39 research outputs found

    Evolution of Y chromosomes : lessons from mammals and amphibians

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    RÉSUMÉ : Le sexe des individus peut être déterminé par l'environnement ou la génétique. Lorsque la détermination du sexe est génétique, il y a dans le génome, la présence de chromosomes spécifiques qui détermineront le sexe. Dans cette thèse, j'ai étudié l'évolution des chromosomes sexuels et dans quel contexte des marqueurs sur ces chromosomes peuvent être utilisés. Pour explorer la formation du chromosome Y, nous avons étudié les caractéristiques des chromosomes sexuels chez la rainette verte, Hyla arborea. Dans un premier temps, nous avons utilisé un marqueur situé sur les chromosomes sexuels X et Y chez plusieurs espèces appartenant au groupe de la rainette verte. Cela nous a permis de révéler chez toutes ces espèces une hétérogamétie mâle. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons tiré profit de deux autres marqueurs situés sur les chromosomes sexuels pour montrer que la recombinaison est supprimée chez les mâles mais pas chez les femelles. Pour expliquer la réduction de la variabilité sur le chromosome Y, il n'est pas nécessaire d'invoquer le balayage sélectif ou la sélection d'arrière-plan : le nombre de copies plus petit du chromosome Y dans le génome et l'absence de recombinaison suffisent à l'expliquer. Nous avons également analysé plus en détail la suppression de la recombinaison chez les mâles de H. arborea. Les modèles classiques de l'évolution des chromosomes sexuels supposent que la taille de la région non-recombinante augmente progressivement pendant l'évolution du chromosome Y, due à l'accumulation de changements structuraux. Dans cette étude, nous montrons un modèle différent, à savoir que la recombinaison est supprimée ou diminuée non seulement sur les chromosomes sexuels mais aussi sur les autosomes chez les mâles, dû à l'action de modificateurs généraux. En utilisant des marqueurs localisés sur le chromosome Y, ainsi que sur l'ADN mitochondrial et le chromosome X, nous avons étudié l'histoire évolutive de la musaraigne musette, Crocidura russula. Cette étude illustre que les analyses génétiques avec plusieurs types de marqueurs génétiques peuvent faciliter l'interprétation de l'histoire évolutive des espèces, mais que l'utilisation des marqueurs sur les chromosomes X et Y pour des études phylogéographiques est limitée par le peu de polymorphisme observé sur ces deux types de marqueurs. Le même jeu de données combiné avec des simulations a été employé pour comprendre les facteurs responsables de la faible variabilité sur le chromosome Y qui peut être expliqué, dans notre étude, par la démographie et les traits d'histoire de vie de C. russula. SUMMARY The sex of an individual is determined either by its environment or its genetics. Genetic sex determination relies on the presence of specific chromosomes that will determine the sex of their bearer. In this thesis, I studied the evolution of the sex chromosomes and the context in which markers on this type of chromosomes can be used. To explore the evolution of a Y chromosome, we studied the nascent sex chromosomes in the European tree frog Hyla arborea. First; we amplified a sex specific marker in several related species of European tree frog and found a homogeneous pattern of male heterogamety. Secondly, we used two additional sex-specific markers to show that recombination is suppressed in males but not in females. There is, therefore, no need to invoke background selection or selective sweeps to explain the reduced genetic variability on the Y chromosome, because the lower number of copies of the Y chromosomes per breeding pair and the absence of recombination are sufficient. To further analyze the suppression of recombination in male European. tree frogs, we constructed a microsatellite linkage map for this species. Classical models of sex-chromosome evolution assume that the non-recombining region expands progressively during the long-term evolution of the Y chromosome, owing to the accumulation of structural changes. Here we show a strikingly different pattern: recombination is suppressed or depressed both on sex chromosomes and autosomes in the heterogametic sex, presumably due to the action of general modifiers. We investigated the evolutionary history of the greater white-toothed shrew, Crocidura russula, using markers on both sex chromosomes and mtDNA. This study illustrates that multilocus genetic analyses facilitates the interpretation of a species' evolutionary history. It also demonstrates that phylogeographic inferences from X and Y chromosomal markers are restricted by the low levels of observed polymorphism. Combining this genetic study with simulations, we determined that the demography and the life-history traits of this species can alone be responsible for the low Y diversity. In conclusion, this thesis shows that sex chromosomes, in combination with autosomes or mtDNA, are necessary to understand the evolution of sex chromosomes and to precisely infer the population history of a species

    Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci for the European tree frog (Hyla arborea)

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    We developed 11 new microsatellite markers for the European tree frog (Hyla arborea), and tested patterns of polymorphism in 54 adults (27 males and 27 females) from two ponds close to Lausanne (Western Switzerland). One marker was sex linked and two pairs displayed linkage disequilibrium. Comparisons of allele numbers with heterozygosity values support a stepwise-mutation model at neutral equilibrium, with mutation rates spanning nearly two orders of magnitude. These markers will prove useful for population genetic studies and fine-scale investigations requiring genetic assignment techniques

    A sex-specific marker reveals male heterogamety in European tree frogs.

