25 research outputs found
Hydrogeological Relationships of the Golubinka Karst Spring in LjubaÄ Bay, Dalmatia, Croatia
The Golubinka spring is a typical karst spring situated in northern
Dalmatia, Croatia. The catchment area is mostly composed of limestones of the Cretaceous and Palaeogene, with some dolomitic parts.
Hydrogeological barriers are composed of flysch or Quaternary
sediments, and most of them are āhangingā barriers, so that the karst
water can flow underneath. Many spelaeological features in the vicinity of the spring point to a typical karst conduit flowing under ground. This has been proven by tracer tests, because a connection exists to the periphery of the catchment with an apparent velocity of 8.1 cm/s. The whole area is situated in the Mediterranean climatic belt, so the precipitation distribution is quite unfavourable ā summers are long, hot and dry. This is why the summer seasons usually end with sea water intrusion into the aquifer with a significant increase in chloride ion concentration. Since the spring is capped for water supply, there is a bulk monitoring system established. The data obtained were processed by means of multivariate analysis, and three main types of quality deterioration were recognized. The first is connected with pollution from agriculture and inhabited areas without sewage, the second represents occasional sea water intrusions, while the third relates to heavy rainfall events accompanied by turbidity and pollution. Together with the other conclusions, these results should have a practical purpose primarily in the matter of water protection
Comparison of clinical and histological diagnosis in children with classic and laparoscopic appendectomy
Abdominalna bol je jedan od glavnih razloga hitnog prijema, a akutni apendicitis je jedno od najÄeÅ”Äih kirurÅ”kih hitnih stanja u djeÄjoj dobi. Postaviti dijagnozu akutnog apendicitisa u pedijatrijskoj populaciji i donijeti odluku o apendektomiji, izazov je i dan danas, Äak i za iskusne kliniÄare. Naime, dijagnoza je sinteza podataka dobivenih iz anamneze, kliniÄkog pregleda, laboratorijskih vrijednosti te radioloÅ”kih pretraga. Neprepoznata dijagnoza ili odgaÄanje kirurÅ”kog zahvata može rezultirati komplikacijama kao Å”to su perforacija, apsces i peritonitis. S druge strane, u stanjima koja samo nalikuju akutnom apendicitisu odluka kliniÄara o apendektomiji vodi ka uklanjanju inocentnih crvuljaka u 15-30% (1,65). Cilj ovog rada je pružiti usporedbu kliniÄke i histoloÅ”ke dijagnoze te ostalih vrednovanih parametara izmeÄu dviju skupina djece; laparoskopski i klasiÄno apendektomirane. U radu je analizirano 330 djece sa sumnjom na akutni apendicitis, u dobi od dvije do 19 godina, koja su u razdoblju od 2013. do 2016. hospitalizirana i lijeÄena na Zavodu za djeÄju kirurgiju u KliniÄkom bolniÄkom centru Zagreb. Omjer djeÄaka i djevojÄica je 1.34:1. Sva su djeca apendektomirana; njih 83.6% laparoskopski, a 16.4% klasiÄnom operacijom, kojima su pridruženi i sluÄajevi kada je doÅ”lo do konverzije iz laparoskopske u klasiÄnu apendektomiju. Podudaranje makroskopskog nalaza operatera i mikroskopskog nalaza patologa ne bilježi se u velikom postotku. U skupini laparoskopsko apendektomiranih nalazi su se podudarali u 46.2%, a kod klasiÄno apendektomiranih u 35.2% sluÄajeva. VeÄe vrijednosti Alvarado bodova (ā„7 u prosjeku) upuÄuju na flegmonozni ili gangrenozni stadij akutnog apendicitisa. Perforacija crvuljka rjeÄa je pojava kod laparoskopsko apendektomiranih (10.2% naspram 32%). Od svih inocentnih crvuljaka, njih 90% pronaÄeno je kod djece koja su laparoskopsko apendektomirana. K tomu je negativna apendektomija ÄeÅ”Äa pojava meÄu djevojÄicama (19.9%) nego li meÄu djeÄacima (6.3%). PeritiflitiÄki apsces kao posljedica perforacije, ÄeÅ”Äi je intraoperativni nalaz u skupini KA (66.7% svih peritiflitiÄkih apscesa). Komplikacije apendektomije, infekcija kirurÅ”ke rane te instraabdominalni apsces pojavljuju se po sliÄnom obrascu; vrlo rijetko i bez statistiÄki znaÄajne razlike meÄu skupinama.Abdominal pain is one of the most common causes of emergency department admissions and acute appendicitis is