8 research outputs found

    Do fatty acids affect fetal programming?

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    Background: In this study discussed the primary and regulatory roles of fatty acids, and investigated the affects of fatty acids on metabolic programming. Methods: Review of the literature was carried out on three electronic databases to assess the roles of fatty acids in metabolic programming. All abstracts and full-text articles were examined, and the most relevant articles were selected for screening and inclusion in this review. Results: The mother\u2019s nutritional environment during fetal period has important effects on long term health. Fatty acids play a primary role in growth and development. Alterations in fatty acid intake in the fetal period may increase the risk of obesity and metabolic disorders in later life. Maternal fatty acid intakes during pregnancy and lactation are passed to the fetus and the newborn via the placenta and breast milk, respectively. Imbalances in fatty acid intake during the fetal period change the fatty acid composition of membrane phospholipids, which can cause structural and functional problems in cells. Additionally, the metabolic and neuroendocrine environments of the fetus and the newborn play key roles in the regulation of energy balance. Conclusions: Imbalances in fatty acid intake during pregnancy and lactation may result in permanent changes in appetite control, neuroendocrine function and energy metabolism in the fetus, leading to metabolic programming. Further studies are needed to determine the role of fatty acid intake in metabolic programming

    Do Fatty Acids Affect Fetal Programming?

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    The Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Added to Weight-Loss Diets on Body Composition, Plasma Leptin Levels and Blood Pressure

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    Amaç: Bu çalışma zayıflama diyetine eklenen balık yağının vücut bileşimi, plazma leptin düzeyi ve kan basıncı üzerindeki etkisini değerlendirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bireyler ve Yöntem: Çalışmada beden kütle indeksleri 30-35 kg/m2 olan premenapozal 40 kadın 2 gruba ayrılmıştır. Araştırma grubuna zayıflama diyeti ve 1 g/gün balık yağı, kontrol grubuna zayıflama diyeti verilmiştir. Çalışmanın başında ve 12. haftada vücut bileşimi, serum leptin düzeyi ve kan basınçları değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Çalışmaya alınan bireylerin vücut ağırlığı ve beden kütle indeksi, bel çevresi ve vücut yağ yüzdesinde başlangıca göre önemli azalma saptanmıştır (p0.05). Araştırma ve kontrol grubundaki bireylerin başlangıç ile 12. haftadaki serum leptin düzeyi arasındaki azalma ve gruplar arasındaki farkın istatistiksel olarak önemli olduğu saptanmıştır (p0.05). Sonuç: Obez bireylerde zayıflama diyetine eklenen balık yağı plazma leptin düzeyini düşürmüş ancak antropometrik ölçümler ve kan basıncı üzerinde önemli bir değişiklik oluşturmamıştır. Balık yağının yararlı etkilerini görebilmek için bu alanda daha uzun periyodlarda dozu arttırılmış daha ileri çalışmalarla elde edilecek olan kesin kanıtlara gereksinim duyulmaktadır.Aim: The aim of the present study is to examine the effects of fish oil that is added to weight-loss diets on body composition, plasma leptin levels and blood pressure. Subjects and Methods: In this study, 40 premenopausal women (body mass index 30-35 kg/m2) without any clinically apparent disease were randomized into two groups. Cases in group I received 1 gram fish oil daily, plus an energy restricted diet for 12 weeks. Cases in group II received only an energy restricted diet for 12 weeks. Results: Plasma leptin, body composition and blood pressure were measured at the beginning of the study and 12th weeks of the study. The decreases in body weight, BMI, waist circumference, and body fat percentage were determined (p<0.05). There were no statistically significant difference was found between groups (p>0.05). The decrease in leptin levels was statistically significant between groups (p<0.05). The decrease in sistolic and diastolic blood pressures were observed (p<0.05), but the difference between groups were not found significant (p>0.05). Conclusion: Fish oil that is added to weight-loss diets had decreased plasma leptin levels of the obese, but had no effect on anthropometric measurements and blood pressure. In order to declare the efficient effects of fish oil, clear evidences based on long term periods with more high doses of supplementation were needed

    Kadınlarda kalsiyum ve kalsiyum emilimine yardımcı olan diğer besin öğeleri tüketiminin değerlendirilmesi

