41 research outputs found

    Revija je donosila zdrav i ispravan nauk

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    Pozdrav Celestina Bezmalinovića, hvarskog biskupa, na simpoziju koji je sazvala CRKVA U SVIJETU povodom 20. obljetnice završetka Koncila

    Water transport study in a high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack

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    A study of water transport in a high temperature phosphoric acid doped polybenzimidazole (PBI) membrane fuel cell stack is reported. Tests with different stoichiometries of dry cathode and different humidity levels of anode are performed. It is found that water transport across the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) is noteworthy and that water vapor partial pressure on the anode outlet is almost always higher than on the cathode outlet, even when using dry hydrogen. The water transport is a strong function of current density but it also depends on stoichiometry and humidity level. In a series of tests with dry nitrogen on one side and humid nitrogen on the other side, the membrane's water permeability coefficient is determined to be 2.4 × 10-13 mol s-1 cm-1 Pa-1 at 160 °C which is more than an order of magnitude higher than the values previously reported in the literature. Also, the results indicate that the permeability coefficient might be relative humidity dependent and could even be somewhat higher than the value reported here, but further investigation is needed. The experimental findings are reproduced and explained with a 2D steady state computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. Internal water transport profiles across the membrane and along the gas flow channels are presented and discussed.This work is partially funded by the project of CICYTDPI2011-25649 MICINN. Finally, the authors highly appreciate the support of the Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial in enabling a research stay of Dario Bezmalinović at the Fuel Cell Laboratory in Barcelona.Peer Reviewe

    Psychological Characteristics of Young Futsal Players : Master's Thesis

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi osnovna psihološka obilježja mladih igrača futsala, a korištena je hrvatska verzija upitnika ACSI-28 prethodno validirana na hrvatskim futsal igračima. Psihološka obilježja igrača futsala su uglavnom srednje razine izraženosti, a anksioznost je najviše negativno i nisko izražena. Utvrđeno je kako varijable dob ispitanika i iskustvo igranja futsala nemaju povezanosti niti s jednim od mjerenih psiholoških obilježja igrača, niti s ukupnim rezultatom psiholoških vještina suočavanja. Igračka pozicija ispitanika nema povezanosti s većinom od mjerernih psiholoških obilježja igrača izuzev s obilježjem suočavanje s poteškoćama, pri čemu se vratari značajno bolje suočavaju s poteškoćama od igrača koji igraju preostale dvije pozicije (branič-napadač i branič-pivot). Igračka pozicija ispitanika nema povezanosti s ukupnim rezultatom psiholoških vještina suočavanja.The aim of this study is to determine the basic psychological characteristics of young futsal players, and the Croatian version of the ACSI-28 questionnaire previously validated on futsal players was used. The psychological characteristics of futsal players are mostly moderate (mid-level) expressed, and anxiety is most negative and low. It was found that the variables of the age of the respondents and the experience of playing futsal have no relation with any of the measured psychological characteristics of the players, nor with the overall result of psychological coping skills. The playing position of the respondents has no connection with most of the measured psychological characteristics of the players except with the characteristic coping with difficulties, with goalkeepers facing difficulties significantly better than players playing the remaining two positions (defensive-offensive players and defensive-pivot players). The playing position of the respondents has no relation to the overall result of psychological coping skills