one of the most frequent surgical emergencies in children. To diagnose acute appendicitis and make a decision about appendectomy in the pediatric population is still challenging nowadays, even for experienced clinicians. In fact, the clinical diagnosis represents a synthesis of the medical history, physical examination, laboratory tests and radiographic imaging. An unrecognized diagnosis or delayed surgical removal of an inflamed appendix may result in complications such as perforation, abscess and peritonitis. On the other hand, due to clinical conditions that are similar to acute appendicitis, clinicians' decisions about appendectomy lead to an unnecessary removal of the appendix in 15-30% of cases (1,65). The aim of this study was a comparison of the clinical and histological diagnosis, and other valued parameters between two groups of children: those who underwent laparoscopic and those who had a classic appendectomy. 330 children aged two to 19 years, who were admitted to the Department of Pediatric Surgery at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb, in the period between 2013 and 2016 under suspicion of acute appendicitis, were analyzed in this study. The boys to girls ratio was 1.34:1. All of the children underwent the appendectomy; 83.6% of them had a laparoscopic, and 16.4% a classic procedure. The latter group also comprised those cases who were converted from laparoscopic to classic appendectomy. Concordance between the macroscopic surgical and microscopic pathological diagnoses was low. In the group of laparoscopic appendectomy, the diagnoses were correlated in 46.2%, and among those who underwent classic appendectomy in 35.2% of the cases. Higher Alvarado scores (average ā„7) point to phlegmonous or gangrenous acute appendicitis. A perforated appendix was less common among children who underwent laparoscopic appendectomy (10.2% in comparison with 32% in the other group). 90% of all innocent appendices were found in the laparoscopic appendectomy group. Furthermore, the negative appendectomy rate was higher among girls (19.9%) than boys (6.3%). Periappendiceal abscess after perforation was a more common intraoperative assessment in the classic appendectomy group (66.7% of all abscesses). Complications associated with appendectomy, infection of the surgical site and intraabdominal abscess, had the same incidence pattern ā they occured rarely and with no statistically significant difference between the groups
Acute heart failure due to the left atrial myxoma causing mitral valve obstruction
A 64 year-old woman without history of cardiovascular diseases and without cardiovascular risk factors was referred to our hospital because of acute heart failure. A real-time three-dimensional echocardiography (3D) revealed left atrium tumor causing mitral valve obstruction. 3D characteristics of the tumor were highly suggestive of cardiac myxoma. Surgical excision was successfully performed and myxoma was confirmed histologically. Although cardiac myxoma typically presents a silent heart failure, our case suggests that it should be even considered a cause of acute heart failure, especially in patients with no previous history or signs of cardiovascular disease
Charge Disproportionation, Mixed Valence, and Janus Effect in Multiorbital Systems: A Tale of Two Insulators
Multiorbital Hubbard models host strongly correlated "Hund's metals" even for interactions much stronger than the bandwidth. We characterize this interaction-resilient metal as a mixed-valence state. In particular, it can be pictured as a bridge between two strongly correlated insulators: a high-spin Mott insulator and a charge-disproportionated insulator which is stabilized by a very large Hund's coupling. This picture is confirmed comparing models with negative and positive Hund's coupling for different fillings. Our results provide a characterization of the Hund's metal state and connect its presence with charge disproportionation, which has indeed been observed in chromates and proposed to play a role in iron-based superconductors
The Influence of Pressing and Microwave Heating on the Production and Shelf life of Hemp Oil variety Finola
