16 research outputs found

    Aceptación de carne bovina obtenida a través de modificación genética y clonación por parte de estudiantes universitarios y adultos que trabajan en el sur de Chile

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    In order to compare the acceptance of beef obtained from a conventionally bred, cloned or genetically modified (GM) animal by working adults and university students, and to identify consumer segments in both subsamples, a survey of 400 people in southern Chile was applied, distributed by means of proportional allocation. Using a conjoint analysis in the total sample, it was determined that the production technology was more important than the price, origin, presentation or breed of the animal. The consumers preferred Argentinean beef, cut, from a conventional animal, at the lowest price. In both subsamples one segment was sensitive to the production technology, one to the price and one to the origin of the meat. Nevertheless, the proportion of adults who rejected cloning and GM was greater, whereas a significant proportion of students viewed meat from a cloned or GM animal positively. In both subsamples, the groups sensitive to the origin had a positive view of beef from a GM animal. The groups in the subsample of students were differentiated by the frequency of beef consumption. In both subsamples, the segments did not differ in the level of satisfaction with their food-related life.Con el objetivo de comparar la aceptación de carne bovina de un animal convencional, clonado y genéticamente modificado (GM) en adultos laboralmente activos y estudiantes universitarios, e identificar segmentos de consumidores en ambas submuestras, se aplicó una encuesta a 400 personas en el sur de Chile, distribuidas mediante afijación proporcional. Mediante análisis conjunto, en la muestra total se determinó que la tecnología de producción fue más importante que el precio, el origen, la presentación y la raza del animal. Los consumidores prefirieron carne argentina, al corte, de un animal convencional, al precio más bajo. En ambas sub-muestras se distinguió un segmento sensible a la tecnología de producción, uno sensible al precio y uno sensible al origen de la carne. Sin embargo, fue mayor la proporción de adultos que rechazó la clonación y la GM, mientras una importante proporción de estudiantes se mostró positivo frente a la carne de un animal GM y clonado. En ambas sub-muestras los grupos sensibles al origen se mostraron positivos frente a la carne de un animal GM. Los grupos de la sub-muestra de estudiantes se diferenciaron según la frecuencia de consumo de carne bovina. En ambas sub-muestras los segmentos no difirieron según el nivel de satisfacción con su alimentación.Fil: Schnettler, Berta. Universidad de La Frontera (Chile). Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Forestales. Departamento de Producción Agropecuaria.Fil: Velásquez, Carlos. Universidad de La Frontera (Chile). Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Forestales. Departamento de Producción Agropecuaria.Fil: Lobos, Germán. Universidad de Talca (Chile)Fil: Orellana, Ligia. Chile. Universidad de La Frontera. Centro de Psicología Económica y del Consumo.Fil: Sepúlveda, José. Chile. Universidad de La Frontera. Centro de Psicología Económica y del Consumo.Fil: Salinas-Oñate, Natalia. Chile. Universidad de La Frontera. Centro de Psicología Económica y del Consumo.Fil: Adasme-Berríos, Cristian. Universidad Católica del Maule (Talca, Chile)Fil: Grunert, Klaus G.

    Pig manure treatment with housefly (Musca domestica) rearing – an environmental life cycle assessment

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    The largest portion of a product’s environmental impacts and costs of manufacturing and use results from decisions taken in the conceptual design phase long before its market entry. To foster sustainable production patterns, applying life cycle assessment in the early product development stage is gaining importance. Following recent scientific studies on using dipteran fly species for waste management, this paper presents an assessment of two insect-based manure treatment systems. Considering the necessity of manure treatment in regions with concentrated animal operations, reducing excess manure volumes with the means of insects presents a potentially convenient method to combine waste reduction and nutrient recovery. An analytical comparison of rearing houseflies on fresh and pre-treated pig manure is reported with reference to agricultural land occupation, water and fossil depletion potential. Based on ex-ante modelled industrial scale rearing systems, the driving factors of performance and environmentally sensitive aspects of the rearing process have been assessed. Expressed per kg manure dry matter reduction, the estimated agricultural land occupation varied between 1.4 and 2.7 m2yr, fossil depletion potential ranged from 1.9 to 3.4 kgoil eq and the obtained water depletion potential was calculated from 36.4 to 65.6 m3. System improvement potential was identified for heating related energy usage and water consumption. The geographical context and the utility of the co-products, i.e. residue substrates and insect products, were determined as influential variables to the application potential of this novel manure treatment concept. The results of this study, applied at the earliest stages of the design of the process, assist evaluation of the feasibility of such a system and provide guidance for future research and development activities.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 312084 (PROteINSECT)

    Endoscopic biliary drainage in unresectable biliary obstruction: the role of endoscopic ultrasound-guidance in a cohort study

