76 research outputs found

    Early Miocene Mollusca from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica (ANDRILL 2A drill core), with a review of Antarctic Oligocene and Neogene Pectinidae (Bivalvia)

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2013. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of The Palaeontological Association for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Palaeontology 57 (2014): 299-342, doi:10.1111/pala.12067.Retrotapes andrillorum n. sp., Hiatella cf. arctica (Linnaeus, 1767), ?Yoldia sp. (internal mould), and six taxa of Pectinidae are reported from the Burdigalian section of the ANDRILL 2A core, drilled in McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea. The pectinids are Adamussium cf. jonkersi Quaglio et al., 2010, Antarctipecten n. gen. alanbeui (Jonkers, 2003), Austrochlamys forticosta n. sp., Austrochlamys cf. marisrossensis Jonkers, 2003, Ruthipecten n. gen., n. sp. (not named), and a fragmentary specimen representing an unnamed genus and species. In a revision of Antarctic Pectinidae, Austrochlamys Jonkers, 2003, Ruthipecten n. gen. (proposed for Chlamys (Zygochlamys) tuftsensis Turner, 1967, reported only from Wright Valley and the Vestfold Hills, not present in ANDRILL 2A), Leoclunipecten n. gen. (proposed for Austrochlamys gazdzickii Jonkers, 2003, reported only from Oligocene rocks of King George Island, not present in ANDRILL 2A) and the unnamed genus in ANDRILL 2A are assigned to subfamily Chlamydinae, tribe Chlamydini, whereas Adamussium Thiele, 1934 and Antarctipecten n. gen. are assigned to subfamily Palliolinae, tribe Adamussiini. The diverse Pectinidae in ANDRILL 2A suggest sea temperatures roughly 5°C warmer than at present in the Ross Sea during Early Miocene time.MT thanks the Italian National Antarctic Program for partial funding, and AGB thanks the ANDRILL project (GNS 1 Science GCT Programme) for funding.2014-09-1

    Formal ratification of subseries for the Pleistocene Series of the Quaternary System

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    The Pleistocene Series/Epoch of the Quaternary System/Period has been divided unofficially into three subseries/subepochs since at least the 1870s. On 30 January, 2020, the Executive Committee of the International Union of Geological Sciences ratified two proposals approved by the International Commission on Stratigraphy formalizing: 1) the Lower Pleistocene Subseries, comprising the Gelasian Stage and the superjacent Calabrian Stage, with a base defined by the GSSP for the Gelasian Stage, the Pleistocene Series, and the Quaternary System, and currently dated at 2.58 Ma; and 2) the term Upper Pleistocene, at the rank of subseries, with a base currently undefined but provisionally dated at ~129 ka. Defining the Upper Pleistocene Subseries and its corresponding stage with a GSSP is in progress. The Middle Pleistocene Subseries is defined by the recently ratified GSSP for the Chibanian Stage currently dated at 0.774 Ma. These ratifications complete the official division of the Pleistocene into three subseries/subepochs, in uniformity with the similarly subdivided Holocene Series/Epoch

    Differential Extinction and the Contrasting Structure of Polar Marine Faunas

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    Background: The low taxonomic diversity of polar marine faunas today reflects both the failure of clades to colonize or diversify in high latitudes and regional extinctions of once-present clades. However, simple models of polar evolution are made difficult by the strikingly different faunal compositions and community structures of the two poles. Methodology/Principal Findings: A comparison of early Cenozoic Arctic and Antarctic bivalve faunas with modern ones, within the framework of a molecular phylogeny, shows that while Arctic losses were randomly distributed across the tree, Antarctic losses were significantly concentrated in more derived families, resulting in communities dominated by basal lineages. Potential mechanisms for the phylogenetic structure to Antarctic extinctions include continental isolation, changes in primary productivity leading to turnover of both predators and prey, and the effect of glaciation on shelf habitats. Conclusions/Significance: These results show that phylogenetic consequences of past extinctions can vary substantially among regions and thus shape regional faunal structures, even when due to similar drivers, here global cooling, and provide the first phylogenetic support for the ‘‘retrograde’ ’ hypothesis of Antarctic faunal evolution