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    Most amphibians examined so far show undifferentiated sex chromosomes. The heterogametic sex's identity, usually revealed through indirect means, often varies among closely related species or even populations (as do sex-linkage groups), suggesting great evolutionary instability of the sex-determining genes. Here we take advantage of a sex-specific marker that amplifies in several related species of European tree frogs (Hyla arborea group) to disclose a homogeneous pattern of male heterogamety. Besides relevance for evolutionary studies of sex determination in amphibians, our results have potential for addressing practical issues in conservation biology because sex reversal by anthropogenic endocrine disruptors is considered one possible cause of amphibian decline

    Disentangling reasons for low Y chromosome variation in the greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula).

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    Y chromosome variation is determined by several confounding factors including mutation rate, effective population size, demography, and selection. Disentangling these factors is essential to better understand the evolutionary properties of the Y chromosome. We analyzed genetic variation on the Y chromosome, X chromosome, and mtDNA of the greater white-toothed shrew, a species with low variance in male reproductive success and limited sex-biased dispersal, which enables us to control to some extent for life-history effects. We also compared ancestral (Moroccan) to derived (European) populations to investigate the role of demographic history in determining Y variation. Recent colonization of Europe by a small number of founders (combined with low mutation rates) is largely responsible for low diversity observed on the European Y and X chromosomes compared to mtDNA. After accounting for mutation rate, copy number, and demography, the Y chromosome still displays a deficit in variation relative to the X in both populations. This is possibly influenced by directional selection, but the slightly higher variance in male reproductive success is also likely to play a role, even though the difference is small compared to that in highly polygynous species. This study illustrates that demography and life-history effects should be scrutinized before inferring strong selective pressure as a reason for low diversity on the Y chromosome

    Mass effects mediate coexistence in competing shrews.

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    Recent developments in metacommunity theory have raised awareness that processes occurring at regional scales might interfere with local dynamics and affect conditions for the local coexistence of competing species. Four main paradigms are recognized in this context (namely, neutral, patch-dynamics, species-sorting, and mass-effect), which differ according to the role assigned to ecological or life-history differences among competing species, as well as to the relative time scale of regional vs. local dynamics. We investigated the patterns of regional and local coexistence of two species of shrews (Crocidura russula and Sorex coronatus) sharing a similar diet (generalist insectivores) over four generations, in a spatially structured habitat at the altitudinal limit of their distributions. Local populations were small, and regional dynamics were strong, with high rates of extinction and recolonization. Niche analysis revealed significant habitat differentiation on a few important variables, including temperature and availability of winter resting sites. In sites suitable for both species, we found instances of local coexistence with no evidence of competitive exclusion. Patterns of temporal succession did not differ from random, with no suggestion of a colonization-competition trade-off. Altogether, our data provide support for the mass-effect paradigm, where regional coexistence is mediated by specialization on different habitat types, and local coexistence by rescue effects from source sites. The strong regional dynamics and demographic stochasticity, together with high dispersal rates, presumably contributed to mass effects by overriding local differences in specific competitive abilities

    Habitat-quality effects on metapopulation dynamics in greater white-toothed shrews, Crocidura russula.

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    The effects of patch size and isolation on metapopulation dynamics have received wide empirical support and theoretical formalization. By contrast, the effects of patch quality seem largely underinvestigated, partly due to technical difficulties in properly assessing quality. Here we combine habitat-quality modeling with four years of demographic monitoring in a metapopulation of greater white-toothed shrews (Crocidura russula) to investigate the role of patch quality on metapopulation processes. Together, local patch quality and connectivity significantly enhanced local population sizes and occupancy rates (R2 = 14% and 19%, respectively). Accounting for the quality of patches connected to the focal one and acting as potential sources improved slightly the model explanatory power for local population sizes, pointing to significant source-sink dynamics. Local habitat quality, in interaction with connectivity, also increased colonization rate (R2 = 28%), suggesting the ability of immigrants to target high-quality patches. Overall, patterns were best explained when assuming a mean dispersal distance of 800 m, a realistic value for the species under study. Our results thus provide evidence that patch quality, in interaction with connectivity, may affect major demographic processes