165 research outputs found

    Hydrocyclones for single-use perfusion application

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    Hydrocyclones (HC) are very compact devices that promote solid-liquid separation under the action of a centrifugal field. Despite the small size, HCs have a large processing capacity and do not suffer from clogging. Therefore, several publications explored HCs as a potential cell retention device in perfusion applications in the last 20 years, but limited to non-disposable lab-scale bioreactors and to relatively low cell densities (up to ~10 million cells/mL). Even though the absence of moving parts may streamline the HC manufacturing, the performance of solid-liquid separation is highly dependent on the HC internal geometry. Said that, hydrocyclones can be produced by 3D printing, making them a promising alternative for the integration of cell retention devices in single-use bioreactor bags. The performance of hydrocyclones also depends on the attachment configuration to the bioreactor and cell concentration of the feed suspension. In this work, at first rapid batch tests were carried out to evaluate the impact of: (i) cell concentration; (ii) diameter of connector installed in the recirculation loop; and (iii) controlled harvest flow rate enabled by a peristaltic pump (520U model, Watson Marlow). The main response considered was their effect on HC separation efficiency. The stainless-steel HC2015 designed for mammalian cell separation (Pinto et al., 2008) was selected for the preliminary batch tests, and also used as a benchmark for plastic prototypes produced by 3D-printing techniques. Afterwards, the same HC2015 was installed in a 50-L single-use bag (XDR50 Xcellerex, GE Healthcare) specially customized for a perfusion cultivation with a mAb producer CHO cell line. The stainless-steel HC2015 when operating at 2.3 bar provided a total separation efficiency (Et) up to 96%, and a centrifugal separation efficiency (E´) of 82% for a CHO cell suspension at 24E6 viable cells per mL Concentrated cells recovered by the underflow port did not show decrease in viability compared to the feed suspension. The reduction of a TC connector size from 19.7 to 12.7 mm resulted in the total filling of the recirculation loop with liquid, disrupting the formation of the desirable umbrella-pattern discharge of the underflow and reducing cell retention. The use of a peristaltic pump to control the overflow flow rate equivalent to perfusion rates of 1 and 2 RV (reactor volume) per day in 40-L bioreactor working volume resulted in a reduction of the E´ values and a consequent increase of cell concentration in the harvest stream. The reduction in the separation efficiency was probably due to a disturbance of the liquid flow pattern inside the HC, since it was observed that the typical gas core coming out from the overflow was absent. These features were taken into account in the HC operation in the single-use 50-L perfusion bioreactor, and a cell concentration of 50E6 cells per mL was successfully achieved with a cell-specific perfusion rate (CSPR) as low as 20 pL per cell per day. The harvest stream consisted of a natural cell bleeding leaving the overflow outlet. Moreover, the lower cell viability and average diameter in the overflow evidenced the preferential retention of viable cells returning into the bioreactor, thus providing a healthier culture environment. A 3D-printed hydrocyclone with equivalent geometry to the stainless-steel HC2015 was made and presented slightly lower separation efficiencies. Further studies proposing materials with a smoother surface and investigating further 3D-printing techniques are currently ongoing. Pinto, R. C.V., Medronho, R. A., Castilho, L. R. (2008). Separation of CHO cells using hydrocyclones. Cytotechnology, 56(1), 57–67. doi:10.1007/s10616-007-9108-

    Characterization of the Ferrara animal PET scanner

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    A dedicated small animal PET scanner, YAPPET, was designed and built at Ferrara University. Each detector consists of a 20� 20 matrix of 2� 2� 30 mm 3 YAP:Ce finger-like crystals glued together and directly coupled to a Hamamatsu position sensitive photomultiplier. The scanner is made from four detectors positioned on a rotating gantry at a distance of 7:5 cm from the center and the field of view (FOV) is 4 cm both in the transaxial direction and in the axial direction. The system operates in 3D acquisition mode. The performance parameters of YAPPET scanner such as spatial, energy and time resolution, as well as its sensitivity and counting rate have been determined. The average spatial resolution over the whole FOV is 1:8 mm at FWHM and 4:2 mm at FWTM. The sensitivity at the center is 640 cps=mCi: r 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 87.59.Wb; 87.59.Q

    Missense mutations in the Fas gene resulting in autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome: a molecular and immunological analysis