    Antarctic ice sheet sensitivity to atmospheric CO2 variations in the early to mid-Miocene

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    Geological records from the Antarctic margin offer direct evidence of environmental variability at high southern latitudes and provide insight regarding ice sheet sensitivity to past climate change. The early to mid-Miocene (23-14 Mya) is a compelling interval to study as global temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations were similar to those projected for coming centuries. Importantly, this time interval includes the Miocene Climatic Optimum, a period of global warmth during which average surface temperatures were 3-4 °C higher than today. Miocene sediments in the ANDRILL-2A drill core from the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica, indicate that the Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) was highly variable through this key time interval. A multiproxy dataset derived from the core identifies four distinct environmental motifs based on changes in sedimentary facies, fossil assemblages, geochemistry, and paleotemperature. Four major disconformities in the drill core coincide with regional seismic discontinuities and reflect transient expansion of grounded ice across the Ross Sea. They correlate with major positive shifts in benthic oxygen isotope records and generally coincide with intervals when atmospheric CO2 concentrations were at or below preindustrial levels (∼280 ppm). Five intervals reflect ice sheet minima and air temperatures warm enough for substantial ice mass loss during episodes of high (∼500 ppm) atmospheric CO2. These new drill core data and associated ice sheet modeling experiments indicate that polar climate and the AIS were highly sensitive to relatively small changes in atmospheric CO2 during the early to mid-Miocene

    Figure 29 in Evolution of Janthina and Recluzia (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Epitoniidae)

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    Figure 29. Scatter diagram comparing dimensions of the three extinct Plio-Pleistocene Janthina species. ▲ Janthina chavani; Janthina typica; ■ Janthina krejcii. Letters show positions of type specimens of synonyms: Cha – Hartungia dennanti chavani holotype; Cho – Acrybia (Hartungia) chouberti holotype; D – Heligmope dennanti lectotype; E – Eunaticina abyssalis holotype; J – Parajanthina japonica holotype; K – Kaneconcha knorri holotype; P – Turbo postulatus neotype; T – Hartungia typica neotype.Published as part of Beu, Alan G., 2017, Evolution of Janthina and Recluzia (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Epitoniidae), pp. 119-222 in Records of the Australian Museum (Rec. Aust. Mus.) 69 (3) on page 180, DOI: 10.3853/j.2201-4349.69.2017.1666, http://zenodo.org/record/467701

    Figure 12 in Evolution of Janthina and Recluzia (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Epitoniidae)

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    Figure 12. World late Miocene–early Pleistocene fossil localities for Janthina species, and purported fossil record of Recluzia. Symbols: ▲, Janthina chavani; ▼, Janthina globosa; ■, Janthina krejcii; , Janthina typica; , incorrect fossil record of Recluzia. Localities: (1) Fouarat, near Casablanca, Morocco (J. typica; type locality of Acrybia chouberti Chavan); (2) La Esfinge, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands (J. typica); (3) Selvagem Grande I. (J. typica or possibly J. chavani); (4) São Vicente, Madeira (J. typica or possibly J. chavani); (5) Santa Maria I., Azores (type locality of both J. typica and J. krejcii sp. nov.); (6) Kane Megamullion, mid-Atlantic Ridge (J. chavani; type locality of Kaneconcha knorri Kaim, Tucholke & Warén); (7) Bowden, Jamaica (J. globosa); (8) Casa Cantaure, Paraguana Peninsula, Venezuela (incorrect early Miocene record of Recluzia); (9) dredge station off Itaúnas, Espiritu Santo, Brazil (J. typica; type locality of Eunaticina abyssalis Simone); (10) SE Japan (J. typica and J. chavani); (11) Anda, Cabarruyan I., Luzon, Philippines (J. globosa); (12) southern Australia (J. typica and J. chavani); (13) northern and southwestern New Zealand (J. typica and J. chavani). More detailed localities in the Atlantic islands, New Zealand, southern Australia and Japan are shown on succeeding maps.Published as part of Beu, Alan G., 2017, Evolution of Janthina and Recluzia (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Epitoniidae), pp. 119-222 in Records of the Australian Museum (Rec. Aust. Mus.) 69 (3) on page 142, DOI: 10.3853/j.2201-4349.69.2017.1666, http://zenodo.org/record/467701

    Janthina krejcii Beu 2017, sp. nov.

