15 research outputs found

    Efeito de diferentes concentrações de adenosina no sêmen resfriado de ovinos.

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    CAPESA adenosina foi reportada na medicina humana causando melhorias na peroxidação lipídica das células, assim a adição deste nucleosídeo ao sêmen resfriado de ovinos poderia trazer efeitos positivos durante o resfriamento. Portanto, o estudo objetivou avaliar o potencial da adição da adenosina, bem como o melhor nível deste nucleosídeo sobre a viabilidade espermática de ovinos em diferentes tempos de incubação a 5 °C. Foram utilizados seis carneiros adultos da raça Santa Inês, dos quais foram coletados seis ejaculados, totalizando 36 repetições de cada tratamento. O delineamento foi em blocos e esquema fatorial 5 x 4, (5 níveis de adição de adenosina e 4 tempos de resfriamento) e, efeito do animal e de coleta. Após o exame físico do sêmen, realizou-se a diluição com o diluidor Andromed® (controle), Andromed® + 0,5 % adenosina, Andromed® + 0,75 % adenosina, Andromed® + 1 % de adenosina, Andromed® + 1,5 % de adenosina. As amostras foram retiradas do resfriamento após 4, 8, 12 e 16 horas e avaliadas pela motilidade, vigor espermático e integridade estrutural da membrana plasmática dos espermatozoides obtida pelo teste supravital (SV). Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância com posterior diferença de médias pelo teste de Tukey e análise de regressão, a nível de 5 % de probalilidade. Verificou-se o efeito da interação dos fatores níveis de adenosina e tempos de resfriamento para a variável motilidade progressiva retilínea. Após 8 horas de resfriamento todos os níveis de adenosina mostraram-se médias superiores (P≤0,05) da motilidade em relação ao controle, estando somente o nível de 0,75 % do nucleosídeo, dentro deste tempo de resfriamento, de acordo com padrões preconizados pelo Colégio Brasileiro de Reprodução Animal. A análise de regressão demonstrou efeito quadrático da motilidade retilínea progressiva em função dos níveis de adenosina para cada tempo de resfriamento estudado, com concentrações recomendadas de 0,81 e 1,04 % de adenosina com 4 horas 8 horas, respectivamente. A adenosina também promoveu efeito protetivo até 16 horas de resfriamento sobre a integridade estrutural da membrana plasmática com a adição das concentrações 0,5 e 0,75 %.Adenosine has been reported in human medicine causing improvements in the lipid peroxidation of cells, so the addition of this nucleoside to the cooled semen of sheep could bring positive effects during cooling. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of adenosine addition as well as the best level of this nucleoside on the sperm viability of sheep at different incubation times at 5 ° C. Six adult sheep of the Santa Inês breed were used, from which six ejaculates were collected, totaling 36 replicates of each treatment. The design was in blocks and factorial scheme 5 x 4, (5 levels of addition of adenosine and 4 cooling times), and animal and collection effect. After the physical examination of the semen, dilution with the diluent Andromed® (control), Andromed® + 0.5% adenosine, Andromed® + 0.75% adenosine, Andromed® + 1% adenosine, Andromed® + 1.5% adenosine. The samples were withdrawn from the cooling after 4, 8, 12 and 16 hours and evaluated by motility, spermatic vigor and structural integrity of sperm plasma membrane by Supravital test (SV). The data were submitted to analysis of variance with Tukey test and regression analysis, at a level of 5% of probabilities. The effect of the interaction of factors adenosine levels and cooling times on the variable rectilinear progressive motility was verified. After 8 hours of cooling, all adenosine levels were higher (P≤0.05) to the motility in relation to the control, being only the level of 0.75 % of the nucleoside, within this cooling time, according to standards advocated by the Brazilian College of Animal Reproduction. The regression analysis showed a quadratic effect of progressive rectilinear motility in function of adenosine levels for each cooling time studied, with recommended concentrations of 0.81 % 1.04 % of adenosine at 4 hours and 8 hours, respectively. Adenosine also promoted a protective effect up to 16 hours of cooling on the structural integrity of the plasma membrane with the addition of 0.5 and 0.75% concentrations

    Production strategy influence on the economic viability of a family fish farm in Pará state, Amazon, Brazil

