60 research outputs found

    Fractal Exchange in a Cannibal Cosmology: Dynamics of Opposition and Amity in Amazonian Festivals

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    El presente artículo analiza un patrón de fiestas intercomunidades en el caso de un grupo nativo contemporáneo: los wari’ de Rondônia, Brasil. Los wari’ manejan sus relaciones con aliados y potenciales aliados en rituales estructurados alrededor de actos y símbolos de trasgresión, castigo, depredación y muerte. En un patrón social "fractal" —es decir, un patrón con una estructura básica que se repite en diferentes escalas— estos encuentros rituales intercomunidades son llevados a otras dimensiones en las relaciones humanas con el mundo espiritual, el mundo de los antepasados y los animales. Estos rituales constituyen un mediador clave de la reproducción social para el caso de las relaciones tradicionales entre las comunidades wari’ y de la reproducción biológica en las relaciones con las fuerzas espirituales que controlan la subsistencia y la mortalidad. Si las posibilidades simultáneas de cooperación y oposición se mantienen en tensión dinámica, este marco de relaciones intergrupales, concebidas como de rivalidad simbólica y "depredación" recíproca voluntaria, permite a las comunidades cultivar o poner fin, según sea el caso, las filiaciones políticas y de compromiso en respuesta a circunstancias cambiantes. Estos encuentros rituales tienen un papel importante en los intercambios de información y la definición y mantenimiento de las redes de afiliaciones o alianzas caracterizadas por su flexibilidad y la posibilidad de movilidad que, en el pasado, permitieron que los wari’ sobrellevaran las presiones históricas de violencia interétnica y las epidemias.This article examines a pattern of inter-community parties in a contemporary indigenous group, the Wari’ of Rondônia, Brazil. In rituals structured around acts and symbols of transgression, punishment, predation and death, Wari’ negotiate their relations with allies and potential allies. In a "fractal" pattern of sociality, this ritual encounter is replicated at other levels, in human relations with the spirit world, the world of ancestors and animals. These rituals are a key mediator of social reproduction (in relations among Wari’ communities) and biological reproduction (in relations with the spiritual forces that control aspects of subsistence and human death). Holding in tension simultaneous possibilities for cooperation and opposition, this framework for inter-group relations conceived as symbolic rivalry and voluntary reciprocal predation allows communities to cultivate and terminate political affiliations and commitments in response to changing circumstances. These ritual encounters play an important role in exchanges of information, and in defining and maintaining networks of flexible alliances and the possibility of mobility, which in the past helped Wari’ cope with historical pressures of inter-ethnic violence and epidemics

    Enacting change through action learning: mobilizing and managing power and emotion

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    This paper reports on a study of how action learning facilitates the movement of knowledge between social contexts. The study involved a community organization that provides educational services related to aphasia and members of a complex continuing care (CCC) practice that received training from the agency. People with aphasia (PWA) (a disability often caused by stroke) retain inherent cognitive competence but have difficulty communicating (speaking, writing, and understanding). The agency has developed a communication technique that improves the ability of PWA to communicate. This project used action learning to introduce a reflective learning cycle into two groups: the agency project team responsible for providing the training and the CCC practice members who received the training. Research participants at both the agency and the CCC facility focused on issues of skill and capacity, and both groups credit the action learning process with introducing a helpful problem-solving cycle into the workplace. CCC participants found that the action learning set provided an emotional container for the anxieties experienced in their workplace. Agency participants found that they were able to use power differences as a way of bringing about beneficial changes

    Affective lability and difficulties with regulation are differentially associated with amygdala and prefrontal response in women with Borderline Personality Disorder

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    The present neuroimaging study investigated two aspects of difficulties with emotion associated with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD()): affective lability and difficulty regulating emotion. While these two characteristics have been previously linked to BPD symptomology, it remains unknown whether individual differences in affective lability and emotion regulation difficulties are subserved by distinct neural substrates within a BPD sample. To address this issue, sixty women diagnosed with BPD were scanned while completing a task that assessed baseline emotional reactivity as well as top-down emotion regulation. More affective instability, as measured by the Affective Lability Scale (ALS()), positively correlated with greater amygdala responses on trials assessing emotional reactivity. Greater difficulties with regulating emotion, as measured by the Difficulties with Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS()), was negatively correlated with left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG()) recruitment on trials assessing regulatory ability. These findings suggest that, within a sample of individuals with BPD, greater bottom-up amygdala activity is associated with heightened affective lability. By contrast, difficulties with emotion regulation are related to reduced IFG recruitment during emotion regulation. These results point to distinct neural mechanisms for different aspects of BPD symptomology

    Citando Mario Juruna: imaginário linguístico e a transformação da voz indígena na imprensa brasileira

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