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    <i>Janthina krejcii</i> sp. nov. <p>Figs 26A–N</p> <p> <i>Hartungia typica</i> Bronn. – Bronn, 1862: 32–33 (in part misidentified as <i>H. typica</i> Bronn, 1861).</p> <p> <i>Janthina typica</i> (Bronn).– Krejci-Graf <i>et al</i>., 1958: 336, pl. 3, fig. 6, pl. 4, fig. 11 (misidentification).</p> <p> <b>Type material</b>. Holotype SMF 10135a (Figs 26A–B, D–E), with two paratypes SMF 10135b–c (Figs 26C, F–H), labelled “ Azoren, Santa Maria, Wegknick [road bend] bei Praia, K. Krejci-Graf,” 23 April 1955, in SMF. The type locality is the upper, seaward-directed hairpin bend on the road descending from Almagreira to the beach at Praia, Santa Maria Island, illustrated by Krejci-Graf <i>et al</i>. (1958: fig. 4) (a lower, landward-directed hairpin bend is in the underlying volcanic rocks). The writer visited the pale grey outcrop labelled “ <i>Janthina</i> find-point alongside the collectors” in fig. 4 of Krejci-Graf <i>et al</i>. (1958) with Bernard Landau on 28 Feb 1998, but found no calcareous fossils. The matrix proved non-calcareous, and is not datable by microfossils; it lacks Foraminifera, Radiolaria, calcareous nannofossils and dinoflagellate cysts. Evidently Krejci-Graf’s party sampled a last small pocket of calcareous rock, probably between volcanic blocks at the base of the outcrop. However, a new lookout, the Miradouro de Macela, was being constructed during Feb 1998 to overlook the beach at Praia, at the seaward extremity of the bend, across the road and behind the photographer in Krejci-Graf <i>et al</i>.’s (1958: fig. 4) photograph. The soft, fawn, non-calcareous, tuffaceous sandstone in the foundations of the lookout was found to contain numerous moulds of <i>Janthina krejcii</i> sp. nov. Ten of these are here designated as paratypes (GNS WM 18973; the two most complete illustrated, Figs 26I–N), and three others are incomplete. Colom (in Krejci-Graf <i>et al</i>., 1958: pls 5–6) illustrated planktonic foraminiferans in a sample from quarries near Figueiral on the south side of Pico do Facho, near the Miradouro de Macela, including <i>Globoconella puncticulata</i> (Deshayes, 1832), <i>Hirsutella</i> cf. <i>margaritae</i> (Bolli & Bermudez, 1965) and <i>Globigerinoides sacculifer</i> (Brady, 1877) (reidentified by M. Crundwell, GNS, pers. comm. 17 Sep 2012), a diagnostic Zanclean fauna. The age of the type locality of <i>Janthina krejcii</i> has not been determined in detail but, as it is at a similar elevation to the quarries sampled by Krejci-Graf <i>et al</i>. (1958) and the Cré locality described by Janssen <i>et al</i>. (2008), is likely to be a similar age within Zanclean time. Only the type material has been observed.</p> <p> <b>Distribution</b>. The writer has seen specimens of <i>Janthina krejcii</i> sp. nov. only from the type locality and the outcrop across the road from it, at the lookout (Miradouro de Macela) on the road descending from Almagreira to Praia, Santa Maria Island, Azores Islands. Bronn (in Reiss, 1862: 33) noted that one of his specimens of <i>Janthina typica</i> from near Praia was crushed but lacked spiral folds, so his material seems to have included a specimen of <i>J. krejcii</i> sp. nov. from the type locality. He discussed whether it might be a distinct species, but concluded this was individual variation. As with all other relevant early collections, the present location of Reiss’s material is not known to the writer. Mayer (1864: 93, 101) also recorded a single specimen of “ <i>Janthina hartungi</i> ” from Praia, but as it is not mentioned in the list of material following his description (Mayer, 1864: 63), he presumably merely repeated Bronn’s record. However, Mayer (1864: 63) also recorded a specimen of “ <i>Janthina hartungi</i> ” without spiral folds from Pinheiros, a locality a short distance northeast of Cré, Santa Maria Island. As the writer has not seen material from Pinheiros, it is possible that <i>J. krejcii</i> sp. nov. occurs more widely on Santa Maria Island than the present record indicates.