U ovom radu istraživan je utjecaj procesnih parametara hladnog preÅ”anja sjemenki konoplje na iskoriÅ”tenje ulja. Ispitivani su parametri frekvencija elektromotora, veliÄina otvora glave preÅ”e za izlaz pogaÄe i temperatura grijaÄa glave preÅ”e. TakoÄer je istraživan utjecaj mikrovalnog zagrijavanja na oksidacijsku stabilnost ulja konoplje, sa i bez dodatka antioksidansa i sinergista. Od prirodnih antioksidansa koriÅ”teni su ekstrakt ružmarina, ekstrakt kadulje, sintetski antioksidans BHA te sinergist limunska kiselina. Uzorci ulja zagrijavani su u mikrovalnoj peÄnici kod konstante snage u razliÄitom vremenskom periodu. TakoÄer su uzorci zagrijavani kod razliÄite snage ureÄaja i konstantnom vremenskom periodu. Rezultat testa ubrzane oksidacije ulja konoplje izražen je peroksidnim brojem. Porastom frekvencije elektromotora i veliÄine otvora glave preÅ”e za izlaz pogaÄe dolazi do smanjenja koliÄine proizvedenog ulja konoplje. Porastom temperature glave preÅ”e poveÄava se proizvodnja sirovog ulja i hladno preÅ”anog ulja. Mikrovalnim zagrijavanjem uzoraka ulja u vremenu 10-50 minuta dolazi do porasta temperature i peroksidnog broja, dolazi do porasta oksidacijskog kvarenja ulja. NajveÄa stabilnost ulja konoplje postignuta je kombinacijom ekstrakta ružmarina i sinergista limunske kiseline.In this study the influence of process parameters of cold pressing hemp seeds on yield oil was researched. Electric motor frequency, nozzle size and nozzle heater temperature were the investigated parameters. The effect of microwave heating to oxidative stability of hemp oil, with and without the addition of antioxidants and synergists, was also researched. Out of natural antioxidants there were used rosemary extract and sage extract, BHA synthetic antioxidant and citric acid synergist. Oil samples were heated in microwave oven at constant power in different time intervals. Samples were also heated with different appliance power and in constant period. The result of accelerated hemp oil oxidation test is expressed by peroxide number. The increase in electric motor frequency and nozzle size results in the quantity decrease of produced hemp oil. The increase in the nozzle size temperature increases the production of crude oil and cold pressed oil. Microwave heating of oil samples in the period of 10 to 50 minutes leads to the increase of temperature and peroxide number which further leads to oxidative degradation. The highest hemp oil stability was achieved by the combination of rosemary extract and citric acid synergists
The Impact of Social Networks on Sports and Recreation : Undergraduate Thesis
U posljednjih nekoliko godina dolazi do mijenjanja potražnje fitness i sportskog tržiŔta.
Oni zbog sve veÄeg utjecaja druÅ”tvenih mreža poÄinju proizvoditi i na tržiÅ”te izbacivati
suplemente, raznu sportsku opremu, odjeÄu i obuÄu te promovirati zdravu vrstu prehrane.
Fitness kultura objedinjuje sve pojmove zdravog naÄina života ali samim time postavlja i
standarde koji se u virtualnom svijetu predstavljaju kao realni, no u stvarnosti taj pojam je
daleko od istine. Internet revolucija dovodi u opasnost oÄekivanja mlaÄih generacija i samim
time zahtjeva nadilaženje do sada postavljenih standarda. Time negativno utjeÄe na mlade i
može dovesti do stvaranja poremeÄaja u prehrani, pada samopouzdanja i osjeÄaja depersonalizacije i
derealizacije i sliÄnih. Ovaj rad sažima utjecaj druÅ”tvenih mreža na fitness, sport i rekreaciju te nove
marketinÅ”ke strategije koje omoguÄuju poduzetnicima i njihovim klijentima bolju komunikaciju i viÅ”i
stupanj zadovoljstva koriŔtenom uslugom ili proizvodom.In the last few years, there has been a change in the demand of the fitness and sports market.
Due to the incresing influence of social networks, there has been a lot more produce of
supplements, various sports equipments, clothes, sports shoes and promotions of a healthy diet.
Fitness culture unites all concepts of a healthy lifestyle, but also sets the standards that are
presented as realistic online, but in reality, this concept could not be further from the truth.
