158 research outputs found

    Liver imaging and pregnancy: what to expect when your patient is expecting

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    Liver diseases in pregnancy can be specific to gestation or only coincidental. In the latter case, the diagnosis can be difficult. Rapid diagnosis of maternal-fetal emergencies and situations requiring specialized interventions are crucial to preserve the maternal liver and guarantee materno-fetal survival. While detailed questioning of the patient and a clinical examination are highly important, imaging is often essential to reach a diagnosis of these liver diseases and lesions. Three groups of liver diseases may be observed during pregnancy: (1) diseases related to pregnancy: intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome, and acute fatty liver of pregnancy; (2) liver diseases that are more frequent during or exacerbated by pregnancy: acute herpes simplex hepatitis, Budd-Chiari syndrome, hemorrhagic hereditary telangiectasia, hepatocellular adenoma, portal vein thrombosis, and cholelithiasis; (3) coincidental conditions, including acute hepatitis, incidental focal liver lesions, metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease, cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, liver abscesses and parasitosis, and liver transplantation. Specific knowledge of the main imaging findings is required to reach an early diagnosis, for adequate follow-up, and to avoid adverse consequences in both the mother and the fetus.Critical relevance statement Pregnancy-related liver diseases are the most important cause of liver dysfunction in pregnant patients and, in pregnancy, even common liver conditions can have an unexpected turn. Fear of radiations should never delay necessary imaging studies in pregnancy.Key points• Pregnancy-related liver diseases are the most frequent cause of liver dysfunction during gestation.• Fear of radiation should never delay necessary imaging studies.• Liver imaging is important to assess liver emergencies and for the diagnosis and follow-up of any other liver diseases.• Common liver conditions and lesions may take an unexpected turn during pregnancy.• Pregnancy-specific diseases such as pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome must be rapidly identified. However, imaging should never delay delivery when it is considered to be urgent for maternal-fetal survival

    Continuous Uniform Finite Time Stabilization of Planar Controllable Systems

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    Continuous homogeneous controllers are utilized in a full state feedback setting for the uniform finite time stabilization of a perturbed double integrator in the presence of uniformly decaying piecewise continuous disturbances. Semiglobal strong C1\mathcal{C}^1 Lyapunov functions are identified to establish uniform asymptotic stability of the closed-loop planar system. Uniform finite time stability is then proved by extending the homogeneity principle of discontinuous systems to the continuous case with uniformly decaying piecewise continuous nonhomogeneous disturbances. A finite upper bound on the settling time is also computed. The results extend the existing literature on homogeneity and finite time stability by both presenting uniform finite time stabilization and dealing with a broader class of nonhomogeneous disturbances for planar controllable systems while also proposing a new class of homogeneous continuous controllers

    Weighted Dirac combs with pure point diffraction

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    A class of translation bounded complex measures, which have the form of weighted Dirac combs, on locally compact Abelian groups is investigated. Given such a Dirac comb, we are interested in its diffraction spectrum which emerges as the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation measure. We present a sufficient set of conditions to ensure that the diffraction measure is a pure point measure. Simultaneously, we establish a natural link to the theory of the cut and project formalism and to the theory of almost periodic measures. Our conditions are general enough to cover the known theory of model sets, but also to include examples such as the visible lattice points.Comment: 44 pages; several corrections and improvement

    Endoscopic sclerotherapy compared with no specific treatment for the primary prevention of bleeding from esophageal varices. A randomized controlled multicentre trial [ISRCTN03215899]

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    BACKGROUND: Since esophageal variceal bleeding is associated with a high mortality rate, prevention of bleeding might be expected to result in improved survival. The first trials to evaluate prophylactic sclerotherapy found a marked beneficial effect of prophylactic treatment. These results, however, were not generally accepted because of methodological aspects and because the reported incidence of bleeding in control subjects was considered unusually high. The objective of this study was to compare endoscopic sclerotherapy (ES) with nonactive treatment for the primary prophylaxis of esophageal variceal bleeding in patients with cirrhosis. METHODS: 166 patients with esophageal varices grade II, III of IV according to Paquet's classification, with evidence of active or progressive liver disease and without prior variceal bleeding, were randomized to groups receiving ES (n = 84) or no specific treatment (n = 82). Primary end-points were incidence of bleeding and mortality; secondary end-points were complications and costs. RESULTS: During a mean follow-up of 32 months variceal bleeding occurred in 25% of the patients of the ES group and in 28% of the control group. The incidence of variceal bleeding for the ES and control group was 16% and 16% at 1 year and 33% and 29% at 3 years, respectively. The 1-year survival rate was 87% for the ES group and 84% for the control group; the 3-year survival rate was 62% for each group. In the ES group one death occurred as a direct consequence of variceal bleeding compared to 9 in the other group (p = 0.01, log-rank test). Complications were comparable for the two groups. Health care costs for patients assigned to ES were estimated to be higher. Meta-analysis of a large number of trials showed that the effect of prophylactic sclerotherapy is significantly related to the baseline bleeding risk. CONCLUSION: In the present trial, prophylactic sclerotherapy did not reduce the incidence of bleeding from varices in patients with liver cirrhosis and a low to moderate bleeding risk. Although sclerotherapy lowered mortality attributable to variceal bleeding, overall survival was not affected. The effect of prophylactic sclerotherapy seems dependent on the underlying bleeding risk. A beneficial effect can only be expected for patients with a high risk for bleeding

