351 research outputs found

    What Do Closed Source Data Tell Us About Lone Actor Terrorist Behavior? A Research Note

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    This article contributes to the growing body of knowledge on lone-actor terrorism with the incorporation of closed-source data. The analyses presented investigate the antecedent behaviors of U.K.-based lone-actor terrorists leading up to their planning or conducting a terrorist event. The results suggest that prior to their attack or arrest the vast majority of lone-actor terrorists each demonstrated elements concerning (a) their grievance, (b) an escalation in their intent to act, (c) gaining capability—both psychologically and technically and (d) attack planning. The results also disaggregate our understanding of lone-actor terrorists in two ways. First, we compare the behaviors of the jihadist actors to those of the extreme-right. Second, we visualize Borum’s (2012) continuums of loneness, direction, and motivation. Collectively the results provide insight into the threat assessment and management of potential lone actors

    The Coordination Chemistry of “[BP_3]NiX” Platforms: Targeting Low-Valent Nickel Sources as Promising Candidates to L_3Ni=E and L_3Ni≡E Linkages

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    A series of divalent, monovalent, and zerovalent nickel complexes supported by the electron-releasing, monoanionic tris(phosphino)borate ligands [PhBP_3] and [PhBP^(iPr)_3] ([PhBP_3] = [PhB(CH_2PPh_2)_3]-, [PhBP^(iPr)_3] = [PhB(CH_2PiPr_2)_3]-) have been synthesized to explore fundamental aspects of their coordination chemistry. The pseudotetrahedral, divalent halide complexes [PhBP_3]NiCl (1), [PhBP_3]NiI (2), and [PhBP^(iPr)_3]NiCl (3) were prepared by the metalation of [PhBP_3]Tl or [PhBP^(iPr)_3]Tl with (Ph_3P)_2NiCl_2, NiI_2, and (DME)NiCl_2 (DME = 1,2-dimethoxyethane), respectively. Complex 1 is a versatile precursor to a series of complexes accessible via substitution reactions including [PhBP_3]Ni(N_3) (4), [PhBP_3]Ni(OSiPh_3) (5), [PhBP_3]Ni(O-p-tBu-Ph) (6), and [PhBP_3]Ni(S-p-tBu-Ph) (7). Complexes 2−5 and 7 have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and are pseudotetrahedral monomers in the solid state. Complex 1 reacts readily with oxygen to form the four-electron-oxidation product, {[PhB(CH_2P(O)Ph_2)_2(CH_2PPh_2)]NiCl} (8A or 8B), which features a solid-state structure that is dependent on its method of crystallization. Chemical reduction of 1 using Na/Hg or other potential 1-electron reductants generates a product that arises from partial ligand degradation, [PhBP_3]Ni(η^2-CH_2PPh_2) (9). The more sterically hindered chloride 3 reacts with Li(dbabh) (Hdbabh = 2,3:5,6-dibenzo-7-azabicyclo[2.2.1]hepta-2,5-diene) to provide the three-coordinate complex [κ^2-PhBP^(iPr)_3]Ni(dbabh) (11), also characterized by XRD. Chemical reduction of complex 1 in the presence of L-type donors produces the tetrahedral Ni(I) complexes [PhBP_3]Ni(PPh_3) (12) and [PhBP3]Ni(CNtBu) (13). Reduction of 3 following the addition of PMe_3 or tert-butyl isocyanide affords the Ni(I) complexes [PhBP^(iPr)_3]Ni(PMe_3) (14) and [PhBP^(iPr)_3]Ni(CN^tBu) (15), respectively. The reactivity of these [PhBP_3]Ni^IL and [PhBP^(iPr)_3]NiI^L complexes with respect to oxidative group transfer reactions from organic azides and diazoalkanes is discussed. The zerovalent nitrosyl complex [PhBP_3]Ni(NO) (16) is prepared by the reaction of 1 with excess NO or by treating 12 with stoichiometric NO. The anionic Ni(0) complexes [[κ^2-PhBP_3]Ni(CO)_2][^nBu_4N] (17) and [[κ^2-PhBP^(iPr)_3]Ni(CO)_2][ASN] (18) (ASN = 5-azoniaspiro[4.4]nonane) have been prepared by reacting [PhBP_3]Tl or [PhBP^(iPr)_3]Tl with (Ph_3P)_2Ni(CO)_2 in the presence of R_4NBr. The photolysis of 17 appears to generate a new species consistent with a zerovalent monocarbonyl complex which we tentatively assign as {[PhBP_3]Ni(CO)}{^nBu_4N}, although complete characterization of this complex has been difficult. Finally, theoretical DFT calculations are presented for the hypothetical low spin complexes [PhBP_3]Ni(N^tBu), [PhBP^(iPr)_3]Ni(N^tBu), [PhBP^(iPr)_3]Ni(NMe), and [PhBP^(iPr)_3]Ni(N) to consider what role electronic structure factors might play with respect to the relative stability of these species

    Exploring the relationship between plural values of nature, human well‐being, and conservation and development intervention: Why it matters and how to do it?