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    Beslenme durumu bireyin besin öğelerine olan fizyolojik gereksiniminin karşılanma düzeyini yansıtır. Besin öğelerinden olan kalsiyumun yeterli alımı tüm yaş gruplarındaki bireyler için önemlidir. Bununla birlikte kadınların fizyolojik yapıları gereği bu besin öğesini yeterli seviyede almaları daha fazla önem taşımaktadır. Kesitsel yöntem izlenerek yapılan bu çalışma İran’ın Erdebil ilinde yaşayan 18-30 yaş arasındaki 400 kadın üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Katılımcıların sosyo-ekonomik durumlarını ve beslenme alışkanlıklarını içeren veriler anket formu uygulanarak toplanmıştır. Besin tüketim durumunun saptanmasında “24 saat besin tüketimi yöntemi” kullanılmıştır. Tüketilen günlük enerji ve besin öğeleri, diyetle önerilen günlük alım (DRI) miktarlarına göre değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin istatistiki analizinde SPSS 16.0 programı kullanılmıştır. Kentte yaşayan kadınların günlük aldıkları enerji ve protein miktarları kırsalda yaşayanlardan daha yüksek ve aralarındaki fark da istatistiki olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur (p<0,001), (p<0,05). Kentte ve kırsalda ortalama protein alımı DRI değerinin (46 g/gün) üzerinde bulunmuştur. Öte yandan kadınların enerji, magnezyum, çinko, kalsiyum alımları ise DRI değerinin altında saptanmıştır. Kentte ve kırsalda yaşayan kadınların kalsiyum alımları yönünden aralarındaki farklılık (p<0,001) ile lise mezunu kadınların ortalama kalsiyum alımları yönünden aralarındaki farklılık istatistiki olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur (p<0,001). Sonuç olarak bu çalışma hem kentte hem de kırsalda yaşayan kadınların kalsiyum alım miktarlarının önerilen değerlerden daha düşük olduğunu göstermektedir. Ek olarak kırsalda yaşayan kadınlar kentte yaşayan kadınlara göre daha düşük miktarda kalsiyum alım değerine sahiptir ve bu fark anlamlıdır.Nutritional status reflects the level of satisfaction of a person’s physiological needs for nutrients. Adequate consumption of calcium, which is one of the nutrients, is important for individuals of all age groups. However, it is more important for women to take this nutrient at a sufficient level due to their physiological structure. The study was a cross-sectional study conducted on 400 women aged 18-30 years in Ardabil district, Iran. Data were collected using socio-economic and food habits questionnaires. “24-hour recall” was used to determine the food intake status. The daily energy and nutrients consumed were evaluated according to the dietary recommended intake (DRI). The obtained data were evaluated using the SPSS 16.0 statistical computer program. Results showed that the energy and protein intake in urban areas was higher than in rural areas, and these differences were significant respectively (p<0.001, p<0.05). The mean protein intake in urban and rural areas was above the DRI value (46 g/d). Energy, magnesium, zinc and calcium intakes were determined below the DRI value. The difference between women living in urban and rural areas in terms of calcium intake is significant (p<0.001). The difference between the average calcium intake of high school graduate women living in urban and rural areas is significant (p<0.001). This study showed that the amount of calcium intake of women living in urban and rural areas was lower than the recommendations. In addition, calcium intake in rural areas was less than in urban areas, and this difference was significant

    Effect of Plate Size on Meal Energy Intake in Normal Weight Women

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    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES Use of smaller plates to control food intake is a commonly recommended strategy for restricting energy intake, despite conflicting results. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine whether or not three different sizes of plates influence energy intake during a multi-itemed buffet meal in normal weight women. SUBJECTS/METHODS This was a cross-over study conducted on 37 female participants aged 19-25 years with normal BMI levels. Participants were recruited from Hacettepe University and the surrounding community. On experimental days, participants ate a standard breakfast and were then randomly assigned to eat lunch using a small (19 cm), medium (23 cm), or large (28 cm) diameter plate. Visual analogue scale (VAS) scores on sensory and satiety outcomes were measured for all meals. Energy and macronutrient intakes during lunch were recorded. RESULTS There was no evidence that use of a smaller plate size reduced energy or specific macronutrient intake during the free choice lunch meal. Multiple visits to the serving table were not associated with energy or macronutrient intake. Plate size did not affect VAS scores during the test days. CONCLUSIONS Plate size did not influence energy intake, meal composition, or palatability in normal weight women during a multi-itemed open buffet lunch. Studies in natural settings at the population level are needed to clarify current outcomes.PubMedWoSScopu

    Turkish version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale

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    Background Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS) was established to identify individuals exhibiting signs of addiction towards certain types of food. This study aimed to develop a Turkish version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale and test its psychometric properties. Methods The backward translation techniques were used to develop Turkish versions of the YFAS, and its reproducibility was assessed. Turkish version of the YFAS was administered to a total of 1033 participants (439 men and 594 women), aged 19–65 years. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used to examine the factorial structure of the tool. Construct validity was assessed by principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation. Reliabilities were estimated with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The criterion-related validity was tested by the administration of Eating Attitude Test-26 (EAT-26) to all participants. Results The primary factor loadings for seven items were ranged between 0.45 and 0.79, and no items cross-loaded onto other factors. The fit indices showed that eight items of the YFAS were a good representation of the item responses and each item loaded significantly on the specified factor (p < 0.001 for each). YFAS subscales had a high internal consistency and test–retest reliability. The criterion-related validity of the tool showed a positive relationship with scales of the EAT-26. Conclusion Current study suggested that the Turkish version of the YFAS is a reliable, valid, and useful tool for assessing the signs of food addiction in a non-clinical sample.PubMedWoSScopu