326 research outputs found

    Contour Maps of Demographic Surfaces

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    This paper presents a bouquet of contour maps to suggest the broad potential of their use in demographic studies. Every picture presented could serve as the basis for a thousand words or more of explanation and analysis, but here we merely serve up the maps as illustrations of the method. For an example of how such maps can be used in demographic analysis, see Caselli, Vaupel, and Yashin (1985): Mortality in Italy--Contours of a Century of Evolution (CP-85-24, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria)

    Constraining the expansion history of the universe from the red shift evolution of cosmic shear

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    We present a quantitative analysis of the constraints on the total equation of state parameter that can be obtained from measuring the red shift evolution of the cosmic shear. We compare the constraints that can be obtained from measurements of the spin two angular multipole moments of the cosmic shear to those resulting from the two dimensional and three dimensional power spectra of the cosmic shear. We find that if the multipole moments of the cosmic shear are measured accurately enough for a few red shifts the constraints on the dark energy equation of state parameter improve significantly compared to those that can be obtained from other measurements.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Distribution function approach to redshift space distortions

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    We develop a phase space distribution function approach to redshift space distortions (RSD), in which the redshift space density can be written as a sum over velocity moments of the distribution function. These moments are density weighted and their lowest orders are density, momentum density, and stress energy density. The series expansion is convergent on large scales. We perform an expansion of these velocity moments into helicity modes, which are eigenmodes under rotation around the axis of Fourier mode direction, generalizing the scalar, vector, tensor decomposition of perturbations to an arbitrary order. We show that only equal helicity moments correlate and derive the angular dependence of the individual contributions to the redshift space power spectrum in terms of angle mu between wave vector and line of sight. We show that the dominant term of mu^2 dependence on large scales is the cross-correlation between the density and scalar part of momentum density, which can be related to the time derivative of the matter power spectrum. Additional terms contributing and dominating on small scales are the vector part of momentum density-momentum density correlations, the energy density-density correlations, and the scalar part of anisotropic stress density-density correlations. Similarly, we identify 7 terms contributing to mu^4 dependence. Some of the advantages of the distribution function approach are that the series expansion converges on large scales and remains valid in multi-stream situations. We finish with a brief discussion of implications for RSD in galaxies relative to dark matter, highlighting the issue of scale dependent bias of velocity moments correlators.Comment: 12 page

    Distribution function approach to redshift space distortions. Part IV: perturbation theory applied to dark matter

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    We develop a perturbative approach to redshift space distortions (RSD) using the phase space distribution function approach and apply it to the dark matter redshift space power spectrum and its moments. RSD can be written as a sum over density weighted velocity moments correlators, with the lowest order being density, momentum density and stress energy density. We use standard and extended perturbation theory (PT) to determine their auto and cross correlators, comparing them to N-body simulations. We show which of the terms can be modeled well with the standard PT and which need additional terms that include higher order corrections which cannot be modeled in PT. Most of these additional terms are related to the small scale velocity dispersion effects, the so called finger of god (FoG) effects, which affect some, but not all, of the terms in this expansion, and which can be approximately modeled using a simple physically motivated ansatz such as the halo model. We point out that there are several velocity dispersions that enter into the detailed RSD analysis with very different amplitudes, which can be approximately predicted by the halo model. In contrast to previous models our approach systematically includes all of the terms at a given order in PT and provides a physical interpretation for the small scale dispersion values. We investigate RSD power spectrum as a function of \mu, the cosine of the angle between the Fourier mode and line of sight, focusing on the lowest order powers of \mu and multipole moments which dominate the observable RSD power spectrum. Overall we find considerable success in modeling many, but not all, of the terms in this expansion.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figures, published in JCA

    Strong Gravitational Lensing and Dark Energy Complementarity

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    In the search for the nature of dark energy most cosmological probes measure simple functions of the expansion rate. While powerful, these all involve roughly the same dependence on the dark energy equation of state parameters, with anticorrelation between its present value w_0 and time variation w_a. Quantities that have instead positive correlation and so a sensitivity direction largely orthogonal to, e.g., distance probes offer the hope of achieving tight constraints through complementarity. Such quantities are found in strong gravitational lensing observations of image separations and time delays. While degeneracy between cosmological parameters prevents full complementarity, strong lensing measurements to 1% accuracy can improve equation of state characterization by 15-50%. Next generation surveys should provide data on roughly 10^5 lens systems, though systematic errors will remain challenging.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Mutual Events in the Cold Classical Transneptunian Binary System Sila and Nunam

