34 research outputs found

    On death and dying – an exploratory and evaluative study of a reflective, interdisciplinary course element in undergraduate anatomy teaching

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    BACKGROUND: Teaching in palliative care aims not only at providing students with specialized knowledge in symptom therapy in advanced disease, but also at developing a professional attitude consistent with the principles and philosophy of palliative care. Reflecting about one’s own or the patient’s death and dying is considered essential for empathic patient care. In medical education the dissection course is often the first encounter with the issue of death and dying and represents a significant emotional challenge to many medical students. Against this background we implemented a new course element in preparation for the dissection course, offering opportunity to reflect own experiences with death and dying and providing support in finding a balance between authentic empathy and pragmatic action towards deceased persons. We discuss issues such as dignity and professional distance and reason whether guided support for medical students regarding these issues might influence their future attitude as doctors caring for their patients. METHODS: In tandem, we performed a formal evaluation of the seminar and explored the students’ experiences with death and dying, their expectations and fears in the run-up to the dissection course and their attitude towards dissection. RESULTS: This article describes the structure and the concept of this new interdisciplinary course element and presents the results of the formal course evaluation as well as the explorative part of the accompanying research. Medical students had broad experiences with death and dying even before the dissection course. 89.1% of students had worried about some kind of emotional stress during the dissection course before, but 61.7% stated to have actually perceived emotional stress afterwards. The willingness to donate one's own body for anatomy purposes decreased significantly during the course. The given room for reflection and discussion was appreciated by the students, who felt that the effects of this seminar might be of use even beyond the dissection course. CONCLUSION: This new course element successfully assisted medical students during the dissection room experience and gave opportunity to reflection and discussion on death and dying. The accompanying research confirmed the demand for support and gave insight into experiences, emotions and attitudes of medical students

    Undergraduate education in palliative medicine in Germany: a longitudinal perspective on curricular and infrastructural development

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    Background: In 2009, palliative medicine became an integrated and compulsory part of undergraduate training in Germany by legislation. After a transitional period, all medical faculties were required to provide adequate teaching with an according examination and certification procedure. In parallel, we conducted bi-annual surveys on all medical faculties in Germany to examine for potential discrepancies between the implementation process and their intended consequences on teaching time and content. Methods: Four consecutive bi-annual surveys (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012) of all 36 medical faculties in Germany were performed, using purposively for this study developed questionnaires. Likert scales and closed questions were analyzed descriptively. Results: Medical Faculty response rate increased from 50 % in 2006 to 88.9 % in 2012. Teaching coordinators in palliative medicine primarily had an anesthesiology or internal medicine background. There was a noted increase over time of the involvement of specialized palliative care units (PCUs) as providing the setting for education. The number of faculties that were able to offer a complete 16 weeks of training in palliative medicine during the "final year" rose steadily. In addition, increased patient-centered teaching formats have been implemented over time. The faculties which offered innovative teaching formats with actors as patients (standardized patient interaction) increased, as did the total number of mandatory examinations. The number of faculties that provided compulsory teaching in a condensed manner within a single academic year increased sharply from 3 of 31 responding faculties in 2010 to 19 of 32 responding faculties in 2012. Conclusions: Until now, teaching conditions and structures in palliative medicine in Germany have proven to be extraordinarily heterogeneous. Although professorships ("Chairs") in palliative medicine proved to be particularly beneficial and supportive in curricular and structural development, only a minority of faculties provide leading academic positions in palliative medicine

    Symptoms and Needs of Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer: Early Prevalence Assessment

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    Background: Little is known on symptom burden, psychosocial needs, and perception of prognosis in advanced lung cancer patients at the time of diagnosis, although early assessment is strongly recommended within the setting of daily routine care. Methods: Twelve study sites cross-sectionally assessed symptoms and psychosocial needs of patients suffering from newly diagnosed incurable lung cancer. Assessment comprised NCCN distress thermometer, FACT-L, SEIQoL-Q, PHQ-4, and shortened and modified SCNS-SF-34 questionnaires. Additional prognostic information from both patients and physicians were collected. Results: A total of 208 patients were evaluated. Mean age was 63.6 years, 58% were male, 84% suffered from stage IV lung cancer, and 71% had an ECOG performance status of 0–1. Mean distress level was 5.4 (SD 2.5), FACT-L total score was 86 (21.5), and TOI 50.5 (14.9). PHQ-4 was 4.6 (3.3), and shortened and modified SCNS-SF-34 showed 9 (8.7) unmet needs per patient. According to their physicians’ perspective, 98.1% of patients were reflecting on and 85.2% were accepting incurability, while 26.5% of patients considered the treatment to be of curative intent. Conclusion: Our findings emphasize substantial domains of symptom burden seen in newly diagnosed, incurable lung cancer patients. Oncologists should be aware of these features and address prognostic issues early in the disease trajectory to facilitate opportunities to improve coping, advance care planning, and appropriate integration of palliative care, thus improving quality of life

    zum Querschnittsfach 13 an der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen (UMG)

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    Softcover, 17x247Was verstehen wir unter Palliativmedizin/Palliative Care/Palliativversorgung? Welchen Belastungen sind Patienten und deren Angehörige in unheilbaren und fortgeschrittenen Erkrankungssituationen ausgesetzt? Wie kann eine entsprechende umfassende Behandlung und Unterstützung bewerkstelligt werden? Wie kann eine Entscheidung zur Begrenzung oder zur Fortführung therapeutischer Maßnahmen am Lebensende begründet werden? Das vorliegende Skript soll Medizinstudierenden und allen Interessierten einen Einblick in die Notwendigkeiten und Möglichkeiten umfassender palliativmedizinischer Unterstützung ermöglichen und zum Nachlesen sowie für die Vorbereitung für die palliativmedizinischen Prüfungen im QB 13 und im Staatsexamen eine Hilfe sein