</p> <p> <b>Dimensions</b>. See Table 4. Most paratype moulds are too incomplete or too distorted to measure. The largest fragmentary paratype in WM18973 is 34 mm wide, but is compressed significantly; a maximum diameter of c. 32 mm is likely.</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis</b>. Teleoconch moderately large, short and wide (D/H 1.2–1.35), spire very low to almost flat, whorls evenly convex; completely covered with fine, straight, acline axial ridges, but without obvious spiral sculpture. Outer lip straight, acline; sinus small, moderately deep, semicircular to weakly V-shaped, situated at base of lip.</p> <p> <b>Description</b>. Teleoconch moderate-sized for genus, reaching c. 32 mm in diameter and 25 mm in height, wide (D/H 1.2–1.35), very low-spired, with c. 3.5 evenly and strongly convex teleoconch whorls; without obvious spiral sculpture. Spire little elevated above last whorl; suture appressed.Axial sculpture of many closely spaced, straight, thin, acline, low lamellae with flat-bottomed interspaces, extending from suture to umbilical hollow over entire teleoconch, c. 1 mm apart at periphery on last whorl. Aperture large, tall, almost vertical, with thin lips; columellar area and umbilical hollow poorly preserved in all material, apparently similar to those of <i>Janthina typica</i> and <i>J. chavani</i>. Outer lip sinus against base of columella, moderately large, semicircular to weakly V-shaped as in <i>J. chavani</i>, visible in only two paratype moulds in WM18973. Protoconch not seen.</p> <p> <b>Remarks</b>. <i>Janthina krejcii</i> sp. nov. resembles <i>J. typica</i> and <i>J. chavani</i> in its uniform sculpture of fine, closely spaced, straight axial ridges over the entire teleoconch and in its semicircular to shallowly V-shaped outer-lip sinus situated at the base of the lip. However, it differs from them both in its consistently very low to almost flat spire, so that width is significantly greater than height in all specimens, and in its complete lack of obvious spiral sculpture. It also reaches a markedly smaller maximum diameter than <i>J. chavani</i>, although similar in width to <i>J. typica</i>. Were only K. Krejci-Graf’s original specimens available they might be thought aberrant specimens of <i>J. typica</i>, but all 10 reasonably complete moulds and several additional fragments from the Miradouro de Macela (GNS WM18973) are consistent with Krejci-Graf’s specimens in their low spire and in completely lacking spiral folds. With 15 consistent specimens available, it must be concluded that this is a previously unrecognized species of <i>Janthina</i>. Apparently <i>J. krejcii</i> sp. nov. occurs also at Pinheiros, a short distance NW of Cré, Santa Maria Island, but this locality requires re-collecting. It is not clear as yet whether <i>J. krejcii</i> sp. nov. represents a restricted Atlantic species or, as seems more likely, it happened to live during a late Zanclean time interval that is otherwise not represented by facies suitable for the preservation of <i>Janthina</i> fossils. It is intermediate between <i>J. chavani</i> and the living <i>Janthina</i> species in having consistent axial ridges but lacking spiral folds. Only the collection of <i>J. krejcii</i> at further localities will clarify its time and geographical ranges and its position in the phylogeny of <i>Janthina</i> species.</p> <p>* Distorted.</p> <p> <b>Etymology</b>. The new species is named in honour of Dr Karl Krejci-Graf, formerly of Universität Frankfurt am Main, who collected the type material and advised the present writer about its locality.</p> <p> <b>Time range</b>. Zanclean, c. 4.8–4.3 Ma; the older limit is poorly constrained, but the upper limit on Santa Maria Island cannot be younger than 4.32 Ma (Sibrant <i>et al</i>., 2015).</p>Published as part of <i>Beu, Alan G., 2017, Evolution of Janthina and Recluzia (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Epitoniidae), pp. 119-222 in Records of the Australian Museum (Rec. Aust. Mus.) (Rec. Aust. Mus.) 69 (3)</i> on pages 173-175, DOI: 10.3853/j.2201-4349.69.2017.1666, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/4677010">http://zenodo.org/record/4677010</a&gt

