90 research outputs found

    Onion morphology and microstructure of polyhedral serpentine

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    We describe the shape and internal structure of polyhedral spheroids found in serpentinized peridotites which correspond to a new serpentine microstructure. Serpentine spheroids resemble geodesic domes made of c. 160 to 180 triangular facets. At facet edges, the nested layers bend by c. 14° along their three crystallographic directions, resulting in an onion-like structure with lateral continuity of the layers. The stacking of the serpentine layers within sectors is controlled by interlayer bonding. These polyhedral onions are made of a novel type of spherical nanostructure for layered materials

    Evolution of product phase assemblages during thermal decomposition of muscovite under strong disequilibrium conditions

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    http://www.minsocam.org/MSA/AmMin/TOC/Abstracts/2006_Abstracts/FM06_Abstracts/Devineau_p413_06.pdfWe investigated the thermal decomposition of muscovite in natural granite powders heated to 1175°C for durations from 5 min to 68 h, at 1 bar, paying special attention to the early stages of decomposition. This study shows that muscovite is completely transformed after 5 min. Muscovite pseudomorphs consist of glass, mullite, and Al-rich oxides. For short durations (5 and 40 min), the Al-rich phase was identiÞ ed by XRD, electron diffraction, and TEM microanalysis as γ-Al2O3 containing 4.8 wt% FeO (total Fe), probably a few weight percents of MgO, and possibly up to 10 wt% SiO2. Faint superstructure spots and diffuse streaks observed in electron-diffraction patterns suggest vacancy or trace elements ordering in the γ-Al2O3 defect spinel structure. γ-Al2O3 displays an unexpected acicular morphology, elongated along three directions at 120° in the basal (001)musc planes and parallel to lateral faces of the former muscovite. Mullite forms rods elongated in the basal (001)musc planes along a direction at 90° from one set of γ-Al2O3 needles. The γ-Al2O3 structure appears to be a metastable phase that is replaced by corundum for longer durations

    Lead isotopes behavior in the fumarolic environment of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Reunion Island)

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    International audienceThe recent activity of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano offers a rare opportunity to address the issue of Pb isotope behavior in volcanic fumaroles, as the composition of the degassing source is accurately and precisely known. Gas sublimates formed between 2007 and 2011 at temperature ranging from 400 to ca. 100 degrees C include Na-K sulfate (aphthitalite), Ca-Cu sulfate (e.g., gypsum), Na sulfate (thenardite), Ca-Mg-Al-Fe fluoride (e.g., ralstonite) and native sulfur. The high-temperature deposits show trace element patterns typical of volcanic gas (with Pb concentration up to 836 ppm) while the low-temperature deposits are depleted in most volatile elements (Pb <1 ppm) with the exception of Pd and Tl (in fluorides) and Se (in native sulfur). Only for low-temperature fluoride samples do Pb isotope compositions plot significantly outside the field of lavas. The isotopic shift is ascribed to leaching ubiquitous unradiogenic phases (e.g., sulfides) by acidic gas condensates. The similarity in Pb isotope signature between lavas and sublimate samples more representative of the gas phase (sulfates) indicates that the net fractionation of Pb isotopes resulting from volatilization and condensation processes is smaller than the precision of Pb isotope measurements (better than 60 ppm/a.m.u.). The absence of net fractionation could result from negligible isotope fractionation during Pb volatilization followed by extensive condensation of gaseous Pb, with possibly significant isotopic fractionation at this stage. Although this scenario has to be refined by more direct measurement of the gas phase, and its general applicability tested, it suggests that a small fraction (<10\%) of initially volatilized Pb ultimately escapes to the atmosphere, while the remaining dominant fraction is trapped in sublimates. As sublimates are rapidly dissolved and entrained by runoff, the fumarolic environment appears as a factory efficiently transferring isotopically unfractionated Pb from magmas towards the hydrological system and seawater. Resolving very small isotopic differences between magmas and their gaseous products remains an analytical challenge. High-precision Pb isotope measurements rest not only on instrumental performance but also on high-yield chemistry, as Pb isotopes drastically fractionate (800 ppm/a.m.u.) upon elution on anionic resin. For 50\% Pb recovery, the estimated isotopic bias is plus or minus 60-80 ppm/a.m.u., depending on which of the early (isotopically light) or late (isotopically heavy) Pb fraction is lost. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Multiple plasmon resonances in naturally-occurring multiwall nanotubes: infrared spectra of chrysotile asbestos

