2,515 research outputs found

    On the variety parametrizing completely decomposable polynomials

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    The purpose of this paper is to relate the variety parameterizing completely decomposable homogeneous polynomials of degree dd in n+1n+1 variables on an algebraically closed field, called \Split_{d}(\PP n), with the Grassmannian of n1n-1 dimensional projective subspaces of \PP {n+d-1}. We compute the dimension of some secant varieties to \Split_{d}(\PP n) and find a counterexample to a conjecture that wanted its dimension related to the one of the secant variety to \GG (n-1, n+d-1). Moreover by using an invariant embedding of the Veronse variety into the Pl\"ucker space, then we are able to compute the intersection of \GG (n-1, n+d-1) with \Split_{d}(\PP n), some of its secant variety, the tangential variety and the second osculating space to the Veronese variety.Comment: 30 page

    Dissecting the Red Sequence--II. Star Formation Histories of Early-Type Galaxies Throughout the Fundamental Plane

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    This analysis uses spectra of ~16,000 nearby SDSS quiescent galaxies to track variations in galaxy star formation histories along and perpendicular to the Fundamental Plane (FP). We sort galaxies by their FP properties (sigma, R_e, and I_e) and construct high S/N mean galaxy spectra that span the breadth and thickness of the FP. From these spectra, we determine mean luminosity-weighted ages, [Fe/H], [Mg/H], and [Mg/Fe] based on single stellar population models using the method described in Graves & Schiavon (2008). In agreement with previous work, the star formation histories of early-type galaxies are found to form a two-parameter family. The major trend is that mean age, [Fe/H], [Mg/H], and [Mg/Fe] all increase with sigma. However, no stellar population property shows any dependence on R_e at fixed sigma, suggesting that sigma and not dynamical mass (M_dyn ~ sigma^2 R_e) is the better predictor of past star formation history. In addition to the main trend with sigma, galaxies also show a range of population properties at fixed sigma that are strongly correlated with surface brightness residuals from the FP, such that higher surface brightness galaxies have younger mean ages, higher [Fe/H], higher [Mg/H], and lower [Mg/Fe] than lower-surface brightness galaxies. These latter trends are a major new constraint on star-formation histories.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures. Accepted to Ap

    Body segment parameters of Paralympic athletes from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12283-016-0200-3This research represents the first documented investigation into the body segment parameters of Paralympic athletes (e.g., individuals with spinal cord injuries and lower extremity amputations). Two-dimensional body segment parameters (i.e., mass, length, position vector of the center of mass, and principal mass moment of inertia about the center of mass) were quantified from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). In addition to establishing a body segment parameter database of Paralympic athletes for prospective biomechanists and engineers, the mass of each body segment as experimentally measured via the DXA imaging was compared with that reported by previous research of able-bodied cadavers. In general, there were significant differences in the body segment masses between the different methods. These findings support the implementation of the proposed database for developing valid multibody biomechanical models of Paralympic athletes with distinct physical disabilities.This research was funded by Dr. John McPhee’s Tier I Canada Research Chair in Biomechatronic System Dynamics

    Sustainability Career Compass. Le professioni della sostenibilità: sviluppo e opportunità di carriera

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    Un crescente numero di persone, soprattutto giovani, è desideroso di intraprendere un percorso professionale attorno ai temi della sostenibilità. Tuttavia, non sono ad oggi facilmente reperibili informazioni utili a identificare i percorsi di accesso e le concrete opportunità di carriera nella sostenibilità. La presente ricerca offre una bussola che possa orientare coloro interessati ad investire professionalmente in questo ambito, fornendo informazioni sulle diverse professioni della sostenibilità, le loro dinamiche di cambiamento, le loro previsioni di crescita nel prossimo futuro, i criteri e i processi utilizzati dalle aziende nella selezione. Il report fornisce anche concreti suggerimenti provenienti dagli stessi professionisti della sostenibilità per approcciare con successo questo segmento del mercato del lavoro

