199 research outputs found

    Evaluating qualitative and quantitative computerized tomography indicators of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and their correlation with pulmonary function tests

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    Background: With increasingly aging populations, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the fourth leading cause of death today. Emphysematous changes, an important component of the disease, must be determined on HRCT, either qualitatively or quantitatively. The purpose of this study was to evaluate features that help determine emphysematous changes and correlate them with respiratory function tests (RFTs). Material/Methods: A total of thirty COPD patients and a control group of the same size, matched for age, were included in the study. The mean lung parenchyma density values on inspiration and expiration, visual HRCT scores, and pulmonary function tests were obtained. IBM SPSS statistical software (version 22) was used to perform correlation analysis (Pearson's coefficient) and the Mann-Whitney U test. Results: The most valuable RFTs for determining emphysematous changes were DLCO, FEV1, and FEV1/FVC, in that order. Quantitative measures of the mean lung density had the highest correlation with coefficient on expiration. Conclusions: As regards the comparison between objective and subjective density values, the HRCT-based visual density values are satisfactory. On the other hand, the best assessment can be performed with the use of mean density values on expiration. DLCO, FEV1, and FEV1/FVC were found to be valuable parameters in determining parenchymal changes

    An Action Research on Improving Environmental Sensitivity of Fourth Grade Primary School Students: What Happens in the School Garden?

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    School gardens, which play an important role in environmental education, provide an opportunity for students to develop environmental awareness and gain environmental responsibility. In this study, which draws attention to this, it is aimed to reveal the applicability of the workshops prepared in the school garden in order to improve the environmental sensitivity of the students. The research was carried out with 10 female and 10 male 4th grade students in a public primary school in the city center of Bartin in the 2021-2022 academic year. The research was carried out with the action research design, one of the qualitative research methods. The data of the research were obtained through a scale developed by Peker (2020) and a semi-structured interview form prepared by the researchers. Quantitative data obtained using descriptive statistics and dependent group t-test statistical procedures; qualitative data were analyzed with content analysis technique. As a result of the research, it has been determined that environmental education workshops are effective in increasing students’ environmental awareness. Students stated that environmental education activities are fun, useful and instructive. As a result, it is seen that the workshops applied in the school garden increase the environmental awareness of the 4th grade students and the process has a positive effect on them. As a result of the research, it can be suggested that environmental awareness should be brought to students through school gardens and reflected in educational environments by organizing various activities that encourage positive attitudes

    Endokrin Bozucu Olan Atrazinin Toksik Etkilerinin Değerlendirilmesi

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    Pestisitlerin ve herbisitlerin aşırı kullanımı, kalıcılıkları ve toksik etkileri dünya çapında önemli bir çevre ve sağlık sorunudur. Geniş yapraklı yabani otları kontrol etmek için yaygın olarak kullanılan sentetik bir triazin herbisit olan atrazin, toprak ve su ekosistemlerinin başlıca kirleticilerinden biridir. Atrazin ve olumsuz etkileri çevresel sürdürülebilirlik için vurgulanan bir tehdit olarak kabul edilir. Atrazinin mahsullere doğrudan uygulanması nedeniyle, maddenin toprağı ve dolayısıyla su kaynaklarını kirletme fırsatı vardır. Atrazinin topraktaki kalıcılığı yüksektir ve bu kalıcılık yeraltı sularına doğru hareket ederek suların kirlenme riskini arttırır. Atrazin her ne kadar hedefindeki yabani bitkiler için üretilmiş olsa bile etkileri sadece o canlılar ile sınırlı değildir. Atrazinin çevreye ve canlılara olan zararlı potansiyelinin yüksek olması nedeniyle kullanımı, yasaklanması ve oluşturduğu etkiler uzun süre araştırılmış ve tartışılmıştır. Atrazinin, hedef olmayan canlılarda hormonel dengesizliklere neden olduğu, üreme ve gelişim üzerine olumsuz etkiler gösterdiği ve kansere neden olabileceği saptanmıştır. Bu nedenle atrazinin kullanımını en aza indirmek için eşgüdümlü çabalara acil ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Aynı zamanda maruziyetin canlılar üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerini belirleyerek önlemeye çalışmak gereklidir. Bu çalışmada, atrazinin yapısı ve etki mekanizmasının yanında canlıların sağlık parametreleri üzerine olası etkileri özetlenmişti

    İslam Sanatı Tarihi (Geschichte der Islamischen Kunst). Lorenz Korn. çev. Feride Kurtulmuş. İstanbul: Runik Yayınları, 2020.