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    Chrysotile asbestos is formed by densely packed bundles of multiwall hollow nanotubes. Each wall in the nanotubes is a cylindrically wrapped layer of Mg3Si2O5(OH)4Mg_3 Si_2 O_5 (OH)_4. We show by experiment and theory that the infrared spectrum of chrysotile presents multiple plasmon resonances in the Si-O stretching bands. These collective charge excitations are universal features of the nanotubes that are obtained by cylindrically wrapping an anisotropic material. The multiple plasmons can be observed if the width of the resonances is sufficiently small as in chrysotile.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Revtex4 compuscript. Misprint in Eq.(6) correcte

    Rapport de sondages et d'analyses, Le Kilian et les carrières anciennes de trachyte dans la Chaîne des Puys (Puy-de-Dôme)

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    En 2008, l'existence de carrières souterraines médiévales avait été mise en évidence dans la pente ouest du Bois de Manson qui domine la dépression du Cratère Kilian, au pied sud du puy de Dôme. En 2009-2010, des sondages et prospections ont été étendus à tout l'ensemble du Kilian de façon à préciser l'étendue et, si possible, la chronologie de son exploitation dans le passé. Ces travaux ont permis d'observer, dans le fond du cratère et sur son flanc interne ouest, des amoncellements de déblais d'un volume considérable, témoignant d'une extraction de roche à grande échelle durant le haut Moyen Âge et très probablement aussi à l'époque gallo-romaine. Une nouvelle carrière souterraine a été découverte dans la pente interne ouest du cratère. La base du remplissage de cette carrière a livré des charbons datés entre la fin du IV e siècle et le début du VI e siècle par le radiocarbone, tandis que le sommet du remplissage contenait des tessons de céramique datables, par leur typologie, de la fin du V e siècle au début du VIII e siècle. L'état actuel des investigations conduit à faire l'hypothèse que les gallo-romains ont exploité, au fond du cratère, un trachyte compact dont on ne trouve aujourd'hui que les déchets de taille, et dont les affleurements sont masqués par les déblais, tandis que les artisans du Moyen Âge ont recherché un trachyte plus tendre dans les pentes hautes du cratère. Le Kilian doit donc s'ajouter aux trois sources actuellement connues de trachyte d'oeuvre dans le passé, à savoir les volcans Sarcoui, Aumône (ou petit Suchet) et Cliersou. Dès cette découverte, en 2008, s'est posée la question de savoir quelle part éventuelle le trachyte du Kilian avait pu prendre dans la construction du temple de Mercure au sommet du puy de Dôme et dans l'agglomération gallo-romaine située au col de Ceyssat. Pour y répondre, une campagne d'analyses géochimiques et pétrographiques été engagée pour caractériser, aux fins de comparaison, non seulement les trachytes du Kilian et ceux des ruines gallo-romaines, mais, de plus, les trachytes du Cliersou, de l'Aumône et du Sarcoui. Ces analyses ont finalement montré qu'il est possible de faire une discrimination statistiquement significative entre les différents trachytes étudiés, à l'exception de ceux du couple Cliersou-Aumône dont les laves sont très peu différentes les unes des autres. Le résultat le plus remarquable est que tous les trachytes gallo-romains échantillonnés (dont 10 échantillons distincts au temple de Mercure et 10 au col de Ceyssat) se rattachent sans ambiguïté au Kilian. En toute rigueur, ces nouvelles données ne permettent pas d'exclure sans appel la possibilité d'utilisation à l'époque gallo-romaine, au temple de Mercure et au col de Ceyssat, de trachytes provenant d'autres sources que le Kilian (cas des chaperons de mur du col de Ceyssat, provenant du puy de Dôme). Cependant, il faut ajouter qu'un examen visuel des trachytes d'oeuvre dans ces deux sites, portant sur un nombre de moellons et d'éléments architecturaux bien supérieur au nombre de ceux qui ont été analysés, conduit à conclure que leur source est probablement commune. Cette conclusion est basée sur un faciès minéralogique particulier, observable à l'oeil nu ou à la loupe


