9 research outputs found


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    Mengingat luas wilayah di Kabupaten Merauke  yang sangat luas dan kebutuhan akan permintaan energi yang semakin meningkat, sehingga diharapkan adanya ketersediaan energi yang memadai pada masing-masing sektor pemakai, dan mampu meningkatkan rasio elektrifikasi di seluruh wilayah Kabupaten Merauke. Agar adanya referensi yang merekomendasikan pemenuhan ketersediaan energi sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan persektor pada saat sekarang maupun dimasa yang akan datang. Untuk mendapatkan informasi dan pengetahuan sebagai salah satu referensi yang ilmiah, maka perlu dilakukan kajian ilmiah untuk menentukan perancangan kebutuhan dan ketersediaan sumber energi listrik di Kabupaten Merauke dalam kurun waktu sesuai proyeksi yang diinginkan.Analisa prakiraan kebutuhan beban dilakukan melalui perhitungan intensitas energi listrik, laju pertumbuhan penduduk dengan data minimal 5 tahun yang lalu dan penentuan potensi ketersediaan energi dilakukan melalui pengukuran khususnya pada sumber energi matahari dan sumber energi angin. Untuk melihat besarnya kebutuhan permintaan energi listrik dimasa yang akan datang digunakan peralatan bantu aplikasi program LEAP dan untuk menentukan besarnya potensi ketersediaan energi terbarukan menggunakan perhitungan besarnya daya yang dibangkitkan untuk menentukan apakah sumber energi tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai peluang potensi energi yang dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal..Berdasarkan metode yang digunakan dalam melakukan perancangan terhadap potensi ketersediaan daya pada sumber energi  matahari melalui perhitungan potensi tertinggi pada Panel PV 50 Wp sebesar 468 watt-jam perhari dan daya pada sumber energi angin maksimal 5,17 m/s menghasilkan potensi energi angin 1280 watt-hari/bulan. pada bulan desember 2013. Sedangkan besarnya permintaan   kebutuhan energi listrik di Kabupaten Merauke  persektor  pemakai sampai dengan tahun 2028 pada sektor rumah tangga 60.500 MVA; 86%, sektor bisnis 7.530 MVA; 11%, sektor publik 1.860 MVA; 3%, sektor sosial 170 MVA; 0.24%, sektor industri 30 MVA; 0.04%, dan sector multiguna 20 MVA; 0.03%, dengan permintaan tertinggi masih di dominasi pada sector rumah tangga


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    Merauke Regency has very abundant banana production, which in 2012 reached a production of 11,970 tons, equivalent to about 1,197,000 banana bunches per year (assuming a weight of 1 bunch = 10 kg). The types of bananas produced are more than 90% of kepok banana types, but unfortunately this huge potential has not been widely used to support local food self-sufficiency. The potential of bananas can be processed into banana chips and able to absorb and open new jobs. In the processing of banana chips, the problems encountered are the mechanical difficulties in the manual slicing process and the conventional frying process. This causes the production of banana chips not uniform, ineffective, fast rancid chips, short shelf life, decreased taste and appearance of chips. Through the application of slicing and spinner machine technology, counseling and assistance in SMEs by the Implementation Team. The IbM results obtained were uniform thickness and non-oily banana chips production, increased effectiveness of production time, supply of quality and continuous kepok bananas, orderly and good financial bookkeeping.   Keyword: slicing, spiner, banana chips, not oil

    Changing Livelihood Strategies in a Conservation Area: Fishers, Farmers, and Sand Mining in Merauke, Indonesia

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    The Wasur National Park (WNP) includes the Ramsar Site, an important area for global conservation efforts in wetlands. This coastal area also supports the socio-economic activities of local and non-local communities who are highly dependent on natural resources. Conservation efforts in the area are sometimes at odds with the sustainability of local livelihoods and poverty alleviation initiatives for the community. The aim of this study is to describe the sources of community livelihoods in the Wasur Naukenjerai National Park area, specifically around agricultural, fisheries, and sand mining dynamics. Using a qualitative research design, this study uses a field survey to collect primary data sourced from key informants with in-depth interviews from 15 community respondents in three sample villages on the coast, and seven key informants from relevant government agencies. The results show that the main livelihood source for people in the protected area are as fishermen and farmers. Sand mining has emerged as an alternative source of livelihood but has caused degradation of beaches and land in the Wasur National Park area. In addition, there are activities of buying and selling agricultural land in protected areas. The protection of the rights of the community in the area and government support programs have been unable to guarantee the welfare of the community. For this reason, it is necessary to strengthen and further support local institutions livelihoods to ensure the sustainability of Wasur National Park area management

