177 research outputs found

    Duality properties of Gorringe-Leach equations

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    In the category of motions preserving the angular momentum's direction, Gorringe and Leach exhibited two classes of differential equations having elliptical orbits. After enlarging slightly these classes, we show that they are related by a duality correspondence of the Arnold-Vassiliev type. The specific associated conserved quantities (Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector and Fradkin-Jauch-Hill tensor) are then dual reflections one of the othe

    Sign Reversals of ac Magnetoconductance in Isolated Quantum Dots

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    We have measured the electromagnetic response of micron-size isolated mesoscopic GaAs/GaAlAs square dots down to temperature T=16mK, by coupling them to an electromagnetic micro-resonator. Both dissipative and non dissipative responses exhibit a large magnetic field dependent quantum correction, with a characteristic flux scale which corresponds to a flux quantum in a dot. The real (dissipative) magnetoconductance changes sign as a function of frequency for low enough density of electrons. The signal observed at frequency below the mean level spacing corresponds to a negative magnetoconductance, which is opposite to the weak localization seen in connected systems, and becomes positive at higher frequency. We propose an interpretation of this phenomenon in relation to fundamental properties of energy level spacing statistics in the dots.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figure

    Low Vitamin D in Narcolepsy with Cataplexy

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    Narcolepsy with cataplexy (NC) is currently thought to be an autoimmune-mediated disorder in which environmental risk factors make a significant contribution to its development. It was proposed that vitamin D deficiency plays a role in autoimmune diseases. Here we investigated whether NC can be associated with 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) level deficiency in patients with NC compared with gender- and age-matched normal controls.Serum level of 25 (OH)D was determined in 51 European patients with typical NC compared to 55 age-, gender-, and ethnicity-matched healthy controls. Demographic and clinical data (age at onset, duration and severity of disease at baseline, and treatment intake at time of study) and season of blood sampling were collected to control for confounding variables.Serum 25(OH)D concentration was lower in NC compared to controls (median, 59.45 nmol/l [extreme values 24.05-124.03] vs. 74.73 nmol/l [26.88-167.48] p = 0.0039). Patients with NC had significantly greater vitamin D deficiency (<75 nmol/l) than controls (72.5% vs 50.9%, p = 0.0238). Division into quartiles of the whole sample revealed that the risk of being affected with NC increased with lower 25(OH)D level, with a 5.34 OR [1.65-17.27] for the lowest quartile (p = 0.0051). Further adjustment for BMI did not modify the strength of the association (OR: 3.63, 95% CI = 1.06-12.46, p = 0.0191). No between BMI and 25(OH)D interaction, and no correlation between 25(OH)D level and disease duration or severity or treatment intake were found in NC.We found a higher frequency of vitamin D deficiency in NC. Further studies are needed to assess the contribution of hypovitaminosis D to the risk of developing narcolepsy, and to focus on the utility of assessing vitamin D status to correct potential deficiency

    Nouveau traité des maladies des yeux.: Où l'on expose leur structure, leur usage, les causes de leurs maladies, leurs symptomes, les remedes & les opérations de chirurgie qui conviennent le plus à leur guérison. Avec de nouvelles découvertes sur la structure de l'oeil, qui prouvent l'organe immédiat de la vue ...

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    La obra es respuesta auna carta de M. MauchartEx libris de Almacen de libros de Pablo Carís y Bertrand, calle de San Francisco Casa,n{u00BA} 45 en Cádiz.Signatura:ab12 AO12Encuadernada con otra obra de Sloane.Encuadernada con : "Histoire d'un reméde trés efficace pour la foiblesse et rougeur des yeux, et autres maladies du meme organe. Avec un reméde infaillible contre la morsure du chien enragé. Par ... Hans Sloane ... Traduits [sic] de l'anglois & enrichie de notes par M. Cantwel ..." (27 p., plate, with special title page

    Outcome after failure of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children with acute leukemia: a study by the Société Francophone de Greffe de Moelle et de Thérapie Cellulaire (SFGM-TC)

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    Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (SCT) contributes to improved outcome in childhood acute leukemia (AL). However, therapeutic options are poorly defined in case of post-transplantation relapse. We aimed to compare treatment strategies in 334 consecutive children with acute leukemia relapse or progression after SCT in a recent ten-year period. Data could be analyzed in 288 patients (157 ALL, 123 AML and 8 biphenotypic AL) with a median age of 8.16 years at transplantation. The median delay from first SCT to relapse or progression was 182 days. The treatment consisted in chemotherapy alone (n=108), chemotherapy followed by second SCT (n=70), supportive/palliative care (n=67), combination of chemotherapy and DLI (n=30), or isolated reinfusion of donor lymphocytes (DLI) (n=13). The median OS duration after relapse was 164 days and differed according to therapy: DLI after chemotherapy = 385 d, second allograft = 391d, chemotherapy = 174d, DLI alone = 140d, palliative care = 43d. A second SCT or a combination of chemotherapy and donor lymphocytes infusion yielded similar outcome (HR=0.85, p=0.53) unlike chemotherapy alone (HR 1.43 p=0.04), palliative care (HR=4.24, p<0.0001) or isolated DLI (HR=1,94, p<0.04). Despite limitations in this retrospective setting, strategies including immunointervention appear superior to other approaches, mostly in AML