The Internet revolution thereby endangers the expectations of the younger generations and thus
requires going beyond the ones set up until now. This has a negative effect on young people
and can also lead to the creation of eating disorders, a drop in self confidence and feeling of
depersonalisation and derealisation. This final examinatiom summarizes the impact of social
networks on fitness, sports and recreation but also new marketing strategies that enable entrepreneurs
and their clients to communicate better and have a higher level of satisfaction towards the servise
or a product that is being used
Hladno preÅ”ano konopljino ulje je nerafinirano ulje dobiveno metodom preÅ”anja s kontinuiranom pužnom preÅ”om. Temperatura proizvedenog ulja preÅ”anjem ne prelazi 50 Ā°C Å”to dovodi do oÄuvanja poželjnih nutrijenata ulja. PreÅ”anjem se izdvaja 60ā80 % sirovog ulja iz sjemena, koje se u svrhu izdvajanja netopljivih neÄistoÄa podvrgava postupcima sedimentacije i filtracije. Ovakvo dobiveno hladno preÅ”ano ulje ima saÄuvana prirodna svojstva (miris, okus, boja). U ovom radu istraživan je utjecaj procesnih parametara hladnog preÅ”anja sjemenki konoplje sorte Finola na iskoriÅ”tenje i kvalitetu ulja. Ispitivani su procesni parametri frekvencija elektromotora, veliÄina otvora glave preÅ”e za izlaz pogaÄe i temperatura grijaÄa glave preÅ”e. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da procesni parametri preÅ”anja sjemenki konoplje utjeÄu na iskoriÅ”tenje ulja. KoriÅ”tenjem manje frekvencije elektromotora, manjeg nastavka za izlaz pogaÄe i veÄe temperature glave preÅ”e proizvedena je veÄa koliÄina konopljinog ulja. Metodom po Soxhletu odreÄen je udio ulja u sjemenkama i pogaÄi, kako bi se odredila djelotvornost preÅ”e i optimalni procesni parametri preÅ”anja za proizvodnju ulja.Cold ā pressed hemp oil is unrefined oil obtained by pressing with a continuous screw press. Oil temperature in the cold ā pressing process does not exceed 50 Ā° C, preserving the oils desirable nutrients. Pressing extracts 60 ā 80 % of raw oil from the seeds, which, for the purpose of removing insoluble impurities , then undergoes processes of sedimentation and filtration. The recovered cold ā pressed oil preserves its natural properties (smell, taste, colour). In this paper, we analysed the influence of process parameters in cold ā pressing Finola ā strain hemp seeds on oil yield and quality. Examined process parameters were cold ā press electric motor frequency, nozzle size, and temperature of the output press head. The result of this research show that hemp seed pressing parameters affect oil utilization. Lower electric motor frequency, a smaller size press ā nozzle, and higher temperature of the output press head yield a greater amount of hemp oil. Content of oil in the seeds and the cake was determined using the Soxhlet method, in order to ascertain the efficiency of cold ā pressing, as well as the optimal pressing process parameters for oil production
Comparison of clinical and histological diagnosis in children with classic and laparoscopic appendectomy
Abdominalna bol je jedan od glavnih razloga hitnog prijema, a akutni apendicitis je jedno od najÄeÅ”Äih kirurÅ”kih hitnih stanja u djeÄjoj dobi. Postaviti dijagnozu akutnog apendicitisa u pedijatrijskoj populaciji i donijeti odluku o apendektomiji, izazov je i dan danas, Äak i za iskusne kliniÄare. Naime, dijagnoza je sinteza podataka dobivenih iz anamneze, kliniÄkog pregleda, laboratorijskih vrijednosti te radioloÅ”kih pretraga. Neprepoznata dijagnoza ili odgaÄanje kirurÅ”kog zahvata može rezultirati komplikacijama kao Å”to su perforacija, apsces i peritonitis. S druge strane, u stanjima koja samo nalikuju akutnom apendicitisu odluka kliniÄara o apendektomiji vodi ka uklanjanju inocentnih crvuljaka u 15-30% (1,65). Cilj ovog rada je pružiti usporedbu kliniÄke i histoloÅ”ke dijagnoze te ostalih vrednovanih parametara izmeÄu dviju skupina djece; laparoskopski i klasiÄno apendektomirane. U radu je analizirano 330 djece sa sumnjom na akutni apendicitis, u dobi od dvije do 19 godina, koja su u razdoblju od 2013. do 2016. hospitalizirana i lijeÄena na Zavodu za djeÄju kirurgiju u KliniÄkom bolniÄkom centru Zagreb. Omjer djeÄaka i djevojÄica je 1.34:1. Sva su djeca apendektomirana; njih 83.6% laparoskopski, a 16.4% klasiÄnom operacijom, kojima su pridruženi i sluÄajevi kada je doÅ”lo do konverzije iz laparoskopske u klasiÄnu apendektomiju. Podudaranje makroskopskog nalaza operatera i mikroskopskog nalaza patologa ne bilježi se u velikom postotku. U skupini laparoskopsko apendektomiranih nalazi su se podudarali u 46.2%, a kod klasiÄno apendektomiranih u 35.2% sluÄajeva. VeÄe vrijednosti Alvarado bodova (ā„7 