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    Globally, land and seascapes across the bioculturally diverse tropics are in transition. Impacted by the demands of distant consumers, the processes of global environmental change and numerous interventions seeking climate, conservation and development goals, these transitions have the potential to impact the relationships and plurality of values held between people and place. This paper is a Synthesis of seven empirical studies within the Special Feature (SF): ‘What is lost in transition? Capturing the impacts of conservation and development interventions on relational values and human wellbeing in the tropics’. Through two Open Forum workshops, and critical review, contributing authors explored emergent properties across the papers of the SF. Six core themes were identified and are subsumed within broad categories of: (i) the problem of reconciling scale and complexity, (ii) key challenges to be overcome for more plural understanding of social dimensions of landscape change and (iii) ways forward: the potential of an environmental justice framework, and a practical overview of methods available to do so. The Synthesis interprets disparate fields and complex academic work on relational values, human well-being and de-colonial approaches in impact appraisal. It offers a practical and actionable catalogue of methods for plural valuation in the field, and reflects on their combinations, strengths and weaknesses. The research contribution is policy relevant because it builds the case for why a more plural approach in intervention design and evaluation is essential for achieving more just and sustainable futures, and highlights some of the key actions points deemed necessary to achieve such a transition to conventional practice

    Methodology for Whole-Genome Sequencing of Methicillin-Resistant <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i> Isolates in a Routine Hospital Microbiology Laboratory

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    There is growing evidence for the value of bacterial whole-genome sequencing in hospital outbreak investigations. Our aim was to develop methods that support efficient and accurate low-throughput clinical sequencing of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates. </jats:p

    Molecular and Electrophysiological Characterization of GFP-Expressing CA1 Interneurons in GAD65-GFP Mice

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    The use of transgenic mice in which subtypes of neurons are labeled with a fluorescent protein has greatly facilitated modern neuroscience research. GAD65-GFP mice, which have GABAergic interneurons labeled with GFP, are widely used in many research laboratories, although the properties of the labeled cells have not been studied in detail. Here we investigate these cells in the hippocampal area CA1 and show that they constitute ∼20% of interneurons in this area. The majority of them expresses either reelin (70±2%) or vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP; 15±2%), while expression of parvalbumin and somatostatin is virtually absent. This strongly suggests they originate from the caudal, and not the medial, ganglionic eminence. GFP-labeled interneurons can be subdivided according to the (partially overlapping) expression of neuropeptide Y (42±3%), cholecystokinin (25±3%), calbindin (20±2%) or calretinin (20±2%). Most of these subtypes (with the exception of calretinin-expressing interneurons) target the dendrites of CA1 pyramidal cells. GFP-labeled interneurons mostly show delayed onset of firing around threshold, and regular firing with moderate frequency adaptation at more depolarized potentials

    Vibrio cholerae vexH Encodes a Multiple Drug Efflux Pump That Contributes to the Production of Cholera Toxin and the Toxin Co-Regulated Pilus

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    The resistance-nodulation-division (RND) efflux systems are ubiquitous transporters that function in antimicrobial resistance. Recent studies showed that RND systems were required for virulence factor production in Vibrio cholerae. The V. cholerae genome encodes six RND efflux systems. Three of the RND systems (VexB, VexD, and VexK) were previously shown to be redundant for in vitro resistance to bile acids and detergents. A mutant lacking the VexB, VexD, and VexK RND pumps produced wild-type levels of cholera toxin (CT) and the toxin co-regulated pilus (TCP) and was moderately attenuated for intestinal colonization. In contrast, a RND negative mutant produced significantly reduced amounts of CT and TCP and displayed a severe colonization defect. This suggested that one or more of the three uncharacterized RND efflux systems (i.e. VexF, VexH, and VexM) were required for pathogenesis. In this study, a genetic approach was used to generate a panel of V. cholerae RND efflux pump mutants in order to determine the function of VexH in antimicrobial resistance, virulence factor production, and intestinal colonization. VexH contributed to in vitro antimicrobial resistance and exhibited a broad substrate specificity that was redundant with the VexB, VexD, and VexK RND efflux pumps. These four efflux pumps were responsible for in vitro antimicrobial resistance and were required for virulence factor production and intestinal colonization. Mutation of the VexF and/or VexM efflux pumps did not affect in vitro antimicrobial resistance, but did negatively affect CT and TCP production. Collectively, our results demonstrate that the V. cholerae RND efflux pumps have redundant functions in antimicrobial resistance and virulence factor production. This suggests that the RND efflux systems contribute to V. cholerae pathogenesis by providing the bacterium with protection against antimicrobial compounds that are present in the host and by contributing to the regulated expression of virulence factors