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    Lorenz Korn’un araştırma-inceleme niteliğindeki bu eseri, İslam sanatının mahiyeti, farklı coğrafyalardaki gelişimi, Antik Çağ ile ilişkisi gibi temel meselelere değinmektedir. İslam’da tasvir yasağı ve bu yasağın ikonoklazm hareketinden ayrışan yönleri üzerinde durmaktadır. Bunun sonucunda hat sanatı, kitap sanatları ve diğer dekoratif sanatlara kadar pek çok alandaki yansımasına dikkat çekmektedir. Eserin tartışma odaklı noktalarından birisi çini ve minyatür sanatlarında köken-kaynak fikrini Uzak Doğu- Çin medeniyeti üzerine kurmasıdır. Çalışma; mimari, süsleme sanatları ve modern dönem İslam sanatına varıncaya kadar pek çok alanda ve coğrafyada icra edilen Müslüman sanatını farklı yönleriyle ele almaktadır

    Are grafts necessary in rhinoplasty? cartilage flaps with cartilage-saving rhinoplasty concept

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    Cartilage grafts are used routinely in rhinoplasty, but are they necessary? Can we support the normal anatomy by preserving and transposing the adjacent tissues? In this study we hypothesize that during rhinoplasty, cartilage flaps can give adequate support and may decrease the need for cartilage grafts. Included in this study were 147 patients who underwent an open rhinoplasty technique under general anesthesia between January 2010 and May 2012. Mean operative time was 73 min (range = 44-120 min). After dissection and septoplasty (if needed), we performed dorsal bone and septal reductions. Following reduction, upper lateral cartilage superior segments were preserved and turned inward as cartilage flaps to replace the spreader grafts. Lower lateral cartilage cranial parts were not excised and were slid over the caudal part to replace the alar strut grafts. Cartilage from the caudal nasal septum was not excised; instead, lower lateral cartilages were cephaloposteriorly displaced with a tongue-in-groove technique to support the nasal tip. Mean follow-up time was 19.6 months (6-30 months). All patients but 12 were satisfied or completely satisfied with the results. Among the 12 unsatisfied patients, four complained of a one-sided inverted-V deformity (secondary spreader grafts were added), three had supratip deformity (secondary additional dorsal septal excisions), two demanded extra tip definition (secondary tipoplasty), two were unhappy with the bone symmetry (secondary osteotomies), and one complained of hanging columella (secondary excision from the caudal septum). Cartilage flaps have some advantages over cartilage grafts. First, graft harvest is not needed in the former; second, because flaps are a part of the normal anatomy, they provide a good tissue match, making fixation easier. However, the tongue-in-groove technique cannot be used in patients who do not need caudal excision, and cartilage flaps can be inadequate in some patients who may need additional grafts. This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors www.springer.com/00266

    مقارنة بين الزّجّاج والنّحّاس في كتابيهما إعراب القرآن

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    يُعد إعراب القرآن الكريم من أفضل العلوم وأجلها؛ لأنه يعنى بدراسة وبيان معاني القرآن وإيضاح كلامه، وقد اهتم به الأولون من العلماء قبل الآخرين، وأبلوا فيه كل بلاء حسن، بل ويعتبر القرآن الكريم المحفز الرئيس لنشأة وتطور علم اللغة بشكل عام وعلمي النحو والبلاغة بشكل خاص، ولذا قدم العلماء فيه كل الجهد مبرزين إياه تقعيدا وتنظيما، ومن ثم نزلوا ما قعدوه من قواعد وألفوه من علوم على كتاب الله عز وجل ليستبين القارئ له سبل الرشاد والغاية من المراد، ومن أولئك العلماء الأجلاء في هذا المضمار كل من الزجاج (ت: 311 هـ)، وتلميذه النحاس (ت: 338 هـ)، اللذين كان لهما الأثر الكبير في مسيرة الدراسات القرآنية على وجه العموم، ومسيرة الدراسات المتعلقة بإعراب القرآن الكريم على وجه الخصوص، حيث إن كتابيهما يعدان من أشهر كتب إعراب القرآن الكريم، وفي سعينا لإبراز منهجيهما نكون سعينا في تقديم منهج لإعراب القرآن في القرن الرابع الهجري على يدي العالمين الجليلين ومما يمتاز به أن العلاقة بينهما علاقة الأستاذ بطالبه، ومع ذلك لم تخل من خلاف في المنهج أو التطبيق بين الفينة والأخرى في كتابيهما، وهذا إن دل يدل على الحرية العلمية وتطورها في ذلك العصر، والتي ربما تتابع أثرها إلى عصرنا الحالي، إضافة إلى أن المستفاد من مثل هذه الدراسات يبرز مدى معرفة أبناء تلك الحقبة لقواعد العربية نحوها وصرفها، من خلال التطبيق المعتمد في منهج المؤلفين اللذان لم يقفا في إعرابهما على كل كلمة ولا على كل جملة ولا أتيا بتفصيل الإعراب كما هو المعهود في أيامانا هذه، وكما سيبدو جليا في ثنايا البحث، وبالمقابل يرينا مدى المعرفة الواجب علمها في قواعد العربية على أبنائها لفهم كتاب الله عز وجل على الأقل في تلك الحقبة وما يجب العمل عليه للوصول إلى تلك السوية في أيامنا هذه. فتناولت هذه المقالة الحديث عن المقارنة بين كتابيهما إعراب القرآن الكريم في المنهج والأسلوب ومادة العرض، إذ تناول الفصل الأول لمحة تاريخية عن مباحث إعراب القرآن وأشهر كتبه، بعد التعريف بمفهوم إعراب القرآن الكريم، أما الفصلان الثاني والثالث فقد خُصصا للكلام عن كل من الزجاج والنحاس كل على حدة، وذلك من حيث نسبهما، وحياتهما، وعلمهما، وآراء العلماء بمنهجيهما، وفي نهاية كل فصل تناول الحديث عن كتابيهما إعراب القرآن بشكل مفصل من حيث المنهج والأسلوب في سردهما لكتابيهما وما المواضيع التي تطرق لها كل منهما كاستخدامهما للجانب اللغوي واللفظي والنحوي والبلاغي في تحليل وإعراب الآيات، مع ذكر العديد من الأمثلة التي تبين المراد مما مرّ، والتنويه على استفادتهما من الأحاديث النبوية والقراءات القرآنية، واستشهادهما بآراء النحويين والبلاغيين والمفسرين والقراء، علاوة على استشهادهما بكلام العرب؛ شعرًا ونثرًا وحكمًا وأمثالًا، وأردف البحث بخاتمة تحوي أهم النتائج والتوصيات التي توصل إليها الباحثان

