1,464 research outputs found

    Wavelength dependence of angular diameters of M giants: an observational perspective

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    We discuss the wavelength dependence of angular diameters of M giants from an observational perspective. Observers cannot directly measure an optical-depth radius for a star, despite this being a common theoretical definition. Instead, they can use an interferometer to measure the square of the fringe visibility. We present new plots of the wavelength-dependent centre-to-limb variation (CLV) of intensity of the stellar disk as well as visibility for Mira and non-Mira M giant models. We use the terms ``CLV spectra'' and ``visibility spectra'' for these plots. We discuss a model-predicted extreme limb-darkening effect (also called the narrow-bright-core effect) in very strong TiO bands which can lead to a misinterpretation of the size of a star in these bands. We find no evidence as yet that this effect occurs in real stars. Our CLV spectra can explain the similarity in visibilities of R Dor (M8IIIe) that have been observed recently despite the use of two different passbands. We compare several observations with models and find the models generally under-estimate the observed variation in visibility with wavelength. We present CLV and visibility spectra for a model that is applicable to the M supergiant alpha Ori.Comment: 16 pages with figures. Accepted by MNRA

    Lithium Depletion Boundary in a Pre-Main Sequence Binary System

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    A lithium depletion boundary is detected in HIP 112312 (GJ 871.1 A and B), a \~12 Myr old pre-main sequence binary system. A strong (EW 300 mA) Li 6708 A absorption feature is seen at the secondary (~M4.5) while no Li 6708 A feature is detected from the primary (~M4). The physical companionship of the two stars is confirmed from common proper motions. Current theoretical pre-main sequence evolutionary models cannot simultaneously match the observed colors, brightnesses, and Li depletion patterns of this binary system. At the age upper limit of 20 Myr, contemporary theoretical evolutionary models predict too slow Li depletion. If true Li depletion is a faster process than predicted by theoretical models, ages of open clusters (Pleiades, alpha Persei, and IC 2391) estimated from the Li depletion boundary method are all overestimated. Because of the importance of the open cluster age scale, development of self-consistent theoretical models to match the HIP 112312 data is desirable.Comment: Accepted in ApJL. 5 pages total (3 tables, 3 figures

    First detection of a low-mass stellar halo around the young open cluster Eta Chamaeleontis

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    We have identified several lithium-rich low-mass (0.08<M<0.3 Msun) stars within 5.5 deg of the young open cluster Eta Chamaeleontis, nearly four times the radius of previous search efforts. Of these stars we propose 4 new probable cluster members, and 3 possible members requiring further investigation. These findings are consistent with a dynamical origin for the current configuration of the cluster, without the need to invoke an abnormal Initial Mass Function deficient in low-mass objects. Candidates were selected on the basis of DENIS and 2MASS photometry, NOMAD astrometry and extensive follow-up spectroscopy.Comment: 5 Pages. 5 Figures and 1 Table. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters. Higher resolution figures available at http://www.mso.anu.edu.au/~murphysj/

    A deep photometric survey of the eta Chamaeleontis cluster down to the brown dwarf - planet boundary

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    We report the outcome of the deep optical/infrared photometric survey of the central region (33 X 33 arcmin or 0.9 pc^2) of the eta Chamaeleontis pre-main sequence star cluster. The completeness limits of the photometry are I = 19.1, J = 18.2 and H = 17.6; faint enough to reveal low mass members down to the brown dwarf and planet boundary of ~ 13 M_Jup. We found no such low mass members in this region. Our result combined with a previous shallower (I = 17) but larger area survey indicates that low mass objects (0.013 < M/M(solar mass) < 0.075) either were not created in the eta Cha cluster or were lost due to the early dynamical history of the cluster and ejected to outside the surveyed areas.Comment: 5 pages with 4 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Feeding interventions for growth and development in infants with cleft lip, cleft palate or cleft lip and palate.

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    BACKGROUND: Cleft lip and cleft palate are common birth defects, affecting about one baby of every 700 born. Feeding these babies is an immediate concern and there is evidence of delay in growth of children with a cleft as compared to those without clefting. In an effort to combat reduced weight for height, a variety of advice and devices are recommended to aid feeding of babies with clefts. OBJECTIVES: This review aims to assess the effects of these feeding interventions in babies with cleft lip and/or palate on growth, development and parental satisfaction. SEARCH STRATEGY: The following electronic databases were searched: the Cochrane Oral Health Group Trials Register (to 27 October 2010), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2010, Issue 4), MEDLINE via OVID (1950 to 27 October 2010), EMBASE via OVID (1980 to 27 October 2010), PsycINFO via OVID (1950 to 27 October 2010) and CINAHL via EBSCO (1980 to 27 October 2010). Attempts were made to identify both unpublished and ongoing studies. There was no restriction with regard to language of publication. SELECTION CRITERIA: Studies were included if they were randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of feeding interventions for babies born with cleft lip, cleft palate or cleft lip and palate up to the age of 6 months (from term). DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Studies were assessed for relevance independently and in duplicate. All studies meeting the inclusion criteria were data extracted and assessed for validity independently by each member of the review team. Authors were contacted for clarification or missing information whenever possible. MAIN RESULTS: Five RCTs with a total of 292 babies, were included in the review. Comparisons made within the RCTs were squeezable versus rigid feeding bottles (two studies), breastfeeding versus spoon-feeding (one study) and maxillary plate versus no plate (two studies). No statistically significant differences were shown for any of the primary outcomes when comparing bottle types, although squeezable bottles were less likely to require modification. No difference was shown for infants fitted with a maxillary plate compared to no plate. However, there was some evidence of an effect on weight at 6 weeks post-surgery in favour of breastfeeding when compared to spoon-feeding (mean difference 0.47; 95% confidence interval 0.20 to 0.74). AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Squeezable bottles appear easier to use than rigid feeding bottles for babies born with clefts of the lip and/or palate, however, there is no evidence of a difference in growth outcomes between the bottle types. There is weak evidence that breastfeeding is better than spoon-feeding following surgery for cleft. There was no evidence to suggest that maxillary plates assist growth in babies with clefts of the palate. No evidence was found to assess the use of any types of maternal advice and/or support for these babies