    Sequential Isotopic Signature Along Gladius Highlights Contrasted Individual Foraging Strategies of Jumbo Squid (Dosidicus gigas)

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    International audienceBackground: Cephalopods play a major role in marine ecosystems, but knowledge of their feeding ecology is limited. In particular, intra- and inter-individual variations in their use of resources has not been adequatly explored, although there is growing evidence that individual organisms can vary considerably in the way they use their habitats and resources. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using d13C and d15N values of serially sampled gladius (an archival tissue), we examined high resolution variations in the trophic niche of five large (.60 cm mantle length) jumbo squids (Dosidicus gigas) that were collected off the coast of Peru. We report the first evidence of large inter-individual differences in jumbo squid foraging strategies with no systematic increase of trophic level with size. Overall, gladius d13C values indicated one or several migrations through the squid's lifetime (,8-9 months), during which d15N values also fluctuated (range: 1 to 5%). One individual showed an unexpected terminal 4.6% d15N decrease (more than one trophic level), thus indicating a shift from higher- to lower-trophic level prey at that time. The data illustrate the high diversity of prey types and foraging histories of this species at the individual level. Conclusions/Significance: The isotopic signature of gladii proved to be a powerful tool to depict high resolution and ontogenic variations in individual foraging strategies of squids, thus complementing traditional information offered by stomach content analysis and stable isotopes on metabolically active tissues. The observed differences in life history strategies highlight the high degree of plasticity of the jumbo squid and its high potential to adapt to environmental changes

    Increased Immune Complexes of Hypocretin Autoantibodies in Narcolepsy

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Hypocretin peptides participate in the regulation of sleep-wake cycle while deficiency in hypocretin signaling and loss of hypocretin neurons are causative for narcolepsy-cataplexy. However, the mechanism responsible for alteration of the hypocretin system in narcolepsy-cataplexy and its relevance to other central hypersomnias remain unknown. Here we studied whether central hypersomnias can be associated with autoantibodies reacting with hypocretin-1 peptide present as immune complexes. METHODOLOGY: Serum levels of free and dissociated (total) autoantibodies reacting with hypocretin-1 peptide were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and analyzed with regard to clinical parameters in 82 subjects with narcolepsy-cataplexy, narcolepsy without cataplexy or idiopathic hypersomnia and were compared to 25 healthy controls. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Serum levels of total but not free IgG autoantibodies against hypocretin-1 were increased in narcolepsy-cataplexy. Increased levels of complexed IgG autoantibodies against hypocretin-1 were found in all patients groups with a further increase in narcolepsy-cataplexy. Levels of total IgM hypocretin-1 autoantibodies were also elevated in all groups of patients. Increased levels of anti-idiotypic IgM autoantibodies reacting with hypocretin-1 IgG autoantibodies affinity purified from sera of subjects with narcolepsy-cataplexy were found in all three groups of patients. Disease duration correlated negatively with serum levels of hypocretin-1 IgG and IgM autoantibodies and with anti-idiotypic IgM autoantibodies. CONCLUSION: Central hypersomnias and particularly narcolepsy-cataplexy are characterized by higher serum levels of autoantibodies directed against hypocretin-1 which are present as immune complexes most likely with anti-idiotypic autoantibodies suggesting their relevance to the mechanism of sleep-wake cycle regulation

    Efficacy and tolerability of gemtuzumab ozogamicin (anti-CD33 monoclonal antibody, CMA-676, Mylotarg(®)) in children with relapsed/refractory myeloid leukemia

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    BACKGROUND: Gemtuzumab ozogamicin (GO) is a cytotoxic anti-CD33 monoclonal antibody that has given promising preliminary results in adult myeloid CD33+ AML. We conducted a retrospective multicenter study of 12 children treated with GO on a compassionate basis (median age 5.5 y). Three patients (2 MDS/AML, 1 JMML) were refractory to first-line treatment, 8 patients with de novo AML were in refractory first relapse, and one patient with de novo AML was in 2(nd )relapse after stem cell transplantation (SCT). CD33 expression exceeded 20% in all cases. METHODS: GO was administered alone, at a unit dose of 3–9 mg/m(2), once (3 patients), twice (3 patients), three (5 patients) or five times (1 patient). Mean follow-up was 128 days (8–585 d). RESULTS: There were three complete responses (25%) leading to further curative treatment (SCT). Treatment failed in the other nine patients, and only one patient was alive at the end of follow-up. NCI-CTC grade III/IV adverse events comprised hematological toxicity (n = 12), hypertransaminasemia (n = 2), allergy and hyperbilirubinemia (1 case each). There was only one major adverse event (grade IV allergy). No case of sinusoidal obstruction syndrome occurred. CONCLUSION: These results warrant a prospective trial of GO in a larger population of children with AML