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    77th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, Casablanca, MOROCCO, SEP 08-13, 2014International audienc

    Processing of refractory species in the vicinity of rocklines

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    International audienceIn our solar system, meteoritical matter exhibits a variety in bulk compositions that is representative of the processing history of refractory matter in the protosolar nebula (PSN). This history is usually investigated via a thermodynamic approach, where refractory grains condense out from a hot cloud. However, in the innermost regions of the PSN the migration timescale of grains can exceed the evaporation timescale of refractory species.We investigate the role played by rocklines (condensation/sublimation lines of refractory materials) in the innermost regions of the PSN to compute the composition of drifting and evaporating grains. To do so, we compute the evolution of the PSN using a 1D viscous accretion disk model [1]. The disk is initially filled with dust that is a mixture of several refractory species of protosolar composition. This dust exists in the form of refractory grains and their vapors. The radial transport of grains is computed by solving an advection-diffusion equation, and phase transitions are accounted for by computing sublimation and condensation rates for each species. We then compare the composition of the PSN computed by our model with the composition of meteoritical bodies collected on Earth.We find that the compositional gradient in the PSN that is created by rocklines, shown in Figures 1 and 2, matches the composition of cosmic spherules, chondrules, and chondrites. Moreover, our model shows that solid matter is concentrated in the vicinity of these sublimation/condensation fronts. Although our model only focuses on the most abundant refractory species (olivine, represented in our model by its end members forsterite and fayalite; enstatite and ferrosilite pyroxenes; kamacite and taenite metal; and iron sulfide), it suggests that rocklines heavily processed refractory matter in the PSN, which has important consequences for the composition of small and large bodies in the innermost regions of the solar system. The local increase of the iron abundance close to rocklines of iron alloys could have contributed to the high Fe-content in Mercury.Figure 1. Composition profiles of the PSN in a Mg-Fe-Si ternary diagram (expressed in mass fraction) at different times, with composition of glass cosmic spherules (S-V type), barred olivine spherules (S-BO type), porphyritic spherules (S-P type) and C-chondrules. Protosolar and Earth's compositions are represented by Sun's and Earth's symbols, respectively, and Mercury's composition is represented by a red circle. Figure 2. Same as Figure 1, but here the Fe wt% is represented as a function of heliocentric distance. Color boxes correspond to typical compositions of chondrules (0%-10%), glass cosmic spherules (10%-30%), and porphyritic and barred olivine cosmic spherules (30%-60%). [1] Aguichine, A., Mousis, O., Devouard, B., and Ronnet, T. 2020, ApJ, 901, 97

    Pyroxene microstructure in the Northwest Africa 856 martian meteorite.

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    Transmission electron microscopy was used to examine pyroxene microstructure in the Northwest Africa (NWA) 856 martian meteorite to construct its cooling and shock histories. All pyroxenes contain strained coherent pigeonite/augite exsolution lamellae on (001). The average width and periodicity of lamellae are 80 and 400 nm, respectively, indicating a cooling rate below 0.1 degreesC/hr for the parent rock. Pigeonite and augite are topotactic, with strained coherent interfaces parallel to (001). The closure temperature for Ca-Fe, Mg interdiffusion, estimated from the composition at the augite pigeonite interface, is about 700 degreesC. Tweed texture in augite reveals that a spinodal decomposition occurred. Locally, tweed evolved toward secondary pigeonite exsolutions on (001). Due to the decreasing diffusion rate with decreasing temperature, "M-shaped" concentration profiles developed in augite lamellae. Pigeonite contains antiphase boundaries resulting from the C2/c to P2(1)/c space group transition that occurred during cooling. The reconstructive phase transition from P2(1)/c clinopyroxene to orthopyroxene did not occur. The deformation (shock) history of the meteorites is revealed by the presence of dislocations and mechanical twins. Dislocations are found in glide configuration, with the [001](100) glide system preferentially activated. They exhibit strong interaction with the strained augite/pigeonite interfaces and did not propagate over large distances. Twins are found to be almost all parallel to (100) and show moderate interaction with the augite/pigeonite interfaces. These twins are responsible for the plastic deformation of the pyroxene grains. Comparison with microstructure of shocked clinopyroxene (experimentally or naturally shocked) suggests that NWA 856 pyroxenes are not strongly shocked
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