60 research outputs found

    Reproducibility of biomedical research: Quo vadis?

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Medicina Clínica 146.9 (2016): 408-412, which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.medcli.2015.11.02

    La fructífera experiencia del ius commune ante el apasionante reto de la unificación del Derecho privado común europeo

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    Entre los objetivos prioritarios de la UE se contempla la unificación del Derecho privado europeo, labor ya iniciada en algunas ramas del mismo que aspira a consumarse con carácter general. Sin entrar a abordar cuál sea el instrumento y el método más adecuado a tal fin, lo cierto es que la experiencia recorrida por el Ius commune desde el siglo XIII hasta nuestros días constituye toda una referencia en aras de construir una ciencia jurídica y un un nuevo prototipo de jurista capaces de adaptarse a las nuevas circunstancias y asumir el reto que el actual Ius europaeum plantea.The priority objectives of the EU include the unification of European private law, which has already begun in some branches of the same which aims to be consummated on a general basis. Without going into what is the most appropriate instrument and method for this purpose, the truth is that the experience traveled by the Ius commune from the thirteenth century until today is a reference for the sake of building a legal science and a new prototype jurist able to adapt to the new circumstances and take up the challenge that present Ius europaeum pose

    Relativización del pretendido antirromanismo del derecho civil aragonés

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    Entre los antecedentes históricos del derecho civil aragonés se detecta la influencia, principalmente, de los derechos romano, visigodo, franco y de la costumbre altoaragonesa. Tradicionalmente el derecho aragonés ha esgrimido su antirromanismo, toda vez que algunas de sus instituciones más representativas son ajenas al derecho romano, del mismo modo que alguna institución jurídica romana no ha sido acogida en el derecho aragonés histórico, ni existe en su derecho actual. Sin embargo, no podemos soslayar que el derecho aragonés actual es fruto de una trayectoria histórica en la que la incidencia romano-canónica resulta más que considerable, lo que permite sostener, sin con ello abjurar de su peculiaridad y sello identitario, la superación de la dialéctica antagónica entre el derecho romano y el derecho civil aragonés, más aún si tomamos en cuenta la necesidad de reconstruir la ciencia jurídica europea frente a la ardua labor de unificar el derecho privado europeoAmong the historical antecedents of Aragonese civil law, the influence, mainly, of Roman, Visigoth, Frank and Alto-Aragonese customs is detected. Traditionally, Aragonese law has wielded its anti-Romanism, since some of its most representative institutions are foreign to Roman law, in the same way that some Roman legal institution has not been accepted in historical Aragonese law, nor does it exist in its current law. However, we cannot ignore that the current Aragonese Law is the result of a historical trajectory in which the Roman-canonical incidence is more than considerable, which allows to sustain, without thereby abjuring its peculiarity and identity stamp, the overcoming of the antagonistic dialectic between Roman law and Aragonese civil law, even more if we take into account the need to rebuild European legal science against the hard work of unifying European private la

    Xenopus HJURP and condensin II are required for CENP-A assembly

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    Chromatin structure imposed by condensin II at centromeres enables xHJURP-mediated incorporation of CENP-A

    Predictive Power of the "Trigger Tool" for the detection of adverse events in general surgery: a multicenter observational validation study

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    Background In spite of the global implementation of standardized surgical safety checklists and evidence-based practices, general surgery remains associated with a high residual risk of preventable perioperative complications and adverse events. This study was designed to validate the hypothesis that a new “Trigger Tool” represents a sensitive predictor of adverse events in general surgery. Methods An observational multicenter validation study was performed among 31 hospitals in Spain. The previously described “Trigger Tool” based on 40 specific triggers was applied to validate the predictive power of predicting adverse events in the perioperative care of surgical patients. A prediction model was used by means of a binary logistic regression analysis. Results The prevalence of adverse events among a total of 1,132 surgical cases included in this study was 31.53%. The “Trigger Tool” had a sensitivity and specificity of 86.27% and 79.55% respectively for predicting these adverse events. A total of 12 selected triggers of overall 40 triggers were identified for optimizing the predictive power of the “Trigger Tool”. Conclusions The “Trigger Tool” has a high predictive capacity for predicting adverse events in surgical procedures. We recommend a revision of the original 40 triggers to 12 selected triggers to optimize the predictive power of this tool, which will have to be validated in future studies

    El protagonismo de la doctrina y de la ciencia jurídica en la unificación del Derecho europeo de contratos

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    De los tres pilares llamados a construir el futuro Derecho europeo de contratos (ciencia jurídica, legislación y formación legal) y sin prescindir, claro está, del factor e impulso político-económico estrechamente imbricado, la ciencia jurídica se erige en tal menester, sin ningún género de dudas, en un instrumento preciado e ineludible, de suerte que cualquier intento legislativo unificador que se abandere prescindiendo de su contribución o menospreciando su importancia está condenado al fracaso o, cuando menos, a un resultado mediocre y corto de miras. Ante este escenario, el derecho romano asiste en pleno siglo XXI al cuarto reencuentro con la historia, después de las experiencias romana, bajomedieval y decimonónicaOf the three pillars called for to construct the future European contract law (legal science, legislation and legal training) and without, of course, dispensing with the politically-economic factor and impulse closely intertwined, legal science is erected in such a way, without any a kind of doubts, in a precious and inescapable instrument, so that any unifying legislative attempt carry the banner for regardless of its contribution or disparaging its importance is condemned to failure or, at least, to a mediocre and short-sighted result. Before this scenario, Roman law assists in the XXI century to the fourth reunion with history, after the Roman, late medieval and nineteenth-century experience