    Adverse effects of the antimalaria drug, mefloquine: due to primary liver damage with secondary thyroid involvement?

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    BACKGROUND: Mefloquine is a clinically important antimalaria drug, which is often not well tolerated. We critically reviewed 516 published case reports of mefloquine adverse effects, to clarify the phenomenology of the harms associated with mefloquine, and to make recommendations for safer prescribing. PRESENTATION: We postulate that many of the adverse effects of mefloquine are a post-hepatic syndrome caused by primary liver damage. In some users we believe that symptomatic thyroid disturbance occurs, either independently or as a secondary consequence of the hepatocellular injury. The mefloquine syndrome presents in a variety of ways including headache, gastrointestinal disturbances, nervousness, fatigue, disorders of sleep, mood, memory and concentration, and occasionally frank psychosis. Previous liver or thyroid disease, and concurrent insults to the liver (such as from alcohol, dehydration, an oral contraceptive pill, recreational drugs, and other liver-damaging drugs) may be related to the development of severe or prolonged adverse reactions to mefloquine. IMPLICATIONS: We believe that people with active liver or thyroid disease should not take mefloquine, whereas those with fully resolved neuropsychiatric illness may do so safely. Mefloquine users should avoid alcohol, recreational drugs, hormonal contraception and co-medications known to cause liver damage or thyroid damage. With these caveats, we believe that mefloquine may be safely prescribed in pregnancy, and also to occupational groups who carry out safety-critical tasks. TESTING: Mefloquine's adverse effects need to be investigated through a multicentre cohort study, with small controlled studies testing specific elements of the hypothesis

    Liver transplantation: indication and survival

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    O sucesso dos transplantes de fígado certamente seria comprometido se a avaliação pré-operatória dos pacientes não fosse realizada de forma adequada. Isto se justifica devido ao reconhecimento de que o sucesso da cirurgia depende, em princípio, do diagnóstico da doença de base, da determinação de sua extensão e do grau de repercussão sistêmica. No final das décadas de setenta a noventa os progressos da hepatologia na identificação das hepatites virais e no manejo da ascite e da síndrome hepatorrenal melhoraram sobremaneira a expectativa de vida do doente portador de doença hepática crônica. Mas, sem dúvida o transplante ortotópico do fígado (TOF) foi o espetacular avanço da hepatologia moderna. Atualmente o transplante é um tratamento eficaz das hepatopatias crônicas, e o índice de sobrevivência global aos 3 anos é ao redor de 80%. É, portanto, uma alternativa de tratamento indicada nos casos terminais, onde a mortalidade com tratamentos conservadores pode atingir até 70% ao final de 12 meses. Neste artigo, os autores comentam aspectos do TOF, relacionados à indicação e a sobrevida. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: The success of liver transplantation would be certainly compromised if the pre-operative evaluation was not adequately performed. The success of the liver transplantation depends on the diagnosis of the underlying hepatic disease, the determination of its extension and the degree of systemic repercussion. In the last 30 years, the progress in hepatology, the identification of viral hepatitis and the better management of ascitis and hepatorenal syndrome have increased the life expectancy of patients with chronic liver failure. Undoubtedly, orthotopic liver transplantation represents a great advance in modern hepatology. Nowadays, liver transplantation represents a valid therapeutic option for chronic liver diseases with (and presents) a mean survival rate of about 80% in 3 years. Thus, it is an indicated treatment in situations where the conservative treatment (would) could lead to a (incur) mortality rate as high as 70% in one year. In this article the authors comment (on) various aspects of Orthotopic Liver Transplantation related to indications and survival rates