between April and October 2020. The survey was distributed using the British Gynecological Cancer Society, the Society of Gynecologic Oncology, authors' direct links, the UK Audit and Research in Gynecology Oncology group, and Twitter. Results A total of 259 responses were received from 18 countries. The majority (236/259, 91.1%) of respondents reported performing a modified oblique incision, routinely dissecting the superficial and deep inguino-femoral lymph nodes (137/185, 74.1%) with sparing of the saphenous vein (227/258, 88%). Most respondents did not routinely use compression dressings/underwear (169/252 (67.1%), used prophylactic antibiotics at the time of surgery only (167/257, 65%), and closed the skin with sutures (192 74.4%). Also, a drain is placed at the time of surgery by 243/259 (93.8%) surgeons, with most practitioners (144/243, 59.3%) waiting for drainage to be less than 30–50 mL in 24 hours before removal; most respondents (66.3%) routinely discharge patients with drain(s) in situ. Conclusion Our study showed that most surgeons perform a modified oblique incision, dissect the superficial and deep inguino-femoral lymph nodes, and spare the saphenous vein when performing groin lymphadenectomy. This survey has demonstrated significant variability in inguino-femoral lymph node dissection in cases of vulvar cancer among gynecologic oncology surgeons internationally

    Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) in gynecologic oncology: an international survey of peri-operative practice

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    Introduction Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) programs have been shown to improve clinical outcomes in gynecologic oncology, with the majority of published reports originating from a small number of specialized centers. It is unclear to what degree ERAS is implemented in hospitals globally. This international survey investigated the status of ERAS protocol implementation in open gynecologic oncology surgery to provide a worldwide perspective on peri-operative practice patterns. Methods Requests to participate in an online survey of ERAS practices were distributed via social media (WhatsApp, Twitter, and Social Link). The survey was active between January 15 and March 15, 2020. Additionally, four national gynecologic oncology societies agreed to distribute the study among their members. Respondents were requested to answer a 17-item questionnaire about their ERAS practice preferences in the pre-, intra-, and post-operative periods. Results Data from 454 respondents representing 62 countries were analyzed. Overall, 37% reported that ERAS was implemented at their institution. The regional distribution was: Europe 38%, Americas 33%, Asia 19%, and Africa 10%. ERAS gynecologic oncology guidelines were well adhered to (>80%) in the domains of deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis, early removal of urinary catheter after surgery, and early introduction of ambulation. Areas with poor adherence to the guidelines included the use of bowel preparation, adoption of modern fasting guidelines, carbohydrate loading, use of nasogastric tubes and peritoneal drains, intra-operative temperature monitoring, and early feeding. Conclusion This international survey of ERAS in open gynecologic oncology surgery shows that, while some practices are consistent with guideline recommendations, many practices contradict the established evidence. Efforts are required to decrease the variation in peri-operative care that exists in order to improve clinical outcomes for patients with gynecologic cancer globally