    Kings Park soil survey

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    The Schizophrenic Spectrum of LSR 1610-0040: a Peculiar M Dwarf/Subdwarf

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    We present a moderate resolution (R=2000), 0.8-4.1 micron spectrum of LSR 1610-0040, a high proper motion star classified as an early-type L subdwarf by Lepine and collaborators based on its red-optical spectrum. The near-infrared spectrum of LSR 1610-0040 does not fit into the (tentative) M/L subdwarf sequence but rather exhibits a mix of characteristics found in the spectra of both M dwarfs and M subdwarfs. In particular, the near-infrared spectrum exhibits a Na I doublet and CO overtone bandheads in the K band, and Al I and K I lines and an FeH bandhead in the H band, all of which have strengths more typical of field M dwarfs. Furthermore the spectrum of Gl 406 (M6 V) provides a reasonably good match to the 0.6-4.1 micron spectral energy distribution of LSR 1610. Nevertheless the near-infrared spectrum of LSR 1610 also exhibits features common to the spectra of M subdwarfs including a strong Ti I multiplet centered at ~0.97 microns, a weak VO band at ~1.06 microns, and possible collision-induced H_2 absorption in the H and K bands. We discuss a number of possible explanations for the appearance of the red-optical and near-infrared spectrum of LSR 1610-0040. Although we are unable to definitively classify LSR 1610-0040, the preponderance of evidence suggests that it is a mildly metal-poor M dwarf. Finally, we tentatively identify a new band of TiO at ~0.93 microns in the spectra of M dwarfs.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Gaia broad band photometry

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    The scientific community needs to be prepared to analyse the data from Gaia, one of the most ambitious ESA space missions, to be launched in 2012. The purpose of this paper is to provide data and tools in order to predict in advance how Gaia photometry is expected to be. To do so, we provide relationships among colours involving Gaia magnitudes and colours from other commonly used photometric systems (Johnson-Cousins, SDSS, Hipparcos and Tycho). The most up-to-date information from industrial partners has been used to define the nominal passbands and based on the BaSeL3.1 stellar spectral energy distribution library, relationships were obtained for stars with different reddening values, ranges of temperatures, surface gravities and metallicities. The transformations involving Gaia and Johnson-Cousins V-I_C and Sloan DSS g-z colours have the lowest residuals. A polynomial expression for the relation between the effective temperature and the colour G_BP-G_RP was derived for stars with T > 4500 K. Transformations involving two Johnson or two Sloan DSS colours yield lower residuals than using only one colour. We also computed several ratios of total-to-selective absorption including absorption A_G in the G band and colour excess E(G_BP-G_RP) for our sample stars. A relationship, involving A_G/A_V and the intrinsic (V-I_C) colour, is provided. The derived Gaia passbands have been used to compute tracks and isochrones using the Padova and BASTI models. Finally, the performances of the predicted Gaia magnitudes have been estimated according to the magnitude and the celestial coordinates of the star. The provided dependencies among colours can be used for planning scientific exploitation of Gaia data, performing simulations of the Gaia-like sky, planning ground-based complementary observations and for building catalogues with auxiliary data for the Gaia data processing and validation.Comment: 15 pages and 19 figure (accepted in A&A

    Episodic disk accretion in the halo of the 'old' Pre-Main Sequence cluster Eta Chamaeleontis

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    We present multi-epoch medium-resolution observations of two M4.5 candidate members in the halo of the ~8 Myr Eta Chamaeleontis open cluster. Over six months of observations both stars exhibited variations in their H-alpha line profiles on timescales of days to months, with at least one episode of substantial activity attributable to accretion from a circumstellar disk. We derive an accretion rate ~10^-8.7 Msun/yr for this event, with a rate of ~10^-10.6 Msun/yr in quiescence. Episodic accretion like that observed here means existing surveys of accreting Weak-lined T-Tauri Stars in young clusters are likely incomplete and that gas dissipation timescales calculated from the fraction of accreting objects are underestimates.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter
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