175 research outputs found

    Generalizing a Unified Model of Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Inflation with Non Canonical Kinetic Term

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    We study a unification model for dark energy, dark matter, and inflation with a single scalar field with non canonical kinetic term. In this model the kinetic term of the Lagrangian accounts for the dark matter and dark energy, and at early epochs a quadratic potential accounts for slow roll inflation. The present work is an extension to the work by Bose and Majumdar [1] with a more general kinetic term that was proposed by Chimento in [2]. We demonstrate that the model is viable at the background and linear perturbation levels.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Minor changes to text and formulae, and added 3 references to match the published version in Phys. Rev.

    Different homogeneity detectors for improving space-time adaptive radar performance in heterogeneous clutter

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    © Copyright 2006 IEEESecondary data selection for estimation of the clutter covariance matrix in space-time adaptive processing (STAP) is normally obtained from cells (range rings) in close proximity of the cell under test. The aim of this paper is the analysis of performance improvement of Space-Time Adaptive radars when secondary data selection is obtained by discriminating between quasi-homogeneous areas on the ground which generate clutter with different statistics (i.e. clutter edges including littoral, farmland-wooded hills or rural-urban interfaces). The algorithm presented in this paper, referred to as the Different Homogeneity Detector (DHD), has been tested with simulated data obtained by using a general clutter model and a uniform linear array.Massimo Bertacca, Douglas A. Gray, Luke Rosenber

    ISW effect in Unified Dark Matter Scalar Field Cosmologies: an analytical approach

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    We perform an analytical study of the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect within the framework of Unified Dark Matter models based on a scalar field which aim at a unified description of dark energy and dark matter. Computing the temperature power spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies we are able to isolate those contributions that can potentially lead to strong deviations from the usual ISW effect occurring in a Λ\LambdaCDM universe. This helps to highlight the crucial role played by the sound speed in the Unified Dark Matter models. Our treatment is completely general in that all the results depend only on the speed of sound of the dark component and thus it can be applied to a variety of unified models, including those which are not described by a scalar field but relies on a single dark fluid.Comment: 15 pages, LateX file; one comment after Eq.(36) and formula (44) added in order to underline procedure and main results. Accepted for publication in JCAP; some typos correcte

    Unified Dark Matter models with fast transition

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    We investigate the general properties of Unified Dark Matter (UDM) fluid models where the pressure and the energy density are linked by a barotropic equation of state (EoS) p=p(ρ)p = p(\rho) and the perturbations are adiabatic. The EoS is assumed to admit a future attractor that acts as an effective cosmological constant, while asymptotically in the past the pressure is negligible. UDM models of the dark sector are appealing because they evade the so-called "coincidence problem" and "predict" what can be interpreted as wDE1w_{\rm DE} \approx -1, but in general suffer the effects of a non-negligible Jeans scale that wreak havoc in the evolution of perturbations, causing a large Integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect and/or changing structure formation at small scales. Typically, observational constraints are violated, unless the parameters of the UDM model are tuned to make it indistinguishable from Λ\LambdaCDM. Here we show how this problem can be avoided, studying in detail the functional form of the Jeans scale in adiabatic UDM perturbations and introducing a class of models with a fast transition between an early Einstein-de Sitter CDM-like era and a later Λ\LambdaCDM-like phase. If the transition is fast enough, these models may exhibit satisfactory structure formation and CMB fluctuations. To consider a concrete case, we introduce a toy UDM model and show that it can predict CMB and matter power spectra that are in agreement with observations for a wide range of parameter values.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures, JHEP3 style, typos corrected; it matches the published versio

    Cosmic degeneracies III: N-body simulations of Interacting Dark Energy with non-Gaussian initial conditions

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    We perform for the first time N-body simulations of interacting dark energy assuming non-Gaussian initial conditions, with the aim of investigating possible degeneracies of these two theoretically independent phenomena in different observational probes. We focus on the large-scale matter distribution, as well as on the statistical and structural properties of collapsed haloes and cosmic voids. On very large scales, we show that it is possible to choose the interaction and non-Gaussian parameters such that their effects on the halo power spectrum cancel, and the power spectrum is indistinguishable from a \u39b cold dark matter (\u2060\u39bCDM) model. On small scales, measurements of the non-linear matter power spectrum, halo-matter bias, halo and subhalo mass function, and cosmic void number function validate the degeneracy determined on large scales. However, the internal structural properties of haloes and cosmic voids, namely halo concentration\u2013mass relation and void density profile, are very different from those measured in the \u39bCDM model, thereby breaking the degeneracy. In practice, the values of fNL required to cancel the effect of interaction are already ruled by observations. Our results show in principle that the combination of large- and small-scale probes is needed to constrain interacting dark energy and primordial non-Gaussianity separately

    Clustering of quintessence on horizon scales and its imprint on HI intensity mapping

