120 research outputs found

    Forty Years of Change in Piute Cypress (Hesperocyparis nevadensis), a Rare California Tree, After Frequent Fire and Drought

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    Piute cypress (Hesperocyparis nevadensis) is a rare cypress species endemic to the Lake Isabella region in the southern Sierra Nevada in California. Piute cypress groves have not been quantitatively studied in the last 40 years and with recent fires (some in short succession) and observed mortality, we had questions surrounding conditions in groves recovering from fire compared to other groves with no recorded fire histories. Piute cypress rarely survive fire and are obligate seeders with serotinous cones and, as such, require sufficient time after fire to grow to reproductive maturity to be able to withstand future fire. We visited five of the 12 known groves of Piute cypress to evaluate current stand conditions and make comparisons with an assessment conducted 40 years ago. We evaluated two recently burned groves nine years post-fire. One grove with a shorter interval between fires (~20 years), has only limited regeneration and is at risk of local extinction. Based on our findings, we extrapolated to unstudied groves to conclude that five recently burned groves are vulnerable to immaturity risk if these stands were to reburn soon. We recommend aggressive fire suppression tactics to protect these groves if threatened by fire. Another recently burned grove with a longer period between fires (~90 years) appears to be recovering and capable of becoming a self-sustaining population that can survive another fire based on regeneration data. While the 90-year-old trees did not have nearly the level of canopy seed bank that older trees (~200 years old) did in another part of the grove, seedling and sapling regeneration after fire occurred at higher densities than tree densities in mature stands and were already developing cones. Though theoretically long-unburned groves also may be at risk, we found no evidence of age-related decline in this long-lived species and some non-fire induced regeneration. We did discover evidence of cedar bark beetle attack (Phloeosinus), particularly in smaller trees at two unburned groves. which was correlated to high tree mortality (31.6%) at one site. While we found no evidence of encroaching non-cypress tree species threatening long-unburned groves among mature cohorts, we did document relatively high densities of regenerating non-cypress tree species in groves. We strongly recommend further monitoring in groves to assess fire, insect, and disease vulnerability in cypress populations

    Ensayos preliminares en la búsqueda de dilutores para el transporte y la criopreservación de espermatozoides de Doncella Pseudoplatystoma punctifer (Castelnau, 1855)

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    Obtiene información relevante para la buena manipulación, obtención, transporte y criopreservación de espermatozoides de Pseudoplatystoma punctifer (bagre rayado o doncella). Se determinó dos metodologías de obtención de material espermático a partir de machos reproductores de Pseudoplatystoma punctifer, resultando necesario el sacrificio del individuo para uno de ellos. Se realizaron pruebas con cuatro soluciones de transporte propuestas por SB, EG y solución B para los espermatozoides desde la zona de muestreo (ZONAS) a temperatura de refrigeración a 4ºC (en una proporción de muestra en relación al medio de 1:4) y 24 medios de criopreservación utilizando crioprotectores permeables y no permeables. La movilidades masales en dichas soluciones de transporte fueron de : 83.57 ± 8.52 y 92.14 ± 2.44% para las soluciones SB y su variación sin yema de huevo, 0 ± 0% para la propuesta por EG y 0 ± 0% para la solución B a las 24 horas, donde, la solución de transporte más adecuada para su almacenamiento durante periodos extendidos fue la SB sin presencia de yema de huevo, independientemente del método de colecta. En las pruebas de citotoxicidad se observó una mayor resistencia en los espermatozoides recuperados desde las gónadas (espermatozoides gonadales) que de los obtenidos mediante eyaculación enfrentados a los medios de criopreservación, mostrando mayor movilidad espermática en el transcurso de las 8 horas evaluadas. Para la criopreservación, la muestra transportada se diluyó en los 24 medios de criopreservación en una proporción de 1:4 (muestra - dilutor), las que fueron cargadas en pajillas de 0.5 mL. Se congeló la muestra utilizando dos metodologías, congelamiento rápido utilizando vapores de nitrógeno líquido y lento mediante el sistema termo controlado. La mayor movilidad espermática progresiva post descongelamiento para cada metodología fueron de (media ± SD) 49.56 ± 11.86% en el medio compuesto por METANOL al 10% asociado a FRUCTOSA al 5.5%, utilizando vapores de nitrógeno líquido; mientras que fue de 35.55 + 6.96% en el medio compuesto por METANOL 15% y GLUCOSA al 5.5% utilizando la congelación lenta. Para ambos casos la proporción de muestra en relación al medio de criopreservación fue de 1:4. Ambos resultados fueron obtenidos de la muestra espermática obtenida gonadalmente. Con estos resultados se concluyen en individuos machos de Pseudoplatystoma punctifer en los que por distintos factores (ambientales, alimentación, temporada) sea imposible obtener semen, es posible recuperar espermatozoides, directamente de la gónada mediante cortes, con parámetros espermáticos similares a los obtenidos por masajes. Además, es posible transportar y criopreservar dicho material espermático exitosamente.Perú. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Posgrado. Programa de Promoción de Tesis de Pregrado. B18100504-PTPGRADOTesi

