155 research outputs found

    Arbitration in Salvadoran Commercial Legislation

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    El enfoque de sistemas aplicado a un estudio sobre la administración curricular de la práctica ambiental interdisciplinaria: programa de Administración Ambiental - Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    El enfoque de sistemas aplicado al estudio de la administración curricular de una estrategia académico-pedagógica, cuyo propósito es no solo concatenar los diferentes ciclos de formación de un programa académico sino también desarrollar en el estudiante las capacidades para realizar análisis integrales, demanda una real articulación de las perspectivas disciplinares implicadas. No se ha concebido otra manera de realizarlo que llevar a cabo una decidida acción política, entendida como el arte de lograr acuerdos entre desacuerdos vía diálogo. Este enfrentamiento con la subjetividad de quienes aparecen envueltos en la situación problemática debe estar necesariamente acompañado de un análisis de sistemas que permita establecer relaciones lógicas. Acorde con esto, la metodología que guió el proceso investigativo es la propuesta por P.B Checkland: Metodología de Sistemas Blandos (MSB)

    Regulation of internal promoters in a zinc-responsive operon is influenced by transcription from upstream promoters

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    In the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 (also known as Nostoc sp. strain PCC 7120), a zinc-responsive operon (all4725-all4721) has been described, which contains 4 distinct promoters. The two most upstream ones bind Zur with high affinity, whereas the other two do not or do so with a very low affinity. In this paper, a detailed characterization of the four promoters is presented, showing that all four were induced by metal depletion, and they were constitutively derepressed in a zur mutant, despite the two downstream promoters not being direct targets for this regulator. Crucially, induction by metal depletion of the two downstream promoters was abrogated when transcription initiated at the upstream promoters was interrupted by a polar insertion midway in the operon. In contrast, insertion of a nitrogen-responsive promoter at a roughly similar position provoked the two downstream promoters to adopt a regulatory pattern mimicking that of the inserted promoter. Thus, regulation of the two downstream promoters is apparently influenced by transcription from promoters upstream. Evidence is presented indicating that the activity of the two downstream promoters is kept basal in Anabaena by repression. A regulatory model compatible with these results is proposed, where promoters controlled by repression in bacterial operons may be subjected to a hierarchical regulation depending on their position in the operon. According to this model, internal promoters may respond to stimuli governing the activity of promoters upstream by an indirect regulation and to specific stimuli by a direct regulation.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y European Social Fund BFU2010-19544Junta de Andalucía y FEDER CVI2007-0316

    Migration and mental health in Europe (the state of the mental health in Europe working group: appendix 1)

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    BACKGROUND: This paper is a part of the work of the group that carried out the report "The state of the mental health in Europe" (European Commission, DG Health and Consumer Protection, 2004) and deals with the mental health issues related to the migration in Europe. METHODS: The paper tries to describe the social, demographical and political context of the emigration in Europe and tries to indicate the needs and (mental) health problems of immigrants. A review of the literature concerning mental health risk in immigrant is also carried out. The work also faces the problem of the health policy toward immigrants and the access to health care services in Europe. RESULTS: Migration during the 1990s has been high and characterised by new migrations. Some countries in Europe, that have been traditionally exporters of migrants have shifted to become importers. Migration has been a key force in the demographic changes of the European population. The policy of closed borders do not stop migration, but rather seems to set up a new underclass of so-called "illegals" who are suppressed and highly exploited. In 2000 there were also 392.200 asylum applications. The reviewed literature among mental health risk in some immigrant groups in Europe concerns: 1) highest rate of schizophrenia; suicide; alcohol and drug abuse; access of psychiatric facilities; risk of anxiety and depression; mental health of EU immigrants once they returned to their country; early EU immigrants in today disadvantaged countries; refugees and mental health Due to the different condition of migration concerning variables as: motivation to migrations (e.g. settler, refugees, gastarbeiters); distance for the host culture; ability to develop mediating structures; legal residential status it is impossible to consider "migrants" as a homogeneous group concerning the risk for mental illness. In this sense, psychosocial studies should be undertaken to identify those factors which may under given conditions, imply an increased risk of psychiatric disorders and influence seeking for psychiatric care. COMMENTS AND REMARKS: Despite in the migrants some vulnerable groups were identified with respect to health problems, in many European countries there are migrants who fall outside the existing health and social services, something which is particularly true for asylum seekers and undocumented immigrants. In order to address these deficiencies, it is necessary to provide with an adequate financing and a continuity of the grants for research into the multicultural health demand. Finally, there is to highlight the importance of adopting an integrated approach to mental health care that moves away from psychiatric care only

    Thermally and electrically conductive nanopapers from reduced graphene oxide: Effect of nanoflakes thermal annealing on the film structure and properties

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    In this study, we report a novel strategy to prepare graphene nanopapers from direct vacuum filtration. Instead of the conventional method, i.e., thermal annealing nanopapers at extremely high temperatures prepared from graphene oxide (GO) or partially reduced GO, we fabricate our graphene nanopapers directly from suspensions of fully reduced graphene oxide (RGO), obtained after RGO and thermal annealing at 1700 °C in vacuum. By using this approach, we studied the effect of thermal annealing on the physical properties of the macroscopic graphene-based papers. Indeed, we demonstrated that the enhancement of the thermal and electrical properties of graphene nanopapers prepared from annealed RGO is strongly influenced by the absence of oxygen functionalities and the morphology of the nanoflakes. Hence, our methodology can be considered as a valid alternative to the classical approach