    Dynamic GABAergic afferent modulation of AgRP neurons

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    Agouti-related peptide (AgRP) neurons of the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARC) promote homeostatic feeding at times of caloric insufficiency, yet they are rapidly suppressed by food-related sensory cues prior to ingestion. Here we identify a highly selective inhibitory afferent to AgRP neurons that serves as a neural determinant of this rapid modulation. Specifically, GABAergic projections arising from the ventral compartment of the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (vDMH) contribute to the pre-consummatory modulation of ARCAgRP neurons. In a manner reciprocal to ARCAgRP neurons, ARC-projecting leptin receptor (LepR)-expressing GABAergic DMH neurons exhibit rapid activation upon availability of food that additionally reflects the relative value of the food. Thus, DMHLepR neurons form part of the sensory network that relays real-time information about the nature and availability of food to dynamically modulate ARCAgRP neuron activity and feeding behavior

    Nanostructural Diversity of Synapses in the Mammalian Spinal Cord

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    This work for funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC; BB/M021793/1), RS MacDonald Charitable Trust, Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association UK (Miles/Apr18/863-791), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC; EP/P030017/1), Welcome Trust (202932/Z/16/Z), European Research Council (ERC; 695568) and the Simons Initiative for the Developing Brain.Functionally distinct synapses exhibit diverse and complex organisation at molecular and nanoscale levels. Synaptic diversity may be dependent on developmental stage, anatomical locus and the neural circuit within which synapses reside. Furthermore, astrocytes, which align with pre and post-synaptic structures to form “tripartite synapses”, can modulate neural circuits and impact on synaptic organisation. In this study, we aimed to determine which factors impact the diversity of excitatory synapses throughout the lumbar spinal cord. We used PSD95-eGFP mice, to visualise excitatory postsynaptic densities (PSDs) using high-resolution and super-resolution microscopy. We reveal a detailed and quantitative map of the features of excitatory synapses in the lumbar spinal cord, detailing synaptic diversity that is dependent on developmental stage, anatomical region and whether associated with VGLUT1 or VGLUT2 terminals. We report that PSDs are nanostructurally distinct between spinal laminae and across age groups. PSDs receiving VGLUT1 inputs also show enhanced nanostructural complexity compared with those receiving VGLUT2 inputs, suggesting pathway-specific diversity. Finally, we show that PSDs exhibit greater nanostructural complexity when part of tripartite synapses, and we provide evidence that astrocytic activation enhances PSD95 expression. Taken together, these results provide novel insights into the regulation and diversification of synapses across functionally distinct spinal regions and advance our general understanding of the ‘rules’ governing synaptic nanostructural organisation.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Accelerated Evolution of Mitochondrial but Not Nuclear Genomes of Hymenoptera: New Evidence from Crabronid Wasps

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    Mitochondrial genes in animals are especially useful as molecular markers for the reconstruction of phylogenies among closely related taxa, due to the generally high substitution rates. Several insect orders, notably Hymenoptera and Phthiraptera, show exceptionally high rates of mitochondrial molecular evolution, which has been attributed to the parasitic lifestyle of current or ancestral members of these taxa. Parasitism has been hypothesized to entail frequent population bottlenecks that increase rates of molecular evolution by reducing the efficiency of purifying selection. This effect should result in elevated substitution rates of both nuclear and mitochondrial genes, but to date no extensive comparative study has tested this hypothesis in insects. Here we report the mitochondrial genome of a crabronid wasp, the European beewolf (Philanthus triangulum, Hymenoptera, Crabronidae), and we use it to compare evolutionary rates among the four largest holometabolous insect orders (Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera) based on phylogenies reconstructed with whole mitochondrial genomes as well as four single-copy nuclear genes (18S rRNA, arginine kinase, wingless, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase). The mt-genome of P. triangulum is 16,029 bp in size with a mean A+T content of 83.6%, and it encodes the 37 genes typically found in arthropod mt genomes (13 protein-coding, 22 tRNA, and two rRNA genes). Five translocations of tRNA genes were discovered relative to the putative ancestral genome arrangement in insects, and the unusual start codon TTG was predicted for cox2. Phylogenetic analyses revealed significantly longer branches leading to the apocritan Hymenoptera as well as the Orussoidea, to a lesser extent the Cephoidea, and, possibly, the Tenthredinoidea than any of the other holometabolous insect orders for all mitochondrial but none of the four nuclear genes tested. Thus, our results suggest that the ancestral parasitic lifestyle of Apocrita is unlikely to be the major cause for the elevated substitution rates observed in hymenopteran mitochondrial genomes