31 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to identify the factors influencing the teaching of local content in regional languages, specifically Bahasa Jawa Banten, in primary schools. This research adopts a case study methodology with a qualitative approach. The study focuses on the academic staff and students at SD Negeri Pengampelan, Walantaka District, Serang City, Banten. Data collection methods include documentation, observation, and interviews with the participants. Data analysis follows the four stages of the Miles and Huberman approach, namely data collection, data reduction, data display, and data verification/conclusion. The research findings indicate that: 1) the planning conducted by teachers is well-implemented, including the Annual Program, Semester Program, Lesson Plans (RPP), and syllabi; 2) the implementation of local content teaching in Bahasa Jawa Banten aims to develop local potential and uniqueness, but the development of teaching media for local content is not optimal; 3) the methods used have not effectively achieved the objectives; 4) the teaching materials are still independent and rely on the local Education Office


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    Infographic learning media is one of the intermediaries in the learning process made with graphic design, namely canvas. This media infographic is used to give Canva learning materials to students to achieve a learning goal. This study aims to develop learning media infographics and determine the level of validity. The media used is research and development or Research and Development adapted from the Borg and Gall development model, consisting of three stages, namely Research and Information Collecting, Planning, and Preliminary Form of Product. The research instruments used in this study were interview sheets and validation sheets. This study indicates that the level of validity of the infographic learning media on the theme of the green growth in training critical thinking skills of seventh-grade students obtained an average value of 78.94% with a valid category so that infographic learning media can be used in the learning process

    Pengembangan E-Modul IPA Berbasis Adobe Flash Pada Tema Makananku Kesehatanku Untuk Kelas VIII SMP

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    Pengembangan e-modul IPA berbasis Adobe Flash pada tema makananku kesehatanku untuk kelas VIII SMP ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan mengetahui tingkat kevalidan e-modul IPA berbasis Adobe Flash yang telah dibuat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research & Development). Dengan model penelitian dan pengembangan yang digunakan yaitu model 4D modifikasi dari Triyanto (2012) dengan dibatasi menjadi tiga tahapan. Adapun tahapan nya yaitu, tahap pendefinisian (Define), tahap perancangan (Design),  dan tahap pengembangan (Develop). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kevalidan pada e-modul IPA berbasis Adobe Flash tema makananku kesehatanku untuk kelas VIII SMP memperoleh nilai rata-rata keseluruhan sebesar 95,4% dengan kariteria sangat valid

    Development of online student worksheet based on scientific approach to improve critical thinking ability in Junior High School

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    This research is based on learning activities in several junior high schools in Tangerang that have yet to be oriented to students' integration and critical thinking skills. The ability to think critically in learning can be done by growing it through electronic teaching materials like an electronic worksheet with a scientific approach. STUDENT WORKSHEET is compiled using a flip pdf builder application to support learning in the 21st century by utilizing technology. The purpose of this study was to design student worksheets in electronic form with a scientific approach to the theme of the role of biotechnology in food diversification to foster the critical thinking skills of class IX students. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D) development research with Thiagarajan development design through modifications that are tailored to the needs of researchers with being limited to the expert validation stage, which includes the following stages: Definition ( Define), Design ( Design ), Development ( Develop ). The instrument used is a material expert validation questionnaire sheet, media expert, and science teacher. The results of this study indicate the validity of the student worksheet by obtaining an average percentage value of 79.92% with a valid category which includes material experts at 63.7% with a valid category, teaching media experts at 81.96% with very valid categories, and teachers IPA is 94.11% with a very valid category

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Sparkol Videoscribe Tema Pertumbuhan si Hijau yang Berorientasi pada Literasi Sains Siswa SMP Kelas VII

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    Sparkol Videoscribe based learning media is an intermediary in the learning process created by using the sparkol videoscribe application to convey learning materials to students in order to achieve a learning goal. This research aims to develop a sparkol videoscribe based learning media  and determine the level of validity. The method used is research and development adapted from the development model according to Thiagarajan which consists of 3 stages: (1) Define; (2) Design; And (3) Development. The research instruments used in this study are interviews and validation sheets. The results of this study showed that the validity rate of sparkol videoscribe based on learning media the theme of the green growth oriented to science literacy, was obtained with an average score of 79.91% with a valid category. Based on the results of expert validation of the development of sparkol videoscribe based on learning media the theme of the green growth oriented to science literacy is valid for use in the learning process