    Mujeres y encierro

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    El presente artículo intenta dar cuenta de los aportes desarrollados en la Cátedra y la tensión a la hora de intervenir como Asalariado Trabajador Social en contexto de encierro. Para ello se retomará una dimensión de las secciones denominadas asistencia social, lugar ocupacional designado para los trabajadores sociales que se desempeñan en las cárceles de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, describiéndose algunas de las intervenciones que deben desarrollarse, siendo éstas definidas como demanda Institucional. Se particularizará sobre una intervención específica desarrollada en una cárcel que aloja a mujeres retomando el concepto de dispositivo e intervención social como alternativa superadora de dicha demanda institucional, con el objeto de lograr visibilizar la importancia de trabajar articuladamente y en términos de corresponsabilidad con el Organismo Provincial de Niñez y Adolescencia, Organizaciones Sociales e instituciones a fines que sean solidarias en la construcción de redes vinculares.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Self-averaging in many-body quantum systems out of equilibrium. II. Approach to the localized phase

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    The self-averaging behavior of interacting many-body quantum systems has been mostly studied at equilibrium. The present work addresses what happens out of equilibrium, as the increase of the strength of onsite disorder takes the system to the localized phase. We consider two local and two non-local quantities of great experimental and theoretical interest. In the delocalized phase, self-averaging depends on the observable and on the time scale, but the picture simplifies substantially when localization is reached. In the localized phase, the local observables become self-averaging at all times, while the non-local quantities are throughout non-self-averaging. These behaviors are explained and scaling analysis are provided using the \ell-bits model and a toy model.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; new title, new section, scaling analysis and analytical result

    Inteligencia emocional y rendimiento laboral en trabajadores de la empresa GYS Control Industrial Sociedad Anónima Cerrada Lince, 2019

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    investigación estuvo orientada a saber si la inteligencia emocional tiene correspondencia y relación con el rendimiento laboral de los trabajadores de la empresa G&S Control Industrial S.A.C. a partir de los resultados obtenidos en el período 2019. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y correlacional, diseño metodológico no experimental y transversal; método inductivo y enfoque cuantitativo, aplicándose una encuesta a un total de 33 trabajadores de diversas áreas de la organización, determinándose las dimensiones para la inteligencia emocional: autorregulación, motivación, empatía y habilidades Sociales; y para rendimiento laboral: calidad del servicio, productividad y toma de decisiones. En cuanto a los resultados encontramos que el coeficiente de Correlación de Spearman es 0.808, por consiguiente, se puede confirmar que, la inteligencia emocional se relaciona efectivamente con el rendimiento laboral de los trabajadores de la empresa G&S Control Industrial S.A.C., periodo 2019. Además, analizando la propensión en aumento de los puntajes de dispersión y el signo positivo r=0.808, se consigue asegurar que la relación es directa, vale decir, si el puntaje de inteligencia emocional se incrementa, se estima que el puntaje de rendimiento laboral también se incrementa. En conclusión, la inteligencia emocional y el rendimiento laboral fueron categorizada en 3 niveles: bajo, medio y alto. Se observa que la mayoría de los colaboradores tienen un nivel intermedio de inteligencia emocional, esta representa el 55% del total de colaboradores; le sigue el nivel bajo con el 24% y el 21% tienen nivel alto. En el caso del rendimiento laboral se obtuvieron como resultado de que la mayoría de los colaboradores tienen un nivel intermedio de rendimiento laboral, esta representa el 61% del total de colaboradores. El 27% de colaboradores tienen rendimiento laboral alto, y solo el 12% tienen un bajo rendimiento labora

    Bispyrene Functionalization Drives Self-Assembly of Graphite Nanoplates into Highly Efficient Heat Spreader Foils

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    Thermally conductive nanopapers fabricated from graphene and related materials are currently showing great potential in thermal management applications. However, thermal contacts between conductive plates represent the bottleneck for thermal conductivity of nanopapers prepared in the absence of a high temperature step for graphitization. In this work, the problem of ineffective thermal contacts is addressed by the use of bifunctional polyaromatic molecules designed to drive self-assembly of graphite nanoplates (GnP) and establish thermal bridges between them. To preserve the high conductivity associated to a defect-free sp2 structure, non-covalent functionalization with bispyrene compounds, synthesized on purpose with variable tethering chain length, was exploited. Pyrene terminal groups granted for a strong pi-pi interaction with graphene surface, as demonstrated by UV-Vis, fluorescence, and Raman spectroscopies. Bispyrene molecular junctions between GnP were found to control GnP organization and orientation within the nanopaper, delivering significant enhancement in both in-plane and cross-plane thermal diffusivities. Finally, nanopapers were validated as heat spreader devices for electronic components, evidencing comparable or better thermal dissipation performance than conventional Cu foil, while delivering over 90% weight reduction

    Impact of grafting on sensory profile of tomato landraces in conventional and organic management systems

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    Tomato landrace producers are adopting grafting technology to overcome agronomic deficiencies and increase plant yields. Landraces are valued for their higher organoleptic quality, so it is important to assess the impact of grafting on their sensory profile.Postprint (author's final draft