    A new variety of Plocama calabrica (Rubiaceae) from Denizli (Turkey) onfirmed by morphological and molecular ISSR markers

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    Plocama calabrica (L.f.) M.Backlund & Thulin var. alba Göktürk, O.D.Düţen, B.Gürcan & U. Sarpkaya variety nova is described from South-West Anatolia. The new variety grows on limestone slopes between Akpýnar and Yaylapýnar villages in the Çameli district in Denizli. It is closely related to P. calabrica var. calabrica, and can be readily distinguished by morphological and molecular characters from the related variety. Taxonomic comments such as descriptive and diagnostic characters, distribution and ecology, phenology and proposed conservation status for this new variety are given in the current study. Morphological affinities and the inter-simple-sequence repeat (ISSR)-PCR based phylogenetic relationships between the new and the related variety are also discusse

    Defeat, entrapment and suicidal ideation in a Turkish community sample of young adults: an examination of the Integrated Motivational-Volitional (IMV) model of suicidal behaviour

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    The present study examines the relationships between defeat, entrapment, suicidal ideation, thwarted belongingness, and perceived burdensomeness through the Integrated Motivational-Volitional (IMV) Model of Suicidal Behaviour in a sample of Turkish young adults. The sample consisted of 451 individuals (72.5% females, Mage= 25.20). The correlation analyses revealed significant relationships between defeat, entrapment, suicidal ideation, thwarted belongingness, perceived burdensomeness in the expected directions. Mediation and moderation analyses partly confirmed the assumptions of the motivational phase of the IMV model; entrapment played a mediating role between defeat and suicidal ideation, and thwarted belongingness (but not perceived burdensomeness) had a moderating role in the pathway between entrapment and suicidal ideation. These findings add a new dimension to the understanding of suicide risk and potential protective factors through the IMV model, which was tested for the first time in the Turkish population. It is anticipated that this study will contribute to suicide prevention intervention strategies, especially for young adults, at-risk group for suicide in Turkey

    Do Third Molars Play a Role in Second Molars Undergoing Endodontic Treatment?

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    Background and aim: This study evaluated the rates of second molars undergoing endodontic treatment due to partially or fully erupted lower and upper third molars. Materials and Methods: Radiographic data from 579 patients were analyzed to calculate the rates of second molars undergoing endodontic treatment due to third molars and other reasons. Descriptive statistics were expressed as numbers and percentages for categorical variables. The chi-square test was used to determine the relationships between categorical variables. Results: The rate of second molars undergoing root canal treatment for reasons unrelated to third molars was statistically higher than that of second molars undergoing treatment because of third molars (p < 0.001). The rate of lower second molars with endodontic treatment was significantly higher than that of upper second molars (p < 0.001). There was no statistically significant difference between partially and fully erupted third molars causing root canal treatment of second molars (p = 0.344). Conclusion: Root canal treatment of second molars can be related to fully or partially erupted third molars. All preventive measures should be taken to avoid the need for root canal treatment