83 research outputs found

    The origin of complex organic molecules in prestellar cores

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    Complex organic molecules (COMs) have been detected in a variety of environments, including cold prestellar cores. Given the low temperature of these objects, these last detections challenge existing models. We report here new observations towards the prestellar core L1544. They are based on an unbiased spectral survey of the 3mm band at the IRAM-30m telescope, as part of the Large Program ASAI. The observations allow us to provide the full census of the oxygen bearing COMs in this source. We detected tricarbon monoxide, methanol, acetaldehyde, formic acid, ketene, and propyne with abundances varying from 5e-11 to 6e-9. The non-LTE analysis of the methanol lines shows that they are likely emitted at the border of the core, at a radius of ~8000 AU where T~10 K and nH2~2e4 cm-3. Previous works have shown that water vapour is enhanced in the same region because of the photodesorption of water ices. We propose that a non-thermal desorption mechanism is also responsible for the observed emission of methanol and COMs from the same layer. The desorbed oxygen and a tiny amount of desorbed methanol and ethene are enough to reproduce the abundances of tricarbon monoxide, methanol, acetaldehyde and ketene measured in L1544. These new findings open the possibility that COMs in prestellar cores originate in a similar outer layer rather than in the dense inner cores, as previously assumed, and that their formation is driven by the non-thermally desorbed species.Comment: Accepted in ApJ

    Abundance of HOCO+ and CO2 in the outer layers of the L1544 prestellar core

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    The L1544 prestellar core has been observed as part of the ASAI IRAM Large Program at 3 mm. These observations led to the detection of many complex molecules. In this Letter, we report the detection of two lines, at 85.5 GHz (4,0,4-3,0,3) and 106.9 GHz (5,0,5-4,0,4), respectively, of the protonated carbon dioxide ion, HOCO+. We also report the tentative detection of the line at 100.4 GHz (5,0,5-4,0,4) of DOCO+. The non-LTE analysis of the detected lines shows that the HOCO+ emission originates in the external layer where non-thermal desorption of other species has previously been observed. Its abundance is (5 +/- 2) e-11. Modelling of the chemistry involved in the formation and destruction of HOCO+ provides a gaseous CO2 abundance of 2e-7 (with respect to H2) with an upper limit of 2e-6.Comment: To appear in A&A Letter

    Detection of the HC3_3NH+^+ and HCNH+^+ ions in the L1544 pre-stellar core

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    The L1544 pre-stellar core was observed as part of the ASAI (Astrochemical Surveys At IRAM) Large Program. We report the first detection in a pre-stellar core of the HCNH+^+ and HC3_3NH+^+ ions. The high spectral resolution of the observations allows to resolve the hyperfine structure of HCNH+^+. Local thermodynamic equilibrium analysis leads to derive a column density equal to (2.0±\pm0.2)×\times1013^{13}cm2^{-2} for HCNH+^+ and (1.5±\pm0.5)×\times1011^{11}cm2^{-2} for HC3_3NH+^+. We also present non-LTE analysis of five transitions of HC3_3N, three transitions of H13^{13}CN and one transition of HN13^{13}C, all of them linked to the chemistry of HCNH+^+ and HC3_3NH+^+. We computed for HC3_3N, HCN, and HNC a column density of (2.0±\pm0.4)×\times1013^{13}cm2^{-2}, (3.6±\pm0.9)×1014\times10^{14}cm2^{-2}, and (3.0±\pm1.0)×\times1014^{14}cm2^{-2}, respectively. We used the gas-grain chemical code Nautilus to predict the abundances all these species across the pre-stellar core. Comparison of the observations with the model predictions suggests that the emission from HCNH+^+ and HC3_3NH+^+ originates in the external layer where non-thermal desorption of other species was previously observed. The observed abundance of both ionic species ([HCNH+^+]3×1010\,\simeq3\times10^{-10} and [HC3_3NH+^+][1.53.0]×1012\,\simeq[1.5-3.0]\times10^{-12}, with respect to H2_2) cannot be reproduced at the same time by the chemical modelling, within the error bars of the observations only. We discuss the possible reasons for the discrepancy and suggest that the current chemical models are not fully accurate or complete. However, the modelled abundances are within a factor of three consistent with the observations, considering a late stage of the evolution of the pre-stellar core, compatible with previous observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 13 pages, 9 figure

