19 research outputs found

    Compliance with corporate governance principles as element of Russian economy investment attractiveness

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    Over the last few years, the concept of corporate governance in relation to Russian economic realities has been used relatively recently. The concept of corporate governance in the economic practice of Russia was synonymous with production management in 1990-2000 At the same time, "good corporate governance" is a set of activities of public companies in order to ensure high demand for their shares and debt securities from portfolio investors. Corporate governance is a means of trust development both in individual companies and in the stock market of the country as a whole, which is of great importance for long-term investment attraction.  According to various global ratings of the countries (for example, to the rating of the financial conglomerate Morgan Stanley, the Russian stock market is classified as an emerging market that provides increased investment returns. The article attempts to determine the main priorities of institutional investors for corporate governance in Russia. The authors come to the conclusion that the development of the corporate governance system is one of the key factors increasing the investment attractiveness of Russian companies. Government regulators take measures to create corporate governance standards, one example of which is the recommendation to use the Corporate Governance Code approved by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia in 2014. In fact, the article highlights both positive and negative trends in the Russian practice of corporate governance. It provides the results of opinion polls among investors, which reveal their motivation to make investment decisions in the Russian market

    The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC

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    Nanopore sequencing and assembly of a human genome with ultra-long reads

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    We report the sequencing and assembly of a reference genome for the human GM12878 Utah/Ceph cell line using the MinION (Oxford Nanopore Technologies) nanopore sequencer. 91.2 Gb of sequence data, representing ~30× theoretical coverage, were produced. Reference-based alignment enabled detection of large structural variants and epigenetic modifications. De novo assembly of nanopore reads alone yielded a contiguous assembly (NG50 ~3 Mb). Next, we developed a protocol to generate ultra-long reads (N50 > 100kb, up to 882 kb). Incorporating an additional 5×-coverage of these data more than doubled the assembly contiguity (NG50 ~6.4 Mb). The final assembled genome was 2,867 million bases in size, covering 85.8% of the reference. Assembly accuracy, after incorporating complementary short-read sequencing data, exceeded 99.8%. Ultra-long reads enabled assembly and phasing of the 4 Mb major histocompatibility complex (MHC) locus in its entirety, measurement of telomere repeat length and closure of gaps in the reference human genome assembly GRCh38

    Collins and Sivers asymmetries in muonproduction of pions and kaons off transversely polarised protons

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    Measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries for charged pions and charged and neutral kaons produced in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of high energy muons off transversely polarised protons are presented. The results were obtained using all the available COMPASS proton data, which were taken in the years 2007 and 2010. The Collins asymmetries exhibit in the valence region a non-zero signal for pions and there are hints of non-zero signal also for kaons. The Sivers asymmetries are found to be positive for positive pions and kaons and compatible with zero otherwise. © 2015

    Russia’s Economic Interests in the Realization of Perspective Infrastructure Projects in Energetics in East Asia

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    Purpose. The purpose of the article is feasibility study of transformation’s mechanisms of management of Russian fuel and energy complex (FEC) for elimination of risks and threats to national economic interests for our country, which were manifested in the period of falling oil prices and the introduction of anti-Russian economic and political sanctions.Methodology. In this article were used general scientific and special methods, including methods of system and economic analysis. Using the analytical methodology, there were investigated the main components of the protection of economic interests of Russia, during realization of perspective infrastructure projects in energetics in East Asia in the circumstances of critical economic and financial instability.Results. It is substantiated the expedience and the basic steps for creating an Asian energetic grid as a promising infrastructure project in energetics aimed at global redistribution of value added on the basis of energy supply by Russia of the cluster of key East Asian countries. It is proved that the concept of formation of an Asian energetic grid must be based on the strategic role of Russia as the guarantor of the energy security of the cluster of key East Asian countries, through the supply of a package of key Russian fuel and energy resources (electricity, gas, oil, coal, etc.). This will allow for a significant increase in mutual trade through integration of energetic systems of Russia, China, South Korea and Japan.Conclusions. There are suggested approaches to the justification of the ways of protecting the economic interests of our country in respect of the FEC of Russia, including: national concentration of management of energy resources’ export flows (delivery distribution, volumes of extraction, transportation, terms of payment, etc.); intercorporate coordination of measures on development, reconstruction and modernization of fuel and energy infrastructure; formation of qualitatively new infrastructure of the wholesale and retail markets of fuel and energy resources (FER); go to create overseas mechanism of energy hub management in respect of the supply and transportation of Russian energy resources; refinement of measures of coordination and work of the profit centers, corporate financial centers, centers of concentration of property’s ownership and financial assets and management for major energy corporations of Russia, including their subsidiaries and affiliates abroad, etc.Sphere of application. The technology in question is offered as an integral part of the technology of management of sectors of the Russian economy with regard to possible economic fluctuations in the global economy in the circumstances of significant changes associated with the new political realities in the US, EU, etc

    The Problems of Passive Remote Sensing of the Earth’s Surface in the Range of 1.2–1.6 GHz