    Importancia de la actividad coral en la educación integral de los alumnos en el IPT César Clavel M. del Distrito de Cañazas y las escuelas aledañas :propuesta de un manual de organización y dirección de coro polifónico

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    Son muchos los beneficios que ofrece la actividad del canto al desarrollo integral del ser humano, los cuales se pueden evidenciar en el desarrollo físico, intelectual, emocional y psicomotor del individuo. Este trabajo se enfoca en los beneficios que ofrece dicha actividad en el desarrollo integral de la población estudiantil del IPT Cesar Clavel del Distrito de Cañazas Cabecera y las escuelas de las comunidades más cercanas. Además, aportará de forma significativa, un material con fines didácticos para que profesores y maestros tengan las herramientas necesarias para la formación coral

    Search for coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering at a nuclear reactor with CONNIE 2019 data

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    The Coherent Neutrino-Nucleus Interaction Experiment (CONNIE) is taking data at the Angra 2 nuclear reactor with the aim of detecting the coherent elastic scattering of reactor antineutrinos with silicon nuclei using charge-coupled devices (CCDs). In 2019 the experiment operated with a hardware binning applied to the readout stage, leading to lower levels of readout noise and improving the detection threshold down to 50 eV. The results of the analysis of 2019 data are reported here, corresponding to the detector array of 8 CCDs with a fiducial mass of 36.2 g and a total exposure of 2.2 kg-days. The difference between the reactor-on and reactor-off spectra shows no excess at low energies and yields upper limits at 95% confidence level for the neutrino interaction rates. In the lowest-energy range, 50 − 180 eV, the expected limit stands at 34 (39) times the standard model prediction, while the observed limit is 66 (75) times the standard model prediction with Sarkis (Chavarria) quenching factors

    Construcción de un prototipo de robot sembrador de maíz Agrobot II

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    Investigación TecnológicaEl objetivo del trabajo era desarrollar un robot sembrador de maíz, que pudiera avanzar en un determinado terreno 20 cm, posteriormente cavar un hueco en el suelo de 4 cm, después analizar si el terreno era optimo por medio de un sensor, si no es así regar agua, luego sembrar semillas de maíz y por último, avanzar nuevamente para tapar el hueco y volver a realizar nuevamente el procedimiento.INTRODUCCIÓN OBJETIVOS MARCO REFERENCIAL MARCO CONCEPTUAL DESARROLLO DEL ROBOT AGROBOT II CONCLUSIONES REFERENCIAS ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Electrónic

    Diagnóstico del estado de conservación de los documentos correspondientes al fondo acumulado del Archivo del Instituto de Medicina Legal de la Regional de Medellín

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    the present article gives an outline of the experiences as well as the results achieved in the evaluation of the state of conservation that has been made to the accumulated fund of the National Legal Medicine Institute. It emphasises the importance of the archival work in the recovery and conservation of the documentary heritage. The diagnosis consisted of the identification and classification of the physical deterioration, biological and chemical troubles that the documents with historical value had, with the purpose of generate an analysis about the state of conservation leading to the Institute to propose preventive measures to preserve the documentation in a better position that guarantee the integrity of information. In view of the above, because the process of conservation is fundamental in the records management, since this allows to ensure the durability and the access to the archive documents which are valuable to the society

    Bibliometric-historical analysis of the articles published in the Sport Sciences' Chilean scientific journals during the military government (1973-1990)