    Pemetaan Kognitif Penyebab dan Dampak Eksplotasi Pasir Sepanjang Sempadan Pantai di Kabupaten Merauke

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    Selama ini, eksploitasi pasir di sepanjang sempadan pantai Distrik Merauke dilakukan untuk memasok lebih 90% guna memenuhi kebutuhan pembangunan infrastruktur, perumahan, gedung, perkantoran di Kabupaten Merauke. Hal itu mengakibatkan telah rusaknya ekosistem pesisir khususnya habitat mangrove rusaknya yang berfungsi salah satunya sebagai tameng alam dari gempuran ombak laut.. Padahal konsentrasi penduduk di Distrik Merauke mencapai 95.410 jiwa (44,78%) dari jumlah keseluruhan penduduk Kabupaten Merauke berada di wilayah pesisir tersebut. Kondisi tersebut sangat membahayakan kesehatan, keamanan dan keselamatan penduduk wilayah tersebut dari ancaman bahaya yang ditimbulkan kerusakan lingkungan akibat penggalian pasir illegal. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah menentukan penyebab dan dampak multidimensi penambangan pasir terhadap lingkungan pantai dan ekosistem mangrove. Metodologi yang digunakan antara lain: (a) pemilihan lokasi di Distrik Merauke dan Distrik Naukenjerai dengan pendekatan purposive sampling, (b) teknik pengumpulan data dengan in depth interview, (c) teknik analisis dengan analisis deskriptif dan, multicriteria analysis dan pendekatan bayes method. Kesimpulan penelitian ini sebagai berikut: (a) telah terjadi tingkat kerusakan ekosistem mangrove yang sangat tinggi yakni lebih dari 1200 hektar (b) akibat terjadinya instrusi air laut telah lebih dari 1000 meter dari bIbir pantai yang telah mengancam ketersediaan air tawar untuk kebutuhan masyarakat Merauke karena kualitasnya yang menurun dengan tingkat salinitas semakin tinggi, (c) terjadinya kerusakan lingkungan berupa kubangan-kubangan akibat pengambilan pasir yang menjadi salah satu sumber penyakit, rusaknya ekosisitem pantai, (d) empat faktor pendorong utama kerusakan sempadan pantai yakni: kepentingan ekonomi (profit oriented), lemahnya pengawasan, lemahnya control sosial, meningkatnya pembangunan insfrastruktur

    Analysis of Electrical Properties Using the four point Probe Method

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    There has been conducted Physics research on a material, that is, monitoring electric characteristic of a material using four-point probe method. This research measures current and voltage. The result is used to determine resistivity of a material. The research uses 2 samples, that is, chalk and charcoal. The result shows the resistivity of the sample in the form of bulk (t>s) for chalk has high resistivity on voltage of 6.6 Volt. Meanwhile, resistivity on thick sheet (ts) is in 6 Volt, and on large resistivity (t<s) is in 6.6 Volt

    Relationship modelling between moisture content of flour and variables of two-cycle drying process of cassava flourusing pneumatic dryer

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    Moisturecontent (MC) is the most important variable in evaluating material drying performance, so the ability to predict MC in drying process is really important. This research aims to formulate the mathematic relationship between drying process variable pneumatically and moisture content of cassava flour in drying process 1 and 2 by applying dimensional analysis. In this research, there has been a design of pneumatic drying equipment and test using various treatments such as input capacity, drying air temperature, and drying air velocity. Based on the data analysis, the relationship between MC and drying process variables are as follow: Drying cycle 1: MC = (5,794287E − 22). (ρpr·Dpr3/Qi·θ)1,4085 (Tu/Tbo)-2,2504 (Vu·θ/Dpr)5,86