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    The main problems of remote sensing of the Earth’s surface within the frequency range 1.2–1.6 GHz are discussed. They are related to the resonant quantum properties of the radio wave propagation medium in the lower ionosphere. It is shown that, for the passive remote sensing, the main source is incoherent microwave radiation of the D and E ionospheric layers in the decimeter range. For the first time, a theoretically grounded principally new scheme of measurements is suggested. The scheme assumes that the radiation source exists below the satellite orbit and accounts for the fact that two types of radiation (direct and reflected) reach the satellite sensor. The separation of the respective fluxes is a serious problem that should be solved for the correct interpretation of the measurements. The question is raised regarding the correct calibration of measuring equipment, depending on the current state of the ionosphere

    Экономические интересы России в реализации перспективных энерго-инфраструктурных проектов в Восточной Азии

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    Purpose. The purpose of the article is feasibility study of transformation’s mechanisms of management of Russian fuel and energy complex (FEC) for elimination of risks and threats to national economic interests for our country, which were manifested in the period of falling oil prices and the introduction of anti-Russian economic and political sanctions.Methodology. In this article were used general scientific and special methods, including methods of system and economic analysis. Using the analytical methodology, there were investigated the main components of the protection of economic interests of Russia, during realization of perspective infrastructure projects in energetics in East Asia in the circumstances of critical economic and financial instability.Results. It is substantiated the expedience and the basic steps for creating an Asian energetic grid as a promising infrastructure project in energetics aimed at global redistribution of value added on the basis of energy supply by Russia of the cluster of key East Asian countries. It is proved that the concept of formation of an Asian energetic grid must be based on the strategic role of Russia as the guarantor of the energy security of the cluster of key East Asian countries, through the supply of a package of key Russian fuel and energy resources (electricity, gas, oil, coal, etc.). This will allow for a significant increase in mutual trade through integration of energetic systems of Russia, China, South Korea and Japan.Conclusions. There are suggested approaches to the justification of the ways of protecting the economic interests of our country in respect of the FEC of Russia, including: national concentration of management of energy resources’ export flows (delivery distribution, volumes of extraction, transportation, terms of payment, etc.); intercorporate coordination of measures on development, reconstruction and modernization of fuel and energy infrastructure; formation of qualitatively new infrastructure of the wholesale and retail markets of fuel and energy resources (FER); go to create overseas mechanism of energy hub management in respect of the supply and transportation of Russian energy resources; refinement of measures of coordination and work of the profit centers, corporate financial centers, centers of concentration of property’s ownership and financial assets and management for major energy corporations of Russia, including their subsidiaries and affiliates abroad, etc.Sphere of application. The technology in question is offered as an integral part of the technology of management of sectors of the Russian economy with regard to possible economic fluctuations in the global economy in the circumstances of significant changes associated with the new political realities in the US, EU, etc.Цель. Целью статьи является обоснование направлений трансформации механизмов управления топливно-энергетическим комплексом (ТЭК) России для устранения рисков и угроз национальным экономическим интересам нашей страны, проявившимся в период падения цен на нефть и введения антироссийских экономических и политических санкций.Методология. Использованы общенаучные и специальные методы, включая методы системного и экономического анализа. С помощью аналитической методологии исследованы основные составляющие защиты экономических интересов России при реализации перспективных энерго-инфраструктурных проектов в Восточной Азии в условиях критической финансово-экономической нестабильности.Результаты. Обосновывается целесообразность и основные шаги по созданию Азиатского энергокольца как перспективного энерго-инфраструктурного проекта, нацеленного на перераспределение мировой добавленной стоимости на базе энергоснабжения Россией кластера ключевых стран Восточной Азии. Доказано, что концепция формирования Азиатского энергокольца должна базироваться на стратегической роли России как гаранта энергетической безопасности кластера ключевых стран Восточной Азии путем поставок пакета ключевых российских топливно-энергетических ресурсов (электроэнергия, а также газ, нефть, уголь и пр.), дающей возможность существенного наращивания взаимного товарообмена при объединении энергосистем России, Китая, Южной Кореи и Японии.Выводы. Предлагаются подходы к обоснованию путей защиты экономических интересов нашей страны в отношении ТЭК России, включая: государственную концентрацию управления экспортными потоками топливно-энергетических ресурсов (направлениями поставок, объемами добычи, транспортировки, условий расчетов и т.п.); межкорпоративную координацию мер по развитию, реконструкции и модернизации топливно-энергетической инфраструктуры; формирование качественно новой инфраструктуры оптовых и розничных рынков топливно-энергетических ресурсов (ТЭР); переход к компоновке за рубежом механизма энерго-узлового управления в отношении поставок и транспортировки российских ТЭР; уточнение мер координации и работы центров прибыли, корпоративных финансовых центров, центров концентрации владения имущественными и финансовыми активами и управления ими в отношении крупных энергетических корпораций России, в том числе их дочерних и зависимых обществ (ДЗО) за рубежом и пр.Область применения. Рассматриваемая технология предлагается как составная часть технологий управления отраслями российской экономики применительно к возможным экономическим флуктуациям мировой экономики в условиях существенных перемен, связанных с новыми политическими реалиями в США, ЕС и пр