    The genealogical tree of ethanol: gas-phase formation of glycolaldehyde, acetic acid and formic acid

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    Despite the harsh conditions of the interstellar medium, chemistry thrives in it, especially in star forming regions where several interstellar complex organic molecules (iCOMs) have been detected. Yet, how these species are synthesised is a mystery. The majority of current models claim that this happens on interstellar grain surfaces. Nevertheless, evidence is mounting that neutral gas-phase chemistry plays an important role. In this article, we propose a new scheme for the gas-phase synthesis of glycolaldehyde, a species with a prebiotic potential and for which no gas-phase formation route was previously known. In the proposed scheme, the ancestor is ethanol and the glycolaldehyde sister species are acetic acid (another iCOM with unknown gas-phase formation routes) and formic acid. For the reactions of the new scheme with no available data, we have performed electronic structure and kinetics calculations deriving rate coefficients and branching ratios. Furthermore, after a careful review of the chemistry literature, we revised the available chemical networks, adding and correcting several reactions related to glycolaldehyde, acetic acid and formic acid. The new chemical network has been used in an astrochemical model to predict the abundance of glycolaldehyde, acetic acid and formic acid. The predicted abundance of glycolaldehyde depends on the ethanol abundance in the gas phase and is in excellent agreement with the measured one in hot corinos and shock sites. Our new model overpredicts the abundance of acetic acid and formic acid by about a factor of ten, which might imply a yet incomplete reaction network

    Infalling-Rotating Motion and Associated Chemical Change in the Envelope of IRAS 16293-2422 Source A Studied with ALMA

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    We have analyzed rotational spectral line emission of OCS, CH3OH, HCOOCH3, and H2CS observed toward the low-mass Class 0 protostellar source IRAS 16293-2422 Source A at a sub-arcsecond resolution (~0".6 x 0".5) with ALMA. Significant chemical differentiation is found at a 50 AU scale. The OCS line is found to well trace the infalling-rotating envelope in this source. On the other hand, the CH3OH and HCOOCH3 distributions are found to be concentrated around the inner part of the infalling-rotating envelope. With a simple ballistic model of the infalling-rotating envelope, the radius of the centrifugal barrier (a half of the centrifugal radius) and the protostellar mass are evaluated from the OCS data to be from 40 to 60 AU and from 0.5 to 1.0 Msun, respectively, assuming the inclination angle of the envelope/disk structure to be 60 degrees (90 degrees for the edge-on configuration). Although the protostellar mass is correlated with the inclination angle, the radius of the centrifugal barrier is not. This is the first indication of the centrifugal barrier of the infalling-rotating envelope in a hot corino source. CH3OH and HCOOCH3 may be liberated from ice mantles due to weak accretion shocks around the centrifugal barrier, and/or due to protostellar heating. The H2CS emission seems to come from the disk component inside the centrifugal barrier in addition to the envelope component. The centrifugal barrier plays a central role not only in the formation of a rotationally-supported disk but also in the chemical evolution from the envelope to the protoplanetary disk

    Extended Far-Infrared CO Emission in the Orion OMC-1 Core

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    We report on sensitive far-infrared observations of 12^{12}CO pure rotational transitions in the OMC-1 core of Orion. The lines were observed with the Long Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS) in the grating mode on board the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), covering the 43-197 μ\mum wavelength range. The transitions from Jup=14J_{up}=14 up to Jup=19J_{up}=19 have been identified across the whole OMC-1 core and lines up to Jup=43J_{up}= 43 have been detected towards the central region, KL/IRc2. In addition, we have taken high-quality spectra in the Fabry-Perot mode of some of the CO lines. In KL/IRc2 the lines are satisfactorily accounted for by a three-temperature model describing the plateau and ridge emission. The fluxes detected in the high-JJ transitions (Jup>34J_{up} > 34) reveal the presence of a very hot and dense gas component (T=15002500T=1500-2500 K; N(CO)\rm N(CO)=2\times 10^{17}\cmmd),probablyoriginatingfromsomeoftheembeddedsourcespreviouslyobservedinthe), probably originating from some of the embedded sources previously observed in the \rm H_2nearinfraredlines.AtallotherpositionsintheOMC1core,weestimatekinetictemperatures near-infrared lines. At all other positions in the OMC-1 core, we estimate kinetic temperatures \geq 80$ K and as high as 150 K at some positions around IRc2, from a simple Large-Velocity Gradient model.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    The Herschel and IRAM CHESS Spectral Surveys of the Protostellar Shock L1157-B1: Fossil Deuteration