    Expression of Human nPTB Is Limited by Extreme Suboptimal Codon Content

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    Background: The frequency of synonymous codon usage varies widely between organisms. Suboptimal codon content limits expression of viral, experimental or therapeutic heterologous proteins due to limiting cognate tRNAs. Codon content is therefore often adjusted to match codon bias of the host organism. Codon content also varies between genes within individual mammalian species. However, little attention has been paid to the consequences of codon content upon translation of host proteins. Methodology/Principal Findings: In comparing the splicing repressor activities of transfected human PTB and its two tissue-restricted paralogs–nPTB and ROD1–we found that the three proteins were expressed at widely varying levels. nPTB was expressed at 1–3 % the level of PTB despite similar levels of mRNA expression and 74 % amino acid identity. The low nPTB expression was due to the high proportion of codons with A or U at the third codon position, which are suboptimal in human mRNAs. Optimization of the nPTB codon content, akin to the ‘‘humanization’ ’ of foreign ORFs, allowed efficient translation in vivo and in vitro to levels comparable with PTB. We were then able to demonstrate that all three proteins act as splicing repressors. Conclusions/Significance: Our results provide a striking illustration of the importance of mRNA codon content in determining levels of protein expression, even within cells of the natural host species

    A mathematical model of mitochondrial swelling

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The <it>permeabilization </it>of mitochondrial membranes is a decisive event in apoptosis or necrosis culminating in cell death. One fundamental mechanism by which such permeabilization events occur is the calcium-induced mitochondrial permeability transition. Upon Ca<sup>2+</sup>-uptake into mitochondria an increase in inner membrane permeability occurs by a yet unclear mechanism. This leads to a net water influx in the mitochondrial matrix, mitochondrial swelling, and finally the rupture of the outer membrane. Although already described more than thirty years ago, many unsolved questions surround this important biological phenomenon. Importantly, theoretical modeling of the mitochondrial permeability transition has only started recently and the existing mathematical models fail to characterize the swelling process throughout the whole time range.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose here a new mathematical approach to the mitochondrial permeability transition introducing a specific delay equation and resulting in an optimized representation of mitochondrial swelling. Our new model is in accordance with the experimentally determined course of volume increase throughout the whole swelling process, including its initial lag phase as well as its termination. From this new model biological consequences can be deduced, such as the confirmation of a positive feedback of mitochondrial swelling which linearly depends on the Ca<sup>2+</sup>-concentration, or a negative exponential dependence of the average swelling time on the Ca<sup>2+</sup>-concentration. Finally, our model can show an initial shrinking phase of mitochondria, which is often observed experimentally before the actual swelling starts.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We present a model of the mitochondrial swelling kinetics. This model may be adapted and extended to diverse other inducing/inhibiting conditions or to mitochondria from other biological sources and thus may benefit a better understanding of the mitochondrial permeability transition.</p

    Patterns of Evolution and Host Gene Mimicry in Influenza and Other RNA Viruses

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    It is well known that the dinucleotide CpG is under-represented in the genomic DNA of many vertebrates. This is commonly thought to be due to the methylation of cytosine residues in this dinucleotide and the corresponding high rate of deamination of 5-methycytosine, which lowers the frequency of this dinucleotide in DNA. Surprisingly, many single-stranded RNA viruses that replicate in these vertebrate hosts also have a very low presence of CpG dinucleotides in their genomes. Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites and the evolution of a virus is inexorably linked to the nature and fate of its host. One therefore expects that virus and host genomes should have common features. In this work, we compare evolutionary patterns in the genomes of ssRNA viruses and their hosts. In particular, we have analyzed dinucleotide patterns and found that the same patterns are pervasively over- or under-represented in many RNA viruses and their hosts suggesting that many RNA viruses evolve by mimicking some of the features of their host's genes (DNA) and likely also their corresponding mRNAs. When a virus crosses a species barrier into a different host, the pressure to replicate, survive and adapt, leaves a footprint in dinucleotide frequencies. For instance, since human genes seem to be under higher pressure to eliminate CpG dinucleotide motifs than avian genes, this pressure might be reflected in the genomes of human viruses (DNA and RNA viruses) when compared to those of the same viruses replicating in avian hosts. To test this idea we have analyzed the evolution of the influenza virus since 1918. We find that the influenza A virus, which originated from an avian reservoir and has been replicating in humans over many generations, evolves in a direction strongly selected to reduce the frequency of CpG dinucleotides in its genome. Consistent with this observation, we find that the influenza B virus, which has spent much more time in the human population, has adapted to its human host and exhibits an extremely low CpG dinucleotide content. We believe that these observations directly show that the evolution of RNA viral genomes can be shaped by pressures observed in the host genome. As a possible explanation, we suggest that the strong selection pressures acting on these RNA viruses are most likely related to the innate immune response and to nucleotide motifs in the host DNA and RNAs