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    Background and study aims: the use of endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage (EUS-BD) has increased in cases of failed endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and there are some concerns. The main aim of the study was to determine the role of EUS-BD in a palliative case cohort. The secondary aim was to compare the efficacy, safety and survival of EUS-BD and ERCP procedures. Patients and methods: this was an observational study at a single tertiary institution, with a consecutive inclusion from January 2015 to December 2016. The inclusion criteria were unresectable tumors of the biliopancreatic region with an indication of BD. Statistical comparison analysis was performed between the ERCP and EUS-BD groups. The incidence between groups was compared using the Chi-square and Fisher exact tests. The log rank test was used to compare the risk of death. Results: fifty-two cases with an indication of palliative BD were included in the study. Transpapillary drainage via ERCP was possible in 44 procedures and EUS-BD was required in eight cases; 15.4% of the cohort and seven using lumen apposing metal stent (LAMS). The technical and clinical success of global endoscopic BD was 100% and 88.5% (ERCP: 84.6% and 78.9%; EUS-BD: 100% and 62.5%, respectively). Pancreatitis was the most frequent adverse event (AE) in the ERCP group (9.62%) and bleeding in the EUS-BD (25%). There were fatal AEs in ERCP (1.9%) and EUS-BD (25%) cases. Patient survival was higher with ERCP transpapillary stents compared to EUS-guided stents, which was statistically significant (p = 0.007). Conclusions: the requirement of EUS-BD in palliative biliopancreatic pathology is not marginal. EUS-BD is associated with a lower survival rate and a higher rate of fatal AE, which argues against its use as a first choice procedure

    Twenty Tips for High-School Students Engaging in Research with Scientists

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    Ten high-school students from Catalunya and two neuroscientists from the Netherlandsstarted a research collaboration in 2012 investigating how colors may influence learningabilities. This research question was defined and developed solely by the students, withresearchers joining the project later through the guidance of a facilitator and a teacher. Thisrather radical approach to “citizen-science” involved research collaborations on citizen-generatedquestions and was extremely rewarding for both parties involved. It providedskills, empowered participants, and enhanced the social relevance of science while allowinginteractions that might have never happened otherwise. But the process was alsochallenging,which motivated the team of 10 students to propose “Twenty Tips” for otherstudents interested in embarking on a similar journey. In the spirit of all research within thisproject, this article was a collaborative effort between the participants and thus departsstructurally from other scientific articles

    Comportamiento del bajo peso al nacer. Behaviour of the low birth weight

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    El bajo peso al nacer constituye una gran problemática a nivel mundial, esta es una patología frecuente a nivel de la atención primaria de salud, con múltiples y fatales consecuencias futuras. Se realizó una investigación descriptiva transversal para determinar el comportamiento del bajo peso al nacer en el Consejo Popular "Aguas Claras" del municipio Pinar del Río, perteneciente al Policlínico Docente "Hermanos Cruz" durante el período 2004-2005, cuyo universo está constituido por 30 recién nacidos con un peso inferior a los 2500 gr.,  coincidiendo con la muestra; se tuvieron en cuenta las siguientes variables maternas como: edad, paridad, hábitos tóxicos y enfermedades asociadas al embarazo, y la descripción de variables del recién nacido como edad gestacional al nacer, complicaciones del recién nacido al nacer, tipo de alimentación recibida y peso al nacer. Para la obtención de la información se aplicó una encuesta (Anexo 1) a las madres de los recién nacidos bajo peso, los resultados obtenidos fueron tabulados a través del método porcentual aritmético, se llevaron a tablas para su mejor comprensión. Palabras clave: RECIEN NACIDO, BAJO PESO ABSTRACT Low birth weight represents a great problem worldwide, being a frequent pathology at Primary Health Care level, and presenting multiple and lethal future consequences. A descriptive, cross-sectional research was carried out in order to assess the behaviour of the low birth weight in Pinar del Río municipality in the "Hermanos Cruz" Teaching Clinic during 2004-2005. The universe consists of 30 newborns with a body weight under 2500 gr., coinciding with the sample. The following variables were taken into account: age, parity, toxic habits and diseases associated with pregnancy, as well as the description of the newborn's variables such as gestational age at birth, complications of the newborn at birth, kind of feeding received and birth weight. In order to obtain the information a survey was carried our (Annex 1), with the mothers of the low birth weight newborns. The results of the survey were presented in tabular form, using the percentage method for a better understanding. Key words: NEWBORN, LOW BIRTH WEIGHT