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of the adoption of single-phase and two-phase system on the economic feasibility of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) family production in the Tracuateua municipality, Pará state. The operational cost methodology and economic efficiency indicators were adopted to compare these rearing systems. The annual production was 4,200 kg and 5,826 kg. The operational costs were R26,169.00andR 26,169.00 and R 34,365.00, the total operational cost was R27,505andR 27,505 and R 35,701.00, and the total operational cost per kg was R6.55andR 6.55 and R 6.13 for single-phase and two-phase systems, respectively. Regarding the indicators, the net present value was R24,180.70,theinternalrateofreturnwas24 24,180.70, the internal rate of return was 24%, the cost-benefit ratio was 1.19, and the capital return period was four years in the single-phase system. In the two-phase period, the net present value was R 48,582.06, the internal rate of return was 29%, the cost-benefit ratio was 1.25, and the capital return period was 3.6 years. Despite the demand for greater investment, the two-phase system proved to be more profitable than the single-phase system, promoting even a reduction in unit production cost

    Chemical, physical, and sensory characterization of ‘Osogrande’ and ‘Camino real’ strawberries stored under 5 and 15ºC

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade de morangos ‘Osogrande’ e ‘Camino Real’ durante o armazenamento refrigerado. Morangos foram colhidos, selecionados, embalados e armazenados a 5 e a 15º C. A cada dois dias foram avaliados para perda de massa, cor, firmeza, percentual de podridões e qualidade global. Verificou-se que o armazenamento a 5º C foi mais eficaz para manutenção de algumas características químicas, físicas e sensoriais dos morangos. Todavia, a condição não foi suficiente para manutenção da qualidade por quatro dias de armazenamento. As melhores características iniciais para todas as variáveis foram observadas em morangos ‘Camino Real’. Todavia, observou-se maior grau de deterioração e maior velocidade de alterações de importantes características físicas e químicas para este cultivar. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis work aimed at evaluating the quality of ‘Osogrande’ and ‘Camino Real’ strawberries during the refrigerated storage. Strawberries were harvested, selected, packed and stored at 5 and to 15o C. Every two days fruits were evaluated for mass loss, color, firmness, decay percentage and global quality. It was observed that the storage at 5oC was more efficient for maintenance of some chemical, physical and sensory characteristics. However, the condition was not sufficient for keeping the quality for up to four days of storage. The best initial characteristics were observed for ‘Camino Real’ strawberries for all the variables studied. However, higher decay and higher chemical and physical alteration ratings were verified for that cultivar

    Nível tecnológico da produção de leite bovino no município de Tailândia, estado do Pará, Brasil / Profile of technological cattle milk production in properties of Tailândia city, Pará state, Brazil

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    O artigo avalia o nível tecnológico dos sistemas de produção da pecuária leiteira no município de Tailândia no estado do Pará, com base nos dados obtidos em entrevistas com 49 produtores de leite. As variáveis representativas da adoção de tecnologias foram agregadas nos grupos IP1 - Instalações, Máquinas e Equipamentos; IP2 - Manejo Reprodutivo; IP3 - Manejo Sanitário; IP4 - Manejo de Pastagens e Suplementação Alimentar; e IP5 - Gestão e Planejamento da Produção. Posteriormente, foram submetidas à análise estatística para determinar o Índice de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico Global (IT), que permitiu a segmentação das propriedades nos níveis tecnológicos alto, médio e baixo. As propriedades apresentavam médio nível tecnológico, o que reflete na produtividade animal, cuja média global foi de apenas 4,59 litros/vaca/dia. Nesse contexto, torna-se importante a promoção de políticas públicas para melhorar a infraestrutura de transportes e ampliar a oferta de crédito e de serviços de assistência técnica e extensão rural, para estimular a adoção de tecnologias que permitam aumentar a produtividade e gerar produto de melhor qualidade. Não foi identificada nenhuma propriedade com nível tecnológico alto. Os recursos da política de crédito rural podem atuar como catalisador do processo de inovação tecnológica, estimular a adoção de tecnologias de manejo reprodutivo, ordenha mecanizada e tanques de resfriamento do leite. 