    Psychological Characteristics of Young Futsal Players : Master's Thesis

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi osnovna psihološka obilježja mladih igrača futsala, a korištena je hrvatska verzija upitnika ACSI-28 prethodno validirana na hrvatskim futsal igračima. Psihološka obilježja igrača futsala su uglavnom srednje razine izraženosti, a anksioznost je najviše negativno i nisko izražena. Utvrđeno je kako varijable dob ispitanika i iskustvo igranja futsala nemaju povezanosti niti s jednim od mjerenih psiholoških obilježja igrača, niti s ukupnim rezultatom psiholoških vještina suočavanja. Igračka pozicija ispitanika nema povezanosti s većinom od mjerernih psiholoških obilježja igrača izuzev s obilježjem suočavanje s poteškoćama, pri čemu se vratari značajno bolje suočavaju s poteškoćama od igrača koji igraju preostale dvije pozicije (branič-napadač i branič-pivot). Igračka pozicija ispitanika nema povezanosti s ukupnim rezultatom psiholoških vještina suočavanja.The aim of this study is to determine the basic psychological characteristics of young futsal players, and the Croatian version of the ACSI-28 questionnaire previously validated on futsal players was used. The psychological characteristics of futsal players are mostly moderate (mid-level) expressed, and anxiety is most negative and low. It was found that the variables of the age of the respondents and the experience of playing futsal have no relation with any of the measured psychological characteristics of the players, nor with the overall result of psychological coping skills. The playing position of the respondents has no connection with most of the measured psychological characteristics of the players except with the characteristic coping with difficulties, with goalkeepers facing difficulties significantly better than players playing the remaining two positions (defensive-offensive players and defensive-pivot players). The playing position of the respondents has no relation to the overall result of psychological coping skills

    Antiviral and antiproliferative activity of hydrolate and methanolic extract of the species Chaeropyllum coloratum L.

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    Vrsta Chaerophyllum coloratum L. (Apiaceae) endemska je vrsta Dinarida, u Hrvatskoj rasprostranjena po priobalju i na otocima. Zbog sadržaja eteričnih ulja i drugih sekundarnih metabolita, vrste porodice Apiaceae su predmet brojnih znanstvenih istraživanja, kao i primjene u narodnoj medicini. Ch. coloratum slabo je istražena vrsta te je opisuje vrlo ograničen broj znanstvenih radova. U ovom radu ispitana je protufitovirusna aktivnost hidrolata i metanolnog ekstrakta vrste Ch. coloratum, te njihov antiproliferativni učinak na Hela, U2OS, HCT116 i RPE1 stanične linije. Utvrđeno je da metanolni ekstrakt učinkovito inhibira razvoj lokalnih virusnih lezija na biljnom domaćinu Chenopodium amaranticolor inficiranom virusom mozaika duhana. Simultana inokulacija virusa i hidrolata smanjuje koncentraciju virusa u mladim, neinokuliranim listovima sistemično inficiranog domaćina Nicotiana tabacum. Metanolni ekstrakt smanjio je rast i proliferaciju tumorskih i zdravih stanica. Porastom koncentracije metanolnog ekstrakta raste i antiproliferacijski učinak. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju da ova biljna vrsta ima značajan protufitovirusni i antiproliferacijski potencijal što upućuje na mogućnost upotrebe aromatičnih biljnih vrsta za razvoj novih, prirodnih protufitovirusnih preparata i kemoterapeutski aktivnih spojeva.The species Chaerophyllum coloratum L. (Apiaceae) is an endemic species of the Dinarides, distributed along the coast and on islands in Croatia. Due to the content of essential oils and other secondary metabolites, species of the Apiaceae family are the subject of numerous scientific studies, as well as applications in folk medicine. Ch. coloratum is a poorly researched species and is described by a very limited number of scientific papers. In this study, the antiphytoviral activity of hydrolates and methanolic extract of the investigated species, and their antiproliferative effect on Hela, U2OS, HCT116 and RPE1 cell lines were examined. Methanolic extract effectively inhibited the development of viral lesions caused by tobacco mosaic virus infection on the local plant host Chenopodium amaranticolor. The hydrolate effectively inhibited virus concentration in young uninoculated leaves of the systemically infected host Nicotiana tabacum. Methanolic extract of the studied species reduced the growth and proliferation of tumour and healthy cells. As the concentration of methanolic extract increases, the antiproliferative effect also increases. The obtained results indicate that this plant species has significant anti-phytoviral and cytotoxic potential, which indicates the possibility of using aromatic plant species for the development of new, natural anti-phytoviral preparations and chemotherapeutically active compounds