    Comportamiento del bajo peso al nacer. Behaviour of the low birth weight

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    El bajo peso al nacer constituye una gran problemática a nivel mundial, esta es una patología frecuente a nivel de la atención primaria de salud, con múltiples y fatales consecuencias futuras. Se realizó una investigación descriptiva transversal para determinar el comportamiento del bajo peso al nacer en el Consejo Popular "Aguas Claras" del municipio Pinar del Río, perteneciente al Policlínico Docente "Hermanos Cruz" durante el período 2004-2005, cuyo universo está constituido por 30 recién nacidos con un peso inferior a los 2500 gr.,  coincidiendo con la muestra; se tuvieron en cuenta las siguientes variables maternas como: edad, paridad, hábitos tóxicos y enfermedades asociadas al embarazo, y la descripción de variables del recién nacido como edad gestacional al nacer, complicaciones del recién nacido al nacer, tipo de alimentación recibida y peso al nacer. Para la obtención de la información se aplicó una encuesta (Anexo 1) a las madres de los recién nacidos bajo peso, los resultados obtenidos fueron tabulados a través del método porcentual aritmético, se llevaron a tablas para su mejor comprensión. Palabras clave: RECIEN NACIDO, BAJO PESO ABSTRACT Low birth weight represents a great problem worldwide, being a frequent pathology at Primary Health Care level, and presenting multiple and lethal future consequences. A descriptive, cross-sectional research was carried out in order to assess the behaviour of the low birth weight in Pinar del Río municipality in the "Hermanos Cruz" Teaching Clinic during 2004-2005. The universe consists of 30 newborns with a body weight under 2500 gr., coinciding with the sample. The following variables were taken into account: age, parity, toxic habits and diseases associated with pregnancy, as well as the description of the newborn's variables such as gestational age at birth, complications of the newborn at birth, kind of feeding received and birth weight. In order to obtain the information a survey was carried our (Annex 1), with the mothers of the low birth weight newborns. The results of the survey were presented in tabular form, using the percentage method for a better understanding. Key words: NEWBORN, LOW BIRTH WEIGHT

    Estrategias metodológicas facilitadoras del desarrollo del cerebro total y su incidencia en el aprendizaje significativo de los estudiantes universitarios

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    En el artículo que se presenta a continuación, las autoras abordan estrategias metodológicas desde una perspectiva neurocientífica para el logro del aprendizaje significativo a partir del análisis de los rasgos distintivos de los estudiantes universitarios, y en concordancia con las investigaciones adelantadas al respecto. Las estrategias en mención, tienen en cuenta los niveles de desarrollo psicoafectivo, cognitivo, lingüístico y social del estudiante, así como el contexto en que evoluciona y se forma; se contempla, además, algunos principios basados en los fundamentos de la teoría del cerebro total, articulados con dichas estrategias que debe tener presentes el docente, como mediador y guía para apoyar al estudiante en la búsqueda y construcción del conocimiento

    Comportamiento del bajo peso al nacer Behaviour of the low birth weight

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    El bajo peso al nacer constituye una gran problemática a nivel mundial, esta es una patología frecuente a nivel de la atención primaria de salud, con múltiples y fatales consecuencias futuras. Se realizó una investigación descriptiva transversal para determinar el comportamiento del bajo peso al nacer en el Consejo Popular "Aguas Claras" del municipio Pinar del Río, perteneciente al Policlínico Docente "Hermanos Cruz" durante el período 2004-2005, cuyo universo está constituido por 30 recién nacidos con un peso inferior a los 2500 gr., coincidiendo con la muestra; se tuvieron en cuenta las siguientes variables maternas como: edad, paridad, hábitos tóxicos y enfermedades asociadas al embarazo, y la descripción de variables del recién nacido como edad gestacional al nacer, complicaciones del recién nacido al nacer, tipo de alimentación recibida y peso al nacer. Para la obtención de la información se aplicó una encuesta (Anexo 1) a las madres de los recién nacidos bajo peso, los resultados obtenidos fueron tabulados a través del método porcentual aritmético, se llevaron a tablas para su mejor comprensión.<br>Low birth weight represents a great problem worldwide, being a frequent pathology at Primary Health Care level, and presenting multiple and lethal future consequences. A descriptive, cross-sectional research was carried out in order to assess the behaviour of the low birth weight in Pinar del Río municipality in the "Hermanos Cruz" Teaching Clinic during 2004-2005. The universe consists of 30 newborns with a body weight under 2500 gr., coinciding with the sample. The following variables were taken into account: age, parity, toxic habits and diseases associated with pregnancy, as well as the description of the newborn's variables such as gestational age at birth, complications of the newborn at birth, kind of feeding received and birth weight. In order to obtain the information a survey was carried our (Annex 1), with the mothers of the low birth weight newborns. The results of the survey were presented in tabular form, using the percentage method for a better understanding

    Acceptance of a food of animal origin obtained through genetic modification and cloning in South America: a comparative study among university students and working adults

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    AbstractWith the aim of comparing the acceptance of milk obtained from cloned, genetically modified (GM) and conventionally bred cows among working adults and university students, and identifying and characterizing typologies among both subsamples in terms of their preferences, a survey was applied to 400 people in southern Chile, distributed using a simple allocation among the subsamples. Using a conjoint analysis, it was found that consumers preferred milk from a conventional cow. Using a cluster analysis, in both subsamples two segments sensitive to production technology were identified. Rejection of cloning was greatest among university students, whereas a higher proportion of working adults rejected GM. The segments differed in terms of area of residence, knowledge about GM, and milk consumption habits. Contrary to what was expected, no differences were found according to education, gender or degree of satisfaction with food-related life