    Quality of seedlings of Copaifera langsdorffii Desf Cultivated in Alternative Substrates According to the Source and Methods of Application of Humic Acids

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of humic acid application methods on an alternative organic substrate in the quality of seedlings of Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. The experiment was carried out in a nursery of production of forest seedlings under cover of the dark type with 50% of luminosity retention, located in the municipality of Dianópolis state of Tocantins, in geographical coordinates, 11° 37′ 41″ S of latitude, 46° 49′ 17″ W of longitude, with altitude of 702 meters. The results revealed that the use of the commercial humic acid source applied via foliar promotes a higher quality of seedlings in relation to the alternative source and the absence of application of humic acids

    COVID-19 infodemic and impacts on the mental health of older people : cross-sectional multicenter survey study

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic received widespread media coverage due to its novelty, an early lack of data, and the rapid rise in deaths and cases. This excessive coverage created a secondary “infodemic” that was considered to be a serious public and mental health problem by the World Health Organization and the international scientific community. The infodemic particularly affected older individuals, specifically those who are vulnerable to misinformation due to political positions, low interpretive and critical analysis capacity, and limited technical-scientific knowledge. Thus, it is important to understand older people’s reaction to COVID-19 information disseminated by the media and the effect on their lives and mental health. Objective: We aimed to describe the profile of exposure to COVID-19 information among older Brazilian individuals and the impact on their mental health, perceived stress, and the presence of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Methods: This cross-sectional, exploratory study surveyed 3307 older Brazilians via the web, social networks, and email between July 2020 and March 2021. Descriptive analysis and bivariate analysis were performed to estimate associations of interest. Results: Major proportions of the 3307 participants were aged 60 to 64 years (n=1285, 38.9%), female (n=2250, 68.4%), and married (n=1835, 55.5%) and self-identified as White (n=2364, 71.5%). Only 295 (8.9%) had never started or completed a basic education. COVID-19 information was mainly accessed on television (n=2680, 81.1%) and social networks (n=1943, 58.8%). Television exposure was ≥3 hours in 1301 (39.3%) participants, social network use was 2 to 5 hours in 1084 (32.8%) participants, and radio exposure was ≥1 hour in 1223 (37%) participants. Frequency of exposure to social networks was significantly associated with perceived stress (P=.04) and GAD (P=.01). A Bonferroni post hoc test revealed significantly different perceived stress in participants who were exposed to social networks for 1 hour (P=.04) and those who had no exposure (P=.04). A crude linear regression showed that “some” social media use (P=.02) and 1 hour of exposure to social media (P<.001) were associated with perceived stress. Adjusting for sociodemographic variables revealed no associations with this outcome variable. In a crude logistic regression, some social media use (P<.001) and 2 to 5 hours of exposure to social media (P=.03) were associated with GAD. Adjusting for the indicated variables showed that some social network use (P<.001) and 1 hour (P=.04) and 2 to 5 hours (P=.03) of exposure to social media were associated with GAD. Conclusions: Older people, especially women, were often exposed to COVID-19–related information through television and social networks; this affected their mental health, specifically GAD and stress. Thus, the impact of the infodemic should be considered during anamnesis for older people, so that they can share their feelings about it and receive appropriate psychosocial care


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    The Brazil nut is an important Brazilian socio-biodiversity commodity. This article analyzes production behavior and exports in the Brazilian Amazon, identifying factors that have conditioned this market behavior. Brazil nut production is concentrated in Acre, Amazonas, Pará and Rondônia states, which together account for 93.5% of Brazilian production. There is evidence of the exhaustion of native Brazil nut tree exploitation, since the extractive supply did not respond to price stimuli in recent decades. Export revenues declined, due to a reduction in quantities exported and to real exchange rate appreciation. Public funding policies and price guarantee had a limited effect on care of the Brazil nut extractivist population. This study shows that changes in sanitary regulation and Brazil nut quality control in the main trading partners had a negative effect on export performance, mainly from 200


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    The article estimates a production function for cattle raising developed in the municipalities of the Brazilian Amazon, aiming to identify the influence of production factors on cattle production value. Municipal data on the gross value of cattle production, pasture areas, labor employed in livestock production, value of livestock investments, and access to technical assistance services were used. The model was statistically significant, and the production factors explained 84.54% of the changes in cattle production value. Land and capital factors contributed the most to the determination of production value. On the other hand, labor contributed the least. Cattle production shows increasing returns to scale, indicating the possibility of reducing average production costs by intensifying the use of the available production factor