    Psychological Characteristics of Young Futsal Players : Master's Thesis

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi osnovna psihološka obilježja mladih igrača futsala, a korištena je hrvatska verzija upitnika ACSI-28 prethodno validirana na hrvatskim futsal igračima. Psihološka obilježja igrača futsala su uglavnom srednje razine izraženosti, a anksioznost je najviše negativno i nisko izražena. Utvrđeno je kako varijable dob ispitanika i iskustvo igranja futsala nemaju povezanosti niti s jednim od mjerenih psiholoških obilježja igrača, niti s ukupnim rezultatom psiholoških vještina suočavanja. Igračka pozicija ispitanika nema povezanosti s većinom od mjerernih psiholoških obilježja igrača izuzev s obilježjem suočavanje s poteškoćama, pri čemu se vratari značajno bolje suočavaju s poteškoćama od igrača koji igraju preostale dvije pozicije (branič-napadač i branič-pivot). Igračka pozicija ispitanika nema povezanosti s ukupnim rezultatom psiholoških vještina suočavanja.The aim of this study is to determine the basic psychological characteristics of young futsal players, and the Croatian version of the ACSI-28 questionnaire previously validated on futsal players was used. The psychological characteristics of futsal players are mostly moderate (mid-level) expressed, and anxiety is most negative and low. It was found that the variables of the age of the respondents and the experience of playing futsal have no relation with any of the measured psychological characteristics of the players, nor with the overall result of psychological coping skills. The playing position of the respondents has no connection with most of the measured psychological characteristics of the players except with the characteristic coping with difficulties, with goalkeepers facing difficulties significantly better than players playing the remaining two positions (defensive-offensive players and defensive-pivot players). The playing position of the respondents has no relation to the overall result of psychological coping skills

    Antiviral and antiproliferative activity of hydrolate and methanolic extract of the species Chaeropyllum coloratum L.

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    Vrsta Chaerophyllum coloratum L. (Apiaceae) endemska je vrsta Dinarida, u Hrvatskoj rasprostranjena po priobalju i na otocima. Zbog sadržaja eteričnih ulja i drugih sekundarnih metabolita, vrste porodice Apiaceae su predmet brojnih znanstvenih istraživanja, kao i primjene u narodnoj medicini. Ch. coloratum slabo je istražena vrsta te je opisuje vrlo ograničen broj znanstvenih radova. U ovom radu ispitana je protufitovirusna aktivnost hidrolata i metanolnog ekstrakta vrste Ch. coloratum, te njihov antiproliferativni učinak na Hela, U2OS, HCT116 i RPE1 stanične linije. Utvrđeno je da metanolni ekstrakt učinkovito inhibira razvoj lokalnih virusnih lezija na biljnom domaćinu Chenopodium amaranticolor inficiranom virusom mozaika duhana. Simultana inokulacija virusa i hidrolata smanjuje koncentraciju virusa u mladim, neinokuliranim listovima sistemično inficiranog domaćina Nicotiana tabacum. Metanolni ekstrakt smanjio je rast i proliferaciju tumorskih i zdravih stanica. Porastom koncentracije metanolnog ekstrakta raste i antiproliferacijski učinak. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju da ova biljna vrsta ima značajan protufitovirusni i antiproliferacijski potencijal što upućuje na mogućnost upotrebe aromatičnih biljnih vrsta za razvoj novih, prirodnih protufitovirusnih preparata i kemoterapeutski aktivnih spojeva.The species Chaerophyllum coloratum L. (Apiaceae) is an endemic species of the Dinarides, distributed along the coast and on islands in Croatia. Due to the content of essential oils and other secondary metabolites, species of the Apiaceae family are the subject of numerous scientific studies, as well as applications in folk medicine. Ch. coloratum is a poorly researched species and is described by a very limited number of scientific papers. In this study, the antiphytoviral activity of hydrolates and methanolic extract of the investigated species, and their antiproliferative effect on Hela, U2OS, HCT116 and RPE1 cell lines were examined. Methanolic extract effectively inhibited the development of viral lesions caused by tobacco mosaic virus infection on the local plant host Chenopodium amaranticolor. The hydrolate effectively inhibited virus concentration in young uninoculated leaves of the systemically infected host Nicotiana tabacum. Methanolic extract of the studied species reduced the growth and proliferation of tumour and healthy cells. As the concentration of methanolic extract increases, the antiproliferative effect also increases. The obtained results indicate that this plant species has significant anti-phytoviral and cytotoxic potential, which indicates the possibility of using aromatic plant species for the development of new, natural anti-phytoviral preparations and chemotherapeutically active compounds