    Recluzia Petit de la Saussaye 1853

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    <i>Recluzia</i> Petit de la Saussaye, 1853 <p> <i>Recluzia</i> Petit de la Saussaye, 1853: 117. Type species (by subsequent designation, Cossmann, 1925: 159): <i>Recluzia jehennei</i> Petit de la Saussaye, 1853 (= <i>Janthina lutea</i> Bennett, 1840); Recent, cosmopolitan.</p> <p> <b>Remarks</b>. Iredale & McMichael (1962: 49) stated that the type species of <i>Recluzia</i> was selected originally by Petit de la Saussaye (1853), but Petit de la Saussaye named two species of <i>Recluzia</i> without designating a type species.A type species was not designated by most subsequent authors, and the earliest designation the writer is aware of is by Cossmann (1925: 159). However, this is of little consequence, as the two species included by Petit de la Saussaye are rendered absolute synonyms here.</p> <p> The teleoconch of <i>Recluzia</i> is markedly to greatly taller and narrower than that of the tallest <i>Janthina</i> species, with a smooth, pale brownish-yellow shell (i.e., natural calcite colour), lightly polished in some specimens, and bears an obvious, slightly darker, thin, smooth periostracum that does not occur (or at least, is not obvious) on <i>Janthina</i> species. It also has evenly and strongly convex whorls, a deeply impressed suture, a straight, simple, acline outer lip without a sinus, and no obvious sculpture. The radulae of <i>Janthina</i> and <i>Recluzia</i> are indistinguishable. The protoconch (Churchill <i>et al</i>., 2011b: figs 1D–E; Figs 37A–G) also is closely similar to that of <i>Janthina</i> and all other planktotrophic Epitoniinae, pupiform, with a weakly impressed suture and sculpture of fine, low, closely spaced axial ridges on protoconch 2, although that of <i>Recluzia lutea</i> (Bennett, 1840) has one fewer whorls in protoconch 2 than those of <i>Janthina</i> species (2.2 whorls in <i>R. lutea</i>, 3.2 whorls in <i>Janthina</i> species). <i>Recluzia</i> differs from <i>Janthina</i> also by having simple rather than forked cephalic tentacles, no epipodia or purple gland, stylets in the inner salivary glands that are lacking in <i>Janthina</i>, adult statocysts that are lacking in <i>Janthina</i>, and small juvenile post-larval specimens riding on the adult’s shell or float, rather than forming a float of their own as in <i>Janthina</i> (Table 1). <i>Recluzia lutea</i> was also said by Abbott (1968: 92) to have yellow egg capsules and brownish mucus bubbles, in contrast to the white to slightly purplish, pink or pale blue egg capsules and transparent colourless to faintly bluish mucus bubbles of all <i>Janthina</i> species. This is confirmed by Tony Healy’s and Denis Riek’s photographs of living specimens (Figs 6–7); the egg capsules of <i>Recluzia</i> species are a similar colour to the shell, whereas the head and foot are a paler, brighter yellow than the shell, and the float bubbles have a brown tinge. The float bubbles also have a much more irregular appearance than those of <i>Janthina</i> species.</p> <p> <b>Putative fossil record</b></p> <p> The one sample of fossils the writer is aware of that has been identified as a species of <i>Recluzia</i> is in NMB, labelled as “? <i>Recluzia rollandiana</i> Petit ”. It is from NMB locality 17516, Cantaure Formation, lower shellbed, 300 m south of Casa Cantaure, 10 km west of Pueblo Nuevo, near San José, central Paraguaná Peninsula, northern Venezuela (Burdigalian, late early Miocene; six small shells, largest 6.5 mm high). The fauna from this locality was monographed by Jung (1965). However, the “? <i>Recluzia</i> ” material is from a much larger and more diverse collection than Jung’s, gathered