47 research outputs found

    Vorzüge und Schattenseiten der Flexibilität der Dauer der Arbeitszeiten: Eine Untersuchung in sieben österreichischen Branchen

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    In this study, we assign different forms of work hours arrangements to predominantly employee and employer-driven flexibilization and examine the effects of this flexible work hours arrangement on paid and unpaid overtime. Furthermore, we examine the circumstances under which employees report positive vs. negative effects of flexible work hours arrangements. The basis for the analysis is a survey of Austrian employees in seven selected industry sectors. We observed that flexible weekly work hours were more often associated with overtime than less flexible arrangements. In addition, employees with higher academic degrees tended to work overtime more often than those with a lower level of education. Working in the evenings or on Saturdays was also associated with longer work hours. Results showed different patterns for unpaid overtime: The likelihood of unpaid overtime is significantly higher in certain sectors, namely in gastronomy and the banking sector. In addition, individuals with lower levels of education were significantly more likely to work unpaid overtime. Although flexibility in weekly work hours is associated with overtime, flexibility is often very positively rated by the employees. This especially holds true for employees who have a say in their work schedule. If however work schedules are predominantly designed according to the employer’s requirements, the working time model is perceived more negatively.Mit dem Beitrag wird eine Zuordnung verschiedener Formen der Arbeitszeitgestaltung zu vorwiegend arbeitnehmerInnen- und arbeitgeberInnenseitiger Flexibilisierung vorgenommen und die Auswirkungen dieser flexiblen Arbeitszeiten auf bezahlte und unbezahlte Mehrarbeitsstunden untersucht. Weiteres haben wir gefragt unter welchen Bedingungen flexible Arbeitszeiten von den ArbeitnehmerInnen positiv und in welchen Fällen diese negativ bewertet werden. Basis für die Analyse ist eine Befragung österreichischer ArbeitnehmerInnen in insgesamt sieben Branchen. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass flexible Arbeitszeiten häufiger mit Mehrarbeit verbunden sind als insgesamt wenig flexible Arbeitszeiten. Zusätzlich leisten höher Gebildete häufiger Mehrarbeit. Wird am Abend oder am Samstag gearbeitet, ist dies ebenfalls häufig mit Mehrarbeit verbunden. Von diesen Zusammenhängen unterscheiden sich die Risikofaktoren für unbezahlte Mehrarbeit deutlich. Hier treten vor allem zwei Branchen, die Gastronomie und der Bankensektor, hervor. Zusätzlich haben geringer Gebildete ein signifikant höheres Risiko auf unbezahlte Mehrarbeit. Trotz des vorhandenen Risikos für Mehrarbeit wird Flexibilisierung häufig positiv bewertet. Dies ist vor allem der Fall, wenn die ArbeitnehmerInnen in die Gestaltung flexibler Arbeitszeiten eingebunden sind. Sind die Arbeitszeiten dagegen vorwiegend nach den Anforderungen der ArbeitgeberInnen bzw. den Arbeitsanforderungen geformt, führt dies zu negativeren Bewertungen des Arbeitszeitmodells

    The mitochondrial DNA of Xenoturbella bocki: genomic architecture and phylogenetic analysis

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    The phylogenetic position of Xenoturbella bocki has been a matter of controversy since its description in 1949. We sequenced a second complete mitochondrial genome of this species and performed phylogenetic analyses based on the amino acid sequences of all 13 mitochondrial protein-coding genes and on its gene order. Our results confirm the deuterostome relationship of Xenoturbella. However, in contrast to a recently published study (Bourlat et al. in Nature 444:85–88, 2006), our data analysis suggests a more basal branching of Xenoturbella within the deuterostomes, rather than a sister-group relationship to the Ambulacraria (Hemichordata and Echinodermata)

    Empathy deficits, callous‐unemotional traits and structural underpinnings in autism spectrum disorder and conduct disorder youth

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    Distinct empathy deficits are often described in patients with conduct disorder (CD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) yet their neural underpinnings and the influence of comorbid Callous‐Unemotional (CU) traits are unclear. This study compares the cognitive (CE) and affective empathy (AE) abilities of youth with CD and ASD, their potential neuroanatomical correlates, and the influence of CU traits on empathy. Adolescents and parents/caregivers completed empathy questionnaires (N = 148 adolescents, mean age = 15.16 years) and T1 weighted images were obtained from a subsample (N = 130). Group differences in empathy and the influence of CU traits were investigated using Bayesian analyses and Voxel‐Based Morphometry with Threshold‐Free Cluster Enhancement focusing on regions involved in AE (insula, amygdala, inferior frontal gyrus and cingulate cortex) and CE processes (ventromedial prefrontal cortex, temporoparietal junction, superior temporal gyrus, and precuneus). The ASD group showed lower parent‐reported AE and CE scores and lower self‐reported CE scores while the CD group showed lower parent‐reported CE scores than controls. When accounting for the influence of CU traits no AE deficits in ASD and CE deficits in CD were found, but CE deficits in ASD remained. Across all participants, CU traits were negatively associated with gray matter volumes in anterior cingulate which extends into the mid cingulate, ventromedial prefrontal cortex, and precuneus. Thus, although co‐occurring CU traits have been linked to global empathy deficits in reports and underlying brain structures, its influence on empathy aspects might be disorder‐specific. Investigating the subdimensions of empathy may therefore help to identify disorder‐specific empathy deficits

