31 research outputs found

    Real‐Time Reconfiguration of Distribution Network with Distributed Generation

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    This chapter shows a methodology to accomplish the real‐time reconfiguration of distribution networks considering distributed generation in normal operating conditions. The availability of the wind power generation, solar photovoltaic power generation, and hydroelectric power generation is considered in the reconfiguration procedure. The real‐time reconfiguration methodology is based on the branch‐exchange technique and assumes that only remote‐controlled switches are considered in the analysis. The multicriteria analysis, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method, is used to determine the best switching sequence. The developed algorithms are integrated into a supervisory system, which allows real‐time communication with the network equipment. The methodology is verified in a real network of a power utility in Brazil with different typical daily demand curves and distributed generation scenarios

    Multi‐Objective Real‐Time Dispatching Problem in Electric Utilities: An Application to Emergency Service Routing

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    This chapter presents a novel application of real‐time dispatching problem to electric utilities when multi‐objective is involved. It is described how the problem related to emergency services in electric utilities is considered, with an aggregated objective function developed to handle the minimization of the waiting time, the total distance traveled, the sum of all delays related to already assigned orders, and the cost of non‐assigned emergency orders. After that, actual cases have shown the effectiveness of the proposed model to be adopted in real‐world applications either as a search for optimal solution or by applying a heuristic‐based algorithm developed

    Estruturação de um modelo para a gestão de práticas socioambientais em escolas do Distrito Federal

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Gestão de Políticas Públicas, Departamento de Administração, 2020.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral analisar a necessidade de um modelo ideal de gestão de práticas socioambientais em escolas do Distrito Federal, por meio da análise de duas escolas da região, uma pública e a outra privada. A pesquisa realizada constitui-se em uma pesquisa-ação, revisão bibliográfica e estudo de caso, com a análise de pesquisas anteriores, como também, análise de dados qualitativos coletados por meio de entrevistas com os responsáveis de cada escola e dos questionários aplicados com os alunos participantes dos projetos. As análises das informações mostram que uma gestão socioambietal que engloba os alunos na sua contrução e que esteja alinhada com os problemas enfrentados pela comunidade local despertam mais o interesse dos alunos e desenvolve sua visão crítica e resolução de problemas. Além disso, mostra que é possível implementar projetos relativos ao tema com poucos recursos e que o envolvimento e o tempo dos professores dedicados a esses projetos são essenciais. Os resultados encontrados contribuíram para a elaboração de um modelo para a estruturação de práticas de gestão socioambiental, utilizando a metodologia do cliclo PDCA, como também, para recomendações de pesquisas futuras que tenham como objetivo identificar o sucesso ou não da educação socioambiental com os alunos que não se interessam pelo tema

    Coordination and Selectivity of Protection Devices with Reliability Assessment in Distribution Systems

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    This chapter provides an overview of the reliability of electricity distribution networks, and its evaluation that is linked with the protection system. In this way, the characteristics of network protection are presented, along with the peculiarities in coordination and device selectivity adjustments. For the assessment of the reliability, we have the methodology of logic-structural matrix (LSM) that integrates the constitution of the network with historical data of faults, so that with this, a model can be elaborated that can evaluate the impact of changes in the system directly on the reliability indicators

    A Decision Support System for Planning and Operation of Maintenance and Customer Services in Electric Power Distribution Systems

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    This chapter aims to present the design and development of a decision support system (DSS) for the analysis, simulation, planning, and operation of maintenance and customer services in electric power distribution system (EPDS). The main objective of the DSS is to improve the decision‐making processes through visualization tools and simulation of real cases in the EPDS, in order to allow better planning in the short, medium, and long term. Therefore, the DSS helps managers and decision‐makers to reduce maintenance and operational costs, to improve system reliability, and to analyze new scenarios and conditions for system expansion planning. First, we introduce the key challenges faced by the decision‐makers in the planning and operation of maintenance and customer services in EPDS. Next, we discuss the benefits and the requirements for the DSS design and development, including use cases modeling and the software architecture. Afterwards, we present the capabilities of the DSS and discuss important decisions made during the implementation phases. We conclude the chapter with a discussion about the obtained results, pointing out the possible enhancements of the DSS, future extensions, and new use cases that may be addressed

    A inclusão de uma nova ferramenta para o ensino operacional de redes de distribuição de energia elétrica

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    Dentre as composições do sistema elétrico brasileiro, o segmento de distribuição é, sem dúvidas, o setor que recebe a maior quantidade de energia através das linhas de transmissão, e a distribui, de maneira pulverizada, aos consumidores. Devido à importância das redes de distribuição, sua operação é uma tarefa de grande responsabilidade, a qual exige todo o empenho do profissional responsável. Assim, sua formação ideal deve combinar o desenvolvimento de competências técnicas, habilidades, atitudes éticas, sociais e ambientais. No entanto, nem todos os segmentos da Engenharia Elétrica possuem instrumentos que permitam que a teoria seja implementada, em laboratório, de forma dinâmica, como por exemplo, os processos de planejamento e operação de sistemas elétricos de potência. Verifica-se que nesta área há uma carência de equipamentos de natureza experimental, onde o conhecimento prático é embasado apenas na reprodução de simulações, realizadas através de ferramentas computacionais. Assim, propõe-se neste trabalho uma análise de aplicabilidade de inserção de uma ferramenta experimental de ensino. Esta, deve ser capaz de reproduzir algumas das principais características operacionais de uma rede real, em laboratório, de forma a inovar e facilitar o ensino de processos de planejamento operacional de redes de distribuição de energia elétrica, fomentando os principais conceitos de métodos de aprendizagem baseados em problemas

    Control Strategies for Smart Charging and Discharging of Plug- In Electric Vehicles

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    This chapter aims to provide an overview of the plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) charging and discharging strategies in the electric power system and the smart cities, as well as an application benefiting both consumers and power utility. The electric vehicle technology will be introduced. Then, the main impacts, benefits and challenges related to this technology will be discussed. Following, the role of the vehicles in smart cities will be presented. Next, the major methods and strategies for charging and discharging of plug-in electric vehicles available in the literature will be described. Finally, a new strategy for the intelligent charging and discharging of electric vehicles will be presented, which aims to benefit the consumer and the power utility

    Fundamentals of Wireless Communication Link Design for Networked Robotics

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    This chapter aims to present the fundamentals of the design of wireless communication links for networked robotics applications. First, we provide an overview of networked robotics applications, motivating the importance of the wireless communication link as an enabler of these applications. Next, we review the wireless communication technologies available today, discussing the existent tradeoffs between range, power, and data rate, and introducing the main concepts regarding the design of wireless communication links. Finally, we present a design example of a wireless communication link and the results obtained. We conclude the chapter with a discussion of the results and the challenges faced in the design of wireless communication links for networked robotics

    Resource Planning to Service Restoration in Power Distribution Systems

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    Whenever there are extreme weather events, electric power distribution systems are generally affected largely because they are highly subject by their constructive nature: overhead networks. In this context, the management of maintenance actions is generally referred to as emergency service order, usually associated with a lack of supply and requiring human intervention. The key issue for the resource planning refers to an estimation of service time that allows for more assertive planning possible. This chapter proposes a predictive modelling of emergency services for resource planning when considering the geographic dispersion of such services and also the time windows that comprise the amount of service time demanded. After presenting the methodological procedures, a case study depicts the application of the proposed method in order to support proactive service routing