75 research outputs found

    Participatory, agroecological and gender-sensitive approaches to improved nutrition : a case study in Malawi

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    This paper examines a long-term participatory agriculture and nutrition program in northern Malawi that successfully improved child growth, crop diversity and food security through innovative educational strategies and sustainable agriculture. The farmer-led approaches used mobilized communities to apply agroecological methods and improved child feeding practices, as well as addressing unequal gender relations. Efforts to link agriculture to child health outcomes took time: 3 years before the goal was realized, with application of interdisciplinary approaches

    Severe climate change risks to food security and nutrition

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    This paper discusses severe risks to food security and nutrition that are linked to ongoing and projected climate change, particularly climate and weather extremes in global warming, drought, flooding, and precipitation. We specifically consider the impacts on populations vulnerable to food insecurity and malnutrition due to lower income, lower access to nutritious food, or social discrimination. The paper defines climate-related “severe risk” in the context of food security and nutrition, using a combination of criteria, including the magnitude and likelihood of adverse consequences, the timing of the risk and the ability to reduce the risk. Severe climate change risks to food security and nutrition are those which result, with high likelihood, in pervasive and persistent food insecurity and malnutrition for millions of people, have the potential for cascading effects beyond the food systems, and against which we have limited ability to prevent or fully respond. The paper uses internationally agreed definitions of risks to food security and nutrition to describe the magnitude of adverse consequences. Moreover, the paper assesses the conditions under which climate change-induced risks to food security and nutrition could become severe based on findings in the literature using different climate change scenarios and shared socioeconomic pathways. Finally, the paper proposes adaptation options, including institutional management and governance actions, that could be taken now to prevent or reduce the severe climate risks to future human food security and nutrition

    “Because of mchango, I give my baby gripe water so he sleeps and stops crying”: Exclusive breastfeeding and parents’ concerns about colic-like symptoms in infants under 6 months in Lake Zone, Tanzania

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    Background Effective social and behavior change strategies for exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) rely on understanding how families interpret infant behavior and provide care. Little research thoroughly explores household use of non-prescribed medicine for infants under 6 months in rural Tanzania, which can interrupt EBF and may have other harmful unintended effects. Aim To explore parents’ use of non-prescribed medicine in response to infants’ colic-like symptoms during the EBF period. Methods We conducted thematic analysis of a series of qualitative, semi-structured interviews with 36 mothers and 30 fathers of infants 0-6 months in Lake Zone, Tanzania. Here, we focus on emergent themes related to concerns about colic-like symptoms and global implications for public health practitioners. Results Parents reported concerns about excessive crying and perceived infant abdominal pain, attributed to a potentially serious disease state locally known as mchango. Most parents gave non-prescribed medicines (e.g. gripe water, oral traditional medicine, and/or other commercial medicines) to treat or prevent mchango and associated symptoms, often including infant crying. After receiving supportive counselling on soothing techniques, most were willing to avoid giving non-prescribed medicines. Some reported continued challenges attributed to mchango symptoms, namely inconsolable crying. Conclusion While symptoms of mchango reported in this study overlapped with colic symptoms, literature in Tanzania suggests, in some cases, mchango is perceived to have spiritual origins and potentially be dangerous if left untreated. Empathetic counseling can offer parents knowledge and skills to manage colic-like symptoms without using non-prescribed medicines. Health workers need clear messages and training on risks of non-prescribed medicines and Tanzanian legislation banning its promotion and distribution

    Seed systems smallholder farmers use

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    Seed can be an important entry point for promoting productivity, nutrition and resilience among smallholder farmers. While investments have primarily focused on strengthening the formal sector, this article documents the degree to which the informal sector remains the core for seed acquisition, especially in Africa. Conclusions drawn from a uniquely comprehensive data set, 9660 observations across six countries and covering 40 crops, show that farmers access 90.2 % of their seed from informal systems with 50.9 % of that deriving from local markets. Further, 55 % of seed is paid for by cash, indicating that smallholders are already making important investments in this arena. Targeted interventions are proposed for rendering formal and informal seed sector more smallholder-responsive and for scaling up positive impacts

    Increasing understanding of the relationship between geographic access and gendered decision-making power for treatment-seeking for febrile children in the Chikwawa district of Malawi

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    Background: This study used qualitative methods to investigate the relationship between geographic access and gendered intra-household hierarchies and how these influence treatment-seeking decision-making for childhood fever within the Chikwawa district of Malawi. Previous cross-sectional survey findings in the district indicated that distance from facility and associated costs are important determinants of health facility attendance in the district. This paper uses qualitative data to add depth of understanding to these findings by exploring the relationship between distance from services, anticipated costs and cultural norms of intra-household decision-making, and to identify potential intervention opportunities to reduce challenges experienced by those in remote locations. Qualitative data collection included 12 focus group discussions and 22 critical incident interviews conducted in the local language, with primary caregivers of children who had recently experienced a febrile episode. Results: Low geographic accessibility to facilities inhibited care-seeking, sometimes by extending the ‘assessment period’ for a child’s illness episode, and led to delays in seeking formal treatment, particularly when the illness occurred at night. Although carers attempted to avoid incurring costs, cash was often needed for transport and food. Whilst in all communities fathers were normatively responsible for treatment costs, mothers generally had greater access to and control over resources and autonomy in decision-making in the matrilineal and matrilocal communities in the central part of the district, which were also closer to formal facilities. Conclusions: This study illustrates the complex interplay between geographic access and gender dynamics in shaping decisions on whether and when formal treatment is sought for febrile children in Chikwawa District. Geographic marginality and cultural norms intersect in remote areas both to increase the logistical and anticipated financial barriers to utilising services and to reduce caretakers’ autonomy to act quickly once they recognize the need for formal care. Health education campaigns should be based within communities, engaging all involved in treatment-seeking decision-making, including men and grandmothers, and should aim to promote the ability of junior women to influence the treatment-seeking process. Both mothers’ financial autonomy and fathers financial contributions are important to enable timely access to effective healthcare for children with malaria

    Social circumstances and cultural beliefs influence maternal nutrition, breastfeeding and child feeding practices in South Africa:

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    Maternal and child undernutrition remain prevalent in developing countries with 45 and 11% of child deaths linked to poor nutrition and suboptimal breastfeeding, respectively. This also has adverse effects on child growth and development. The study determined maternal dietary diversity, breastfeeding and, infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices and identified reasons for such behavior in five rural communities in South Africa, in the context of cultural beliefs and social aspects

    Population health diagnosis with an ecohealth approach

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    OBJECTIVE To analyze the characteristics of health diagnosis according to the ecohealth approach in rural and urban communities in Mexico.METHODS Health diagnosis were conducted in La Nopalera, from December 2007 to October 2008, and in Atlihuayan, from December 2010 to October 2011. The research was based on three principles of the ecohealth approach: transdisciplinarity, community participation, gender and equity. To collect information, a joint methodology and several techniques were used to stimulate the participation of inhabitants. The diagnostic exercise was carried out in five phases that went from collecting information to prioritization of problems.RESULTS The constitution of the transdisciplinary team, as well as the participation of the population and the principle of gender/equity were differentials between the communities. In the rural community, the active participation of inhabitants and authorities was achieved and the principles of transdisciplinarity and gender/equity were incorporated.CONCLUSIONS With all the difficulties that entails the boost in participation, the incorporation of gender/equity and transdisciplinarity in health diagnosis allowed a holistic public health approach closer to the needs of the population