    Evolutionary patterns of non-coding RNAs

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    A plethora of new functions of non-coding RNAs have been discovered in past few years. In fact, RNA is emerging as the central player in cellular regulation, taking on active roles in multiple regulatory layers from transcription, RNA maturation, and RNA modification to translational regulation. Nevertheless, very little is known about the evolution of this \Modern RNA World' and its components. In this contribution we attempt to provide at least a cursory overview of the diversity of non-coding RNAs and functional RNA motifs in non-translated regions of regular messenger RNAs (mRNAs) with an emphasis on evolutionary questions. This survey is complemented by an in-depth analysis of examples from different classes of RNAs focusing mostly on their evolution in the vertebrate lineage. We present a survey of Y RNA genes in vertebrates, studies of the molecular evolution of the U7 snRNA, the snoRNAs E1/U17, E2, and E3, the Y RNA family, the let-7 microRNA family, and the mRNA-like evf-1 gene. We furthermore discuss the statistical distribution of microRNAs in metazoans, which suggests an explosive increase in the microRNA repertoire in vertebrates. The analysis of the transcription of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) suggests that small RNAs in general are genetically mobile in the sense that their association with a hostgene (e.g. when transcribed from introns of a mRNA) can change on evolutionary time scales. The let-7 family demonstrates, that even the mode of transcription (as intron or as exon) can change among paralogous ncRNA

    An Equine Model for Vaccination against a Hepacivirus: Insights into Host Responses to E2 Recombinant Protein Vaccination and Subsequent Equine Hepacivirus Inoculation

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    Equine hepacivirus (EqHV) is the closest known genetic homologue of hepatitis C virus. An effective prophylactic vaccine is currently not available for either of these hepaciviruses. The equine as potential surrogate model for hepacivirus vaccine studies was investigated, while equine host responses following vaccination with EqHV E2 recombinant protein and subsequent EqHV inoculation were elucidated. Four ponies received prime and booster vaccinations (recombinant protein, adjuvant) four weeks apart (day −55 and −27). Two control ponies received adjuvant only. Ponies were inoculated with EqHV RNA-positive plasma on day 0. Blood samples and liver biopsies were collected over 26 weeks (day −70 to +112). Serum analyses included detection of EqHV RNA, isotypes of E2-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG), nonstructural protein 3-specific IgG, haematology, serum biochemistry, and metabolomics. Liver tissue analyses included EqHV RNA detection, RNA sequencing, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, and fluorescent in situ hybridization. Al-though vaccination did not result in complete protective immunity against experimental EqHV inoculation, the majority of vaccinated ponies cleared the serum EqHV RNA earlier than the control ponies. The majority of vaccinated ponies appeared to recover from the EqHV-associated liver insult earlier than the control ponies. The equine model shows promise as a surrogate model for future hepacivirus vaccine research

    Seniority-based entitlements : extent, policy debates and research

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    Aquesta publicació s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascú dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribució ha estat realitzada per l'Oscar MolinaSeniority systems - schemes that allot improving employment rights or benefits to employees as their length of employment increases - have not been widely studied. This report provides the first comprehensive study comparing the design and spread of seniority-based entitlements (SBEs) in Europe and mapping related policy debates. It is primarily based on contributions from the Network of Eurofound Correspondents, covering the 28 EU Member States and Norway, but also presents aggregate seniority-earnings curves for the EU based on data from the Structure of Earnings Survey. The aim of the report is to take stock of the currently existing different types of SBEs in the private and public sectors. It concludes that despite an obvious trend to remove them from regulations or reform them, a substantial amount of such entitlements is here to stay. Paradoxically, countries which have regulations on seniority pay in place tend to have flatter aggregate seniority-earnings curves than countries without such regulations

    An Equine Model for Vaccination against a Hepacivirus: Insights into Host Responses to E2 Recombinant Protein Vaccination and Subsequent Equine Hepacivirus Inoculation