subsequently during many visits by Win and Jack Gibson-Smith, and recently monographed by Landau <i>et al</i>. (2016). The teleoconch of these specimens indeed closely resembles that of <i>Recluzia lutea</i> in thinness and shape, its lack of sculpture other than faint growth lines, its inner lip being narrowly reflected over a very narrow umbilicus, and its straight, acline outer lip. However, the protoconch is present on two of the smallest shells (Figs 36A, C) and is significantly larger, taller, of c. 3.5 whorls, and with a more stepped outline than the pupiform one of 2.2 whorls in <i>Recluzia lutea</i> (Churchill <i>et al</i>., 2011b: figs 1D–E; Figs 37A–G). The <i>Recluzia</i> protoconch has almost flush sutures. It also has an almost smooth surface with weak sculpture of narrow, shallow, closely spaced axial grooves, but fainter spiral sculpture than that of <i>Janthina</i> species. The protoconch of the Casa Cantaure fossil has an even smoother surface with still weaker axial sculpture than that of <i>Recluzia</i> species and no spiral sculpture discernible at all, and has a much more deeply impressed suture than the protoconch of <i>Recluzia</i>, forming a narrow subsutural platform. These specimens evidently belong in Epitoniidae, and probably represent a benthic species of Epitoniinae with lecithotrophic development. They tentatively were referred to “ <i>Alexania</i> aff. <i>floridana</i> Pilsbry, 1945 ” by Landau <i>et al</i>. (2016: 102, pl. 87, figs 1–2). Comparison with the protoconch of presentday specimens of <i>Alexania natalensis</i> would help identify these specimens.</p> Names proposed in <i>Recluzia</i> <p> As the species of <i>Recluzia</i> have not been revised previously, all names are listed here that the writer is aware of that have been referred to <i>Recluzia</i>, with comments on their status where necessary. Names are listed in chronological order of their proposal. The status of the 13 names that remain classified in <i>Recluzia</i> is clarified in the following sections.</p> <p> 1 <i>Helix johnii</i> Holten (1802: 76) (Jousseaume, 1872: 205; Winckworth, 1943: 148); refers to Chemnitz (1795: figs 2076–2077), i.e., the earliest reference making the non-binominal name <i>Helix johnii</i> Chemnitz available; probably northern Indian Ocean, locality unknown. Neotype designated below.</p> <p> 2 <i>Janthina lutea</i> Bennett (1840: 63, 298); taken at sea, 2°53'S 170°55'E, SW of the Phoenix Islands, Kiribati, central western Pacific Ocean. Discussed in detail below, with neotype designation.</p> <p> 3 <i>Janthina turrita</i> “von dem Busch ” Philippi (1849: 15); no illustration, no locality, no types found; its dimensions lie in the centre of variation of <i>Recluzia</i> specimens (Fig. 35, point identified by “T”), and it is assigned to the synonymy of the more common species, <i>R. lutea</i>. A neotype is designated below.</p> <p> 4 <i>Recluzia jehennei</i> Petit de la Saussaye (1853: 118, pl. 5, fig. 3); Arabian Gulf. Remaining syntype illustrated (Figs 36F–G).</p> <p> 5 <i>Recluzia rollandiana</i> Petit de la Saussaye (1853: 119, pl. 5, fig. 12); “environs de Mazatlan” [“later identified as actually from New Caledonia ” (Keen 1971: 903)]. Neotype designated below.</p> <p> 6 <i>Recluzia aperta</i> Jeffreys (1859: 114, pl. 3, figs 22a–c) = <i>Torellia vestita</i> Lovén ms Jeffreys (1867: 244, pl. 4, fig. 1); Britain; not <i>Recluzia</i> (<i>Torellia</i>, Family Capulidae).</p> <p> 7 <i>Recluzia bensoni</i> A. Adams (1861: 402); off Formosa; a small, narrow, juvenile <i>Recluzia</i> specimen. Holotype in NHMUK.</p> <p> 8 <i>Recluzia hargravesi</i> Cox (1870: 172, pl. 16, fig. 8); Port Stephens, New South Wales; extremely large as well as unusually tall and narrow. Holotype in NHMUK.