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    We present the first study of deuteration toward the protostellar shock L1157-B1, based on spectral surveys performed with the Herschel-HIFI and IRAM 30 m telescopes. The L1157 outflow is driven by a low-mass Class 0 protostar and is considered the prototype of the so-called chemically active outflows. The young (2000 yr), bright blueshifted bow shock, B1, is an ideal laboratory for studying the gas chemically enriched by the release of dust mantles due to the passage of a shock. A total of 12 emission lines (up to E_u = 63 K) of CH_(2)DOH, HDCO, and DCN are detected. In addition, two lines of NH_(2)D and HDO are tentatively reported. To estimate the deuteration, we also extracted from our spectral survey emission lines of non-deuterated isotopologues (^(13)CH_(3)OH, H_2 ^(13)CO, H^(13)CN, H_2 ^(13)CO, and NH_3). We infer higher deuteration fractions for CH_(3)OH (D/H = 0.2-2 × 10^(–2)) and H_(2)CO (5-8 × 10^(–3)) than for H_(2)O (0.4-2 × 10^(–3)), HCN (~10^(–3)), and ammonia (≤3 × 10^(–2)). The measurement of deuteration of water, formaldehyde, and methanol in L1157-B1 provides a fossil record of the gas before it was shocked by the jet driven by the protostar. A comparison with gas-grain models indicates that the gas passed through a low-density (≤10^3 cm^(–3)) phase, during which the bulk of water ices formed, followed by a phase of increasing density, up to 3 × 10^4 cm^(–3), during which formaldehyde and methanol ices formed

    The Photoionization of a Star-Forming Core in the Trifid Nebula

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    We have carried out a comprehensive multiwavelength study of Bright-Rimmed Globule TC2 in the Trifid Nebula using the IRAM~30m telescope, the VLA centimeter array and the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). TC2 is one of the very few globules to exhibit signs of active ongoing star formation while being photoevaporated. The study of the kinematics shows that TC2 is currently undergoing an implosion driven by the ionization field. The physical structure of the molecular core, the Photon-Dominated Region and the ionization front are characterized. The properties of the PDR are in good agreement with some recent PDR models. The molecular emission suggests that the star formation process was probably initiated a few 0.1 Myr ago, in the large burst which led to the formation of the nebula. The impact of photoionization on the star formation process appears limited.Peer reviewe

    Rotation in the NGC 1333 IRAS 4C Outflow

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    We report molecular line observations of the NGC 1333 IRAS 4C outflow in the Perseus Molecular Cloud with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array. The CCH and CS emission reveal an outflow cavity structure with clear signatures of rotation with respect to the outflow axis. The rotation is detected from about 120 au up to about 1400 au above the envelope/disk mid-plane. As the distance to the central source increases, the rotation velocity of the outflow decreases while the outflow radius increases, which gives a flat specific angular momentum distribution along the outflow. The mean specific angular momentum of the outflow is about 100 au km/s. Based on reasonable assumptions on the outward velocity of the outflow and the protostar mass, we estimate the range of outflow launching radii to be 5-15 au. Such a launching radius rules out that this outflow is launched as an X-wind, but rather, it is more consistent to be a slow disk wind launched from relatively large radii on the disk. The radius of the centrifugal barrier is roughly estimated, and the role of the centrifugal barrier in the outflow launching is discussed.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 29 pages, 8 figure