18 research outputs found

    Optimal branching asymmetry of hydrodynamic pulsatile trees

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    Most of the studies on optimal transport are done for steady state regime conditions. Yet, there exists numerous examples in living systems where supply tree networks have to deliver products in a limited time due to the pulsatile character of the flow. This is the case for mammals respiration for which air has to reach the gas exchange units before the start of expiration. We report here that introducing a systematic branching asymmetry allows to reduce the average delivery time of the products. It simultaneously increases its robustness against the unevitable variability of sizes related to morphogenesis. We then apply this approach to the human tracheobronchial tree. We show that in this case all extremities are supplied with fresh air, provided that the asymmetry is smaller than a critical threshold which happens to fit with the asymmetry measured in the human lung. This could indicate that the structure is adjusted at the maximum asymmetry level that allows to feed all terminal units with fresh air.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The Bifidobacterium dentium Bd1 Genome Sequence Reflects Its Genetic Adaptation to the Human Oral Cavity

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    Bifidobacteria, one of the relatively dominant components of the human intestinal microbiota, are considered one of the key groups of beneficial intestinal bacteria (probiotic bacteria). However, in addition to health-promoting taxa, the genus Bifidobacterium also includes Bifidobacterium dentium, an opportunistic cariogenic pathogen. The genetic basis for the ability of B. dentium to survive in the oral cavity and contribute to caries development is not understood. The genome of B. dentium Bd1, a strain isolated from dental caries, was sequenced to completion to uncover a single circular 2,636,368 base pair chromosome with 2,143 predicted open reading frames. Annotation of the genome sequence revealed multiple ways in which B. dentium has adapted to the oral environment through specialized nutrient acquisition, defences against antimicrobials, and gene products that increase fitness and competitiveness within the oral niche. B. dentium Bd1 was shown to metabolize a wide variety of carbohydrates, consistent with genome-based predictions, while colonization and persistence factors implicated in tissue adhesion, acid tolerance, and the metabolism of human saliva-derived compounds were also identified. Global transcriptome analysis demonstrated that many of the genes encoding these predicted traits are highly expressed under relevant physiological conditions. This is the first report to identify, through various genomic approaches, specific genetic adaptations of a Bifidobacterium taxon, Bifidobacterium dentium Bd1, to a lifestyle as a cariogenic microorganism in the oral cavity. In silico analysis and comparative genomic hybridization experiments clearly reveal a high level of genome conservation among various B. dentium strains. The data indicate that the genome of this opportunistic cariogen has evolved through a very limited number of horizontal gene acquisition events, highlighting the narrow boundaries that separate commensals from opportunistic pathogens

    Dynamique du transport et du transfert de l'oxygĂšne au sein de l'acinus pulmonaire humain

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    en français : L'acinus pulmonaire constitue l'unité d'échange gazeux entre l'air et le sang dans les voies aériennes pulmonaires. Dans le cadre de cette thÚse, nous nous sommes plus particuliÚrement intéressés à l'oxygÚne. Plusieurs mécanismes sont mis en jeu depuis son entrée dans l'acinus jusqu'à sa capture par l'hémoglobine : les mécanismes de transport de l'oxygÚne dans l'air : convection et diffusion, le transfert par diffusion passive de l'oxygÚne à travers la membrane alvéolo-capillaire et sa capture par l'hémoglobine. Par la détermination de la capacité diffusive pulmonaire DL, il est possible d'évaluer cliniquement le fonctionnement et l'efficacité de ces mécanismes. Cette mesure est couramment employée pour le diagnostic, notamment pour mettre en évidence les détériorations de la membrane alvéolo-capillaire ou encore les pertes de surface d'échange. Expérimentalement, la DL s'exprime à partir des deux mesures cliniques suivantes: la pression alvéolaire PA et la consommation de gaz V. Plus particuliÚrement, dans le cas qui nous intéresse ici soit celui de l'oxygÚne, il s'agit de la pression partielle en oxygÚne contenue dans les alvéoles pulmonaires PA,O2 et de la quantité d'oxygÚne échangée en une minute VO2. Il est possible de déterminer une valeur théorique de la capacité diffusive pulmonaire grùce à une formulation classique et empirique trÚs utilisée en médecine. Celle-ci est aujourd'hui encore le sujet de nombreuses publications car elle ne reproduit pas exactement les résultats de l'expérience. Nous avons mis en place un modÚle numérique dynamique du transport et du transfert de l'oxygÚne au sein de l'acinus pulmonaire permettant de restituer les valeurs de PA,O2 et VO2 chez les sujets sains. Ce modÚle dépend d'un unique paramÚtre physique ajustable qu'on appelle la perméabilité W. Celle-ci traduit toute la complexité du transfert de l'oxygÚne vers le sang. Elle se définit comme une conductance équivalente imposée par les trois mécanismes acteurs du transfert vers le sang. Par cette approche numérique, nous avons donc construit un acinus artificiel qui, à partir de la seule détermination de la perméabilité W est capable de reproduire le fonctionnement de l'acinus réel. A partir de ce modÚle, nous avons pu étudier l'influence de la géométrie asymétrique de l'acinus pulmonaire sur le transport et l'échange. Cette étude a mis en évidence une forte hétérogénéité de la répartition du flux d'oxygÚne échangé vers le sang dans l'acinus pulmonaire. Ceci peut s'expliquer grùce à un phénomÚne physique appelé masquage diffusionnel, responsable du fait que la pression partielle en oxygÚne dans l'acinus diminue. Ce phénomÚne est gouverné, notamment, par l'absorption à travers la membrane alvéolaire et la diffusion le long de la structure irréguliÚre de l'acinus. Cet effet entraßne que les parties profondes de l'acinus sont trÚs peu alimentées en oxygÚne, la majorité ayant été absorbée dans les premiÚres générations. Au repos, l'influence du masquage est élevée et le flux d'oxygÚne ne dépend que trÚs peu du volume (proportionnel à la surface alvéolaire). A l'effort, l'effet du masquage est moindre, notamment grùce à la vitesse de convection plus élevée. Ainsi, la quasi-totalité de la surface alvéolaire est utilisée.PALAISEAU-Polytechnique (914772301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Folded and confined one-dimensional plasmons in modulated wires

