21 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Fungi Pelapuk Jaringan Kayu Mati Yang Berperan Pada Proses Biodelignifikasi Di Taman Hutan Raya Bukit Barisan Kabupaten Karo

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    Biopulping is environmental technology as pulping alternative technology. The objective of this research was to get involved fungi on dead wood delignification in Taman Hutan Raya Bukit Barisan. Sensus method used in two hectares sample area, then isolation, purify, and identification of fungi. The isolation show there are fourteen fungus involved on wood delignification and with Bavendamm test result show three fungus positive WRP they are Phanerochaetae sp., Trametes sp., Asterostroma sp

    Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC) Performance Reviewed from the Composition of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2)/ Zinc Oxide (ZnO)

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    This research aims to examine the influence of the composition of TiO2 and ZnO as the working electrode on the efficiency of DSSC. The working electrode is prepared by depositing TiO2 and ZnO pastes on top of the FTO glass using the doctor blade method. The samples were then heated in an oven at a temperature of 250°C for 4 hours. In this study, three TiO2/ZnO compositions were prepared and assembled into DSSC components with red spinach dye. SEM image shows that the composition of TiO2/ZnO (0:2) produces the best surface morphology that is indicated by the number and aggregate uniform pores. This is consistent with the results of testing the electrical properties of the sample. The solar cell with the working electrode composed of TiO2/ZnO (0:2) yields an efficiency of 0.0515%, higher than the composition (2: 0) and (1: 1) which respectively yields 0.0044% and 0.0015%

    Communication: X-ray coherent diffractive imaging by immersion in nanodroplets

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    Citation: Tanyag, R. M. P., Bernando, C., Jones, C. F., Bacellar, C., Ferguson, K. R., Anielski, D., . . . Vilesov, A. F. (2015). Communication: X-ray coherent diffractive imaging by immersion in nanodroplets. Structural Dynamics, 2(5), 9. doi:10.1063/1.4933297Lensless x-ray microscopy requires the recovery of the phase of the radiation scattered from a specimen. Here, we demonstrate a de novo phase retrieval technique by encapsulating an object in a superfluid helium nanodroplet, which provides both a physical support and an approximate scattering phase for the iterative image reconstruction. The technique is robust, fast-converging, and yields the complex density of the immersed object. Images of xenon clusters embedded in superfluid helium droplets reveal transient configurations of quantum vortices in this fragile system. (C) 2015 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.Additional Authors: Neumark, D. M.;Rolles, D.;Rudek, B.;Rudenko, A.;Siefermann, K. R.;Ullrich, J.;Weise, F.;Bostedt, C.;Gessner, O.;Vilesov, A. F

    The impact of debt on the financial performance of publicly listed non-financial companies in the Philippines

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    This study is centered on evaluating the influence of changes in levels of debt on the financial performance of companies. It will be conducted using information from all publicly listed non-financial companies in the Philippines for a period of 5 years which is from 2005 to 2009. Underlying theories regarding the study can be considered to address Modigliani and Miller\u27s (1963) theory on capital structure specifically, the factors that it has neglected. The static trade-off theory, pecking order theory, agency theory, and moderate view theory will all be integrated to build a framework that can satisfy the objectives of the study. The framework\u27s model will be developed in reference to what Abor (2007) used in his study. In general, such a model will be using measures of debt levels and firm size as independent variables that explain the behavior of dependent variables represented by measures of financial performance. The researchers will be using a causal and, at the same time, both a quantitative and qualitative research design. Panel data analysis will be adapted to generate results from the independent and dependent variables which are capital structure and financial performance, respectively. The study will generally be helping private and government organization managers (particularly those in the Philippines), current and potential investors, the academe, and other researchers interested with the topic by creating awareness and familiarity in managing capital structure, establishing benchmarks for evaluation, applying theories relevant to capital structure, and providing affirmation or refute to conflicting stances that contribute in filling out research gaps