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    RESUMEN: El objetivo de esta investigación fue realizar un análisis histórico-bibliométrico de los artículos publicados en revistas científicas chilenas del ámbito de las Ciencias del Deporte, durante los casi 20 años de gobierno militar. Se incluyeron todos los artículos publicados en dichas revistas, anotando sus datos bibliográficos, disciplina, institución y país para después proceder a su análisis. Los resultados muestran un total de 744 artículos distribuidos en dos revistas: Archivos de la Sociedad Chilena de Medicina del Deporte y Educación Física-Chile. Destaca la aportación chilena, del DEFDER y dedicada a la Fisiología. En conclusión, esta producción científica ha presentado una tendencia decreciente a lo largo del periodo estando influenciada principalmente por la reforma universitaria y el golpe militar en Chile.ABSTRACT: The aim of this research was to carry out a bibliometric-historical analysis of the articles published in the Sport Sciences' Chilean scientific journals published during the military government. All articles published in those journals were included registering their bibliographic data, topic, institution and country, and then analysed. Results showed 744 articles in total and distributed in two journals, Archivos de la Sociedad Chilena de Medicina del Deporte and Educación Física-Chile. Chilean contribution, from DEFDER and related to Physiology should be highlighted. In conclusion, this scientific production has presented a decreasing trend throughout the period; being mainly influenced by the university reform and the coup d?etat in Chile.El presente trabajo forma parte del proyecto de investigación titulado «Análisis bibliométrico e interpretación sociocultural de la producción científico-técnica en el ámbito de las Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte en Chile» y financiado con el apoyo de CONICYT, proyecto FONDECYT Iniciación 2013 n.o11130187

    Microzonificacion sismica para la Ciudad de Santa Ana, El Salvador

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    La ciudad de Santa Ana carece de un mapa de microzonificación sísmica, no se ha generado ninguno a pesar su importancia económica y demográfica para la república. Por lo cual se propone una investigación haciendo uso de registros de ruido sísmico ambiental analizado mediante la técnica de cocientes espectrales. Se analizan 93 puntos distribuidos en la zona urbana de Santa Ana utilizando sismómetros triaxiales. procurando una separación de aproximadamente 200 metros y con registros de 30 minutos por cada siti

    Sustainable manufacturing in the fourth industrial revolution: a big data application proposal in the textile industry

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    Purpose: Design an industrial production model with a focus on industry 4.0 (Big Data) and decision-making analysis for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the clothing sector that allows improving procedures, jobs and related costs within the study organization Develop a sustainable manufacturing proposal for the industrial textile sector with a focus on Big data (entry, transformation, data loading and analysis) in organizational decision making, in search of time and cost optimization and environmental impact mitigation related. Design/methodology/approach: The present research, of an applied nature, raises a value proposition focused on the planning, design and structuring of an industrial model focused on Big Data, specifically in the apparel manufacturing sector for decision-making in a structured and automated way with the methodological approach to follow: 1) Approach of production strategies oriented in Big Data for the textile sector; 2) Definition of the production model and configuration of the operational system; 3) Data science and industrial analysis, 4) Production model approach (Power BI) and 5) model validation. Methodological design of the investigation. 1) Presentation of the case study, where the current situational analysis of the company is carried out, formulation of the problem and proposal of solution for the set of data analyzed; 2) Presentation of a solution proposal focused on Big Data, on the identification of the industrial ecosystem and integration with the company's information systems, as well as the solution approach in the study and science of data in real time; 3) Presentation of the Model proposal for SQL structured databases in the loading, transformation and loading of important information for this study; 4) Information processing, in the edition of data in the M language of Power BI software, construction and elaboration of the model; 5) Presentation of the related databases, in the integration with the foreign key of the Master table and the transactional Tables; 6) Data analysis and presentation of the Dashboard, in the design, construction and analysis of the related study variables, as well as the approach of solution scenarios in the correct organizational decision making Findings: The results obtained show an improvement in operational efficiency from the value-added proposal. Research limitations/implications: Currently, the number of studies applying Big Data technology for organizations in the textile and manufacturing sector in organizational decision making are limited. If analyzed from the local scene, there are few cases of Big Data implementation in the textile sector, as a consequence of the lack of projects and financing of value propositions. Another limiting factor in this research is the absence of digital information of high relevance for study and analysis, which leads to longer times in data entry and placement in information systems in real time. Finally, there is no data organizational culture, where there are processes and/or procedures for data registration and its transformation into clean data. Originality/value: This research integrates, as well as the correct organizational decision making For the verification of originality, the project search and systematic review of literature in the main online search engines are carried out for this research; In addition, the percentages of coincidence with online reviewers such as turnitin and plag.es are reviewed in the transparency of this study projectPeer Reviewe