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    Programmed cell death (or apoptosis) is a physiological process essential to the normal development and homeostatic maintenance of the immune system. The Fas/Apo-1 receptor plays a crucial role in the regulation of apoptosis, as demonstrated by lymphoproliferation in MRL-lpr/lpr mice and by the recently described autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS) in humans, both of which are due to mutations in the Fas gene. We describe a novel family with ALPS in which three affected siblings carry two distinct missense mutations on both the Fas gene alleles and show lack of Fas-induced apoptosis. The children share common clinical features including splenomegaly and lymphadenopathy, but only one developed severe autoimmune manifestations. In all three siblings, we demonstrated the presence of anergic CD3+CD4-CD8- (double negative, [DN]) T cells; moreover, a chronic lymphocyte activation was found, as demonstrated by the presence of high levels of HLA-DR expression on peripheral CD3+ cells and by the presence of high levels of serum activation markers such as soluble interleukin-2 receptor (slL-2R) and soluble CD30 (sCD30)

    [Measuring change in rehabilitative cardiology: reliability of a short questionnaire to assess an outcome].

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    The present Italian health planning demands the use of tools, care and treatments useful for the National Health Service, but with empirical effectiveness scientifically sustained. Aim of the present paper is to verify the validity, the reliability and the responsiveness of the factor "Perception of positive change" (named Schedule C) in cardiovascular rehabilitation. Method. The reliability of the Schedule C of the CBA VE has been examined comparing the mean scores obtained from each item at the entry and just before the discharge through the t-Student for paired sample. To assess the concurrent validity we used the AD Short Scale to measure anxiety and depression. 100 patients who underwent cardiac surgery were enrolled during hospitalization for a Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme. Cronbach's alpha was used to assess internal consistency of each item. Results. Each item of the Schedule C demonstrated good internal consistency (Cronbach Alpha >.88) and elevated correlations item-total for each item. The strong correlation of anxiety and depression scores with the Schedule C points out appropriate concurrent validation. Conclusions. We believe that the Schedule C of the CBA VE is endowed with suitable metric validity and then useful as outcome evaluation in cardiovascular rehabilitation settings

    Differentiation of clinically non-functioning pituitary adenomas from meningiomas and craniopharyngiomas by positron emission tomography with [18F]fluoro-ethyl-spiperone

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    The differential diagnosis among various types of non-functioning sellar and parasellar rumours is sometimes difficult using currently available methods of morphological imaging. The aim of this study was to define whether assessment of the uptake of [F-18]fluoro-ethyl-spiperone (FESP) with positron emission tomography (PET) could be helpful for the differential diagnosis of pituitary adenomas and other parasellar lesions, and for establishing the appropriate therapeutic approach, The population examined comprised 16 patients with the diagnosis of primary tumour of the sellar/parasellar region who were waiting to undergo surgical treatment. The results demonstrated that PET with [F-18]FESP is a very specific method for differentiating adenomas from craniopharyngiomas and meningiomas. The visual interpretation of images allows such differentiation at approximately 70 min after tracer injection. Semiquantitative analysis of the dynamic PET data confirmed the results of visual interpretation, demonstrating that the uptake of [F-18]FESP was consistently (i.e. throughout the series) at least two-to threefold higher in non-functioning adenomas than in other parasellar rumours as early as 70 min after tracer injection, and that it increased still further thereafter. It is concluded that PET with [F-18]FESP might be of clinical value in those cases in which the differential diagnosis among various histological types of sellar tumour is uncertain with conventional methods

    Linguistic profile automated characterisation in pluripotential clinical high-risk mental state (CHARMS) conditions: methodology of a multicentre observational study

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    Introduction: Language is usually considered the social vehicle of thought in intersubjective communications. However, the relationship between language and high- order cognition seems to evade this canonical and unidirectional description (ie, the notion of language as a simple means of thought communication). In recent years, clinical high at-risk mental state (CHARMS) criteria (evolved from the Ultra-High-Risk paradigm) and the introduction of the Clinical Staging system have been proposed to address the dynamicity of early psychopathology. At the same time, natural language processing (NLP) techniques have greatly evolved and have been successfully applied to investigate different neuropsychiatric conditions. The combination of at-risk mental state paradigm, clinical staging system and automated NLP methods, the latter applied on spoken language transcripts, could represent a useful and convenient approach to the problem of early psychopathological distress within a transdiagnostic risk paradigm. Methods and analysis: Help-seeking young people presenting psychological distress (CHARMS+/− and Clinical Stage 1a or 1b; target sample size for both groups n=90) will be assessed through several psychometric tools and multiple speech analyses during an observational period of 1-year, in the context of an Italian multicentric study. Subjects will be enrolled in different contexts: Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics, Maternal and Child Health (DINOGMI), Section of Psychiatry, University of Genoa—IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino, Genoa, Italy; Mental Health Department—territorial mental services (ASL 3—Genoa), Genoa, Italy; and Mental Health Department—territorial mental services (AUSL—Piacenza), Piacenza, Italy. The conversion rate to full-blown psychopathology (CS 2) will be evaluated over 2 years of clinical observation, to further confirm the predictive and discriminative value of CHARMS criteria and to verify the possibility of enriching them with several linguistic features, derived from a fine-grained automated linguistic analysis of speech. Ethics and dissemination: The methodology described in this study adheres to ethical principles as formulated in the Declaration of Helsinki and is compatible with International Conference on Harmonization (ICH)-good clinical practice. The research protocol was reviewed and approved by two different ethics committees (CER Liguria approval code: 591/2020—id.10993; Comitato Etico dell’Area Vasta Emilia Nord approval code: 2022/0071963). Participants will provide their written informed consent prior to study enrolment and parental consent will be needed in the case of participants aged less than 18 years old. Experimental results will be carefully shared through publication in peer- reviewed journals, to ensure proper data reproducibility. Trial registration number DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/BQZTN