</p> <p> 9 <i>Recluzia montrouzieri</i> Souverbie (1871: 334; 1872: 57, pl. 1, fig. 8); Art I., New Caledonia. Syntypes in MHNB.</p> <p> 10 <i>Lymnaea</i> ? <i>palmeri</i> Dall (1871: 135; 1925: 25, pl. 17, fig. 8); delta of the Taqui River, head of the Gulf of California; holotype (in USNM) illustrated byAbbott & Dance (1982: 70, bottom right fig.) and here (Figs 36E, H).</p> <p> 11 <i>Recluzia globosa</i> E. A. Smith (1876: 551, pl. 30, fig. 8); Tarawa, Gilbert Islands. Holotype in NHMUK. Probably a juvenile specimen of <i>R. lutea</i>, but as it is unusually short and wide, also possibly an <i>Alexania</i> species, a benthic epitoniid. However, the dimensions (Table 12) fall within those of other small specimens of <i>R. lutea</i>, which are much shorter and wider than adults.</p> <p> 12 <i>Recluzia erythraea</i> Jickeli (1882: 367); Dahlak I., Red Sea; illustrated by Thiele (1928: fig. 6). Thiele gave no source for his figure, but it is assumed to be of the holotype; tall and narrow, resembling the holotype of <i>R. hargravesi</i> Cox, 1870 in proportions. Holotype in ZMB.</p> <p> 13 <i>Recluzia rollandiana</i> var. β <i>annamitica</i> Wattebled (1886: 67, pl. 3, figs 4a–b); Hué, Vietnam; “a considerable number of shells of this species was found thrown up on the beach of Thuan-an, at the end of a cyclone”. Syntypes in MNHN, one illustrated here (Fig. 36K–L).</p> <p> 14 <i>Recluzia</i> sp.: Murdoch & Suter (1906: 301, pl. 27, figs 55–56) illustrated a specimen dredged in 200 m off Great Barrier Island, NE New Zealand, identified as “ <i>Recluzia</i> sp.” Charles Hedley suggested verbally to Murdoch and Suter that it was either a larval shell or a new genus related to <i>Janthina</i>. It is small (H 3.83, D 3.29 mm), trochiform, with almost flat sides, a narrowly rounded periphery and a blunt, narrowly rounded apex with no distinguishable protoconch, and is essentially smooth. Its colour was described as “yellowish-horn, white underneath the epidermis” (Murdoch & Suter, 1906: 302). The specimen, in Suter’s collection in GNS (S3045) is a larval shell, probably of <i>Cabestana spengleri</i> (Perry, 1811) (Ranellidae).</p> <p> 15 <i>Recluzia effusa</i> [<i>ex</i> Martens ms] Thiele (1928: 78, footnote, fig. 2), has a diagnosis and apparently was not published elsewhere; from “chinesischen See”. No dimensions or illustrations of the shell were provided. Thiele (1928: 78, footnote) stated that the shell is not well preserved; he published a section through the foregut and radula of the presumed type, so it is evidently preserved in ethanol, with the shell corroded. The name must be attributed to Thiele (1928); assumed to be a synonym of <i>R. lutea</i>. Holotype in ZMB.</p> <p> 16 <i>Recluzia insignis</i> Pilsbry & Lowe (1932: 80, pl. 9, fig. 3); from Montijo Bay, western Panama; pale brown, but with prominent cancellate sculpture, not a <i>Recluzia</i> species; tentatively identified as a synonym of the type species of <i>Alora</i>, <i>A. gouldii</i> (A. Adams, 1857) by Keen (1969; 1971: 436, fig. 669). However, the spire of the holotype is markedly taller and narrower and the sculpture is considerably more prominent than those of illustrated specimens of <i>A. gouldii</i> (Weil <i>et al</i>., 1999: 145, fig. 439); possibly a distinct species of <i>Alora</i> or a similar genus; benthic Epitoniidae.