4,867 research outputs found

    DEVS-based intelligent control of space adapted fluid mixing

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    The development is described of event-based intelligent control system for a space-adapted mixing process by employing the DEVS (Discrete Event System Specification) formalism. In this control paradigm, the controller expects to receive confirming sensor responses to its control commands within definite time windows determined by its DEVS model of the system under control. The DEVS-based intelligent control paradigm was applied in a space-adapted mixing system capable of supporting the laboratory automation aboard a Space Station

    Social Determinants of Smoke Exposure During Pregnancy: Findings From Waves 1 & 2 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study

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    Maternal smoking during pregnancy (MSDP) and secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure are associated with a myriad of negative health effects for both mother and child. However, less is known regarding social determinants for SHS exposure, which may differ from those of maternal smoking during pregnancy (MSDP). To identify social determinants for SHS exposure only, MSDP only, and MSDP and SHS exposure, data were obtained from all pregnant women (18–54 years; N = 726) in waves 1 and 2 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study (2014–2015). Multiple logistic regressions were conducted using SAS 9.4. Smoke exposure during pregnancy was common; 23.0% reported SHS exposure only, 6.1% reported MSDP only, and 11.8% reported both SHS exposure and MSDP. Results demonstrate that relationships between smoke exposure during pregnancy and social determinants vary by type of exposure. Women at risk for any smoke exposure during pregnancy include those who are unmarried and allow the use of combustible tobacco products within the home. Those who are at higher risk for SHS exposure include those who are younger in age, and those who are earlier in their pregnancy. Those who are at higher risk for maternal smoking include those with fair/poor mental health status and those who believe that others\u27 view tobacco use more positively. These results suggest the need for implementing more comprehensive policies that promote smoke-free environments. Implementing these strategies have the potential to improve maternal and fetal health outcomes associated with tobacco smoke exposure

    Flagging a species as threatened : the case of Eptesicus taddeii, an endemic bat from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

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    A Lista Vermelha da IUCN é uma importante ferramenta conservacionista. Embora seus critérios sejam mundialmente usados, na maior parte dos casos o processo de classificação per se é restrito a um grupo de especialistas, com pouca ou nenhuma participação do público em geral. Isto pode gerar inquietações por parte dos usuários finais da Lista Vermelha, os quais, desconhecendo os dados ou procedimentos adotados pelos especialistas, podem questionar as classificações, o resultado final da lista, ou mesmo o uso da lista em si. A IUCN recomenda que todas as avaliações tenham suporte de dados e justificativas, tornando este processo o mais correto e transparente o possível. Descrevemos aqui o processo de classificação de Eptesicus taddeii, um morcego endêmico da porção sul da Mata Atlântica brasileira, indicando como e porque a espécie foi classificada como Vulnerável - B2a,b(i, ii, iii) durante sua avaliação nacional.The IUCN Red List is an important conservation tool. Although its criteria are used worldwide, in most cases the classification process per se is restricted to a group of experts with restricted or no participation of the general public. This may raise concerns from final Red List users, which, without knowing the data or procedures adopted by the experts, may argue on the outcomes, final classification adopted, or the overall use of the lists. IUCN recommends that all assessments must be backed up by data and justifications, making them as accurate and transparent as possible. We describe here the assessment of Eptesicus taddeii, a bat species endemic to the southern Atlantic Forest of Brazil, indicating how and why the species was flagged as Vulnerable - B2ab(i, ii, iii) during its national evaluation

    Direct identification and quantitative determination of costunolide and dehydrocostuslactone in the fixed oil of Laurus novocanariensis by13C-NMR spectroscopy

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    The fixed oil of Laurus novocanariensis (previously L. azorica) contains mostly glycerides together with minor non-saponifiable compounds. The direct identification and quantitative determination of costunolide and dehydrocostuslactone, two sesquiterpene lactones components of the oil that exhibit biological activities, is described. The analysis was carried out using 13C-NMR spectroscopy (signal acquisition with inverse gated decoupling of protons; diglyme as internal standard) without separation, derivatisation or any sample preparation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Wideband tunable microwave signal generation in a silicon-based optoelectronic oscillator