    Harmonisation of PET/CT contrast recovery performance for brain studies

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    Purpose In order to achieve comparability of image quality, harmonisation of PET system performance is imperative. In this study, prototype harmonisation criteria for PET brain studies were developed.Methods Twelve clinical PET/CT systems (4 GE, 4 Philips, 4 Siemens, including SiPM-based "digital" systems) were used to acquire 30-min PET scans of a Hoffman 3D Brain phantom filled with similar to 33 kBq.mL(-1) [F-18]FDG. Scan data were reconstructed using various reconstruction settings. The images were rigidly coregistered to a template (voxel size 1.17 x 1.17 x 2.00 mm(3)) onto which several volumes of interest (VOIs) were defined. Recovery coefficients (RC) and grey matter to white matter ratios (GMWMr) were derived for eroded (denoted in the text by subscript e) and non-eroded grey (GM) and white (WM) matter VOIs as well as a mid-phantom cold spot (VOIcold) and VOIs from the Hammers atlas. In addition, left-right hemisphere differences and voxel-by-voxel differences compared to a reference image were assessed.Results Systematic differences were observed for reconstructions with and without point-spread-function modelling (PSFON and PSFOFF, respectively). Normalising to image-derived activity, upper and lower limits ensuring image comparability were as follows: for PSFON, RCGMe = [0.97-1.01] and GMWMr(e) = [3.51-3.91] for eroded VOI and RCGM = [0.78-0.83] and GMWMr = [1.77-2.06] for non-eroded VOI, and for PSFOFF, RCGMe = [0.92-0.99] and GMWMr(e) = [3.14-3.68] for eroded VOI and RCGM = [0.75-0.81] and GMWMr = [1.72-1.95] for non-eroded VOI.Conclusions To achieve inter-scanner comparability, we propose selecting reconstruction settings based on RCGMe and GMWMr(e) as specified in "Results". These proposed standards should be tested prospectively to validate and/or refine the harmonisation criteria.Neuro Imaging Researc

    A public early intervention approach to first-episode psychosis: Treated incidence over 7 years in the Emilia-Romagna region

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    AimTo estimate the treated incidence of individuals with first-episode psychosis (FEP) who contacted the Emilia-Romagna public mental healthcare system (Italy); to examine the variability of incidence and user characteristics across centres and years. MethodsWe computed the raw treated incidence in 2013-2019, based on FEP users aged 18-35, seen within or outside the regional program for FEP. We modelled FEP incidence across 10 catchment areas and 7 years using Bayesian Poisson and Negative Binomial Generalized Linear Models of varying complexity. We explored associations between user characteristics, study centre and year comparing variables and socioclinical clusters of subjects. ResultsThousand three hundred and eighteen individuals were treated for FEP (raw incidence: 25.3 / 100.000 inhabitant year, IQR: 15.3). A Negative Binomial location-scale model with area, population density and year as predictors found that incidence and its variability changed across centres (Bologna: 36.55; 95% CrI: 30.39-43.86; Imola: 3.07; 95% CrI: 1.61-4.99) but did not follow linear temporal trends or density. Centers were associated with different user age, gender, migrant status, occupation, living conditions and cluster distribution. Year was associated negatively with HoNOS score (R = -0.09, p < .001), duration of untreated psychosis (R = -0.12, p < .001) and referral type. ConclusionsThe Emilia-Romagna region presents a relatively high but variable incidence of FEP across areas, but not in time. More granular information on social, ethnic and cultural factors may increase the level of explanation and prediction of FEP incidence and characteristics, shedding light on social and healthcare factors influencing FEP
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