    El ius gentium en la vida y obra de Andrés Bello

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    En un claro ejemplo de la admiración de Andrés Bello por el Derecho Romano, el ilustre jurista venezolano estudiará y enseñará Ius gentium como Derecho de Gentes o Derecho internacional, hasta el punto de crear una obra, Principios de Derecho de Gentes, un referente en toda la América emancipada, donde refleja sus estudios, conocimientos y experiencia diplomática con el fin de colmar un vacío en la literatura jurídica internacionalista del momento en lengua castellana, motivo por el cual será reconocido como el “Grocio de América”.In a clear example of the admiration of Andrés Bello by the Roman law, the distinguished Venezuelan jurist study and teach Ius Gentium as the law of nations or international law, to the point of creating a work, Principles of international law, a reference in all emancipated America, which reflects his studies, knowledge and diplomatic experience in order to fill a gap in the legal literature of the time internationalist in Spanish, why it is recognized as the "Grotius of America

    COVID-19 y Derecho romano: raíz y configuración romana del principio pacta sunt servanda

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    Un acontecimiento de la envergadura de la pandemia Covid-19 genera también consecuencias en el plano jurídico, como sucede en sede de cumplimiento de los contratos. Tradicionalmente, la observancia de lo pactado (pacta sunt servanda) ha sido un dogma en el derecho de las obligaciones y de los contratos. Aun tratándose de una regla esculpida al calor de los tintes morales del influyente Derecho canónico medieval, comprobamos su hondo enraizamiento en el Derecho romano, al igual que alguna de sus excepciones que, con el paso del tiempo, germinará en la cláusula rebus sic stantibus. La codificación acogerá un principio casi absoluto, pero la acuciante realidad compele a su actualización. Ambas visiones sobre los efectos del contrato, absoluta y relativa, nos remiten ineludiblemente al Derecho romanoAn event of the magnitude of the Covid-19 pandemic also generates consequences at the legal level, as happens at the headquarters of contract compliance. Traditionally, the observance of the agreement (pacta sunt servanda) has been a dogma in the law of obligations and contracts. Even being a rule sculpted in the heat of the moral dyes of the influential medieval canon law, we verify its deep roots in Roman Law, as well as some of its exceptions that will, with the passage of time, in the clause rebus sic stantibus germinate. The encoding will embrace an almost absolute principle, but the pressing reality compels its updating. Both views on the effects of the contract, absolute and relative, inevitably refer us to Roman law

    La Pandectística alemana: columna vertebral imperecedera del iusprivatismo moderno

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    Tras la experiencia aportada por los juristas medievales de las universidades italianas en su objetivo de rescatar el Derecho romano del olvido nacerá en Alemania una generación de juristas que, formados en la Escuela histórica del Derecho, propondrán la tarea de elaborar un nuevo Derecho alemán a partir de la obra de recopilación del Derecho romano a cargo del emperador Justiniano. Surge así una versión del Derecho romano que penetra en el Derecho positivo y se convierte en base de la ciencia jurídica alemana y del Derecho privado modernoAfter the experience provided by medieval jurists of Italian universities on their quest to rescue the Roman law of oblivion will be born in Germany a generation of lawyers who trained at the historical school of law, proposed the task of developing a new German law from the work of collection of Roman law by the emperor Justinian. This raises a version of Roman law which enters the positive law and becomes the basis of the German legal science and the modern private la

    Ministerio, vocacion y sacerdocio de Andrés Bello por el Derecho Romano

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    Andrés Bello constituye un exponente del hombre ilustrado de los siglos XVIII y XIX que, entre su variada gama de habilidades, se muestra como un apasionado del Derecho romano, dado que para él se trata de un ordenamiento jurídico básico en la formación de todo jurista. Su vocación docente le llevará no solo a dictar clases de Derecho romano, sino también a elaborar manuales de enseñanza: uno, básico y elemental (Instituciones); y otro (Principios), que no llegó a concluir y que pretendía superar al anterior. En suma, a través de este artículo, se pretende reivindicar la figura de un jurista latinoamericano universalAndrés Bello is an example of enlightened man of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, among its varied range of skills, is shown as passionate about Roman law, since for him is a basic law in the formation of every jurist. His teaching vocation will lead not only to teach classes of Roman law, but also to develop teaching manuals: one basic and elemental (Institutions); and another (Principles), which failed to conclude and intended to overcome the above. In short, through this article, is to vindicate the figure of a universal Latin American jurist