1,610 research outputs found

    Avaliação da atenuação natural na biorremediação de um solo contaminado por metais pesados

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    O Distrito de Mineração de Cartagena, localizado na região de Murcia, Sul da Espanha, foi uma importante área de mineração durante mais de 2000 anos. O resultado dessa longa atividade mineradora foi a contaminação do solo local com metais pesados como Fe, Zn e Pb. O objetivo deste projeto foi estudar a atenuação natural em curso neste solo, com especial atenção aos processos de biolixiviação e a bioprecipitação causados respectivamente por populações de Bacterias Oxidantes (de Ferro e de Enxofre) e por Bacterias Redutoras de Sulfato. A metodologia de extração seqüencial foi utilizada para quantificar a mobilidade dos metais estudados ao longo de 6 diferentes frações do solo: intercambiável, orgânica, carbonatos, hidróxidos, sulfetos e residual, além da analise do percentual de metais em solução. Através dos resultados alcançados é possível concluir que os metais Fe e Pb estão imobilizado de forma estável no solo. Por outro lado, o Zn apresentou-se como o metal de maior interesse ambiental, tendo sido biolixiviado em até 42%. O estudo também concluiu que o pH do solo é determinante para a bioprecipitação dos metais e sua conseqüente imobilização na matriz do solo, uma vez que este parâmetro tem papel decisivo no metabolismo das bactérias redutoras de sulfato, responsáveis por este processo


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    O presente artigo tem o objetivo de estudar a ação de produção antecipada de provas no Direito Processual do Trabalho. Para tanto, parte da análise do instituto tal como regulamentado no Código de Processo Civil, analisando os aspectos processuais pertinentes. É feita revisão da literatura especializada sobre o tema, com as devidas adaptações, quando necessário, à normatividade aplicável ao Processo do Trabalho

    Continuous results-driven innovation management program

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the innovation management program (IMP) (FAZ Program) and analyze its results according to the public policy goals that support it (Pró-Inova) suggesting improvements. Design/methodology/approach – Intensive-direct-observation method in 43 companies; systematic data gathering and analysis (172 meeting documents); and innovation maturity diagnostics in 30 companies between August 2013 and May 2016. Findings – The FAZ Program success rate according to the Pró-Inova goals achieved 81 percent. The percentage of completion of FAZ activities decreases during its implementation from 100 percent (strategic module) to 74 percent (management module) and ending at 46 percent (project module). The maturity for innovation of these committees/teams is decisive for those percentages. Companies whose maturity for innovation of the strategic committee and the organizational team are above average or excellent have, respectively, 1.8 and 1.7 times greater probability of implementing the program successfully. Research limitations/implications – The FAZ Program represents only 4 percent of the programs supported by Pró-Inova. The innovative products, processes and businesses produced by the FAZ Program implementation are not measured. These innovations usually happen several years after an innovative management models implementation. Practical implications – The maturity for innovation diagnosis is useful both to evaluate the company’s innovation capacity and to predict its chances of implementing the program successfully. Adjusting the structure of the model (e.g. PDCA cycle for the organizational module) and improving the program’s implementation (e.g. ensure management module resources and maturity for innovation capacity) can increase the program’s success rate. Originality/value – Previous research works on IMPs supported by Pro-Inova focus on describing their methodology or benefits. The results allow answering what and how one of these programs offers in a return to the public innovation support received

    Diversity of group A rotavirus genes detected in the Triângulo Mineiro region, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    AbstractGroup A rotaviruses are the main causative agent of infantile gastroenteritis. The segmented nature of the viral genome allows reassortment of genome segments, which can generate genetic variants. In this study, we characterized the diversity of the VP7, VP4 (VP8*), VP6, NSP4, and NSP5 genes of the rotaviruses that circulated from 2005 to 2011 in the Triângulo Mineiro (TM) region of Brazil. Samples with genotypes G2 (sublineages IVa-1 and IVa-3), G1 (sublineage I-A), G9 (lineage III), G12 (lineages II and III), G8 (lineage II), G3 (lineage III), P[4] (sublineages IVa and IVb), P[8] (sublineages P[8]-3.6, P[8]-3.3, and P[8]-3.1), I2 (lineage VII), E2 (lineages VI, XII, and X), and H2 (lineage III) were identified. The associations found in the samples were G1, G9, or G12 with P[8]-I1-E1-H1; G2 or G8 with P[4]-I2-E2-H2; G12 with I3-E3-H6; and G3 with P[4]-I2-E3-H3 (previously unreported combination). Reassortment events in G2P[4] strains and an apparent pattern of temporal segregation within the lineages were observed. Five TM samples contained genes that exhibited high nucleotide and amino acid identities with strains of animal origin. The present study includes a period of pre- and post-introduction of rotavirus vaccination in all Brazilian territories, thereby serving as a basis for monitoring changes in the genetic constitution of rotaviruses. The results also contribute to the understanding of the diversity and evolution of rotaviruses in a global context