    Relationship modelling between moisture content of flour and variables of two-cycle drying process of cassava flourusing pneumatic dryer

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    Moisturecontent (MC) is the most important variable in evaluating material drying performance, so the ability to predict MC in drying process is really important. This research aims to formulate the mathematic relationship between drying process variable pneumatically and moisture content of cassava flour in drying process 1 and 2 by applying dimensional analysis. In this research, there has been a design of pneumatic drying equipment and test using various treatments such as input capacity, drying air temperature, and drying air velocity. Based on the data analysis, the relationship between MC and drying process variables are as follow: Drying cycle 1: MC = (5,794287E − 22). (ρpr·Dpr3/Qi·θ)1,4085 (Tu/Tbo)-2,2504 (Vu·θ/Dpr)5,863 MC = ( 5,794287E − 22 ).  ( ρ pr  .  D pr 3 Q i .θ ) 1,4085   ( T u T bo ) −2,2504   ( V u .θ D pr ) 5,863 MC=(5,794287E22).(ρpr.Dpr3Qi.θ)1,4085(TuTbo)2,2504(Vu.θDpr)5,863MC\, = \,\left( {5,794287E\, - \,22} \right).\,{\left( {{{{\rho _{pr}}\,.\,D_{pr}^3} \over {{Q_i}.\theta }}} \right)^{1,4085}}\,{\left( {{{{T_u}} \over {{T_{bo}}}}} \right)^{ - 2,2504}}\,{\left( {{{{V_u}.\theta } \over {{D_{pr}}}}} \right)^{5,863}} Drying cycle 2: MC = (2,36831E − 10). (ρprDpr3/Qi·θ)1,059 (Tu/Tbo)-4.808 (Vu·θ/Dpr)3,709 MC = ( 2,36831E − 10 ).  ( ρ pr   D pr 3 Q i .θ ) 1,059   ( T u T bo ) −4,808   ( V u .θ D pr ) 3,709 MC=(2,36831E10).(ρprDpr3Qi.θ)1,059(TuTbo)4,808(Vu.θDpr)3,709MC\, = \,\left( {2,36831E\, - \,10} \right).\,{\left( {{{{\rho _{pr}}\,D_{pr}^3} \over {{Q_i}.\theta }}} \right)^{1,059}}\,{\left( {{{{T_u}} \over {{T_{bo}}}}} \right)^{ - 4,808}}\,{\left( {{{{V_u}.\theta } \over {{D_{pr}}}}} \right)^{3,709}} The equations have determination coefficient value 0.85, so it has big possibility to use it as alternative to predict moisture content of dried flour

    Socio-economic Conditions of Small-scale Traditional Fishermen: A Case Study in Payum Village, Merauke District, Papua, Indonesia

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    Fishermen in Payum Village are still classified as small-scale traditional fishermen and live in the coastal area of ​​Merauke Regency. Their lives depend on the season of fish and shrimp, which causes uncertain income. This study aimed to identify the socio-economic conditions and welfare of local fishermen and non-local fishermen communities in Payum Village, Merauke Regency. The research method used a qualitative descriptive analysis method supported by an analysis of costs, income, and community welfare. The analysis of the social aspects of the education sector of fishermen's families included in family dependents above 70% follow compulsory education, i.e., elementary, junior, and senior high school as well. The health sector of the fishermen receives services from the community health centers (Puskesmas) with free health costs for first aid if they are getting sick. While the economic aspect, for the capital used in human capital and simple fishing gear in dragnets. The income of local fishermen from capture fisheries and shrimp per month is IDR 6,268,991/month and the income of non-local fishermen per year per month is IDR 5,340,403/month. The fishermen's welfare level results using the Fisherman's Exchange Rate (FER) analysis obtained FER values ​​&gt;1, where the FER results for local fishermen were 1.13 and non-local fishermen were 1.48. The study reveals that the level of life of local fishermen and non-local fishermen of coastal Payum, Merauke Regency is at a pretty good level of welfare and can save money