    Two Unknown Women Posing in the Snow, circa 1950

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    O artigo avalia o comportamento da produção e dos preços de leite bovino no estado do Maranhão. Foram utilizadas séries temporais do plantel de vacas ordenhadas, produção, produtividade, preços e valor bruto da produção de leite no período 1974-2015. Efetuou-se a correção dos preços para eliminar o efeito inflacionário e foram calculadas taxas de crescimento de todas as variáveis para identificar os seus padrões de comportamento entre as décadas de 1970 e 2010. Atualmente, o estado do Maranhão é o quarto maior produtor de leite bovino da região Nordeste do Brasil e entre 1974 e 2015 a produção cresceu 5,62% ao ano. A maior influência deve-se à expansão do rebanho, pois o plantel de vacas ordenhadas cresceu 3,24% ao ano, frente a uma taxa de 2,31% ao ano da produtividade animal. A renda da pecuária leiteira maranhense cresceu durante as quatro décadas analisadas, pois em 23 anos foram registradas taxas positivas. Entretanto, os preços recebidos pelos produtores apresentaram tendência declinante com quedas mais acentuadas nas décadas de 1980 e 1990 e relativa estabilidade entre 2011 e 2015. O crescimento da renda da pecuária leiteira tem sido sustentado pela expansão do rebanho e, em menor proporção, por ganhos de produtividade o que se configura como crescimento extensivo

    Economic Losses’ Estimation of carcass and Organ Condemnations From Slaughter Cattle in Thailand, Pará State, Brazilian Amazon.

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    O artigo identifica as principais patologias encontradas e estima as perdas econômicas geradas em um matadouro no município da Tailândia, no Pará, no período de março de 2010 a outubro de 2014. Foram abatidos 55.169 animais, com perdas econômicas totais de R 1.221.035,90eisquemiafoiolesa~omaisfrequente(41,86 1.221.035,90 e isquemia foi o lesão mais frequente (41,86%). Os órgãos de condenação mais frequentes foram pulmões (48,75%), rins (41,66%) e fígado (3,61%), que produziram perda econômica de R 76.405,65 (6,26%). A tuberculose foi a principal causa de condenação da carcaça, responsável por R 872.783,64deperdasecono^micas.Ocontroledatuberculosebovinapodecomec\caremproduc\ca~o,comexamesnafazendaateˊaslinhasdeabate,cominspec\ca~ocuidadosadacarcac\ca,conformepreconizadopeloProgramaNacionaldeControleeErradicac\ca~odaBruceloseeTuberculoseAnimal(PNCEBT),queaumentaocontrolededoenc\caseminimizaascondenac\co~es.eperdasecono^micasnoabate.ThearticleidentifiesthemainpathologiesfoundandestimatestheeconomiclossesgeneratedinaslaughterhouseintheThailandmunicipality,Paraˊ,duringtheperiodfromMarch2010toOctober2014.55,169animalswereslaughtered,withtotaleconomiclossesofR 872.783,64 de perdas econômicas. O controle da tuberculose bovina pode começar em produção, com exames na fazenda até as linhas de abate, com inspeção cuidadosa da carcaça, conforme preconizado pelo Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicação da Brucelose e Tuberculose Animal (PNCEBT), que aumenta o controle de doenças e minimiza as condenações. e perdas econômicas no abate.The article identifies the main pathologies found and estimates the economic losses generated in a slaughterhouse in the Thailand municipality, Pará, during the period from March 2010 to October 2014. 55,169 animals were slaughtered, with total economic losses of R 1,221,035.90 and ischemia was the most frequent lesion (41.86%). The most frequent condemnation organs were lungs (48.75%), kidneys (41.66%) and liver (3.61%), which produced economic loss of R76,405.65(6.26carcasscondemnation,responsibleforR 76,405.65 (6.26%). Tuberculosis was the main cause of carcass condemnation, responsible for R 872,783.64 of economic losses. The bovine tuberculosis control can begin in production, with examinations on the farm to slaughter lines, with careful carcass inspection, as advocated by the National Program for the Control and Eradication of Animal Brucellosis and Tuberculosis (PNCEBT), which increases disease control and minimizes condemnations and economic losses at slaughte