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    Quintessence can cluster only on horizon scales. What is the effect on the observed matter distribution? To answer this, we need a relativistic approach that goes beyond the standard Newtonian calculation and deals properly with large scales. Such an approach has recently been developed for the case when dark energy is vacuum energy, which does not cluster at all. We extend this relativistic analysis to deal with dynamical dark energy. Using three quintessence potentials as examples, we compute the angular power spectrum for the case of an HI intensity map survey. Compared to the concordance model with the same small-scale power at z = 0, quintessence boosts the angular power by up to 15% at high redshifts, while power in the two models converges at low redshifts. The difference is mainly due to the background evolution, driven mostly by the normalization of the power spectrum today. The dark energy perturbations make only a small contribution on the largest scales, and a negligible contribution on smaller scales. Ironically, the dark energy perturbations remove the false boost of large-scale power that arises if we impose the (unphysical) assumption that the dark energy is smooth.Web of Scienc

    Cosmic degeneracies III: N-body simulations of interacting dark energy with non-Gaussian initial conditions

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    We perform for the first time N-body simulations of interacting dark energy assuming non- Gaussian initial conditions, with the aim of investigating possible degeneracies of these two theoretically independent phenomena in different observational probes.We focus on the largescale matter distribution, as well as on the statistical and structural properties of collapsed haloes and cosmic voids. On very large scales, we show that it is possible to choose the interaction and non-Gaussian parameters such that their effects on the halo power spectrum cancel, and the power spectrum is indistinguishable from a \u39b cold dark matter (\u39bCDM) model. On small scales, measurements of the non-linear matter power spectrum, halo-matter bias, halo and subhalomass function, and cosmic void number function validate the degeneracy determined on large scales. However, the internal structural properties of haloes and cosmic voids, namely halo concentration-mass relation and void density profile, are very different from those measured in the \u39bCDM model, thereby breaking the degeneracy. In practice, the values of fNLrequired to cancel the effect of interaction are already ruled by observations. Our results show in principle that the combination of large- and small-scale probes is needed to constrain interacting dark energy and primordial non-Gaussianity separately

    Nonlinear relativistic corrections to cosmological distances, redshift and gravitational lensing magnification. I - Key results

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    The next generation of telescopes will usher in an era of precision cosmology, capable of determining the cosmological model to beyond the percent level. For this to be effective, the theoretical model must be understood to at least the same level of precision. A range of subtle relativistic effects remain to be explored theoretically, and offer the potential for probing general relativity in this new regime. We present the distance-redshift relation to second order in cosmological perturbation theory for a general dark energy model. This relation determines the magnification of sources at high precision, as well as redshift space distortions in the mildly non-linear regime. We identify a range of new lensing effects, including: double-integrated and nonlinear integrated Sach-Wolfe contributions, transverse Doppler effects, lensing from the induced vector mode and gravitational wave backgrounds, in addition to lensing from the second-order potential. Modifications to Doppler lensing from redshift-space distortions are identified. Finally, we find a new double-coupling between the density fluctuations integrated along the line of sight, and gradients in the density fluctuations coupled to transverse velocities along the line of sight. These can be large and thus offer important new probes of gravitational lensing and general relativity. This paper accompanies arXiv:1402.1933, where a comprehensive derivation is given.Comment: 7 pages. v2 has significant presentational changes. v3 has new discussion on the magnitude of the corrections, plus minor corrections, and is the version to appear in CQ

    CMB-Galaxy correlation in Unified Dark Matter Scalar Field Cosmologies

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    We present an analysis of the cross-correlation between the CMB and the large-scale structure (LSS) of the Universe in Unified Dark Matter (UDM) scalar field cosmologies. We work out the predicted cross-correlation function in UDM models, which depends on the speed of sound of the unified component, and compare it with observations from six galaxy catalogues (NVSS, HEAO, 2MASS, and SDSS main galaxies, luminous red galaxies, and quasars). We sample the value of the speed of sound and perform a likelihood analysis, finding that the UDM model is as likely as the LambdaCDM, and is compatible with observations for a range of values of c_\infinity (the value of the sound speed at late times) on which structure formation depends. In particular, we obtain an upper bound of c_\infinity^2 \leq 0.009 at 95% confidence level, meaning that the LambdaCDM model, for which c_\infinity^2 = 0, is a good fit to the data, while the posterior probability distribution peaks at the value c_\infinity^2=10^(-4) . Finally, we study the time dependence of the deviation from LambdaCDM via a tomographic analysis using a mock redshift distribution and we find that the largest deviation is for low-redshift sources, suggesting that future low-z surveys will be best suited to constrain UDM models.Comment: Slightly revised version accepted for publication in JCAP, with a few added references; 26 pages, 8 figure

    An entirely analytical cosmological model

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    The purpose of the present study is to show that in a particular cosmological model, with an affine equation of state, one can obtain, besides the background given by the scale factor, Hubble and deceleration parameters, a representation in terms of scalar fields and, more important, explicit mathematical expressions for the density contrast and the power spectrum. Although the model so obtained is not realistic, it reproduces features observed in some previous numerical studies and, therefore, it may be useful in the testing of numerical codes and as a pedagogical tool.Comment: 4 pages (revtex4), 4 figure