    Lean Healthcare: evaluation of Single-Minute Exchange of Die and Toyota Kata applied in Brazilian Emergency Care Units

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    This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of the Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) methodology based on the Toyota Kata concept in the context of emergency care units. The research methodology involved a literature review, data collection, and analysis of critical tasks in the processes of arranging hospital beds for occupancy and vacating beds. The study identified time-consuming activities and proposed interventions based on SMED principles to reduce waste and improve efficiency. The results highlighted the importance of efficient communication between nurses and the cleaning team, the parallel execution of tasks by multiple individuals, and the installation of auxiliary structures to facilitate movement and reduce travel time. The research framework provided a roadmap for implementing SMED and demonstrated its potential for optimizing health processes in emergency care units. Further research is suggested to evaluate other internal processes and analyze the overall scenario to achieve comprehensive improvements in Brazilian emergency care units. The integration of SMED and lean healthcare tools proves to be a necessary advancement in the health sector, aligning customer expectations with technological innovations and addressing new demands in the field of healthcare

    Desenvolvimento de filamentos de PLA e óxido de grafeno para melhoria termomecânica de peças produzidos por impressão 3D / Development of PLA and graphene oxide filaments for thermo-mechanical improvement of parts produced by 3D printing

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    Filamentos de nanocompósitos de PLA com óxido de grafeno foram produzidos para aplicação em impressão 3D do tipo modelagem por fusão e deposição. As peças impressas com os nanocompósitos apresentaram melhores propriedades mecânicas se comparadas às peças impressas com PLA puro. As propriedades térmicas dos nanocompósitos não apresentaram alteração frente ao PLA. Foram avaliados também corpos de prova produzidos por injeção a fim de compará-los com aqueles obtidos por impressão 3D

    Espectrofotometria da deposição de agrotóxico no dossel do tomateiro

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    Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar a uniformidade de distribuição e a deposição de calda no dossel do tomateiro, utilizando a técnica da espectrofotometria. O experimento foi realizado em lavoura comercial de tomate, cultivar Santa Clara, no município de Coimbra, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Os ensaios foram realizados utilizando o pulverizador costal manual, da marca Jacto, modelo PJH com capacidade de 20 L, instalados em esquema fatorial 3 x 2: três volume de pulverização, duas doses do inseticida. Foi usado o delineamento em blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Os volumes de calda por unidade foliar foram analisados em seis posições no dossel da planta: superior externo e interno, mediano externo e interno, inferior externo e interno. Não houve diferença significativa, independentemente da dose e posição no dossel da planta quando analisada a interação Volume / dose. Para todos os volumes de pulverização estudados, a maior deposição de calda (mL cm-2) ocorreu nas posições externas

    Threshold of motion and orientation of bivalve shells under current flow

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    Disarticulated shells of three bivalve mollusk species (Anomalocardia brasiliana, Codakia orbicularis, and Divaricella quadrisulcata) were experimentally tested in laboratory flumes to determine the threshold of motion and final orientation of the valves. A total of 150 current flow experiments were conducted on single shells resting on a fixed sand bed. This study demonstrated that shells in the convex-up position are more resistant to flow when the umbo is pointing downstream rather than upstream. Moreover, species with higher frontal areas were more likely to be entrained at lower flow velocities. Results of dimensionless shear stress exhibited values far below the threshold of grains movement for beds of uniform roughness (Shields curve). It was observed that circular shells in convex-up positions were mostly orientated with the umbo pointing downstream. Conversely, elliptical shells in convex-up position tended to align their longer axis parallel to the flow with the posterior side of the valve pointing downstream. These results are not only directly applicable in interpretations of incipient shell motions and in paleocurrent analyses from field and sample data, but also support construction of accurate geological models
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