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    Cilj ovog rada je predstaviti faze u životnom vijeku proizvoda te strategije u svakoj od faza. Naime, svi proizvodi se rađaju, žive i umiru. Međutim, marketinške strategije utječu na proizvod u svim fazama njegova života. Svaku fazu životnog ciklusa posebno se objasnilo kao što se i analizirao životni vijek Levi´s traperica. Dobro definirane marketinške strategije trebaju biti u skladu s vremenom, kao podloga mogu se koristiti podaci sa tržišta jer danas nije dovoljno samo proizvesti proizvod, on mora biti uistinu prilagođen potrebama potrošača te situaciji na tržištu koja se mijenja kako proizvod prelazi iz jedne u drugu fazu svog životnog vijeka. Loš marketing skraćuje životni vijek proizvodu, a vrstan ga produljuje. Svim proizvodima je slična životna sudbina, premda svaki proizvod ima vlastiti životni put u pogledu razvoja, rasta, duljine postojanja na tržištu i trenutka njegove zamjene s novim proizvodom, stoga je koncept životnog vijeka proizvoda od iznimne važnosti.The aim of this paper is to present the phases in the product life cycle and the strategy in each of the phases. Namely, all products are born, live and die. However, marketing strategies affect a product at all stages of his life. Each phase of the life cycle was explained separately, as was the analysis of the life cycle of Levies. Well-defined marketing strategies should be in line with the times, as a basis can be used market data because today it is not enough just to produce a product, it must be truly adapted to consumer needs and the market situation that changes as the product passes from one to another phase of his lifespan. Poor marketing shortens the life of a product, and good marketing prolongs it. All products have a similar life destiny, although each product has its own life path in terms of development, growth, length of existence on the market and the moment of its replacement with a new product, so the concept of product life cycle is extremely important

    Prilagodba razrade proizvodnog procesa tiska novina suvremenim tehnologijama

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    Razvojem tehnologije u želji za opstankom na tržištu, tim i povećanjem produktivnosti i ekonomičnosti proizvodnje, poslodavci su u svijetu i u Hrvatskoj prisiljeni pratiti tehnologiju i neprekidno ulagati u nju. U grafi čkoj struci karakterističan je još jedan vrlo bitan čimbenik, a to je estetika. Estetika prodaje proizvod i ujedno nalaže poslodavcu ponašanje u smislu opstanka. Novine kao specifi čan proizvod grafi čke industrije moraju zadovoljiti estetske norme tržišta, ali također sadržajem odnosno prijenosom informacija, što im je osnova funkcije, novine moraju konkurirati na tržištu. Kupac je onaj koji u paleti različitih novina određuje kupovinu onih koji zadovoljavaju navedene uvjete. U ovom radu je opisan taj princip prilagođavanja. Za liniju novinske proizvodnje potrebno je uskladiti sve faze rada s ciljem krajnje kvalitete novine. Zadatak ovog rada je da opiše postojeće stanje u cjelokupnoj novinskoj proizvodnji s bazom u roto tisku, te opisati probleme načine njihova rješavanja. Veliku ulogu ima također i sposobnost roto strojara i voditelja novinske ofset rotacije kako u pripremi stroja za tisak tako i prilikom samog otiskivanja