</p> Dimensions and species of <i>Recluzia</i> <p> The only character that varies to any obvious extent in <i>Recluzia</i> is the spire height, a combined measure of the diameter and translation rate of the whorls. To try and understand this variation, some of the specimens available in AMS, GNS and NMNZ were measured (Tables 12, 13) and their height (H), diameter (D) and spire height (SH) compared in bivariate plots (Figs 35A–B). Initially this resulted in distinguishing two groups of shells, separated by spire height. If these are to be recognized as separate species, the earliest names for them are <i>R. lutea</i> for the more common, shorter, wider species and <i>R. johnii</i> for the much less common, taller, narrower one. As Bennett (1840) observed a large raft of specimens, he is very much more likely to have collected the more common, shorter <i>Recluzia</i> species than the rare, taller and narrower species.</p> <p> The addition of a greater number of specimens made it seem more likely that the two groups intergrade in shape. A large lot in NMNZ (M155930, Great Exhibition Bay, Northland, New Zealand, Mar 1998; 59 specimens, of which 43 measured, Table 13) shows that (1) larger shells tend to have taller spires than smaller ones; i.e., height increases with growth; (2) many of the larger shells have a short, wide, shallow flare at the anterior end of the aperture, making their dimensions slightly taller and narrower than shells without the flare, although the whorls are actually no narrower than in specimens without the flare (e.g., see the illustration of <i>Recluzia lutea</i> by Habe & Tokioka, 1953: 57, fig. 12, identified as <i>R. montrouzieri</i>); and so (3) specimens identified as <i>R. lutea</i> largely intergrade in overall shape with specimens identified as <i>R. johnii</i>, although the spire outline of <i>R. johnii</i> is taller and straighter than in <i>R. lutea</i>. The majority of specimens in Fig. 35A assigned to <i>R. lutea</i> are included in the same field as specimens assigned to <i>R. johnii</i>, and the distinction between the two fields is slight. Comparisons of the height (H), width (diameter, D) and spire height (SH) of a number of specimens (Tables 12, 13) of the two species are summarized in Table 11. The overall shape is confirmed as similar, the means for H/D being 1.44 for <i>R. lutea</i> and 1.56 for <i>R. johnii</i>. Contrary to the conclusion about overall shape, the quite strongly distinct means of D/SH (1.51 for <i>R. lutea</i>, 1.20 for <i>R. johnii</i>) and the accompanying plot comparing diameter with spire height (Fig. 35B) show a clear distinction between the shorter-spired species <i>R. lutea</i> and the taller-spired species <i>R. johnii</i>. These fields overlap little (although the height of the spire was available for only nine of the 14 specimens of <i>R. johnii</i>). On average, diameter is 1.5 times spire height in <i>R. lutea</i>, whereas diameter is only slightly greater than spire height (1.2) in <i>R. johnii</i>.As seemed likely from visual estimation, <i>R. johnii</i> is considered here to be a rare, second <i>Recluzia</i> species with a taller, narrower and more straight-sided spire and narrower teleoconch whorls than <i>R. lutea.</i> Concomitant with the taller spire and narrower whorls, large specimens of <i>R. johnii</i> also have at least one more teleoconch whorl than <i>R. lutea</i> (6–7 compared with 4.5–5.5). Neotypes are provided here for some names to identify them unambiguously with one or the other species. Comparison of molecular sequences of <i>Recluzia</i> specimens obviously is desirable to confirm that two species exist.</p>Published as part of <i>Beu, Alan G., 2017, Evolution of Janthina and Recluzia (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Epitoniidae), pp. 119-222 in Records of the Australian Museum (Rec. Aust. Mus.) (Rec. Aust. Mus.) 69 (3)</i> on pages 198-199, DOI: 10.3853/j.2201-4349.69.2017.1666, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/4677010">http://zenodo.org/record/4677010</a&gt