29 research outputs found

    PIP-II SSR2 Cavities Fabrication and Processing Experience

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    The Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II [1]) linac will include 35 Single Spoke Resonators type 2 (SSR2). A preproduction SSR2 cryomodule will contain 5 jacketed cavities. Several units are already manufactured and prepared for cold testing. In this work, data collected from the fabrication, processing and preparation of the cavities will be presented and the improvements implemented after the completion of the first unit will be highlighted

    Room Temperature Measurements of Higher Order Modes for the SPS Prototype RF Dipole Crabbing Cavity

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    LHC High Luminosity Upgrade will be developing two local crabbing systems to increase the luminosity of the colliding bunches at the ATLAS and CMS experiments. One of the crabbing systems uses the rf-dipole cavity design that will be crabbing the beam in the horizontal plane. The fully integrated crabbing cavity has two higher order mode couplers in damping those excited modes. Currently two sets of HOM couplers have been fabricated at Jefferson Lab for prototyping and testing with the LARP crabbing cavities. This paper presents the measurements of the higher order modes with the prototype HOM couplers carried out at room temperature

    Room Temperature Measurements of Higher Order Modes for the SPS Prototype RF Dipole Crabbing Cavity

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    LHC High Luminosity Upgrade will be developing two local crabbing systems to increase the luminosity of the colliding bunches at the ATLAS and CMS experiments. One of the crabbing systems uses the rf-dipole cavity design that will be crabbing the beam in the horizontal plane. The fully integrated crabbing cavity has two higher order mode couplers in damping those excited modes. Currently two sets of HOM couplers have been fabricated at Jefferson Lab for prototyping and testing with the LARP crabbing cavities. This paper presents the measurements of the higher order modes with the prototype HOM couplers carried out at room temperature

    Development and Performance of RFD Crab Cavity Prototypes for HL-LHC AUP

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    The US will be contributing to the HL-LHC upgrade at CERN with the fabrication and qualification of RFD crabbing cavities in the framework of the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project (AUP) managed by Fermilab. AUP received Critical Decision 3 (CD-3) approval by DOE in December 2020 launching the project into the production phase. The electro-magnetic design of the cavity was inherited from the LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) but needed to be revised to meet new project requirements and to prevent issues encountered during beam tests performed at CERN in the R&D phase. Two prototype cavities were manufactured in industry and cold tested. Challenges specific to the RFD cavity were the stringent interface tolerances, the pole symmetry, and the higher-order-mode impedance spectrum. Chemical processing and heat treatments were performed initially at FNAL/ANL and are now being transferred to industry for the production phase. HOM dampers are manufactured and validated by JLAB. A summary of cold test results with and without HOM dampers is presented.Comment: 21st International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF23

    Development and Performance of RFD Crab Cavity Prototypes for HL-LHC AUP

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    The US will be contributing to the HL-LHC upgrade at CERN with the fabrication and qualification of RFD crabbing cavities in the framework of the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project (AUP) managed by Fermilab. AUP received Critical Decision 3 (CD-3) approval by DOE in December 2020 launching the project into the production phase. The electro-magnetic design of the cavity was inherited from the LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) but needed to be revised to meet new project requirements and to prevent issues encountered during beam tests performed at CERN in the R&D phase. Two prototype cavities were manufactured in industry and cold tested. Challenges specific to the RFD cavity were the stringent interface tolerances, the pole symmetry and the higher-order-mode impedance spectrum. Chemical processing and heat treatments were performed initially at FNAL/ANL and are now being transferred to industry for the production phase. HOM dampers are manufactured and validated by JLAB. A summary of cold test results with and without HOM dampers is presented

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    PIP-II SSR2 Cavities Fabrication and Processing Experience

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    International audienceThe Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II [1]) linac will include 35 Single Spoke Resonators type 2 (SSR2). A preproduction SSR2 cryomodule will contain 5 jacketed cavities. Several units are already manufactured and prepared for cold testing. In this work, data collected from the fabrication, processing and preparation of the cavities will be presented and the improvements implemented after the completion of the first unit will be highlighted

    Fabrication experience of the pre-production PIP-II SSR2 cavities at Fermilab

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    The Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II, [1]) linac will include 35 Single Spoke Resonators type 2 (SSR2). A total of eight pre-production SSR2 jacketed cavities will be procured and five installed in the first pre-production cryomodule. The mechanical design of the jacketed cavity has been finalized and it will be presented in this paper along with fabrication and processing experience. The importance of interfaces, quality controls and procurement aspects in the design phase will be remarked as well as lessons learned during the fabrication process. Furthermore, development studies will be presented together with other design validation tests

    Optimización de la producción de un extracto enzimático keratinásico a ser utilizado en la industria textil

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    El Sector Textil Uruguayo tiene dificultades para alcanzar los mejores estándares de calidad requeridos por los mercados internacionales que le permitan competir con mayores posibilidades. Para esto, un procedimiento promisorio, y amigable con el medioambiente, es el tratamiento enzimático de la lana con el que se obtienen resultados de similares características al de los sistemas de oxidación, mayores rendimientos tintóreos  con un menor daño de las fibras, además de obtenerse efluentes sensiblemente menos contaminantes.Este trabajo optimizó la producción de enzimas keratinásicas a partir de un Bacillus sp., obtenido de un screening de cepas realizado por el Departamento de Bioingeniería de la Facultad de Ingeniería y estudió el comportamiento tintóreo de tops de lana tratada con los extractos enzimáticos obtenidos, respecto a la lana sin tratar. El estudio se llevó a cabo empleando la Metodología de Superficie de Respuesta. Se determinaron las condiciones de operación óptimas del fermentador de laboratorio de 3L, correspondientes a una agitación de 600 rpm y una aireación de 2,5 L/min, que se correlaciona con un  coeficiente volumétrico de transferencia de oxígeno del sistema de kLa de 140 h-1, que optimizaron la producción de enzimas keratinásicas (773±77 U/mL). Para la medida de la actividad keratinásica se desarrolló una técnica que utiliza keratin-azure como sustrato.El estudio del comportamiento tintóreo de la lana tratada con los extractos enzimáticos keratinásicos, respecto a la lana sin tratar, confirmó que las diferencias de color obtenidas con las lanas tratadas son superiores cuanto mayor es el valor de actividad keratinásica del extracto. Los tops fueron teñidos con el colorante  Rojo LANASOL CE. El valor máximo de la diferencia de color total medida en coordenadas Cielab, fue de 5,88. Se observó, que en todos los casos los colores obtenidos en los tops después de ser tratados enzimáticamente fueron  más oscuros, más saturados y más rojos que los teñidos sin tratamiento enzimático previo. Esto muestra  el potencial que tiene este extracto enzimático keratinásico para ser usado en la industria textil