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    Equine hepacivirus (EqHV) is the closest known genetic homologue of hepatitis C virus. An effective prophylactic vaccine is currently not available for either of these hepaciviruses. The equine as potential surrogate model for hepacivirus vaccine studies was investigated, while equine host responses following vaccination with EqHV E2 recombinant protein and subsequent EqHV inoculation were elucidated. Four ponies received prime and booster vaccinations (recombinant protein, adjuvant) four weeks apart (day −55 and −27). Two control ponies received adjuvant only. Ponies were inoculated with EqHV RNA-positive plasma on day 0. Blood samples and liver biopsies were collected over 26 weeks (day −70 to +112). Serum analyses included detection of EqHV RNA, isotypes of E2-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG), nonstructural protein 3-specific IgG, haematology, serum biochemistry, and metabolomics. Liver tissue analyses included EqHV RNA detection, RNA sequencing, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, and fluorescent in situ hybridization. Al-though vaccination did not result in complete protective immunity against experimental EqHV inoculation, the majority of vaccinated ponies cleared the serum EqHV RNA earlier than the control ponies. The majority of vaccinated ponies appeared to recover from the EqHV-associated liver insult earlier than the control ponies. The equine model shows promise as a surrogate model for future hepacivirus vaccine research

    Improved upper limb function in non-ambulant children with SMA type 2 and 3 during nusinersen treatment: a prospective 3-years SMArtCARE registry study

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    Background The development and approval of disease modifying treatments have dramatically changed disease progression in patients with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Nusinersen was approved in Europe in 2017 for the treatment of SMA patients irrespective of age and disease severity. Most data on therapeutic efficacy are available for the infantile-onset SMA. For patients with SMA type 2 and type 3, there is still a lack of sufficient evidence and long-term experience for nusinersen treatment. Here, we report data from the SMArtCARE registry of non-ambulant children with SMA type 2 and typen 3 under nusinersen treatment with a follow-up period of up to 38 months. Methods SMArtCARE is a disease-specific registry with data on patients with SMA irrespective of age, treatment regime or disease severity. Data are collected during routine patient visits as real-world outcome data. This analysis included all non-ambulant patients with SMA type 2 or 3 below 18 years of age before initiation of treatment. Primary outcomes were changes in motor function evaluated with the Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale Expanded (HFMSE) and the Revised Upper Limb Module (RULM). Results Data from 256 non-ambulant, pediatric patients with SMA were included in the data analysis. Improvements in motor function were more prominent in upper limb: 32.4% of patients experienced clinically meaningful improvements in RULM and 24.6% in HFMSE. 8.6% of patients gained a new motor milestone, whereas no motor milestones were lost. Only 4.3% of patients showed a clinically meaningful worsening in HFMSE and 1.2% in RULM score. Conclusion Our results demonstrate clinically meaningful improvements or stabilization of disease progression in non-ambulant, pediatric patients with SMA under nusinersen treatment. Changes were most evident in upper limb function and were observed continuously over the follow-up period. Our data confirm clinical trial data, while providing longer follow-up, an increased number of treated patients, and a wider range of age and disease severity

    Data on the Austrian Labour Market

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    Wissen in Zahlen. Potenziale von Gender-Monitoring im gleichstellungspolitischen Prozess am Beispiel österreichischer Universitäten

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    Im Zuge der neoliberalen Universitätsreform wurde ein Management by Objectives als hochschulpolitisches Steuerungsinstrument etabliert. Diese Steuerungslogik wurde auch auf Gleichstellung übertragen. Die damit verbundene Quantifizierung von Gleichstellung wird vonseiten der feministischen Hochschulforschung kritisch gesehen, da gleichstellungspolitische Ziele auf quantitativ abbildbare Probleme beschränkt bleiben. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht am Beispiel österreichischer Universitäten das Instrument des Gender-Monitorings im Spannungsfeld von theoretischen Ansprüchen und Datenverfügbarkeit und zeigt Ansatzpunkte für dessen Weiterentwicklung auf. Zentrale Aspekte, um das Potenzial eines Gender-Monitorings für Gleichstellungspolitik nutzen zu können, sind die Entwicklung theoretisch fundierter gleichstellungspolitischer Ziele, die Reflexion von Datenlücken im Monitoring und dessen Einbettung in einen gleichstellungspolitischen Diskurs. In the course of the neoliberal university reform, the management by objectives approach was established as a steering instrument of university policy. This steering logic was also applied to gender equality. The associated quantification of gender equality is viewed critically by feminist university researchers, since gender equality policy goals are limited to problems that can be depicted quantitatively. Using Austrian universities as an example, this article examines the instrument of gender monitoring in the area of conflict between theoretical demands and data availability and it demonstrates ways in which it can be refined. Central aspects for using the full potential of gender monitoring for gender equality policy are the development of theoretically sound gender equality policy goals, the reflection of data gaps in monitoring and its embedding within a gender equality policy discourse