u prosjeku) upuÄuju na flegmonozni ili gangrenozni stadij akutnog apendicitisa. Perforacija crvuljka rjeÄa je pojava kod laparoskopsko apendektomiranih (10.2% naspram 32%). Od svih inocentnih crvuljaka, njih 90% pronaÄeno je kod djece koja su laparoskopsko apendektomirana. K tomu je negativna apendektomija ÄeÅ”Äa pojava meÄu djevojÄicama (19.9%) nego li meÄu djeÄacima (6.3%). PeritiflitiÄki apsces kao posljedica perforacije, ÄeÅ”Äi je intraoperativni nalaz u skupini KA (66.7% svih peritiflitiÄkih apscesa). Komplikacije apendektomije, infekcija kirurÅ”ke rane te instraabdominalni apsces pojavljuju se po sliÄnom obrascu; vrlo rijetko i bez statistiÄki znaÄajne razlike meÄu skupinama.Abdominal pain is one of the most common causes of emergency department admissions and acute appendicitis is one of the most frequent surgical emergencies in children. To diagnose acute appendicitis and make a decision about appendectomy in the pediatric population is still challenging nowadays, even for experienced clinicians. In fact, the clinical diagnosis represents a synthesis of the medical history, physical examination, laboratory tests and radiographic imaging. An unrecognized diagnosis or delayed surgical removal of an inflamed appendix may result in complications such as perforation, abscess and peritonitis. On the other hand, due to clinical conditions that are similar to acute appendicitis, clinicians' decisions about appendectomy lead to an unnecessary removal of the appendix in 15-30% of cases (1,65). The aim of this study was a comparison of the clinical and histological diagnosis, and other valued parameters between two groups of children: those who underwent laparoscopic and those who had a classic appendectomy. 330 children aged two to 19 years, who were admitted to the Department of Pediatric Surgery at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb, in the period between 2013 and 2016 under suspicion of acute appendicitis, were analyzed in this study. The boys to girls ratio was 1.34:1. All of the children underwent the appendectomy; 83.6% of them had a laparoscopic, and 16.4% a classic procedure. The latter group also comprised those cases who were converted from laparoscopic to classic appendectomy. Concordance between the macroscopic surgical and microscopic pathological diagnoses was low. In the group of laparoscopic appendectomy, the diagnoses were correlated in 46.2%, and among those who underwent classic appendectomy in 35.2% of the cases. Higher Alvarado scores (average ā„7) point to phlegmonous or gangrenous acute appendicitis. A perforated appendix was less common among children who underwent laparoscopic appendectomy (10.2% in comparison with 32% in the other group). 90% of all innocent appendices were found in the laparoscopic appendectomy group. Furthermore, the negative appendectomy rate was higher among girls (19.9%) than boys (6.3%). Periappendiceal abscess after perforation was a more common intraoperative assessment in the classic appendectomy group (66.7% of all abscesses). Complications associated with appendectomy, infection of the surgical site and intraabdominal abscess, had the same incidence pattern ā they occured rarely and with no statistically significant difference between the groups
Analiza komunikacije hrvatskih nogometnih reprezentativaca u medijima
Bez komunikacije ne bi bilo moguÄe zamisliti život, niti obavljanje svakodnevnih aktivnosti.
Neki ljudi u svojoj komunikaciji, ovisno o subjektima s kojima komuniciraju, mogu imati
bolje ili loÅ”ije komunikacijske vjeÅ”tine. Ipak, od javnih osoba oÄekuje se da pokažu viÅ”u
razinu komunikacijskih sposobnosti. No to nije sluÄaj, jer, iako se komunikacija može nauÄiti
ili unaprijediti, veliki je dio takvih vjeÅ”tina uroÄen i svojstven svakom pojedincu.
AnalizirajuÄi govore ikona hrvatskog nogometa - Zlatka DaliÄa, Luke ModriÄa, Å ime
Vrsaljka i Dejana Lovrena - evidentno je da je komunikacija složena, a retorika i govorne
izvedbe svakog od njih specifiÄne su po svim elementima.Itās not possible to imagine life without communication, nor to perform daily activities. Some
people may have better or worse communication skills, depending on the subjects they
communicate with. Nevertheless, public figures are expected to demonstrate a higher level of
communication skills. But this is not the case, because although communication can be
learned or improved, much of such skill is innate and inherent in every individual. By
analysing speech of the icons of Croatian football, Zlatko DaliÄ, Luka ModriÄ, Å ime Vrsaljko
and Dejan Lovren, it is evident that the communication is complex and the rhetoric and
speech performances of each of them are specific in all elements