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    The purpose of this study is to identify the factors influencing the teaching of local content in regional languages, specifically Bahasa Jawa Banten, in primary schools. This research adopts a case study methodology with a qualitative approach. The study focuses on the academic staff and students at SD Negeri Pengampelan, Walantaka District, Serang City, Banten. Data collection methods include documentation, observation, and interviews with the participants. Data analysis follows the four stages of the Miles and Huberman approach, namely data collection, data reduction, data display, and data verification/conclusion. The research findings indicate that: 1) the planning conducted by teachers is well-implemented, including the Annual Program, Semester Program, Lesson Plans (RPP), and syllabi; 2) the implementation of local content teaching in Bahasa Jawa Banten aims to develop local potential and uniqueness, but the development of teaching media for local content is not optimal; 3) the methods used have not effectively achieved the objectives; 4) the teaching materials are still independent and rely on the local Education Office

    Pengembangan Soal Uraian Berbasis Indikator Kemampuan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi pada Konsep Sistem Pencernaan pada Manusia untuk Siswa Kelas VIII SMP/Mts

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    Masalah dalam penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh data yang menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa masih rendah dan guru belum mengembangkan instrumen tes kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi secara optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan mengetahui tingkat kevalidan soal uraian berbasis indikator kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi pada konsep sistem pencernaan pada manusia untuk siswa kelas VIII SMP/MTs. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development) yang merujuk kepada model penelitian dan pengembangan Borg and Gall dengan dibatasi menjadi lima langkah penelitian dan pengembangan yaitu, (1) potensi dan masalah, (2) pengumpulan informasi, (3) desain produk, (4) validasi produk, dan (5) revisi produk. Penelitian dan pengembangan ini menghasilkan produk yang berupa soal uraian berbasis indikator kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi pada konsep sistem pencernaan pada manusia untuk siswa kelas VIII SMP/MTs yang berjumlah 27 butir soal. Hasil persentase skor rata-rata keseluruhan validasi 27 butir soal tersebut sebesar 98% yang meliputi hasil validasi ahli materi 99%, ahli evaluasi 97%, dan pendidik 99%. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa 27 butir soal uraian yang dikembangkan 100% berada dalam interpretasi sangat valid

    Need Analysis for Developing a Natural Science Learning Website with the Theme of Biotechnology in Improving Digital Literacy

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    The development of technological rapidly changes the learning process more broadly. Demands for students or prospective science teachers to improve their digital literacy skills with the help of website-based media are needed in the learning process so that it can take place optimally. The development of biotechnology has also developed rapidly in the last few years, thus demanding that students or prospective science teachers be more responsive to information and be able to present this information interactively. Unfortunately, many students or prospective science teachers are not able to understand biotechnology because it is considered that the concept of biotechnology is difficult to understand. For this reason, it is necessary to have a needs analysis to find out the aspects needed and develop the learning and learning resources needed to improve digital literacy skills and understand the concept of biotechnology. The aim of this study is to analyze the needs of learning media based on a biotechnology theme website that would be developed, so that it can improve the digital literacy skills of students or prospective science teachers. The needs analysis was carried out as a preliminary study on Borg & Gall's research and development methods, which are included in the research and information collecting stage. The analysis of the needs for developing learning tools includes student analysis, concept analysis, task analysis, and learning objectives analysis. This needs analysis is accompanied by a literature review and observation results. The results obtained are a thorough and real needs analysis on the development of a biotechnology theme website to improve the digital literacy abilities of science teacher candidates, which can be applied at the next research and development stag

    Pengembangan Buletin IPA Tema Pangan Sebagai Sumber Energi Berbasis Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Yang Berorientasi Pada Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis

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    This research was motivated by the lack of development of innovative contextual-based learning media. The aims of this research were (1) to develop a food theme science bulletin as an energy source based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) which is oriented towards critical thinking skills, and (2) to determine the feasibility level of a food theme science bulletin as an energy source based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) which is oriented towards critical thinking skills. The method used was research and development of a 4-D model modified by Thiagaradjan. The research was conducted in 3 stages: define, design, and develop. The instrument used was a validation sheet which is validated by expert lecturers and junior high school science teachers. The results showed that (1) the process of developing a science bulletin was carried out using three stages of the 4-D model, such as define, namely problem identification, design, namely producing products and instruments, and developing stage, namely obtaining product feasibility, (2) feasibility level of food science bulletins. as an energy source based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) oriented to critical thinking skills, it gets a very decent category from material experts and media experts, each getting a percentage of 87.48%, for material experts and 91.40% for media experts. Based on the overall validation value, if on average it gets a percentage of 89.44% in the very feasible category, so that science bulletins can be used as learning media and can be tested in science learning in schools.Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis kontekstual yang inovatif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mengembangkan buletin IPA tema pangan sebagai sumber energi berbasis Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) yang berorientasi pada kemampuan berpikir kritis, serta (2) mengetahui tingkat kelayakan buletin IPA tema pangan sebagai sumber energi berbasis Contextual Teaching and Learnng (CTL) yang berorientasi pada kemampuan berpikir kritis. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan model 4-D yang dimodifikasi oleh Thiagaradjan. Penelitian dilakukan dalam 3 tahapan: define, design, dan develop. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu lembar validasi yang divalidasikan oleh dosen ahli dan guru IPA SMP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) proses pengembangan buletin IPA dilakukan dengan menggunakan tiga tahapan model 4-D seperti define yaitu identifikasi masalah, design yaitu menghasilkan produk serta instrumen, dan tahap develop yaitu mendapatkan kelayakan produk, (2) tingkat kelayakan buletin IPA tema pangan sebagai sumber energi berbasis Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) yang berorientasi pada kemampuan berpikir kritis mendapatkan kategori sangat layak dari ahli materi dan ahli media masing-masing mendapatkan persentase 87,48%, untuk ahli materi dan persentase 91,40% untuk ahli media. Berdasarkan nilai validasi secara keseluruhan, jika di rata-rata mendapatkan persentase 89,44% yang termasuk kategori sangat layak, sehingga buletin IPA dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran dan dapat diujicobakan dalam pembelajaran IPA di sekolah.

    Pengembangan Instrumen Tes Kemampuan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Tema Energi Ramah Lingkungan Pada Siswa Kelas IX

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    The problem with test instruments made by teachers tends to test more aspects of memory without honing the ability to think at a high level of students is what prompted this research. The purpose of this study was to develop a high level thinking test instrument designed for grade IX students on the theme of environmentally friendly energy. The method used is Research and Development (R&D) consisting of potential problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision and product trials. This research resulted in the form of a high level thinking test instrument. The test instrument has been tested for feasibility based on expert validation obtaining a validity level of 98.36% (very valid) with details of material expert validation of 97.77% and science teacher experts of 98.96%. Based on the test of test instruments on 105 students measured by Anates software version 4.0.5, the results obtained 20 valid questions with moderate difficulty, reliability of 0.85 (high reliability) and good differentiating power as many as 5 questions and sufficient differentiating power as many as 15 questions. Therefore, it can be concluded that the test instrument with an overall product efficiency value obtained based on student responses is 89.12% (very efficient).  The results of the development of test instruments can be used for further research that will measure the level of ability with high level thinking in class IX students on the theme of environmentally friendly energy.Permasalahan pada instrumen tes yang dibuat oleh guru cenderung lebih banyak menguji aspek ingatan tanpa mengasah kemampuan dengan berpikir dalam tingkat tinggi siswa inilah yang mendorong dilakukannya penelitian ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan instrumen tes kemampuan dengan berpikir dalam tingkat tinggi yang dirancang untuk siswa kelas IX pada tema energi ramah lingkungan. Metode yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan model Sugiyono yang terdiri dari potensi masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, revisi desain dan uji coba produk. Penelitian ini menghasilkan berupa instrumen tes berpikir dalam tingkat tinggi. Instrumen tes telah diuji kelayakan berdasarkan validasi ahli memperoleh tingkat kevalidan sebesar 98,36% (sangat valid) dengan rincian validasi ahli materi sebesar 97,77% dan ahli guru IPA sebesar 98,96%. Berdasarkan uji coba instrumen tes pada 105 siswa yang diukur dengan software Anates versi 4.0.5 didapatkan hasil 20 soal valid dengan tingkat kesukaran sedang, reliabilitas sebesar 0,85 (reliabilitas tinggi) dan daya pembeda baik sebanyak 5 soal serta daya pembeda cukup sebanyak 15 soal. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan instrumen tes dengan nilai efisiensi produk secara keseluruhan yang diperoleh berdasarkan respon siswa sebesar 89,12% (sangat efisien). Dari hasil pengembangan instrumen tes dapat digunakan untuk penelitian selanjutnya yang akan mengukur tingkat kemampuan dengan berpikir dalam tingkat tinggi pada siswa kelas IX tema energi ramah lingkungan