2,999 research outputs found

    Towards more Challenging Problems for Ontology Matching Tools

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    We motivate the need for challenging problems in the evaluation of ontology matching tools. To address this need, we propose mapping sets between well-known biomedical ontologies that are based on the UMLS Metathesaurus. These mappings could be used as a basis for a new track in future OAEI campaigns (http://oaei.ontologymatching.org/).

    Frequence and space of contact with cultural diversity as factors in the development of intercultural sensitivity

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    La globalización, y en particular sus grandes movimientos migratorios, está transformando la realidad socio-cultural de las ciudades. Estos cambios no pasan desapercibidos entre sus habitantes y, por ello, este artículo aborda el desarrollo de la sensibilidad intercultural (SI) mediante la influencia de la frecuencia y los espacios que se comparten con personas de diferentes culturas. Se analizan dos factores relativos a la teoría de contacto intergrupal (TCI) según los cuales se podría favorecer el desarrollo de la actitud señalada (SI). El estudio, realizado en la provincia de Castellón (España), es de tipo descriptivo de carácter correlacional. Los resultados revelan que son más sensibles, interculturalmente, aquellos que “a diario” conviven con la diversidad cultural y los que comparten espacios de mayor intimidad, como “el hogar” o “el grupo de amigos”, con personas de diferentes culturas. Se resalta la importancia de generar espacios de encuentros como estrategia de intervención socio-comunitaria y pedagógica que facilite la convivencia y cohesión social.Globalization, and particularly the increase in migration rates, is transforming the socio-cultural reality context in many of our towns, and our inhabitants are aware of these changes. This work proposes a study about how the frequency of contact with people from a different culture and the nature of the spaces where it happens have an effect on the development of intercultural sensitivity (IS). Therefore, two factors related to the Inter Group Contact Theory which may favour this attitude were studied (IS). This is a descriptive correlational study which was performed in the Spanish province of Castellón. Results revealed that individuals with a ‘daily’ contact with cultural diversity rated higher scores for intercultural sensitivity. It was also observed that individuals sharing spaces of a stronger intimacy such as ‘home’ or ‘the group of friends’ with people from a different culture were more sensitive. Consequently, it emphasizes the importance of creating spaces for meetings as an intervention strategy socio-community and teaching to facilitate coexistence and social cohesion

    Parents’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of Inclusive Education and the Barriers to its Implementation in Lima, Peru

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    Este artículo expone los resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo en Lima, Perú, con el objetivo de conocer y reflexionar sobre cómo se está implementando la educación inclusiva y cuáles son sus barreras y propuestas de acción para alcanzarla. La investigación es de corte claramente cualitativo y pretende indagar y reflexionar junto a los actores educativos y sociales, vinculados a la escuela, sobre sus percepciones de la educación inclusiva y en función de estas reflexiones favorecer un empoderamiento para la mejora de sus prácticas y la transformación del centro escolar y el entorno social, desde una crítica al actual modelo de escuela excluyente y bajo la orientación de una escuela más justa e inclusiva. La recogida de información ha sido mediante: grupos de discusión, entrevistas y diario de observación de la investigadora. Para la organización y presentación de datos se ha utilizado el Atlas.ti. Los principales hallazgos se centran en que todos los participantes conciben la educación inclusiva como la incorporación de los alumnos con NEE en las escuelas ordinarias. Que las principales barreras son la falta de sensibilización social acerca de la exclusión, la falta de formación docente especialmente en estrategias y prácticas inclusivas, y la necesidad de disminuir la ratio de alumnos por docentes. Por tanto, las propuestas de mejora están en la línea de solventar los problemas detectados.This article presents the results of a research carried out in Lima, Peru. The aim of this study was to know and reflect on the implementation of inclusive education, its barriers and the proposals for action to achieve it. Research is clearly qualitative and aims to investigate and reflect, together with educational and social actors related to school, about their perceptions of inclusive education and promote empowerment to improve their practices and the transformation of the school and the social environment. Considered from a critique of the current model of exclusionary school and under the guidance of a fairer and more inclusive school. The collection of information has been done through: focus groups, interviews and observation diary of the researcher. Atlas.ti has been used for the organization and presentation of the data. The main findings focus on the conception of inclusive education as the inclusion of students with special needs in mainstream schools. The main barriers are the lack of social awareness towards exclusion, lack of teacher training especially in strategies, and the need to reduce the ratio of students per teacher. Therefore, the proposed improvements are in line to solve the problems detected.Esta investigación se ha realizado con la ayuda otorgada por el Plan de Promoción de la Investigación del 2015, de la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón

    Documentary study of the intercultural sensitivity concept in the policies and social commurity practice

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo una redefinición del constructo «sensibilidad intercultural», en tanto es muy frecuente encontrar definiciones en el ámbito académico universitario, pero en la práctica que se realiza a nivel sociocomunitario, a través de la administración pública y/o ONGDs, la interpretación del constructo es diferente aunque complementaria. La muestra se ha constituido de documentos oficiales y públicos de los cuales se han establecido descriptores básicos y posteriormente se ha cuantificado mediante frecuencias su importancia en los mismos. La muestra se recogió durante el año 2011.Como principales resultados se han obtenido datos acerca de quiénes son sus principales beneficiarios, quiénes son sus principales responsables y cuáles son los principales objetivos a alcanzar y las tareas o acciones a realizar. Concluye con la propuesta de un nuevo concepto que favorece la intervención pedagógica en el ámbito social.The aim of this work is to redefine the concept of ‘intercultural sensitivity’. In academic circles definitions abound, but the interpretation of this construct when applied at the social community level – either by the public administration or NGDOs – is, although complementary, different. The sample used in this work consists of both official and public documents. First, basic descriptors were defined, then their relevance was quantified depending on their frequency of use. Sampling was performed throughout 2011. The results obtained relate to data on who the main beneficiaries are and on who those in charge of intercultural sensitivity programs are, and also what the key objectives for the future are and what actions need to be taken to achieve these aims. In addition a new concept favouring pedagogical intervention in the social area is also proposed

    Design of shifting output-feedback controllers for LPV systems subject to time-varying saturations

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    This paper considers the problem of designing a shifting output-feedback controller for polytopic linear parameter-varying (LPV) systems subject to time-varying saturations. By means of the LPV framework and the use of the Lyapunov theory, the shifting paradigm concept, and the ellipsoidal invariant theory, a linear matrix inequality (LMI)-based methodology for the controller's design is proposed. The resulting gain-scheduled controller holds the control action in the linearity region of the actuators and regulates online the closed-loop convergence taking into account the instantaneous saturation limit values. The proposed approach is validated by means of an illustrative example.acceptedVersio

    Transparent nanocellular PMMA: Characterization and modeling of the optical properties

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    In this work, the optical properties of transparent nanocellular polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) have been studied, experimental and theoretically. Transmittance measurements of samples presenting different cell sizes (14, 24, 39 and 225 nm) and a constant relative density of around 0.45 have been carried out obtaining values as high as 0.94 for the sample with the smaller cell size and a thickness of 0.05 mm. In addition, the light absorption coefficient has been measured as a function of cell size and wavelength. It has been found that the transmittance has a strong dependence with the wavelength, presenting these transparent materials Rayleigh scattering. On the other hand, the transmission of visible light through these nanocellular materials has been modelled for the first time. The developed model reproduces with good accuracy the trends observed in the experimental results and provides remarkable insights into the physics mechanisms controlling the optical behavior of these materials

    Genomics of Rickettsiaceae: An Update

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    Recent advancements in genomes sequencing of members of Rickettsiaceae family have led to set a new landmark in the study of these microorganisms. Genomic analyses of Rickettsia and Orientia reveal a history of genome reduction because of the interaction with intermediate and final hosts; the evidence shows that this is an ongoing process. The gene loss, the gain, and loss of plasmids in such an easy way, among other significant processes are the evidence of the evolutionary history of this bacterial group involving reductive processes. In particular, the integrative conjugative element called REIS, was necessary in the process of adaption to an intracellular lifestyle in eukaryotes. We present a genomic focusing on Rickettsia and Orientia species, due to the animal and human importance. In this analysis, the genomic evidence shows that genomes have been extensively shuffled; however, the existence of core genes has also been conserved