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    Si photonics has an immense potential for the development of compact and low-loss opto-electronic oscillators (OEO), with applications in radar and wireless communications. However, current Si OEO have shown a limited performance. Si OEO relying on direct conversion of intensity modulated signals into the microwave domain yield a limited tunability. Wider tunability has been shown by indirect phase-modulation to intensity-modulation conversion, requiring precise control of the phase-modulation. Here, we propose a new approach enabling Si OEOs with wide tunability and direct intensity-modulation to microwave conversion. The microwave signal is created by the beating between an optical source and single sideband modulation signal, selected by an add-drop ring resonator working as an optical bandpass filter. The tunability is achieved by changing the wavelength spacing between the optical source and resonance peak of the resonator. Based on this concept, we experimentally demonstrate microwave signal generation between 6 GHz and 18 GHz, the widest range for a Si-based OEO. Moreover, preliminary results indicate that the proposed Si OEO provides precise refractive index monitoring, with a sensitivity of 94350 GHz RIU and a potential limit of detection of only 10-8 RIU, opening a new route for the implementation of high-performance Si photonic sensors

    Chimeric design, synthesis, and biological assays of a new nonpeptide insulin-mimetic vanadium compound to inhibit protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B

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    Prior to its total synthesis, a new vanadium coordination compound, called TSAG0101, was computationally designed to inhibit the enzyme protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B). The PTP1B acts as a negative regulator of insulin signaling by blocking the active site where phosphate hydrolysis of the insulin receptor takes place. TSAG001, [VVO2(OH)(picolinamide)], was characterized by infrared (IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy; IR: ν/cm−1 3,570 (NH), 1,627 (C=O, coordinated), 1,417 (C−N), 970/842 (O=V=O), 727 δ. (pyridine ring); 13C NMR: 5 bands between 122 and 151 ppm and carbonyl C shifted to 180 ppm; and 1H NMR: 4 broad bands from 7.6 to 8.2 ppm and NH2 shifted to 8.8 ppm. In aqueous solution, in presence or absence of sodium citrate as a biologically relevant and ubiquitous chelator, TSAG0101 undergoes neither ligand exchange nor reduction of its central vanadium atom during 24 hours. TSAG0101 shows blood glucose lowering effects in rats but it produced no alteration of basal- or glucose-induced insulin secretion on β cells during in vitro tests, all of which excludes a direct mechanism evidencing the extrapancreatic nature of its activity. The lethal dose (LD50) of TSAG0101 was determined in Wistar mice yielding a value of 412 mg/kg. This value is one of the highest among vanadium compounds and classifies it as a mild toxicity agent when compared with literature data. Due to its nonsubstituted, small-sized scaffold design, its remarkable complex stability, and low toxicity; TSAG0101 should be considered as an innovative insulin-mimetic principle with promising properties and, therefore, could become a new lead compound for potential nonpeptide PTP1B inhibitors in antidiabetic drug research. In view of the present work, the inhibitory concentration (IC50) and extended solution stability will be tested


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    In this article, we intend to raise some conceptual propositions that help us understand the Brazilian role in Latin America and, start a debate on the contemporary Brazilian foreign policy and its practical applications in geopolitics inserted into the world economy. For that, we aim to explain the concept of “multiterritorialidade”, using the sub-imperialism thesis, by Ruy Mauro Marini, creating a dialogue with the concept of semi-periphery, formulated by Immanuel Wallerstein.Neste artigo, pretendemos levantar algumas proposições conceituais que nos ajudem a entender a atuação do Brasil na América Latina e, tão logo, permitir iniciar um debate sobre a política externa brasileira contemporânea e suas aplicações práticas na geopolítica inserida na economia-mundo. Para tanto, pretendemos explicitar o conceito de multiterritorialidade e apontar os contornos da tese do subimperialismo brasileiro de Ruy Mauro Marini, num diálogo com o conceito de semiperiferia, formulado por Immanuel Wallerstein


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    Neste artigo, pretendemos levantar algumas proposições conceituais que nos ajudem a entender a atuação do Brasil na América Latina e, tão logo, permitir iniciar um debate sobre a política externa brasileira contemporânea e suas aplicações práticas na geopolítica inserida na economia-mundo. Para tanto, pretendemos explicitar o conceito de multiterritorialidade e apontar os contornos da tese do subimperialismo brasileiro de Ruy Mauro Marini, num diálogo com o conceito de semiperiferia, formulado por Immanuel Wallerstein