170 research outputs found

    Locating Public Facilities by Majority: Stability, Consistency and Group Formation

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    We consider the following allocation problem: A fixed number of public facilities must be located on a line. Society is composed of N agents, who must be allocated to one and only one of these facilities. Agents have single peaked preferences over the possible location of the facilities they are assigned to, and do not care about the location of the rest of facilities. There is no congestion. We show that there exist social choice correspondences that choose locations and assign agents to them in such a way that: (1) these decisions are Condorcet winners whenever one exists, (2) the majority of the users of each facility supports the choice of its location, and (3) no agent wishes to become a user of another facility, even if that could induce a change of its present location by majority voting.Social choice correspondences, condorcet rules, stability, Simpson Rule

    Cooperative production and efficiency

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    We characterize the sharing rule for which a contribution mechanism achieves efficiency in a cooperative production setting when agents are heterogeneous. The sharing rule bears no resemblance to those considered by the previous literature. We also show for a large class of sharing rules that if Nash equilibrium yields efficient allocations, the production function displays constant returns to scale, a case in which cooperation in production is useless.

    Peace agreements without commitment

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    In this paper we present a model of war between two rational and completely informed players. We show that in the absence of binding agreements war can be avoided in many cases by one player transferring money to the other player. In most cases, the "rich" country transfers part of her money to the "poor" country. Only when the military proficiency of the "rich" country is sufficiently great, it could be that the "poor" country can stop the war by transfering part of its resources to the "rich" country.


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    This paper studies economies where agents exchange indivisible goods and money. Agents have potential use for all indivisible goods and the indivisible goods are differentiated. We assume that agents have quasi-linear utilities in money, have sufficient money endowments to afford any group of objects priced below their reservation values, have reservation values which are submodular and satisfy the Cardinality Condition. This Cardinality Condition requires that for each agent the marginal utility of an object only depends on the number of objects to which it is added, not on their characteristics. Under these assumptions, we show that the set of competitive equilibrium prices is a non empty lattice and that, in any equilibrium, the price of an object is between the social value of the object and its value in its second best use.

    Industrialization of a multi-server software solution

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    [EN] The goal of the Final Degree Work is to rewrite the deployment process for a multiserver software solution in order to be compliant with the company’s orchestration and automation software while redesigning a development workflow following continuous integration and continuous automated testing principles. The project also includes the implementation of each component installer for Linux and Windows architectures using the company’s in-house framework[CA] L’objectiu del Treball de Fi de Grau és reescriure el procés de desplegament per a una solució de programari multiservidor per ser conforme amb el programari d’orquestració i automatització i redissenyar un flux de treball seguint pràctiques d’integració contínua i proves automàtiques. El projecte també inclou la implementació dels instal·ladors de cada component per a les arquitectures Windows i Linux emprant la infraestructura pròpia de l’empresa.[ES] El objetivo del Trabajo de Fin de Grado es reescribir el proceso de despliegue para una solución software multiservidor para estar en conformidad con el software de orquestación y automatización y rediseñar un flujo de trabajo siguiendo prácticas de integración continua y pruebas automáticas. El proyecto también incluye la implementación de los instaladores de cada componente para las arquitecturas Windows y Linux usando la infraestructura propia de la empresa.Martínez Bevia, V. (2017). Industrialization of a multi-server software solution. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/88847.TFG

    Rational Sabotage in Cooperative Production

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    In this paper we consider a model of cooperative production in which rational agents have the possibility to engage in sabotage activities that decrease output. It is shown that sabotage depends on the interplay between the degree of congestion, the technology of sabotage, the number of agents the degree of meritocracy and the form of the sharing rule. In particular it is shown that, ceteries paribus, meritocratic systems give more incentives to sabotage than egalitarian systems. We address two questions: The degree of meritocracy that is compatible with absence of sabotage and the existence of a Nash equilibrium with and without sabotage.

    La determinación del Estatuto de refugiado

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    Self-Selection Consistent Choices

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    This paper studies collective choice rules whose outcomes consist of a collection of simultaneous decisions, each one of which is the only concern of some group of individuals in society. The need for such rules arises in different contexts, including the establishment of jurisdictions, the location of multiple public facilities, or the election of representative committees. We define a notion of allocation consistency requiring that each partial aspect of the global decision taken by society as a whole should be ratified by the group of agents who are directly concerned with this particular aspect. We investigate the possibility of designing allocation consistent rules which satisfy the Condorcet criterion and respect different notions of voluntarism.

    Probabilistic analysis of a class of 2D-random heat equations via densities

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    We give new probabilistic results for a class of random two-dimensional homogeneous heat equations with mixed homogeneous Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions and an arbitrary initial condition on a rectangular domain. The diffusion coefficient is assumed to be an arbitrary second-order random variable, while the initial condition is a stochastic process admitting a Karhunen-Loève expansion. We then construct pointwise convergent approximations for the main moments and the density of the solution. The theoretical results are numerically illustrated.J.-C. Cortés has been supported by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain grant PID2020-115270GB-I00. V. Bevia has been supported by the Programa de Ayudas de Investigación y Desarrollo (PAID), Spain

    Dimensioning the term carbenoid

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    The current use of the term carbenoid is discussed, particularly in the context of carbene transfer reactions from diazo compounds, where intermediates of type LnM=CR1R2, or one of its resonance forms, are tagged which such name. We herein discuss this issue, on the basis of the data evidencing the metal-carbene nature of those intermediates, as well as the existence of carbenoids of type (N2)(M)C R1R2 en route to the formation to LnM=C R1R2’ from diazo reagents. We propose the exclusive use of the carbenoid term to species of type (X)(M)C R1R2 with a tetrasubstituted carbon center that upon loss of X afford an effective carbene transfer process.The authors wish to thank MINECO for financial support (CTQ2014-52769-C03-01) and Junta de Andalucia (P12-FQM-1765)
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