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    Hubble Space Telescope observations between 2001 and 2010 resolved the binary components of the Cold Classical transneptunian object (79360) Sila-Nunam (provisionally designated 1997 CS29). From these observations we have determined the circular, retrograde mutual orbit of Nunam relative to Sila with a period of 12.50995 \pm 0.00036 days and a semimajor axis of 2777 \pm 19 km. A multi-year season of mutual events, in which the two near-equal brightness bodies alternate in passing in front of one another as seen from Earth, is in progress right now, and on 2011 Feb. 1 UT, one such event was observed from two different telescopes. The mutual event season offers a rich opportunity to learn much more about this barely-resolvable binary system, potentially including component sizes, colors, shapes, and albedo patterns. The low eccentricity of the orbit and a photometric lightcurve that appears to coincide with the orbital period are consistent with a system that is tidally locked and synchronized, like the Pluto-Charon system. The orbital period and semimajor axis imply a system mass of (10.84 \pm 0.22) \times 10^18 kg, which can be combined with a size estimate based on Spitzer and Herschel thermal infrared observations to infer an average bulk density of 0.72 +0.37 -0.23 g cm^-3, comparable to the very low bulk densities estimated for small transneptunian binaries of other dynamical classes.Comment: In press in Icaru

    Learning through social spaces: migrant women and lifelong learning in post-colonial London

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    This article shows how migrant women engage in learning through social spaces. It argues that such spaces are little recognised, and that there are multiple ways in which migrant women construct and negotiate their informal learning through socialising with other women in different informal modes. Additionally, the article shows how learning is shaped by the socio-political, geographical and multicultural context of living in London, outlining ways in which gendered and racialised identities shape, construct and constrain participation in lifelong learning. The article shows that one way in which migrant women resist (post)colonial constructions of difference is by engaging in informal and non-formal lifelong learning, arguing that the benefits are (at least) two-fold. The women develop skills (including language skills) but also use their informal learning to develop what is referred to in this article as 'relational capital'. The article concludes that informal lifelong learning developed through social spaces can enhance a sense of belonging for migrant women

    A CsI(Tl) Scintillating Crystal Detector for the Studies of Low Energy Neutrino Interactions

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    Scintillating crystal detector may offer some potential advantages in the low-energy, low-background experiments. A 500 kg CsI(Tl) detector to be placed near the core of Nuclear Power Station II in Taiwan is being constructed for the studies of electron-neutrino scatterings and other keV-MeV range neutrino interactions. The motivations of this detector approach, the physics to be addressed, the basic experimental design, and the characteristic performance of prototype modules are described. The expected background channels and their experimental handles are discussed.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Nucl. Instrum. Method

    Structure and function of PspA and Vipp1 N-terminal peptides: Insights into the membrane stress sensing and mitigation

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    The phage shock protein (Psp) response maintains integrity of the inner membrane (IM) in response to extracytoplasmic stress conditions and is widely distributed amongst enterobacteria. Its central component PspA, a member of the IM30 peripheral membrane protein family, acts as a major effector of the system through its direct association with the IM. Under non-stress conditions PspA also negatively regulates its own expression via direct interaction with the AAA + ATPase PspF. PspA has a counterpart in cyanobacteria called Vipp1, which is implicated in protection of the thylakoid membranes. PspA's and Vipp1's conserved N-terminal regions contain a putative amphipathic helix a (AHa) required for membrane binding. An adjacent amphipathic helix b (AHb) in PspA is required for imposing negative control upon PspF. Here, purified peptides derived from the putative AH regions of PspA and Vipp1 were used to directly probe their effector and regulatory functions. We observed direct membrane-binding of AHa derived peptides and an accompanying change in secondary structure from unstructured to alpha-helical establishing them as bona fide membrane-sensing AH's. The peptide-binding specificities and their effects on membrane stability depend on membrane anionic lipid content and stored curvature elastic stress, in agreement with full length PspA and Vipp1 protein functionalities. AHb of PspA inhibited the ATPase activity of PspF demonstrating its direct regulatory role. These findings provide new insight into the membrane binding and function of PspA and Vipp1 and establish that synthetic peptides can be used to probe the structure-function of the IM30 protein family