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    International audienceWe demonstrate theoretically and experimentally that one-dimensional plasmons confined in doped wires are either extended or longitudinally confined when the lateral width of the wires is periodically modulated. Theoretical dispersion curves, calculated within a classical framework, reproduce well the experimental dispersion deduced from Raman scattering on deep etched modulated wires. Zone-edge gap openings, increasing with the modulation amplitude, are exhibited. We show that deep etching allows good control of complex geometries and provides quasiabrupt boundary conditions.

    Endoscopie video-capsule

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    A first principles calculation of the oxygen uptake in the human pulmonary acinus at maximal exercise

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    International audiencet has recently been shown that the acinus can have a reduced efficiency due to a "screening effect" governed by the ratio of oxygen diffusivity to membrane permeability, the gas flow velocity, as well as the size and configuration of the acinus. We present here a top to bottom calculation of the functioning of a machine acinus at exercise that takes this screening effect into account. It shows that, given the geometry and the breathing dynamics of real acini, respiration can be correlated to a single equivalent parameter that we call the integrative permeability. In particular we find that both VO2 ,max and PAO2 depend on this permeability in a non-linear manner. Numerical solutions of dynamic convection-diffusion equations indicate that only a narrow range of permeability values is compatible with the experimental measurements of P AO2 and VO2 ,max . These permeability values are significantly smaller than those found in the literature. In a second step, we present a new type of evaluation of the diffusive permeability, yielding values compatible with the top to bottom approach, but smaller than the usual morphometric value

    Probe-Based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy for Indeterminate Biliary Strictures: Refinement of the Image Interpretation Classification

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    Background. Accurate diagnosis and clinical management of indeterminate biliary strictures are often a challenge. Tissue confirmation modalities during Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) suffer from low sensitivity and poor diagnostic accuracy. Probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy (pCLE) has been shown to be sensitive for malignant strictures characterization (98%) but lacks specificity (67%) due to inflammatory conditions inducing false positives. Methods. Six pCLE experts validated the Paris Classification, designed for diagnosing inflammatory biliary strictures, using a set of 40 pCLE sequences obtained during the prospective registry (19 inflammatory, 6 benign, and 15 malignant). The 4 criteria used included (1) multiple thin white bands, (2) dark granular pattern with scales, (3) increased space between scales, and (4) thickened reticular structures. Interobserver agreement was further calculated on a separate set of 18 pCLE sequences. Results. Overall accuracy was 82.5% (n=40 retrospectively diagnosed) versus 81% (n=89 prospectively collected) for the registry, resulting in a sensitivity of 81.2% (versus 98% for the prospective study) and a specificity of 83.3% (versus 67% for the prospective study). The corresponding interobserver agreement for 18 pCLE clips was fair (k=0.37). Conclusion. Specificity of pCLE using the Paris Classification for the characterization of indeterminate bile duct stricture was increased, without impacting the overall accuracy